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hello, my name is joey motherfucking shithouse and i'm a war monger. [05 Apr 2003|05:59pm]
[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | taps. ]

it's my war. my people are in it, and i want my people to come home. i want them to kill as many fedayeen (or whatever they are) as possible.

i'll also trade as much non-american blood for oil as possible. it's all about survival of the fittest and we are it... for right now. and i am all for empire and imperialism. so, if you asked me if i was for or against the war? i got all excited the other day while i was pumping gas and watching cnn in eldorado hills, i saw a guy on a tank shooting some kind of large machine gun and then he stopped... his buddy tapped him on the head and walked away... he shot some guy and i got excited. yeah, if i could i would shoot fedayeen and republican guard too. fuck those guys.

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fun fun fun... i feel 13 again. [04 Apr 2003|07:54pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Filter: Enter the Fold ]

so, this is the shit... i'm sitting here in my house and it is infested with pre-pubesent little retards... i am stuck in my attic right now and i can't really go downstairs and some stupid fucking soccer mom is downstairs honking their horn for one of these little fuckers to go home. take them all. amy decided that she was going to babysit for one of her friends all weekend, and i thought it would be okay... it's not. their stupid and they don't know anything and i can't stand the fact that they basically run my house at the moment. they think i'm cool because i let them stay here and hang out. did i mention that they are smoking? jesus christ, if there were some cops here right now, they would bust my ass. but they aren't my smokes, i don't know where they got them. i just want them to stop. hey, i watied until i was 18 why can't they? i swear i am about to kill someone. i wasn't even able to watch the kings game tonight on account they were here and listening to bullshit rap music. you know all these kids be straight from the ghetto yo!!! straight up south central placerville and shit. fuck. i can't wait to go to work on a saturday tomorrow. i am actually looking forward to it. maybe i just sound like the bastard old guy, but i don't know, i think that maybe, just maybe when i was their age i didn't like kids like them either. sorry, i'm the old fucker that waves his cane around not quite strong enough to break your legs, but the thick oak stick sure does sting.

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sometimes you get the bag of shit. [30 Mar 2003|02:59am]
[ mood | cranky ]

have you ever sometimes just not felt well and all you want to do is what you were doing? but you get interrupted and then you're the asshole? yeah, that just happened to me.

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holy shit. [14 Mar 2003|01:15am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Scott Weiland: About Nothing ]

i just read a few entries of my buddy joel's livejournal. i can't believe how many replies he gets. and none of them make any sense. wow... livejournal reailization!!!! we are all a bunch of dorks. goddamn. i thought i got over that when i turned 25.

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i can't sleep. [14 Mar 2003|01:02am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Scott Weiland: Desperation #5 ]

i have another day of loan officer training and i can't get to sleep. i got up around 3-3:30 this morning to take amy, her mom, and her sister to the airport. they went to iowa for amy's other sister's wedding. i couldn't go because i have to train for my job. not that they pay me great, but it pays the bills. and now i try to go to bed and i can't sleep. no amy... i have the dog, but he is too hairy. anyways.... i'm going to go take some nyquill or something... a mallet to the head? who knows.... only the shadow knows. whatever the fuck that means.

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okay... seriously... [06 Mar 2003|10:22pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | tweaker: the attraction to all things uncertain ]

i need a name for my cadillac. i was thinking doris, or edna, or something along those lines. i need a good classic name, but nothing like marilynn or stupid crap like that. maybe mae or something like that.... it's like naming your kid or dog or something.

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i get my caddy tomorrow... [01 Mar 2003|08:36am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Chevelle:Grab Thy Hand ]

so i pick up the 55 tomorrow. mmmmmmm caddy day..... and joel will be there to document it all............

i love old cars.

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this is for all those lovers out there..... [21 Feb 2003|09:46am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | chevelle: family system ]

guess what i'm getting nya nya nya nya nya nay!!! yep you guessed it... i'm finally getting my classic car... it is soooo cool... and it is complete... no bangs in the body and it is in pretty good shape... it is a 1955... yes 55, cadillac... no kidding. for how much you may ask? well, that's the fun part... it's completely free. did you say... what???? like i thought you did? yes you did... it's free... all i gots to do to it is get either a new engine or rebuild the one that's in it, and restore the interior and paint it... nice eh? yeah... it is.

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this is frustrating....a side effect of my hositlity. [17 Feb 2003|03:45pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | Tweaker ]

i went to old ironsides last night. rather boring. saw some people from highschool and jr college... got bored. came home. this responsibility thing really takes the party out of you. interesting? or fucked up? i would have rather stayed here at home and played with my dog. it also would have been less expensive.

on a side note, i hate dialup. the only reason i hate placerville is that you can't get a straight answer about being able to get broadband.

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[09 Feb 2003|09:34am]
[ mood | pleased ]

fuck you.

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[10 Nov 2002|03:39pm]
fucky fuck fuck... goddamned it has been too long. you fuckers are still running the bandwidth? holy fucking shit. i should kill you... with my bare hands.
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[15 Aug 2002|10:22am]
have you ever just realized that you are changing? from what you wear to the philosophy that you have towards life? mine is changing and it feels good. i hope it turns out to be that way.
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this is for all you livejournal users out there... [09 Aug 2002|09:06am]

you can check your spelling with that or even put a check in the box at the bottom that reads:

Spell check entry before posting
Update Journal

that is why i hate you. because you can't spell. i think i may go on some killing rampage through downtown sacramento and just kill people that i ask to spell a word and get wrong. i will cut out the tounges and pluck out the eyes with a pencil or something. bitches.
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[08 Aug 2002|03:48pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | 93.7 KXOA: Opie and Anthony ]

some things really suck. i was offerred this job at verizon paying me the same i got at earthlink in esupport, but i have to keep my schedule open. that would mean no school. even though i have been unemployed now for the last six months, i had to decline so that i could stay in school and do what i want to do. doesn't that suck? so now i have to take some bullshit clerical job. i think that tomorrow i am going to start calling radio stations and find a fun job. i bet i won't get one...

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[02 Aug 2002|10:22am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Radiohead: Meeting in the Aisle ]

i want a cool nickname. but not like joel's. his is joel "the cocksucker" eppinette. i want something like joey "the brick" shithouse. that would be cool.

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fuck you, you fucking fuck fuck. I should kill you, you mother bitches!!!! [30 Jul 2002|02:26pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

i am tired of looking for a job. unemployment makes it hard to want to look for a job. fuck. i need a job. anyone hiring? i have applied for job after job after job after job. still nothing. i hate the world. i should blow it up or something.

now i go make some chocolate milk... yum. then i will piss on your eyeball and step on your testicles. no testicles? i will kick you in the groin wether you are male or female. if i kick hard enough i should make your eyes bleed.

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i'll cry if i want to. bitch. [26 Jul 2002|07:16am]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | happy birthday to me. *sniff* happy birthday to me..... ]

so, it's my birthday. i am officially a quarter of a century. two world wars happened in that amount of time. i am less significant than that. wheeeee.

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hi. [24 Jul 2002|03:44pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | 93.7 KXOA: Opie and Anthony ]

i didn't have to go homeless. i worked it all out. not as if anyone cares. but yeah...

i left my sunglasses at Sarah's house the other night. i have been wearing my Elvis glasses lately. yeah. i am the king momma. uh huh huh baby, uh huh huh.

on a great note, my son and his mother moved back from las vegas. imagine that... the marriage only lasted six months. less than i thought. but it is nice. i get to go swimming with Nicolas and i was thinking of taking him to the zoo on sunday. that would be nice. i can show him the polar bears and stuff. i bet they are overheated. poor polar bears. supposed to live in the arctic and are living in the central california valley. that is fucked.

i am house sitting again. i like it here. there isn't anyone to bother me. i think i am becoming a hermit. i used to like to have tons of people around all the time. now, i like to sit here and be by myself. it is much more fulfilling. no stupid people to bother me. stupid fuckers.

i am looking for another job. i need to do something. i am bored and i need money. i have school and shit to do, like get on with my life. maybe i should just try to rob a bank and get shot. if i don't get shot, i got lots of cash.

my 25th birthday is on friday. a quarter of a century. and i haven't done anything usefull with my life. an unemployed penniless wretch. neeto. well, if anyone wants to hang out, not that there are many people that read my journal anymore, much less to this point of this entry, i will be in old town sac at the hogshead brewpub from 10AM-4PM. then i have other plans. like seeing the new Ausitn Powers movie. yay! fun fun fun on my birthday. i will probably be alone and crying in my beer all day. but you know, that doesn't sound half bad.

well, i should get some of my homework done. not like it matters, i have over 105% in my astronomy class. i wish that would make me feel smart, but that stupid bitch that asks questions about everything but astronomy is getting 99%. not much different. i should be getting much more than that if she is stupid and i am a genius.

something else too, i was in my art of the cinema class last night and some stupid bitch only knows judd hirch as some guy from independence day. hello? taxi? and the teacher tells me and Amy that we probably wouldn't understand anything because we are a part of the MTV generation. fuck that guy. oh, and then she asked if donald sutherland was keifer's dad. no, and there isn't any relation with all those baldwin guys in the movies either. you stupid whore.


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do you ever see the future, or at least the most probable path? [03 Jul 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | scared ]

i see mine as being homeless. i see it in the near future. but at least i will have my car, even though i won't be able to pay for my insurance or to fix my brakes when i need to in august. great. i get to fight with people that i love, when i don't see what i did wrong. when one of the people i am not speaking to decided to do what i was going to do this weekend. then they asked me to house sit for them(in the house i am not welcome to live in) as well as the house i am already housesitting when they knew damned well that i wanted to do said activity. the other person is who i wanted to do said activity. they think that because all this shit is happening, that i don't care that they have never done said activity, and don't ever plan on letting them or helping them to do so, or that since i have done it a million times, that i still don't care. so, i see my situation as being a bad one, since i live with person B, and person A won't let me live there either. so, my last resort? that's right, homelessness. maybe, just maybe, i will grow from this experience. maybe i will die of some disease that would have been cured by my med benefits if i didn't fuck up at my job and get fired. so, i think i am posting for the last time. i hope that it isn't the truth, maybe i can go to the county library and post, but for some reason, i don't think that is going to be so important anymore. i think i have other things to worry about. i also think i picked the wrong week to quit smoking and drinking and taking everything seriously for a change....

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we are collecting bugs. [29 Jun 2002|11:09pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Tool: Parabola ]

sarah likes bugs. i guess she is an entemologist, or however it is spelled. she has all these bugs that are in eldo county. there are alot of them that are not in sacto. anyways. drunken again... wine is good. i like the polish guy. he is fun. without title likes bugs so it all works out. anyways.

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