Below is user information for joe lemke. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | jaxsjoe (1465701) |
| 2005 - new and improved the year of the new beginning... |
Name: | joe lemke |
Location: | Jacksonville, Florida, United States |
Birthdate: | 01-18 |
AOL IM: | butchyboijoe1 (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Bio: | country boy in the city... |
Memories: | 10 entries |
Interests: | 1: jacksonville sucks. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 35: | acestatic, anabelsdreaming, be_doh, bunnynicula, byrd_man, heckleshyena, hisholiness, husker_fox, imaginefairy, individual75293, jaavik, jaxsjoe, jayson_b, kabuki_akeim, kelgirl, lofidelityheart, make_me_purr_4u, mamakitty82, mirror_one, neenerpants, nixydust, nmybriefs, once_tempted, one_nad_jones, patrickeon, penguin_girl, porn_king, spongebob3205, super_dave, the_shade, thejekyll, triplejay, unpaidartist, wolverine73, yes_that_tonya | | 5: | dudes_on_cam, shoujoanime, show_your_cock, show_your_pussy, the_under_world |
Friend of: | 29: acestatic, anabelsdreaming, be_doh, bunnynicula, byrd_man, heckleshyena, husker_fox, imaginefairy, individual75293, jaavik, jaxsjoe, jayson_b, kabuki_akeim, kelgirl, make_me_purr_4u, neenerpants, nmybriefs, once_tempted, one_nad_jones, patrickeon, penguin_girl, porn_king, soopercooper, spongebob3205, super_dave, thejekyll, triplejay, unpaidartist, yes_that_tonya |
Member of: | 2: paidmembers, the_under_world |
Account type: | Free Account |