Fear and Loathing in San Anto [entries|friends|calendar]
He who made the Kessell Run in under 12 parsecs

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Bokeh, the Patron Saint of Backfocus [05 Jan 2005|01:11am]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Lightning Hopkins ]

My new mat cutter came today. My first mat cutter, actually. The case of mat board that I ordered won't be here for a few days, but I couldn't wait to try it out, so I trekked down to Hobby Lobby and bought a sheet of acid-free white.

It's cool. I didn't want to mess around, so I spent some extra coin on a professional model. It will end up saving me tons in the long run, though, because I have a shitload of prints to mat and frame. I have a show opening in three weeks, as well as a convention that I'm going to have to provide some prints for. Now I just need to find a source for reasonably-priced frames.

I need to send my camera (the Mk II) in for service sometime soon for a backfocusing issue. The problem is that I can't be without it for more than a couple days; I need it too much, and I'm not [yet] rich enough to afford a second digital body! This is why Canon Professional Services was invented, I guess. They e-mailed me the app this morning. Once I get that out of the way, I'll be authorized for their expedited service. Three days is much better than three weeks for waiting.

I've got a busy weekend coming up. Aside from hockey and another event gig, my girlfriend's sister is getting married, and she hired me to shoot the wedding. Hey, free food, and all...

Back to work...


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The Purest Lust [26 Nov 2004|12:36am]
Bow down and consider yourselves lucky to lay eyes upon the most beautiful automobile ever designed, in the history of the very cosmos.


I hope they build it! I hope they build it! Then, I hope they bring it to the US! Then, I hope I cane one day make enough cash to afford one! I would sell a limb for an 8C! I would even sell someone else's...

have I ever mentioned that I'm a huge Alfa nut?
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[23 Nov 2004|06:21pm]
Meet my new British girlfriend...


Oh yeah...

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Haiku for Texas November [22 Nov 2004|01:40pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]

Days of thunder, rain
Would have reached insanity
If not for X-Box

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The Fire Artists [15 Nov 2004|02:04pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

You all have got to go and check out my shots from the Texas Renaissance Festival last weekend!


A fun time was had by all... This was my first time to RenFest, but you can be sure I'll be there again next year! Great photo-ops in every direction!

-- D

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New Work [06 Oct 2004|01:55am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

New work at deviantART...

Have a look-see

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Fluffy White Clouds [20 Sep 2004|02:00am]
[ music | Massive Attack ]

I just woke up. I am wedged in the back seat of the truck, yet again, and we are barreling down the highway, somewhere in Southern Arizona. I think we are just north of Deming. Yes, that sounds good.

I have my window cracked about six inches, which is just enough to afford a clear view of the night sky while still allowing the window tint to obscure the distant lights of the horizon, as well as passing vehicles, quite nicely. The technique works well to help one make believe he is deep in the bush, instead of only slightly out of town.

Every time Al opens his window to get some fresh air, it allows the hellatious crosswind coming off the plain to rush through my window in true Blitzkrieg fashion, and the feeling is exhilarating. The night wind is cool, and provides an excellent rush -- It's almost like riding a roller coaster. I love it, even though I hate roller coasters.

It's my turn to drive now.

By-the-way, the stars are amazing in Arizona...


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Reservation Blues [15 Sep 2004|10:42pm]
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Yesterday's drive from Denver to Monument Valley, Utah, should have taken eight hours, but thanks to the DeLorme GPS software's inability to distinguish paved, commonly-traveled roads from primitive dirt mountain service roads, it turned into a fifteen-hour expedition into the Rocky Mountains. It felt like we were being punished by the ghosts of Lewis & Clark. Luckily, Avis mistakenly rented Albert a 4x4 Explorer instead of the Buick Century they said he was getting.

After many photo stops in the mountains, we ended up sneaking in to the Monument Valley camping area around 1 a.m., under cover of darkness and heavily-insulated RV camper walls. Technically, you're supposed to pay upon entering the park, but the drop box was dubious, at best, and offered no instructions or forms to fill out. Besides, we were only going to be at the pad site long enough to take a few night shots and catch a quick nap. We hoped to be packed up and out of the campsite before we were ever discovered. Luckily, all went as planned. I really don't think they even had anyone looking. Just a guy emptying the trash cans.

After the tent was set up, and all needed items were retrieved from the truck, I began setting up my Speed Graphic and composing my shot. I wanted to get a nice motion exposure of the night sky, with rock silhouettes in the foreground. I came to find out that the Monument Valley area is in the heart of the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation, so all lands and facilities are under control of the tribe. Therefore, common national park rules and guidelines do not apply. This was sacred ground, and we were not allowed to hike freely. Visitors are required to stick to designated paths. This meant I couldn't hike closer to the rocks, like I wanted to. I had to settle for a wide shot of the whole area. It wasn't what I wanted, but I loaded the Graphic and took it anyway. Something decent may still come out of it. I'll know when I get my film back.

I was very careful not to leave anything behind, or to mar the land unnecessarily, out of respect for the tribe and their land. The next morning, I was wondering why I had bothered. Read on...

I finished my shots and crashed in the truck. At dawn, we packed up and bought a pass to drive the 17-mile sightseeing trail to see the rock formations. Many photos were taken. Some shall be shown.

The land in Monument Valley is very beautiful. Great red rock formations shoot from the desert floor, hundreds of feet into the sky, and the region is dotted with picturesque canyons and draws. You would think the Navajo Nation would consider the land a source of great pride, and I'm sure they do, for the most part, but the condition of the area I saw was complete crap. The main road leading into the park is populated with small shops and a cafe made of rotting particle board and stacked end to end, literally. It looked like a fucking shanty town, with shop names and other information spray-painted on the sides of the shacks. One good gust of wind could blow the whole lot of them over. After seeing the state of those places, I don't know how anyone could bring themselves to eat in the cafe there. It looked as though you would be instantly poisoned simply by walking in the door, if it had a door to begin with.

You could almost smell the absence of federal health regulations.

The main area of the park wasn't much better. To their credit, the restrooms were clean, and made of real wood and tile. The rest of it was shit. The tour guide office consisted of four warped sheets of plywood, nailed together to form an impromptu kiosk. It had the words "Navajo Tour Guides" spray-painted off kilter on the side. The trucks they used to carry tourists were either broken down or looked to be recently patched up. No thanks. We chose to drive the trail ourselves.

The main roads along the trail were lined with a fair number of empty beer bottles and cans, as well as assorted bits of junk. A car door... Some tires... Shit like that. As we were leaving, we drove through one of the living areas off the main road, and it was like a trash bomb had exploded the night before. For an area that is supposed to be "sacred ground," they sure don't take very good care of it. Don't believe all that crap about "conservation" and the "rape of our land." Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Native Americans, but I would think that if I had a colossal chunk of tax-free land in the very heart of the most picturesque and amazing natural areas of the Southwest, I would want to do something with it, instead of letting it collect trash and old car parts.

For some reason, I felt suckered. I'm not sure why. No, wait... I know why...

After we had pulled out of the park, some guy walked up to the truck, and in a thick, drunken, Navajo accent, told us some sob story about how he had run out of gas, and his four-year-old son was sitting in the truck, waiting for him to return, but he had no money -- you get the idea. He kept running on, and soon he let it slip that his "four-year-old son is waiting, and he had to make it to the cantina." Did you get that? The cantina. The cantina. The freakin' bar!

We drove on, and after some more bouts with the GPS software and uncharted dirt roads, I am now pleased to announce that we are approaching Las Vegas. I'm in the back seat, typing this drivel, Al is driving, and Dave is falling asleep in the passenger seat.

That's enough for now. I'll post this as soon as I get to the room and activate my internet access. Strong drink is in order.

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Night Driving [14 Sep 2004|12:10am]
[ music | Some Indian Dub disc ]

Miserable yellow lights. The road looks horrible cast in this color temperature. For the money they charge, one would think the Ford Motor Company could slap a set of HID lamps in this beast. I'm glad it's a rental. I'm glad I didn't buy this can. I'm glad I didn't even pay the money to rent it, mostly because I'm broke as hell.

No, I'm just along for the ride this time. Al is driving, and Dave is riding shotgun at the moment. I'm in the back seat, writing this, to you. We are on our way to Denver, to meet up with Ed and have a rest. Then it's on to Vegas, where Ed will be getting married on the 18th.

But before we get to Vegas, we'll be making a stopover in Monument Valley, Utah. I hope to get some spectacular shots of desert sculpture and the night sky. I believe an overnight camp in the heart of the Navajo Nation is in order.

Ah, yes, it's road trip time again. I know this because there is no other time when I would willingly consume the heinous combination of Jolt cola and BBQ flavored Vienna sausages wrapped in corn tortillas.

Oh, yes... A gastrointestinal dream.

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Who didn't know this? [07 Sep 2004|04:13am]

Which Family Guy character are you?
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dA [30 Aug 2004|04:21am]

New stuff at dA

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Bang, zoom... [28 Aug 2004|02:13pm]
[ mood | Cautiously Adventurous ]

As soon as I can pry myself from this machine, my plan is to get a shower, load my Speed Graphic gear in the car, as well as the Mark II, and take off to find something to photograph. I'm as yet undecided on how far I'm willing to drive today.

We'll see when I get there.


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Snap Crackle Pop [11 Aug 2004|01:39am]
[ mood | tired ]

I returned from the Texas Gulf Coast today, with the nastiest back burn ever, and One good picture.

More later, after I heal a bit...

End of line.

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What's your outlet? [08 Aug 2004|01:33am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Tom Petty -- Don't Fade on Me ]

I know some people -- friends -- who have no outlets for their creativity. Therefore, I do not know if they are creative.

They do not paint. They take no photographs. They do not sing, nor do they play music. They do not dance. They do not write. They work and they-- do other stuff.

Some of them really need to do something about it, in my humble opinion. How do you inspire someone to be creative? It can't always be done. Sometimes it just has to... click.

Or maybe it just never does, for some people. I'd hate to die with all that stuff still inside me.


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eBay and Art... One more time. [04 Aug 2004|03:45pm]
Well, I guess I'll Try this again!

I've sold a couple pieces of my work on eBay before, but I've found that listing photos there is usually a dead-end venture. What the hell, though, I'm bored... lol!

If this one gets some hits, maybe I'll list some more...
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Pretty Peektures [04 Aug 2004|01:49pm]
Okay, there is some newer work posted at dA:


Now offering prints! Nice, rich, saturated, archival prints! Big prints! Buy 'em now! Get' em while they're hot! You want them! You need them! You LOVE the smell of pigment ink on watercolor paper! You ADORE it, and can't live without it!

(Translated: I just bought this big, professional Epson printer, and the freakin' ink and fine art papers are so expensive that forced, high-pressure sales of my artwork is now necessary.)

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Muncha-muncha [04 Aug 2004|05:18am]
[ mood | worried ]

As I sit here, contemplating it, I can hear something eating my house...

chew chew chew

Too small to be a squirrel, too big to be termites...


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Okay, I'll bite... [31 Jul 2004|02:52pm]
The Hub
Category I - The Hub

You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your
blood. Consequently, you can move through most
social circles with ease.

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Glücklich Geburtstag [29 Jul 2004|12:14pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Happy birthday to meeeee

Happy bir--- Oh, sod it...

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Zapped [24 Jul 2004|11:01am]
Sitting in a dark house, waiting for the power to come back on. Nuts. All computers down except for the Powerbook, obviously. Still have to wait for power before I can post, however.

Enjoy the offline rambling, then.

Of all nights. There was so much I needed to get done tonight, too. I finally got my online photo store set up, and I wanted to finish uploading some event photos so people could get to buying their prints. I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow, presuming CPS gets power restored by then.

I thought we were supposed to have a redundant power grid to keep shit like this from happening. I can't remember the last time that power was out for more than ten minutes, but in this case, it's been hours. Even all the signal lights were out as I was driving home. Zoinks.

That was a fun ordeal, let me tell you. People in this town just do not know how to drive. When the sun is out, it's okay, but let a drop of moisture hit the road, and it's Hell in San Anto. Ice? Forget it. Stay home. It's like thousands of chimps in SUVs, running amok.

You can actually turn to the TransGuide channel on local TV and watch all of it happening, too. It's glorious! I never thought I would approve of the hundreds of little cameras bolted to light posts and overpasses, but when the weather turns icy, they are an entertainment dream!

Screw waiting around -- my car still works. Besides, it's hot in here.

End of line.
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