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May Day history [01 May 2005|05:26pm]
[ music | "We Have Fed You All A Thousand Years" Utah Phillips ]

May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country except the United States, Canada, and South Africa. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the United States, with the fight for an eight-hour work day.

In 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions passed a resolution stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day's work from and after May 1, 1886. The resolution called for a general strike to achieve the goal, since legislative methods had already failed. With workers being forced to work ten, twelve, and fourteen hours a day, rank-and-file support for the eight-hour movement grew rapidly, despite the indifference and hostility of many union leaders. By April 1886, 250,000 workers were involved in the May Day movement.

The heart of the movement was in Chicago, organized primarily by the anarchist International Working People's Association. Businesses and the state were terrified by the increasingly revolutionary character of the movement and prepared accordingly. The police and militia were increased in size and received new and powerful weapons financed by local business leaders. Chicago's Commercial Club purchased a $2000 machine gun for the Illinois National Guard to be used against strikers. Nevertheless, by May 1st, the movement had already won gains for many Chicago clothing cutters, shoemakers, and packing-house workers. But on May 3, 1886, police fired into a crowd of strikers at the McCormick Reaper Works Factory, killing four and wounding many. Anarchists called for a mass meeting the next day in Haymarket Square to protest the brutality.

The meeting proceeded without incident, and by the time the last speaker was on the platform, the rainy gathering was already breaking up, with only a few hundred people remaining. It was then that 180 cops marched into the square and ordered the meeting to disperse. As the speakers climbed down from the platform, a bomb was thrown at the police, killing one and injuring seventy. Police responded by firing into the crowd, killing one worker and injuring many others.

Although it was never determined who threw the bomb, the incident was used as an excuse to attack the entire Left and labor movement. Police ransacked the homes and offices of suspected radicals, and hundreds were arrested without charge. Anarchists in particular were harassed, and eight of Chicago's most active were charged with conspiracy to murder in connection with the Haymarket bombing. A kangaroo court found all eight guilty, despite a lack of evidence connecting any of them to the bomb-thrower (only one was even present at the meeting, and he was on the speakers' platform), and they were sentenced to die. Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolf Fischer, and George Engel were hanged on November 11, 1887. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison, The remaining three were finally pardoned in 1893.

It is not surprising that the state, business leaders, mainstream union officials, and the media would want to hide the true history of May Day, portraying it as a holiday celebrated only in Moscow's Red Square. In its attempt to erase the history and significance of May Day, the United States government declared May 1st to be "Law Day", and gave us instead Labor Day - a holiday devoid of any historical significance other than its importance as a day to swill beer and sit in traffic jams.

Nevertheless, rather than suppressing labor and radical movements, the events of 1886 and the execution of the Chicago anarchists actually mobilized many generations of radicals. Emma Goldman, a young immigrant at the time, later pointed to the Haymarket affair as her political birth. Lucy Parsons, widow of Albert Parsons, called upon the poor to direct their anger toward those responsible - the rich. Instead of disappearing, the anarchist movement only grew in the wake of Haymarket, spawning other radical movements and organizations, including the Industrial Workers of the World.

By covering up the history of May Day, the state, business, mainstream unions and the media have covered up an entire legacy of dissent in this country. They are terrified of what a similarly militant and organized movement could accomplish today, and they suppress the seeds of such organization whenever and wherever they can. As workers, we must recognize and commemorate May Day not only for it's historical significance, but also as a time to organize around issues of vital importance to working-class people today.

As IWW songwriter Joe Hill wrote in one of his most powerful songs:

Workers of the world, awaken!
Rise in all your splendid might
Take the wealth that you are making,
It belongs to you by right.
No one will for bread be crying
We'll have freedom, love and health,
When the grand red flag is flying
In the Workers' Commonwealth.

This article written and distributed by: l.gaylord@m.cc.utah.edu

PS -

In 1889, a 9-foot tall bronze statue of a Chicago policeman by sculptor Johannes Gelert was erected near the site of the riot. The statue was long a subject of debate and scorn. A year after it was set up the first attempt to blow it up occurred, so it was moved. On May 4, 1927 (oddly enough, the anniversary of the Riot) a street car jumped its tracks and crashed into the monument, and it was moved again. After being moved from its original location, it was blown up at least twice more, in October 1969 and again a year later, reportedly by the Weather Underground. Mayor Richard Daley Sr. then placed a 24 hour police guard around the statue for the ensuing two years, before being moved to the lobby of police headquarters in 1972. The statue's empty pedestal can still be found in Chicago.

The site is now marked by a bronze plaque about two feet square set into the sidewalk, reading:

"A decade of strife between labor and industry culminated here in a confrontation that resulted in the tragic death of both workers and policemen. On May 4, 1886, spectators at a labor rally had gathered around the mouth of Crane's Alley. A contingent of police approaching on DesPlaines Street were met by a bomb thrown from just south of the alley. The resultant trial of eight activists gained worldwide attention for the labor movement, and initiated the tradition of "May Day" labor rallies in many cities."

Designated on March 25, 1992
Richard M. Daley, Mayor
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a good day [20 Apr 2005|01:56pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | "Existentialism on Prom Night" Straylight Run ]

Saturday was one of those long, full days that are filled with randomness and memories. One of those days that don't come around nearly as much as I'd like them to.

It started off kinda boring. I had to get up at 7 and drive to the school to take the Writing Skills Test (WST), which is required for all students...

read more )

When we left, we passed by the well-dressed older couples who had just gotten up and were getting some coffee before church. We were two punks in studded leather who were obviously still up from the night before. It was one of those silent, picturesque encounters, where each of us just stares at the other in wonder.

We got home and went to bed at 7AM, a full 24 hours since I had gotten up and began the day. It was a long, full day. But I went to bed satisfied that it was one of those really good days that we'll long for when we're old and grey. One of those days most old people regret not having more of. I'm gonna make it my mission to not have that regret. Ever.

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Why Metallica sucks. [05 Apr 2005|03:08am]
[ mood | ranty ]
[ music | not Metallica, that's for damn sure. ]

So, the other day, I got roped into a conversation with one of my managers (the restaurant's proprietor), in which he blahed away at me for a good ten minutes about why Metallica was the best band of all time. I just nodded my head the whole time, hoping the conversation (or lecture?) would get over with quickly. But it got me to thinking about Metallica, similar bands, and music in general, and why I think it all sucks. So I decided to rant about it on here. Enjoy!

So my manager's reasons were as follows:
1) Metallica has consistantly released "good" albums, and in all the years they've been around, has not slipped in quality at all, which most bands (according to him) do.
2) All of the members of Metallica are talented with mulitple instruments, but "top of their field" in their primary band roles. He illustrated this with a story of the lead singer challenging the drummer to a duel, giving him a run for the money, but eventually loosing to the "master."

Okay. The first point is his opinion, which he's entitled to. I'm sure there's some who would disagree. I really wouldn't know, since I haven't listened to all of their albums. At any rate, nothing more than opinion.

The second point is kinda a pet peeve of mine. I've heard this from other friends, too, about other bands. They'll explain that they like a band because they're "really good musicians" who can play intricate, really fast, or otherwise hard-to-play music. My response: "whoopty-fucking-doo!" I don't care if they're better than me at playing an instrument. That's not the point of music. Music is supposed to be an expression of emotion, not talent. It used to be something that anyone and everyone could participate in. It was an outlet of feelings, expressing emotions that words alone were not sufficient to describe. Anyone could join the circle and play or sing along, regardless of how "good" they were at it. But the tendency today is to emphasize talent, making music the property of those few who can play more difficult tunes than the majority of us. Fuck that. It's meaningless. This is not to say, of course, that intricate playing can not also express emotion. Of couse it can. But when the emphasis is on the talent, not the emotion, then the only thing that is expressed is an attitude of "I'm better than you."

There's another reason I don't like Metallica, too. The whole fucking Napster thing. I neither trust, nor respect anyone who claims to be an "artist" while demanding that no one can experience their art without paying money for it. All that this demonstrates is that they care much more about the monetary value of their music than the artistic value of it. They care more about how much money they can make from it than they do about how much it adds to society, or how it can affect the listener. Yeah, they have every legal right to protect the product of their labor as "capital." But by pursuing that right so viligantly, they merely demonstrate that that's all their music is to them; capital, not art. Let alone the fact that they've grown rich by ripping off their fans and shown tremendous greed by demanding money that they don't need, their whole attitude towards music and what it means to them in general is repulsive.

So, yeah. That's my Metallica rant. Hope you enjoyed it.

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[01 Mar 2005|09:32pm]
Take my quiz! See how much you know about me. Even if you don't really know me, take it anyway! You might learn something about me!

Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!
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[20 Feb 2005|11:51pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | "Lust for Glory" Filth ]

So, I got a myspace account. Seems like every freakin' person I know had one, and I'm all about conformity. So, yeah. If you have myspace, add me. I am located here.

Hunter S. Thompson killed himself today. That sucks. He was a good writer, and an interesting fellow. I still haven't read "Fear and Loathing," but I have the movie.

Server training is going pretty well. I actually got to serve some tables today. It was really fun. I like it much better than bussing, hosting, and take away. I get to interact with customers more, and it pays better. Cool.

Other than that, not much else is going on.

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anger, rage, violence [19 Feb 2005|01:52pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | "Dear Fuck (We are the pissed)" Filth ]

I'm feeling more and more of a need for protest lately. I'm feeling more and more of an urge to break out the bandanas and face off with the cops. I miss the feeling of running down Market Street as a mob. I miss the drums, the chants, the flags, the signs, the adrenaline, the fun, the rage, the action. Every time I read the news, every time I see some fuck faced politician on TV, every time I read about another death, another bomb, another country becoming a target, another budget cut for social programs, the rage builds up inside. I need a release.

release )

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happy valentines day [15 Feb 2005|12:46am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "White Nigger" - The Avengers ]

Holy fuck. I don't think anything could have prepared me for the horror that is working in a restaurant on Valentine's Day. No, it wasn't that bad, really. I'm being overdramatic. But it was hella busy tonight. I worked in Takeaway, and we had over 280 orders in five hours. That's an average of nearly one order every minute (mind you, there's only two phones, and an order usually takes at least 2-3 minutes just to take it down.) It was insane. Inside the restaurant, they sold over $3,000 in food every hour (a couple hours were up to $3,700). The wait time for a table got up to three hours, and when I left at 9:20, it was still an hour wait for a table. Craziness.

I start server training on Saturday. That should be fun. I'm very much looking forward to that.

I'm thinking about getting a Prince Albert piercing. It would be my first piercing, if I do get it. What do you all think? I promise I won't post pics...ha ha...

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shows [08 Feb 2005|06:21pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Monster Squad ]

Jenn and I went to a Monster Squad show on Friday. It was the first show I'd been to in a while, so it was very much fun. Plus, it was Monster Squad, so it was very very much fun. They rock. The show was up in Vacaville, so we stayed at our friend Marilyn's house. Here are some pics from her place:

There are some Unseen shows coming up...the City, Sacto and Santa Cruz. I'll probably go to the Sacto and Santa Cruz shows. I doubt I'll be able to go to the City, though, cause of work. We'll see.

Uh, that is all. Bye.
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[25 Jan 2005|01:06am]
Remember the little orphan squirrels we were taking care of through the wildlife center? Well, they all survived and got released into the wild (the back yard) several months ago. I forgot to post about it. Anyways, a few of them still live in the back yard now and eat nuts and seeds that we leave out for them.

Jenn went to a Monster Squad show the other night. I missed out due to work. :-(
I requested Friday, Feb 4th off, though, so I can go see them in Vaccaville. You all should come, too. It will be fun. Fucking do it! Alright.

Speaking of work, my manager told me today that they're going to promote me to server very soon. Though this is tremendously good news (it means way more money), it has a down side, too. That is, aside from the people they hired this week, I'm the newest person at the resteraunt. I've only been there for a couple months now. So, I'm getting promoted ahead of several other people who have been there much longer than me, a few of whom I have gotten to be pretty good friends with. So, I'm a little worried there might be some bad blood caused by this. I hope not, though. But anyway, I'm still hella stoked about it. So, yeah.
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Downtown SJ [25 Jan 2005|12:39am]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | "Terra-ist" Oi Polloi ]





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[18 Jan 2005|02:57pm]

Panda passed away yesterday. Remember I had written a while ago that he had surgery to remove cancer? Well, it came back really bad. He was fine, though (with pain meds) for a few weeks, but when my parents got up yesterday, he was in real bad shape and could hardly move. So they took him to the vet yesterday afternoon and had him put down.

We got Panda in 1989 as a little puppy. I remember, cause it was just after the earthquake. He was a kick-ass dog and a really great friend. I'll miss him.

It's been a pretty bizzare week. Jenn got her septum (sp?) pierced. That's the area of the nose between the nostrils. I think it looks really good on her, as do a lot of other people who have commented on it. But her mom totally flipped out about it. Apparently, it reminded her of "chattel" and gave her some sort of deep emotional reaction. She completely flipped out and kicked us out of the house in a sobbing/screaming tantrum. So we spent a few nights couch surfing and looking for a place to stay. We were considering moving in at the FIGI house, but were looking at some appartments, too. We intercepted Jenn's dad on his way home from work, though, and he said that Christine had calmed down and wanted us all to talk. So we did, made a truce, and we're back here now at least for a few months. We'll see.

So yeah, that kinda sucked. A funny thing happened the other night, though. I don't think I wrote about it, but several weeks ago was Billy's birthday, so he, Jenn and I went to the Caravan (a dive bar) downtown and had some drinks. Jenn had a bit too much to drink, though. We went to Denny's, cause we were hungry, but didn't make it in as Jenn puked all over the parking lot. While we were there, helping her, and guy in a Boston Red Sox had passed by and said hello or something before going inside. A minute later, he reapeared with a cup of water and some paper towels for Jenn. It was a very nice gesture on behalf of a total stranger, which was way cool. So anyways, Jenn and I go drinking with a couple people from my work the other night. So this guy named Henesey, who's a friend of Tim's (a friend of mine from work) shows up. I keep thinking, "this guy looks familiar" as we drunkingly discuss the 1930's (facsism vs. libertarianism movements) and Karl Marx. Anyways, I finally linked it! I asked if he had been at a Dennys and given us some water. He says, "yeah! That was me! I thought you guys looked familiar!" Anyways, it's a small world. Or at least, San Jose is a small town. Not really, though...it's the tenth largest city in the US. Whatever. So it turns out that he's a friend of a friend, and a cop to top it off! Ha ha. We talked a lot about Boston (where he's from and where Jenn and I want to live someday). He's a cool guy.

Uh, yeah. Other than that, not much is going on. Hope you all are well.
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holiday update [01 Jan 2005|02:10pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | "Dear Fuck" - Filth ]

Happy New Year to all! Hope everyone had a fun time last night.
Jenn, Joe and I went over to a frat house downtown where some people I work with live. Normally, I don't like fraternities or frat boys, but this one is pretty cool. The people are not typical frat boys (macho-preppy-arrogant-jock-types), but are very cool guys, so we had fun. Joe smoked too much, though, and fell asleep on the couch. Ha ha. Thank you to Phi Gamma Delta (I think that's right) for a good time.

Jenn's grandma passed away yesterday morning. Her dad's mom. She had been in the hospital since the day after Christmas in pretty bad shape. So because it wasn't real sudden and it was right after Christmas, all of her sons were in town and were able to be there for Bob (Jenn's gramps). So that was kinda nice.

Working backwards...
Christmas was pretty cool. I had to work a closing bus shift on Christmas Eve, which kinda sucked. Jenn came in to see what time I'd be off, and complained a little about the fact that her mom was cooking some fake tofu chicken crap and trying to pass it off as real food to all the guests, but Jenn didn't want to eat it cause tofu is crap. Charlie (my boss) overheard, and gave her a free Chicken on the Barbie meal to take home and eat. Real chicken. Yum. That was awefully nice of him. Then the restaurant closed early, so I was able to get home just as Jenn's extended family was opening gifts, and I got to see them all before they left. So that was good.

On Christmas Day, the Tabone's and I all exchanged gifts. Jenn got me a kick-ass, hand-painted didgeridoo. It's beautiful. She also got me an instructional CD so I can learn how to do circular breathing and all that. Cool. My family came over afterwards and exchanged gifts. We got a new computer (yay!) so now I can actually play games that they sell in stores. Neato. Then we went up to my aunt's house in Alameda for dinner/family time.

So that was my holidays. Now it is 2005. Neato. Hope it's a good one for all of you.

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[23 Dec 2004|04:21am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | "Enough is Enough" Icons of Filth ]

So, Stig, the lead singer from Icons of Filth died two months ago. I just found out about it tonight. :-(

There's a memorial concert in London in February with Conflict, the Varukers, the Subhumans and a bunch more and Icons of Filth playing for the very last time. Too bad I don't live in London... Conflict's website says there's also gonna be one in January in Los Angeles, but there's no details, so I don't know if it'll be the same bands. If it is, I'm definately going.

At least I got to see Icons of Filth play once. I saw them a little over a year ago at the Pound with Defiance. That was a great show. Anyways, here's a message from Icons:

A message from Pete Rose (Icons Of Filth guitarist)

At 3.10 a.m., Saturday October 23rd 2004 the vocalist for Icons of Filth, Andrew Sewell, better known as "Stig" passed away. Icons of Filth were playing a gig in a squat in Hackney when Stig complained of feeling unwell and we cut our set short so that he could go outside to get some fresh air. Shortly afterwards he collapsed and died, according to the hospital most likely from a brain haemorrhage but possibly a heart attack. He liked a drink as much as anyone but on this occasion had only drank 4 cans of lager. He didn't touch illegal drugs of any sort but within 4 hours of his death rumours surfaced about a possible heroin overdose. These rumours are of course ridiculous and insulting to a man whose body was not yet cold. What is the matter with some people? Anyway, when you're having a drink tonight, think of Stig and remember a man who lived life on his own terms but cared immensely about the world around him.



And from Colin Jerwood of Conflict:

As many of you are already aware, Andrew -'Stig' - the Icons of Filth vocalist died after a playing a set at a London gig whilst we were in the USA. We were informed of this at a concert in Salt Lake City. I am still gathering my thoughts and trying to come to terms with this. Stig and myself went back a long way; we followed Crass together, sleeping in shop doorways many, many years ago; we fought many battles together; we recorded together; we toured together - Icons of Filth and Conflict, but best of all we were mates. Stig was one of the best songwriters ever and a great lad. He is greatly missed. Stig spent years contributing to the creative input of this scene and was one of, if not the best lyric writer and deliverer of vocals that I have heard. More importantly, just like the rest of the Icons, he was genuine, a great bloke who cared for everyone. In all the years I’ve been doing this, I don’t think I’ve met a nicer person. My thoughts go out to all his family at this hard time.

Rest now, mate.
Love Colin

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[27 Nov 2004|05:11pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | "Lust for Glory" Filth ]

So I registered for classes this week. Here they are:

Social Change
Quantitative Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Sex & Love

Fun fun. The instructor for Social Change is the same guy I have for Social Theory right now, and he's really cool. And the Quantitative Research instructor is the guy I have for Statistics right now, which is also cool. So, hopefully, it will be a cool semester.

Jenn and I went to an Exploited/Total Chaos/Murder Junkies/Oppressed Logic show at the Pound the other day. I was kinda excited about seeing the Exploited, since they were a pretty influencial punk band from the early days, and a lot of the bands I like now might not be around if it wasn't for them. Plus, they don't play here very often, so they're kinda hard to see. But we actually ended up leaving before they were finished (actually, just after they started), cause they sucked. They weren't that bad, really, but they pissed me off a lot. They had a sign up at their merch table that said, "Show your tits and win a signed prize." What the fuck? First of all, show your tits? What the fuck are you, a bunch of 40-year-old horny teenagers? And a signed prize?! Ooooo, like I really want some shirt after your wrote all over it. Why the fuck should anyone want your fucking autograph anyway? The whole idea behind punk rock is that it comes from the punks. The people who play the music are no better than the people who dance to the music. That's why if you go to an Unseen show, you'll see Mark Unseen hanging out in the crowd, watching the other bands play with all the other kids before he goes on. Or at a D.I. show, you'll see Casey Royer geting knocked around in the pit. They don't act like they're above anyone else there, cause they know they're not. They're just fucking punks like the rest of us. So it pissed me off to no end to see the Exploited (Exploiters?) acting like fucking rock stars. If I wanted to be treated like some 2nd-class "fan" who's supposed to swoon over a piece of shit shirt or something just cause some asshole wrote his fucking name all over it, I would have gone to a fucking Good Charolette show or some other manufactured corporate crapfest. Fuck that. So we turned out backs on them after a couple songs and left. Assholes. </rant>

Total Chaos was really good, though. I had never really listened to them before, but I liked them a lot. They were quite political in both their songs, and rants inbetween songs. I hadn't expected that. I had always written them off as an apolitical/apathetic type band, most because of their name. But anyways, they were really good. They covered "We Aren't Gonna Take It", which was fun. The Murder Junkies sucked. That's GG Allen's old band, minus GG of couse, since the fuckhead died several years ago. So it was all the crappiness of his music without any of the spectacle of his showmanship. Oppressed Logic were okay. Neither really good nor bad.

Thanksgiving was alright. We went to Jenn's cousin's house in Campbell and had the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Good turkey, yum yum.

Jenn and I went to Stacy's birthday party last week! Jenn met up with them at the Britania Arms, and then they all went to Tres Gringos. I met up with them a couple hours later there, as I had to work that night. But we had fun. It was good to get out of the house and hang out with someone other than Billy for once. Plus, I hadn't seen Stacy, Nicole, Amber, or Jen for a while, so it was good seeing all them. STACY: call us and we'll go out! FUN!!!

Alright, that's all for now.

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[17 Nov 2004|02:20pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | "Berkeley is my Baby" Blatz ]


I had a paper due yesterday in my Social Theory class that I didn't do, so the teacher told me to do it today and email it to him. So I did. I wrote a very nice paper on C. Wright Mills ("The Sociological Imagination"), and just as I was emailing it to him, something crossed my mind. I wasn't supposed to write about Mills yet. This paper was supposed to by on either Walter Benjamin ("The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction") or Antonio Gramsci ("The Prison Notebooks"). The next paper is on Mills. Fuck! So now I gotta write another paper, after work. that sucks. Oh well. At least I'm really, really early with my Mills paper...

Work is going okay, except I'm getting too many hours right now. I had to work 12 of the last 14 nights, which kinda sucks. Six nights a week is a bit too much for me with school and everything. But my boss apologized, said they'll try not to do that again, and the only reason they're doing it now is cause they're promoting me to the take-away booth and need to train me. So that's going pretty good. Last night was my first night of training doing take-away. It was pretty fun. I actually get to bring food to customers and ring up their orders and stuff, instead of just bussing tables. And I get to wear a spiffy "Safari" shirt like all the servers, instead of just an Outback logo t-shirt. Plus, I get tipped directly now, instead of tipshare (even though it works out to about the same amount of money, since a lot of people don't tip in take away. By the way folks, while not required, tipping a person who prepares and brings your takeaway orders to you at a rate of 10% is supposed to be the standard. Just so you know).

Other than that, stuff's good. Hope stuff's good with you all. Auf Wiedersehen.

My teacher decided to accept the Mills paper. So I don't have to write another one tonight. Woo-hoo!!

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[03 Nov 2004|08:19pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | "D.F.A." Monster Squad ]

Haven't updated in a while. Lack of interest, plus lack of time...

I'm working at the Outback Steakhouse now. It's a pretty cool job. I'm bussing and hosting right now, but everyone starts there and they promote from within. It's minimum wage, but I get about the same amount in tips, as well, so it's really like a $13-$14/hr job, which ain't bad. The people there are all pretty cool, too, which makes it fun. Cool cool. So any of you who live in San Jo should come visit me sometime.

School is going pretty well. I'm taking a break from writing a term paper right now. Fun stuff. There's this preppy little cocky shithead in my stats class that annoys the fuck out of me. I wore my leather jacket the other day, and I overheard him say something to someone else about me being dressed "like a Hell's Angel," but I didn't quite catch the whole comment. What a moron. Anyway, he keeps shouting out answers in class before the teacher can finish taking the class through the problems, like he thinks he's all smart or some shit, but he keeps getting Ds on the tests. Ha ha. Idiot.

Thank God that fucking election is over. I'm extremely sick of all the ads, stickers, signs, bullshit, phone calls (which should be illegal, since we're on the "do not call list"), stupidity, and other crap. Blech. I saw a sticker the other day that said "Edwards for President," (obviously predating the primaries) and above "President" they had hand-written "Vice." ha ha ha...I thought that was funny. They were too cheep to buy a new sticker.

I'm really not surprised nor affected by the results. The only way it really affects me is that now I can keep all my anti-Bush stuff and don't have to buy any anti-Kerry stuff. That's good. Putting up with Republican's gloating is kinda a drag, though. On the other hand, whatever shitty shit happens in Iraq over the next four years can only be blamed on Bush, which is how it should be. So, all in all, I still don't care.

Halloween sucked this year...dammit. Mostly my fault, too. :-/

That's all.

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[03 Oct 2004|12:46pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | indian drum circle in my head ]

Well, I went into work on Friday, and they told it was to be my last day there. That sucks. I knew it was a temp job, but it was supposed to be at least a month or something. But it was just two weeks. Oh well. Back to the job search.

Friday night Jenn and I went to see the UK Subs at the Blank Club. It was a pretty cool show. According to The List, Monster Squad was supposed be be there, which would have made it a much better show, but they weren't. UK Subs were good, though.

Yesterday was a pretty fun day. I got a gift certificate to Mervyns from my sister for my birthday. So we went there and bought me some nice dress shoes, since I didn't have any. So that'll help with the job interviews a little, I hope. Then we went to Target (Ooo! Two Dayton-Hudson stores in one day!) to get a season of the Simpsons on DVD, since Jenn needs it for her English Class and it's my favorite show anyway. We got season four. We wanted season twelve, but they didn't have it. Oh well. We also bought "Super Size Me", 'cause it's a good movie. You should see it.

Then we went to the big Pow Wow at West Valley. Jenn had volunteered to help out at a food booth from 4 - 7pm. So we got there a little early (like around 1:30 or something) and checked it out. It was really cool. Apparently, it's a pretty big deal. There were vendors and groups from all over the western states there, and even a large group of Aztec dancers from Mexico City. So, we bought a couple crafts, watched a lot of dancing, and listened to the beautiful sounding drum circles. Also, we ate an "Indian Taco" (beef, beens, lettuce, etc. on fry bread). Good times. The costumes the dancers were wearing were awesomely beautiful. It was a nice cultural experience. Jenn got to deep fry the fry bread for three hours. She got some extra credit in her Psychology class for it, and a some free food. So it was all good.

Out of all my classes, I think I like my Social Theory class the best. It's so far the most interesting to me. I have a paper due on Tuesday on Max Weber ("Class, Status, and Party"). I got good marks on my papers on Marx and Durkheim, but Weber's a little bit harder to read and wrap my head around. meh.

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[01 Oct 2004|12:09am]
[ music | "Castle on a Cloud" Les Miserables ]

CSI wasn't on tonight. Probably because CBS' schedule was all screwed up by the damn Liars' Debate. Fuckers. Screwing up my Thursday night TV viewing routine.

My parent's are in Hawaii right now. My mom called me yesterday from Maui. It's their first time there. The only thing my mom could say about it was to complain about it being hot. I'm sure they'll get over that and enjoy it, though. They're spending a few days in Maui, then a few in O'ahu, and then a few in Kaua'i. I'm jealous. I even had a dream last night that Jenn and I went back to Hawaii. It was very nice. Too bad I had to wake up... :-p

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[26 Sep 2004|11:01pm]
[ music | "Big Women" G.B.H ]

G.B.H are playing at Slims tonight. The Circle Jerks are headlining.
No fucking thank you. Sucks, 'cause I'd really like to see G.B.H. But there's no way I'm paying that much for a show, especially when most of it will be going to the Circle Jerks. I'm sure those fuckers got enough money from the Vans commercial and don't need any of mine. Blah.

Jenn and I went to Monterey yesterday to look at the great white shark they got there. My mom got us some free aquarium tickets, so that was cool. The shark was pretty neat. It's only less than a year old, so it was pretty small. But the impressive thing is that it's the first great white ever that they've gotten to take to a tank and eat in captivity. And it's lasted longer in captivity than any other great white before (like two weeks now, or something). So that's pretty cool. So now I can add great white shark to the list of animals I have looked at.

Ummmmmmm...that's all.

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[23 Sep 2004|06:17pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Capitalist Casualties ]

So I got a job, finally. It's part-time clerical work at a church in Saratoga. The cool thing about it is that it's right down the street from Jenn's college, and my work schedule on Mondays and Wednesdays is the same as her class schedule. So we can car pool, and even meet for lunch. Cool. And it also pays $14/hr. Also cool.

So I haven't been online for a few days, and I won't be getting to do so very often for a while. Between class, work, and homework, I won't have much time for LJ. I'll update when I can, though.

I'm doing pretty well in school, I guess. I've received good grades ("A"s) on the few quizzes and papers I've gotten back so far. I'm pretty behind in my reading, though. I turned in my first paper in Sociology of Femininity and Masculinity (which I'm just going to call "the gender class" from now on), and I'm not sure if I did that great a job. It was kinda half-assed. I also had a paper on Durkheim due in my social theory class today, so I wrote them both last night, procrastinator that I am. I put much more into the Durkheim paper, though, because it interested me more (it was about the "normality of crime"). Well, hopefully I did better on the gender paper than I thought I did. We'll see.

One of the headlines on Yahoo! News when I logged on just now was "Bush Vows to Stay the Course in Iraq." I think I've seen that exact same headline like 2,164,083 times in the last 16 months. Getting a little old now.

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