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[19 Jan 2005|10:04am]
from [info]jameth

Livejournal Family!
LJ Username
Favorite Color
Husband vertigo_xpress
Mother calliek
Father dominic030
Sister speedypete312
Brother porcelaingrl
Dog dankaye
This Quiz by Rikku - Taken 75832 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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[15 Dec 2004|10:58am]
Little Drummer Boy: Christmas Miracle or Urban Legend?

After the 497th time hearing the song The Little Drummer Boy, I've noticed two aspects of the lyrics which are rather suspect. First of all, what sort of parents allow an annoying kid banging on a drum to wake the sleeping baby Jesus? Not only is this sort of gift in bad taste, I think it shows a real lack of judgment on behalf of Mary and Joseph. Alternatively, whomever penned this Christmas Carol never spent any quality time with a new mother. Anyone who had, would know that a post-partum, hormone-laden women with nerves stretched to the breaking point = no fucking drums. The other element of this song that I'm having a difficult time believing is in the line "the ox and lamb kept time". Perhaps it should read, "the sleeping animals were equally annoyed by this rude child", or were animals more musically inclined back then? If so, what made them lose this ability to keep a beat in these past 2000 years? How is that selected against?
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[14 Aug 2004|10:45pm]
[ mood | morose ]

Remember that commercial from the 80's, -I'd like to buy the world a coke-? Well, today I'd like to buy the world a nice warm glass of shut the hell up.

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The Curiosa Festival [13 Aug 2004|09:33am]
title or description

title or description

I went to The Curiosa Festival at DTE the other night...

Interpol was pretty good. I had no idea they were so young. The lead singer has that overly theatrically full-voiced, old school punk thing going on - love it. There music was a bit repetitive and one-dimensional though.

What can I say about The Cure? I was embarrassed for Robert Smith. There is nothing cool about a bloated clown trying to pull off tragic lyrics.
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testing [10 Aug 2004|11:38pm]
Okay, I am retarded. The whole time I had the power to post pictures right at my fingertips....
Here is my first attempt (the pics are of poor quality - I was using a phone camera):
Kitty Pics )
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[18 Jul 2004|01:32pm]
Saw Sting and Annie Lennox the other night....

Sacred Love?

Annie Lennox was amazing (this is the second time I've been to one of her performances). Long, lanky, muscular, incredibly graceful, in jeans and a red tank top - really has incredible control of her body, exudes sensuality and power (I can't even walk gracefully). Her performances of "Cold" and "Waiting in Vain" were downright moving. She is one of the most interesting women I have ever seen perform. I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see her again. Sting sounded great, his voice is as good as ever; however, his music is for middle-aged, mystical lyric-loving, self important douche bags. Seriously, his stage backdrop was more interesting than his performance. The two of them only did one song as a duet..."We’ll Be Together". Barf. Overall, not worth the nearly $200 that the pair of tickets cost me (including Ticketmaster's bend you over for their convenience charges). Ah well...
Concerts later this summer: The Cure with Interpol and then Liz Phair
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I am clearly a genius! [11 Jul 2004|12:42am] are going to have so much fun with this!

Take this as a personal challenge.

Example: 16 = O in a P
Answer: 16 = ounces in a pound

1. 26 = L of the A
2. 7 = D of the W
3. 1001 = A N
4. 12 = S of the Z
5. 54 = C in a D
6. 9 = P in the S S
7. 88 = P K
8. 13 = S on the A F
9. 32 = D F at which W F
10. 18 = H on a G C
11. 90 = D in a R A
12. 200 = D for P G in M
13. 8 = S on a SS
14. 3 = B M (S H T R)
15. 4 = Q in a G
16. 24 = H in a D
17. 1 = W on a U
18. 5 = D in a Z C
19. 57 = H V
20. 11 = P on a F B T
21. 1000 = W that a P is W
22. 29 = D in F in a L Y
23. 64 = S on a C B
24. 40 = D and N of the G F
25. 76 = T in the B P
26. 50 = W to L Y L
27. 99 = B of B on the W
28. 60 = S in a M
29. 1 = H on a U
30. 9 = J on the S C
31. 7 = B for S B
32. 21 = D on a D
33. 7 = W of the A W
34. 16 = M on a D M C
35. 13 = E in a B D

1-6 questions Average
6-12 questions Somewhat Intelligent
12-18 questions Intelligent
18+ Genius!!
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[21 Jun 2004|12:42pm]
I haven't updated in like 4 millions years...because I'm very, very busy. No seriously. I really am.

On saturday it was in the low to mid 70's, just a great day. I didn't wear any sunscreen while I sat in a lawn chair outside for 4 hours--Opps. I got a hideous burn on my legs and chest. It looks like I am wearing flesh-colored shorts on my red legs and a red bib on my chest. Now when I go to the pool in my one-piece to swim I will look like a gigantic asshole who didn't wear sunscreen.

Yesterday I slept for 13 hours then took a three hour nap. I was seriously behind on sleep. Sadly it's mostly due to work a.k.a. grad school (I told you I was busy).

I gave several talks in the past few weeks. They all went rather well. I get insanely nervous when I have to speak--but I'm told that I exude serenity and calm. (I'm a good faker.)

My mom and I aren't speaking...not much anyway. She'll call and ask what's new. I answer, "Nothing". She says "Ok, talk to you later". I suspect this stems from me refusing to be sucked into her Momdrama and responding to her with indifference. Example:
Her: Why are you letting L stay with her? You told me she was an alcoholic.
Me: No, I didn't.
Her: Yes, you did.
Me: Okay

Her: She's very manipulative with her time with L.
Me: Okay
Her: Okay?
Me: Uh huh.

Her: He saw it already? Now I don't have anyone to see Harry Potter with.
Me: Hmmmm

Me: Have you seen him yet?
Her: John brought him by at my work so I could at least say hi.
Me: That's nice.

Ad infinitum.

What else....? Oh! I went to my first politcally-based fundraiser party. It was very, very stoopid. It is funny to watch people play at being grown-ups. We were basically kicked out in less than an hour due to my man-friend calling the hostess a bitch. Well, he was just being honest.

That's about it. Back to the lab again, yo.
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WTF?! [18 Jun 2004|11:53am]
Menopause, the Musical
Gem Theatre
Detroit, MI
Thu, 08/12/04 more dates
On Sale Mon, 06/21/04
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Some political humor... [27 May 2004|08:51am]
NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno":

John Kerry said today that a vote for Ralph Nader is a vote for George Bush, and today Bush said, "I'm voting for Ralph Nader."
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[27 May 2004|08:22am]
Oh. My. God. This morning while driving up the parking ramp, I was behind the slowest woman EV-ER . I think it took 20 minutes to climb 6 levels. She stopped and signaled at every turn (which happens quite often on the up ramp in a parking structure, as you might imagine). There was a build up of cars like you wouldn't believe. I was 2 cars behind her...I parked, got some stuff out of my trunk and began to walk to the stairwell...AND SHE WAS STILL PULLING INTO HER SPACE...AND I HAD BEEN BEHIND HER!

In other male development, does turning 12 mean that you suddenly become functionally retarded? Just wondering.
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From [info]speedypete312 [27 May 2004|06:29am]

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
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[25 May 2004|01:16pm]
This is a triple homicide case that I've been following and supporting for about 4 years now. It is an incredibly appalling example of just how dangerous small-minded bigotry and small town mentality can be. I urge everyone to take a moment to browse the website and I strongly suggest viewing the HBO documentaries (available for rental at Blockbuster, etc.). If you are so inclined, there are various methods of spreading the word about this case and supporting the defendants monetarily or otherwise - all located on the website...(live journal isn't a bad forum for spreading the word).

Read more... )
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From [info]jameth [25 May 2004|12:42pm]

No smoking around anotherday. Thankyou for your co-operation.


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Definition of a fucktard: [21 May 2004|12:30pm]
I just saw a Ford F150 pickup truck with the stickers "Bad Boys Drive Bad Toys" or something redneck sounding, as well as the bumper sticker "Official Pimp Mobile"....they also were sporting a handicap license plate. Then I got behind a semi with a sign reading "Support our troops wherever they are...No support or aid to the enemy". I'm afraid of Americans.
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[20 May 2004|09:05am]
Um, if you ask me...talking to Jesus in the White House is "not normal".

The Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) blasted the head of the North Carolina Republican Party Wednesday for denying them access to the state GOP convention this weekend, but the group of GLBT Republicans also declined an invitation from rival Democrats to their state convention.

The North Carolina chapter of the LCR purchased a table at the North Carolina state convention on behalf of Log Cabin in early April. But just days ahead of the convention, North Carolina GOP Chairman Ferrell Blount returned the money, along with a stinging letter, which read, "Homosexuality is not normal," and informed the group it would not be allowed table space.;=101&e;=2&u;=/po/20040520/co_po/stategopconventionshutsoutgays
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intrinsically evil [18 May 2004|12:57pm]
Community - Planet Out

Denial of communion alarms gay Catholics

Recent remarks from a Catholic bishop in Colorado suggest that the threat of withholding Holy Communion from politicians who disagree with church teaching on moral issues may spread to dissidents in the pews.

Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs said in a pastoral letter to his diocese that Catholics who vote for politicians who support same-sex marriage and abortion may not receive communion unless they repent, the Associated Press reports. The letter was sent May 1 to 125,000 Catholics.

Supporters of stem-cell research and euthanasia were also mentioned, as the church considers them "intrinsically evil," Sheridan said.

In recent months some bishops have voiced support for withholding the sacrament from Catholic politicians, such as presidential candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, specifically because of their support for abortion rights.

Sheridan's letter -- together with a recent incident from Minnesota -- suggests a widening of the penalty. Earlier this month a gay couple in northern Minnesota was told by their parish priest that they should not receive communion or sing in the church choir because of their relationship.;=101&e;=3&u;=/po/20040517/co_po/denialofcommunionalarmsgaycatholics
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Those immoral Norwegians... [16 May 2004|10:51am]
LONDON (Reuters) - A Grammy-award winning Christian rock star, who preaches a message of abstinence from sex until marriage, says she feels sorry for pop princess Britney Spears who herself once famously vowed to be a virgin until she wed.

Australian-born St. James, who fronts the True Love Waits organization in the U.S. which urges teenagers to avoid pre-marital sex, is embarking on a whirlwind European tour during which she hopes to spread the group's message.

"I've got a lot of mainstream media attention even in countries like Norway that are not known necessarily for their morality. It's such a counter-culture message they are fascinated about it.";=638&e;=2&u;=/nm/20040516/en_nm/people_stjames_dc
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[12 May 2004|02:19pm]
Ever wonder what two neuroscientist chicks talk about over lunch?

Her: Good speaker last night
Me: Oh? What was the topic?
Her: On the phylogeny of sleep - turns out that dolphins probably don't dream.
Me: What is the significance of that?
Her: That maybe it's not as important as everyone thinks.
Me: Yeah but dolphins don't do math.
Her: That's because they don't have chalkboards. Plus their brains are larger and have more regions than ours.
Me: Like the "getting away from sharks region"?
Her: Yes
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[07 May 2004|09:42pm]
Things I've done in the past hour:
*cleaned my room
*touched my muscular back
*listened to Beth Orton
Well, what are you doing?
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