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yep.. its probably better than yours.. [07 Feb 2005|12:20am]
i love my new NEW computer..

im back.
miami was incredible.
i left a few braincells over there..

they will be missed.


good news!
but you can't hear it.

so there.
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im up way too early for a sunday.. [30 Jan 2005|11:03am]
My cell phone is still turned off..
But, it will be turned back on no later than Thursday!

That's good news.
I know.

Oh yeah, and to you I send a great, big..

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Say goodbye...yeah im leaving . [02 Dec 2004|10:07pm]
i hate being alone with my thoughts.
this whole day has been a mess.

i need a nap.

im pooped.

you said that you'd ruin everything the first chance you get
but your chances come day after day
as i drunkenly slander your name
is it possible you've become fond of the lushes that we have become.....
dont make love so hard.
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what a long morning.. [02 Dec 2004|08:45am]
ive been awake, far too long.
awake, yet in this catatonic state..

i think im feeling better.
which is good news.

its find a new boyfriend day!!!!!

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once in a lifetime oppertunity.. [01 Dec 2004|11:31pm]
tonight has been intense.
im at a loss for words, really.

fucking absurd.

somebody call me tomorrow, i need to cuddle.

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im dead [01 Dec 2004|01:59pm]
im dead.

i need friends.
so, call me guys.
you know the number.

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damnitogout [28 Nov 2004|08:53pm]
i lied.. i only lasted about 4 days before shane decided to inform me of his pregnancy
so i decided that deleting livejournal was not the appropriate thing to do at the time.

fuck you bankhold bankhold bankhold bankhold bankhold bankhold bankhold up
fucking jerkbankhold bankhold bank mothafuckin' mold!
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you abused it, and now you lost it. [03 Nov 2004|06:56pm]
well... i hate my life.
and i hate all of you.
thats why im deleting this shit.

fuck livejournal.
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[01 Nov 2004|11:37pm]
i learned something new tonight..
when something says "model" on it.. it usually doesn't mean "working" model...
my helecopter didn't fly off of dans balcony... it kind of just fell.
and then it probably got run over.

but i did by the best game ever today!!
so that totally makes up for the failed attempts at flying.

work is stupid.
and so is waking up way earlier than you have to because your boyfriend is too lazy to change the time on his alarm clock.

i hate you.
oh my god.
i hate you.

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[16 Oct 2004|11:23am]
yep.. this is easily the most bored i've ever been.

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oops [11 Oct 2004|04:50pm]
im so happy to finally have my camera back
now all i need is a memory card.

i wish i didnt have to go drive my dad around..

today has been really fucking weird.

i hope today wasnt the last day to withdraw from classes..
if so, well then both randall and i are fucked.
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i've got my dancin' shoes on [06 Oct 2004|10:40pm]
my car started, and has been starting all day.
this is a good thing.

i finally convinced randall to watch village of the damned with me tonight, i knew he would like it.
it's so awful and good at the same time!!!!

i have to work tomorrow 12-5
come see me!!!!

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i need.. [05 Oct 2004|07:53pm]
among other things, a new job.
being the dairy bitch just isnt cutting it anymore.

im never going to move out.
all of the plans i had for the future have been smashed to little tiny pieces.

i think im going to withdraw from my classes, and maybe start over next year.
or maybe ill just live with my parents for the rest of my life.

i hate parent lectures.

"bark ass"
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cramp. scamp. lamp. tramp. stamp. clamp. champ. stamp.... amp! [02 Oct 2004|03:26pm]
you are stupid, and by you i mean my body.
i feel gross!!!!

"it's like a caterpillar."

randall's sick.
which means i will be soon.

and then i will die.

and all will be well again.

i love iced tea.
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money bags [14 Sep 2004|06:10pm]
my window is now fixed and my car looks less ghetto.
but now i have $3 in my bank account.
which makes me want to die.

watching the bourne identity today,
made me want to go rob a bank or something.

i didn't go to school again today.
im going to fail all of my classes.
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i am the coolest [08 Sep 2004|11:38am]
today was the first day in ages that i was able to sleep in!
i couldn't possibly describe how good that felt.

although i did have some odd dreams.

regardless, sleep is good.

my hair looks neat.

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it's been decided.. [07 Aug 2004|09:47pm]
and this god damn job will be the death of me.

among other things..
i must remember to call j-to-the-oseph.
aight? word.

tomorrow i get off at 3:30.
guess who's getting a call?

you guessed it!
better be ready.
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boy oh boy.. [04 Aug 2004|12:28pm]
college is nothing more than a big hassle.
and a money pit.

i start my new job tomorrow.
10 am.

i cant wait to get a new car.
fuck this piece.

oh yeah..
and i love randall.
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[18 Jul 2004|03:50am]
of all fucking nights to get caught by the cops.

i dont know if i just made things worse or better, either.


im so worried.
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[16 Jul 2004|11:53pm]
haha that was a close one.
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