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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Tolvar's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Thursday, July 29th, 2004
    9:09 am
    They might catch me, just not alive!

    What is your serial killer life like?
    Favourite Color
    Your weapon of choice is a knife
    How many did you kill? 33
    What did you do with the bodies? Buried them
    What compelled you to kill? Hunger
    Will you be caught? Likely
    This QuickKwiz by pogo_the_clown - Taken 40 Times.
    New - Help with love and dating!

    Tuesday, July 27th, 2004
    5:38 pm
    I want ALL mah money!

    Your LJ Hos
    LJ Username
    Feather Colour:
    The popular ho: tigerlily6
    The big-boobed ho: corranthe
    The kinky ho: dawarkle_d
    The classy ho: muninwing
    The crossdressin' ho: aridane
    Average Monthly Income: $1,927,792.66
    This quiz by mabelair - Taken 23173 Times.
    New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

    Friday, July 23rd, 2004
    9:31 am
    Doopie do, doopie do.
    It's 9.30am and I can't sleep.
    I'm so awake it damn near hurts.
    Well, blah. And other lucid comments.
    Even the kitty is asleep, in the other room.
    I think it's time to go at least lay there
    for awhile,again. Maybe I can trick myself into
    just dozing off, or something. I mean, really,
    I'm -not- all that bright, I *should* be able
    to fool myself, yah?
    Again, blah.
    Good morning to you all.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: The AC running and cars going by.
    Thursday, July 22nd, 2004
    7:16 pm
    My computer is on it's way!
    Being sent via UPS, with more insurance than it's prolly worth, anymore.
    Soon, I'll have my photoshop and adom, and craptacular aol *sigh* back:)
    And, all my mp3s, and stuff!
    And Leanna won't worry near as much about "ignoring" me. Silly girl.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: The Morrigu (Black Aria) - Glenn Danzig
    Wednesday, July 21st, 2004
    7:54 pm
    The Computer Saga continues...
    It's still not here. Got ahold of X yesterday, well, actually she got back to me. She called from work, so we didn't have long to talk. Apparently, her fuel pump blew. So, the puter has been sitting in the back of her car. Presumably though, the computer was mailed today, since the car is back on the road, and all. So, yay! It should be here soon.
    Still no luck with a job. Will have to go into Jackson, and wander around, looking. Either that, or blow the rust off my panhandling skills. *snicker*

    Well, thats all for now folks!
    Whatever you do, don't get caught.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Monday, July 19th, 2004
    8:22 pm
    Bitching about my lack of computer.
    My computer still isn't here.
    I'm guessing that the postal system is giving me a fucking.
    *shrug* Perhaps I'll give X a call, and find out when she
    sent it.

    *grin* Leanna's computer is loads faster than mine, but, well...
    it's -not- mine. And There's alot of stuff on my puter that
    I want access to. And, hey, when my computer gets here, we'll
    both be able to be on at the same time:) And maybe Leanna'll stop
    thinking that she's ignoring me. Silly girl:)

    Ok, I'm done now:)
    Thursday, July 15th, 2004
    8:29 pm
    I was a bit bored...
    3:42 pm
    Well, everyone else was doing it....

    Your LJ RPG Team
    LJ Username
    Favorite Color
    Weapon of Choice
    Your Partner leannabanna
    Your Warrior safirerings
    The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts meekahdoo
    The Talking Animal codecrow
    Main Archenemy mhbweb
    Evil Incarnate xanhead
    This cool quiz by ass_ - Taken 6325 Times.
    New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, July 12th, 2004
    3:16 pm

    The Fellowship of the LiveJournal
    LJ Username
    The Ringbearer: krugan
    The Wizard: deravyn
    The Royal One: persival
    The Hot Elf: divineorion
    The Comic Relief: lexca
    The Dead One: meekahdoo
    This fun quiz by ciambawildcat - Taken 3100 Times.
    New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

    Thursday, July 8th, 2004
    4:54 pm
    *giggle* This was too amusing.

    Your LJ Soap Opera
    LJ Username
    Your spouse: leannabanna
    They'll have an affair with: pinkmoon
    You'll have a retaliatory affair with: omnia_mutantur
    Your rival: xanhead
    Who will try to kill you? maevelin
    Chance you'll survive till the end: - 97%
    This quiz by sarcastro - Taken 40516 Times.
    New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

    Friday, July 2nd, 2004
    4:37 am
    I am...

    W00T and stuff.

    In less than a week...I'll be with Leanna!!!

    I'd like to note, however...that AOL can...
    Fuck. The. Hell. Off.
    If you have AOHell...find another provider.
    Soon or late...They WILL put the stiffy in
    an uncomfortable place.

    Netzero...Just as fast, cheaper...and lately...
    FAR fewer problems...
    In the last WEEK, AOL has told me that...
    I needed to clear my cache,
    that it was a "server problem",
    that I needed to clear out any programs OTHER
    than AOL, Explorer, and systray...
    That the "website I was looking for was down",
    that it was a problem with the HP software...

    Basicly...I've been do things I already knew to do, and that it was..."someone elses problem," and that aol couldn't _possibly_ be at fault. I'd like, at this point to say...*coughbullshitcough* matter how much they piss me off...
    Soon, I will be with Leanna. And DAMN, but that makes EVERY thing better.

    Be good.
    Or, don't get caught.
    Either or:)
    Wednesday, June 30th, 2004
    6:53 am
    Another "know me/think of me" quizlets.
    Read more... )
    Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004
    7:17 am
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: "Self Esteem" - The Offspring
    Friday, June 18th, 2004
    4:21 pm
    A short break from packing.
    I really do just have too much stuff.
    Most of it is clothes and books.
    6 boxes, and 2 bags of books later, and
    I've STILL not packed half of them away yet.
    Mom was so happy, that I'd finally gotten
    three quarters of my books out of the house.
    Now...they're all going back.
    Clothes...what to keep, what to give to Good Will...*sigh* I _knew_ being a clothes horse
    would bite me in the ass, someday.

    Okies, back to work, get a bit more done, before
    we go out to fete, Jay!!!

    Oh, and, who's suprised by this mix?

    How to make a Tolvar

    3 parts pride

    3 parts ambition

    5 parts ego
    Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Screaming children in the yard next door.
    2:26 am
    What kind of disease are you?


    Tolvar is caused by Satan.

    Tolvar disease causes immediate spontaneous combustion.
    The only known cure for Tolvar infection is to become dark lord of the sith, ala Darth Vader.
    Thursday, June 17th, 2004
    3:01 am
    Me? Liberal?
    I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, not-too-generous, not-too-selfish, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
    See how compatible you are with me!
    Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: "Bohemian Like You" - Dandy Warhols
    Sunday, June 13th, 2004
    2:58 am
    Bjorn really did have a _great_ description of me...
    "You're smiling. Not like a grin, because your amused by something,
    but you're actually glowing."

    Yeah. I suppose I am.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: "Only When I'm Drunk" - Crazy Town
    Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
    6:28 am
    Hah! If only Julie knew!
    Tolvar's LJ stalker is muninwing!
    muninwing is stalking you because they saw your picture and fell in love.. They are also mentally deranged!

    LiveJournal Username:

    LJ Stalker Finder
    2:01 am
    I dug deep down inside, grabbed my cojones, and...
    Called mom, today.
    She had a few...choice, words.









    Those were the highlights.

    Yup, thats my mom.
    She really doesn't pull any punches.

    Oh. I SHOULD mention...that those were all things, I'd be...
    If I DIDN'T take this chance:)
    Yeah. She thinks it's the greatest idea since sliced bread.
    *giggle* *hophophop*

    And, for all of you who don't seem to know...
    I was assuming that the rumor mill was working fine in the valley...
    My bad.
    I'm moving.
    To California.

    See. There is this _FANTASTIC_ woman, out there...
    And...well, yeah.

    Pretty soon, I'll need a bit of help moving. Mostly, stuff to Monson.
    Also...if anyone want's furniture...
    X already called dibs on the dresser...but otherwise...I've got a hella
    nice computer desk, that's just too big to move...some other stuff.
    And one official christ-load of boff supplies. I'm pretty sure those
    will find a good home. *shrug* Worst comes to worst, it's a good
    number of points at Legends, I guess.

    So, yeah.
    Be happy! We'll need to have a party, before I leave. Or, at worst, all
    get gassed at my moms:) I should be around that long, I think.

    Current Mood: giddy
    Current Music: "Get This Party Started" - Pink
    Monday, June 7th, 2004
    5:54 am
    'nother quiz...
    Read more... )

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: "How I Could Just Kill A Man" - Cypress Hill
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