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Below is information about the "Stock Market Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:stockmarket (1329397) stockmarket
Stock Market
Stock Talk
Name:Stock Market Community
Location:United States

The people actively posting in this community,
are serious about what they are doing,
and serious about making money.
We strive to make this community,
a great place for information and resources.

Every month, we have a virtual competition.
Eventually, we'll all join forces, to create a an investment club, to vote on monthly stock pics together. Sometime soon, we'll also incorporate a book study club here.


ABSOLUTELY NO insulting or bashing of members is allowed here.
Insults are not taken as opinions in this club.
Members who use volatile, insulting, or degrading remarks, will be BANNED!
This rule, is what keeps our community, an enjoyable place to be.
Once this place becomes distasteful, its not fun anymore...
So before joining, keep our politeness policy in mind!!!

This is NO DIFFERENT than a journal with a friends list. If you had someone on your Livejournal, who was not being a friend, you'd unfriend them IMMEDIATELY.
The SAME applies here! According to the Livejournal Rules, a community moderator has free rights on rulemaking...
So this club is a tight-knit place.
All for one and one for all... or youre OUT!


You must conduct yourself with respect and maturity to all members.
*If the moderator feels you are threatening
the standards of the community, and bashing other members,
you will receive a reply warning reply,
and your posts in question will be deleted
and you will be blocked from having access to post again.


The stock market is an auction, not a casino.
We are not gamblers, we are investors.

No stock picks, or strategies are set in stone. No one can be held accountable,
for loss if another member decides to follow a lead on a stock pick or trading style.
Take advice at your own risk.


We must approach other members in the community with utmost respect in our responses. Some members may be completely new to the stock market. Any questions must be responded to politely, kindly, and with all consideration.


If you know the answer, don't assume everyone else does. Be proud of your knowledge and share it with others if you may be so kind to do so. Your information can be valuable to many people, though you may have forgotten its value as you have evolved in your experiences.


By sharing your insight, you will become a valuable asset to the viewers of this group.

We also love to greet members who are looking for information to start a new beginning in the stock market.
Please introduce yourself, you will be warmly welcomed by our members...
And please, never hesitate to ask, every question can either lead us into a deeper perspective, or boil things down into a less complex and more simplified approach.


  • To simplify complex issues
  • To expand primary observations
  • To make investment decision-making better and easier
  • To psychologically support one another through times of financial loss and down fall
  • To combine ideas to reach greater affluence through group work
  • To brainstorm strategies and trading styles
  • To analyze stock picks, through news, price spreads, warnings, previous trading experiences, timing, charts, and other observations


Helpful Links

    - Great News, on Most Active Small Caps & Penney Stocks
    - Don't overlook one of the most popular sites. Important Points of Interest, (Free Guru Analysis, Most Actives, Charting, More)
    - A great free advanced charting and anaylsis website
    - Savvy investor info, advanced background data when searching for a ticker symbol.
    - A totally free software portfolio program. It has a feature that when you click in a stock that brings up a chart and has a red/green buy/sell bar strength. The platform is readily configured to most brokerages. Highly recommended!
  • www.FireCharts
    - An awesome free multi faceted real time stock tool!!!
    -They have many free tools available; Stock Screener, Portfolio Tracker, Interactive Charting, Mobile Alerts...
    -Lot's of goodies on this one. Giant Communities of Groups, Chat Rooms, and Message Boards for each ticker symbol. Real time quotes, news, education, research...
  • Market Mechanics (Adobe PDF mini E-book)
    -An Educators Guide to the US Stock Market.
    This presentation will take you through the inner workings of the major U.S. stock markets - from the history of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. to an inside look at how a trade is executed on two different markets - Market Mechanics is a valuable eduational tool that will supplement any financial curriculum.

Interests:43: amex, basket trading, bonds, brokerage firms, brokers, business, commodities, day trading, dow jones, e-mini, economics, economy, electronic brokerage, emini, emini futures, financial analyst, forex, futures, investing, investment, investors, money, mutual funds, nasdaq, new york stock exchange, nyse, online brokerages, options, s&p; 500, s&p500;, series 7, series 7 exam, stock analysis software, stock broker exam, stock brokers, stock market, stock options, stock picks, stockmarket, stocks, swing trading, tax, trading. [Modify yours]
Members:177: 122784, _ayumix_, _looking_ahead, adrianoww, agent8261, agentholiday, aimk13, amber_asylum, ambienceman, amybratster, annielaurie, avon, banazir, bioclaire, bluecoriander, bonscott, boomzilla8, boxcar00, brownranger, bsgi, bury__me_withit, caffeined, caliraver, candlelight1228, chinadoll1981, chronicdisorder, cloudv, contractparty, contrariandoer, coreprime, curiouslysweet, danielmath, dethinwntr, diabologico, diocletion, dreemssold, drunah, eburger, eccentris, emetic, erin69, everthefool, everydamnday, expertmtnbiker, fahrenheit7, fearlessangel, ferniefresh29, fibonazi, fishstickmcgee, freshpoo, fro0tlo0p, futurestrader, gatorrrrrr, gernboken, golum, gophins, green_ray, groovinn, gruimed, gusthegreat, guy777, hasty_smurf, hermgirl, heymon32, hiimryan, iamnotbroken, ice_into_glass, iinex, isbarryzito, jaberwocky, jadedgyrl23, jadedstaccato, jamescourt, jav1911, jcat3969, jeremy_h, jeroen, kaykim20, kewlcarrot, khayla, killer_fox, kilroypoet, kuddakaphatta, ladyinfidel, ladyspade, lajre, landric, lemoncake, lenkline, likh, lima_pcp, lovebill, luminairex, magicrealm, manu77, mdiestro, medusatrader, meow124, mercyphoenix, mikey13, mikkog, millionairejd, mindcube, mmc1982, moehowarddavid, momoneyca, mr_mysterious, mscouture, nefri, nickel1976, nomadic_self, obot64, odin_of_wei, okayliar112, omgdykes, optionfox, ovidieastigmata, pablito20, pantom, pclauritz, phatmatt, pocket500, poweroverload, prabhakarkudva, pro_trader, ragecarnuu, rakehell, recursive, rmwilliamsjr, rocknrollisdead, rollotawok, ronjintsu, root_fu, sabatoa, sajjad_er, serendipity_eis, setzer111, sheggy, sircyberdawg, soc909, sofahead, sognal, song0330, sonofnotchbaby, sp_e_mini, square_mountain, stagemanager, steprous, stockmarketlog, stregadelsol, suchire, sun_tzu, syn_t_d, tbgoldman, tenaciousdoll, thefunk19, thevoiceofnick, thisis_whatido, tigerbutt, toddbot, tomhoffman, toptransman, trailer_spot, trisha2001, u2xoxo2u, umumjenni4, ursecretpw, uzi_does_it, vashmojo, victory_goddess, vienneau, vwilliams, xavier_jones, xbirdseedx, xo_dragon_ox, yerdna, zenwarrior01
Account type:Free Account

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