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Community Information

Below is information about the "lovely" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:lovely (44361) lovely
Lovely Creative Community
Mentally Inventing
lovely has been reinstated.

lovely is an exclusive community for brainstorming, puzzles, and exploring the mind. this is a community to inspire. we can be critics. we can be muses.

lively debates and stimulating works are welcome. (yes, you can post your photography, art, poetry, writing, etc...but please, lj-cut the post and avoid cross-posting.)

there are prerequisites to join. i did, after all, say it was exclusive.

  • you should have a decent working knowledge of livejournal (how to post, comment, delete entries, etc.)

  • you should have half-decent spelling, or know how to use a spell-checker.

  • you should be a creator, student, or scholar. whatever you do, it should me making something (or at least learning how to do this). I don't subscribe to classic thought styles too much, but it's okay if you do.

  • others should consider you mildly intelligent.

  • you must fill out the application poll, and pass

Sort-Of Mission Statement:
I want lovely to be a community of creativity.
We should work together to fight block.
Being an artisan can be frustrating.
This is kinda like "Creators Anonymous".
We're a semi-secret society of creators.
Interests:35: archaeology, art, artists, arts, baking cookies, books, challenges, collage, creativity, cultural studies, culture, dance, drama, films, history, magazines, making clothes, mixed mediums, movies, music, painting, pencil, photography, pictography, poetry, reading, sciences, short films, songwriting, tattoos, the mimsies, toy cameras, typewriters, watercolor, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:18: annyuki, bagsc, caseofyou, czircon, dace, djpope, dyskodyke, inne, lightmare, luther26, obtuse, pinkmifune, prisonerofearth, salad1257, seireenia, technogypsy, thespis_mellie, thewickedestone
Account type:Free Account

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