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March 17, 2005

New Comics are posted in the afternoon... wheeeee!

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If You're So Inclined

Get Hexxed.

March 14, 2005

So I'm trying to launch Rhymes-With-Witch, my art site. It'll have side projects, info, and crap. It'll also have a store (so, y'know, I can support myself).

I'll be posting non-S*P prints there this week that'll be for sale. I do, however, have a new non-S*P shirt for sale there. If ya like it, buy one! I'll be your friend!

As well as include a special print with your order. -R

Akon Will Belong to the Cats! (and links)

March 10, 2005

So, June 3rd through 5th, I'll be at A-Kon in Dallas. It's a big anime con. I will be sharing two tables with J. Grant and Mel Hynes of Two Lumps and Josh Lesnick of Girly. Things will handed out and/or sold. Hands will be shook. Babies will be shaken even harder. Come out and say hi. Mr. Lesnik did an amazing piece of artwork of the cats from all three strips as the Cat-tastic Four!

Bless that man.

Also, don't forget I'll be at UBCon on April 15-17th in Buffalo, New York, as well as CAPE on May 7th (also in Dallas). And the "real" Aubrey, my friend Clarine Harp, will be at Kamikazecon in Houston on March 25-27th.

Anyway, more Spacer Links.

C'est La Vie by Jennifer Babcock isn't on Keenspace anymore, but it was... and it's a really interesting comic, both in characters and visual presentation.

Cap'n by Jeroen... just has to be seen to be believed. And there's almost four years of archives and it's still going.

The Call of Whatever by Mark and Elizabeth Sherry concluded this past October after a three year run, and I was a little bummed to see that.

Life on Forbes by CDC has been around for about five years and is still updating... so you might wanna set a bit of time aside for this one. I recommend your next staff meeting. -R

Goodbyes and Links

March 9, 2005

I want to take a moment to say goodbye to two readers: Josh Stockinger and Shane Perkins. Josh passed away on December 30th after fighting cancer and Shane passed a couple of weeks ago for reasons I don't know. Thanks for your readership, guys. My condolences go out to those whom they've left.

Okay, I promises Keenspace links - so here's a few more. I'm pretty far from done... although, I will say the going through the "I" titles was not pleasant. At all. But there's still good stuff there.

I Talk to the Wind by Nir Matarasso seemed to be on hiatus, but that just means you have time to catch up on it!

Incubus by Charlotte - another fine series that doesn't seem to be over.

The Seraph Inn by Sarah Ellerton is no longer on KeenSpace, but it once was and the art and colors are very nice indeed.

More tomorrow, as well as NEWS! -R

A Few More Links

March 4, 2005

Some more KeenSpace links for your viewing. More, of course, are to comie.

Pirate Queen Marianne, written by Katie Henderson-Grady; art by Stephen Henderson-Grady. There's something very visually stunning about this comic that really caught my eye. The comic still updates, too.

The Living Tales of Zombie Jesus by Lee S. caught my eye more because I wasn't sure if John Allison has started a new project or what. It seems to have ended or gone on hiatus.

Pointless by Michael Derenge ... very soft (in a nice way) character design and wonderful colors. Two years of archives and it's still updating, although not for the last two or so weeks.

More tomorrow. -R

Keener than Keen

March 2, 2005

A lot of people give KeenSpace shit for being a free host to webcomics, saying it hosts only garbage. Now, I believe that's not even remotely accurate. Yes, there's some really bad ones - but there has to be a lot of good ones, right?


So I've been spending a few weeks now going through KeenSpace's listings, one by one, and finding comics that catch my eye. Tomorrow, I'll start posting them. It'll take a while and I'm still not done looking through all their comics - but I'm going to do this, even if it kills me.

And it probably will, when I develop a tumor from being exposed to too much bad manga/Final Fantasy/goth/furry/catgirl nonsense. I bet it'll even get little anime sweatdrops and scream, "KAWAII!"

Pray for me. -R

Plugs and Dallas Bound

March 1, 2005

First, plugs. Then, announcements.

The Bag of Chips group has a book called Disposable Parts. Now, yes, they're advertising on my site - but I wanted to point something out for you who like webcomics - there's a LOT of webcartoonists involved in this. Jon Rosenberg. Ian J. Josh Mirman. Meredith Gran. Brian Clevinger. Aido. And more. It's an impressive compilation of respected talent. If any of those people appeal to you, check it out.

Also, there's Social Satellite. Again, I don't normally like pointing out my advertisers, but there's something VERY SPECIFIC about this website. I made an account and found, aside from their chat, journal, zine and forum features, it has a section where you can argue with people. Now, I know first hand a lot of you are argumentative and need an outlet (please note: I am not an outlet). This site has a place that encourages disagreeing.

I'm just saying.

Now, announcement. As many of you know, I'm going to be at UBCon in Buffalo come April. However, I'm going to be in Dallas as well on May 7th - also known as Free Comic Book Day. I'll be at the 1st Annual C.A.P.E., which will be located at Zeus Comics and runs from 10am to 6pm. It's a one-day event and on a Saturday. Other guests include the likes of Scott Kurtz, Leah Hernandez, and Ben "Ninja High School" Dunn.

And since it's Free Comic Book Day this thing will celebrate, I'm doing my best to have a Free Comic Book to hand out. I do not guarantee I will, but I'm trying my best. Of course, I'll be selling ad space to those interested.

Oh - and this comic book, should it happen, will be new material, not things from the web. And yes, there will be a compilation book of the first year. When?

When I finish fixing, redrawing, and compiling.

More details as they're available. -R

A thank you.

February 21, 2005

Just a quick word of thanks to the Alpha Thetas at Dartmouth College. They had their annual DartCon this last weekend, a gaming event, and invited me to come up. I was only able to stay a day, but it gave me a chance to play games, draw quick and ugly pictures and hang out with my friend, Iris. I had a lot of fun - maybe next year, if they let me back, I can stick around the whole weekend. Thanks, guys. -R

Meet a Real, Live S*P Cast Member (You'll Have to Wait For the Dead Ones).

February 18, 2005

First off, a lot of people have been asking if I'm going to do anything more with New Gold Dream. The answer is, "Yes." I'm working on a backlog. New Gold Dream will relaunch at the end of June/beginning or July OR as soon as I have a three month buffer. Probably only four days a week, but that's something. I just can't do two strips as once and the average NGD strip takes between eight and twelve hours to do. That's a LOT of time.

This is going to be short because I'm running behind, as usual (although this comic went up in the mid-morning hours - GO ME!). A lot of people have asked me if I'm ever going to show pictures of the actual cast members. The answer, of course, remains, "No."

However, one of the cast members has been doing anime voice dubbing for a year or so now and is going to be a guest at Kamikazecon in Houston the weekend of March 25 through 27 because of it. I was given permission to "out" them.

This is your chance to meet Aubrey, or as I know her, Clarine Harp. Go by and say hi. Despite what you think (or fear) she's pretty nice. She saves up the special treatment for her good friends like me.

I'm very proud of my friend right now. -R


February 16, 2005

First things first - some links.

MIT's putting on the Vagina Monologues tomorrow through Saturday. It's a good show and supports a good cause (fighting domestic abuse is always good). I enjoyed my minimal involvement with them last year (it's hard to say I "helped" when I just drew a picture and handed it to them to put on a shirt when they worked their asses off). If you live in the Boston area, give it a look.

Wapsi Square is easily one of the best comics on Keenspot. Good art, good characters, good dialogue.

Still going to be at UBCon in Buffalo, New York, April 15th through 17th. Please come by. I'll try to run games - more info later.

Johnny Hollow is still good music. Same with Meg Lee Chin.

E-gor's Chamber of TV Horror Hosts recently ate up a lot more of my time than it should have.

Last week, Scott Kurtz brought back Captain Amazing, a comic strip he did in college, for a week of filler strips. Although I was a couple of years behind Scott at UNT, I actually knew of his strip because a guy I worked with in the Academic Computing Center had Captain Amazing strips on his door (I was sad Scott didn't rerun his Star Trek: Next Generation strip. Still, Captain Amazing was one of the last two good comics to run in the NT Daily (I don't know if it's improved, but I strongly doubt it has). The other strip was called "Pituitary Kid", which the cartoonist ended to start a "serious" comic called "The Trenchcoat." However, he planned poorly and when the year ended, he still hadn't even reached the halfway point in his story... and honestly, no one cared. The only other comic that had a chance to be good was called, "My Girlfriend is a Werewolf" and was cancelled, if I recall correctly, because some students didn't like the sexual overtones. After that, just years and years of "Calvin and Hobbes" and "Far Side" rip offs.

Sort of like the real comics page.

Anyway, in Kurtz's newspost for the 15th, he addresses reader complaints that he had a character exclaim, "Christ!" People... complain about that? I honestly just couldn't believe it. I'm getting complaints over having the audacity to mock SIDS and Enterprise (not at the same time, but if I can find a way....). I don't know what I'd do if someone complained about me saying a word. The closest thing I've had to that experience was at Ubercon 4 (twitch) where, in my S*P panel, I said the word, "cunt." I don't remember why - I'm sure I found a reason for it to pertain. Some woman and her two male associates stood up and stormed from the room. I can only assume they realized they were in the wrong panel because I didn't get the usual, "IL NEVAR REDE THS COMIX AGAINE KTHXBYE!"

On a sidenote, I've mentioned to some female friends there needs to be a "Take Back the Cunt" march in Boston so people can reclaim that word from its negative meanings. I was encouraged by them to march down Mass Ave holding a sign saying, "TAKE BACK THE CUNT!" and they'd do their best to join me. Personally, I smell a trap.

Anyway... I finally got two upset emails over Enterprise. Two whopping emails. That's like two-thirds of their viewing audience, isn't it? I'll have to post 'em tomorrow.

I honestly had a point to writing all of this, but can't remember what it is now. -R
