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121 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in danzig. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1g - uoyesipsedi
- 40_oz_casualty - i love this ____ penis.
- 4messenger7 - Angelikdreams
- _gingersnaps - _gingersnaps
- _in_coherence - Insidious Tautologies
- aaronaids - the most exalted potentate of love
- acidevil - Agent Orange
- acidlife - Straight-Edged Addict
- acidtripsatan - BugBuster
- adelayde - Megan
- akatalin - Katalin
- alemaleficent - JandrA DeL NoRte
- alexc - For the Sake of the Song
- amby_jayne - Ambrosia
- angelli - Lili
- aprylla - Aprylla
- ashgirl723 - Ashley
- astro916 - Bud
- atomickiss - amy
- axlrosechick - Well, Fuck.
- ayanamikari - Keiichi Ayanamikari
- azelin - Morgan
- babyonfire - lalala
- bammage - b a m m a g e
- bbeast435 - elli
- bearclaw69 - Native Pride Warrior
- benh - benjamin emanuel hubbird
- bettiemorbid - BettieMorbid
- bettyafigirl - Liz
- bightchee - Rhett
- billybeer - billy beer
- birdmadgirl7 - birdmadgirl7
- bloodsoakedhell - Demon Spawn
- blueskiesinhell - King Badger
- bootylicious69 - *Whitney*
- bouncing_soul - xXx maxi xXx
- boundtodiealone - Gregory
- boysgetrapedtoo - Boys Get Raped Too
- braptalk - BrApTalK
- brightie - Col
- bunny_of_steele - Fujiyama Mama
- buriedinhate - Darkest Blood
- bushwhacka - Bu5H
- canadiandawl - michele
- cannabiscorpse - Proletariat
- cardiosapient - Ralp
- carpathianmoon - Kim
- catheaven - I am Jacks Raging Bile Duct.
- causehavok - FUCKIN', MY NAME IS JUSTIN
- cavemanthndrtms - (|) Caveman (|)
- cerati666 - cerati666
- cherriebomb - Telekinetic Prom Queen
- cherry_cracker - Jessie Lee
- cheryllovesme - Matthew
- christexan - ChrisTexan
- cindel - Sophia
- cindysthinks - *Cindy*Cancer*
- closetgothbabe - female bitch!!
- cloven - Queen-of-Space
- cofficus - totalimmortal
- comaboogienutz - poopy
- consecrating - yuki
- corrosivetears - Darea
- cottonballistic - i ramble
- crast - Crast Kurva
- crazee_hoe - Jade
- creepy_girl - L e i a
- critterkllr - Along came aspire
- crypticwritings - Cryptic Writings
- cuddle_wh0re - Tobacco and Peppermint
- curefan007 - Christopher
- danzig316 - Nick
- darcness - Darcness
- dark_eyes - Michael
- darkestdreamer - Dream
- darkphoenixrisn - Danielle Ní Dhighe
- darkw0lf09 - if i told u i'd have to kill u
- deadasleep - stephanie
- deadrockmohawk - deadrockmohawk
- deathxftwxmetal - billy
- delusional - E r a s e r
- demonsynn - MmeMinistry
- destroll - That 1 Guy
- devilsmark - strangled with a halo
- devilxmama - THE DEVILMAMA
- diabl0 - Spike.Spiegel
- diespiderdie - grrr
- diosyn - mal-
- disc0nnect - damned if i do, damned if i don't.
- distressedcucko - Danielle Nycole
- dmize - Now I'am nothing
- doctorrotten - DoctorRotten
- dorkis - Doris
- dreauboy - Mr Taco
- drummergrl420 - kimzilla
- dustin_mauk - Dustin Mauk
- echobox - Echobox
- eightball - a stranger to reality
- el_diablo6669 - Damien
- electrichead - Schreck
- embracingevil - Kitty
- emelyn - Twisted Nerve
- endofhisworld - The ADAM CURTIN
- eobo - cardinalsynn
- eternallynumb - Smokee
- every_rose_dies - .............
- evil_end - evil_end
- evildick23 - EvilDick23
- evildiscogod - The Great Guru, Little Nicky
- evileric - evil eric
- evilmilitia - I bite pink monkeys
- evilsicksix6 - John
- excitinglife4me - emily
- explisitvoices - MAN MADE GOD
- fadediridesence - JeSsYk@h
- fading_darkness - HeAtHeR
- fallendeamon - Kabal
- fallingrose - nemesis
- fearthereaper - Fear The Reaper
- femmedolyn - Mistress Sia Savage
- fillerbunny - azn to the max
- fionnula - Ricca
- fleshhead - Cheston Pulsifer, Esq.
- flyingfudrucker - Kar
- foolinthe_rain - fool in the rain
- fourtwenty - matt
- francais - Michelle
- francisharlock - Frankie Bones
- frankenjobber - Frankenjobber
- freakachu - Raging the Speedhorn
- freekgurrl - lyKe STFU!?!
- frugar - The Anti-Ferris
- funnykinapain - Matt
- fyreangel - FyreAngel
- gabe_m - Gabe
- george500 - Slack Motherfucker
- germicide - The Hellbound Heart
- ghost_chant - ghost_chant
- glamkittie - Ali
- glass_sandwich - sexmonster5000
- godivadeadlove - BitchCassidy
- goneaway - ricky
- gothicangel786 - Pretty Little Hate Machine
- gothicangelic - *(( Tortured Soul of the Night ))*
- gougeoutmyeyes - Moribund : EndBringer
- graveflower - Mandy
- grr_islatyx - Viking Metal Heathere
- grun - Phoenix Manderly
- guitarwolf - Ben "The Guitar Wolf" Childs
- h82thdk - Cameron (Ms. Jackson if you're nasty)
- hail_chalupia - hail_chalupia
- halolullaby - halolullaby
- happyfetus - Jenny Poop
- hardcoreharriet - kt kidnap
- hcl - Hairy Cocaine Larry
- heartofcold - ~SiN Destructo~
- heavenisalie - I wanna be abused
- heretickid - KFC Or Bust
- heronnoire - Daena
- hina55 - Sammy
- hiway7 - jason
- hollywoodharlet - Jen
- horridromance - .All.We.Are.Is.Bullets.
- hulud - sean
- hunnybane - Yes, all the rumors are true
- iconz - icon
- immortaldead - immortaldead
- incendiary - Grendel
- incorporeal - she's on fire ; and not in a good way
- indemnified - Apt Malignity
- ishmal - Lars
- ivylicious - I-vy!
- ixlikexeggs - Destruction by Numbers
- jackieblackey - Jackie Blackey/Brian Lobertini
- jame0 - Stigmata Martyr
- jamesbledcold - James
- jancykrall - jo momma
- jbeeney - jbeeney
- jedi - Jedi
- jesusliedforyou - Caleb
- jlobianco - Jelisaveta Lobianco
- joolee - JooLee Fu Yung Tau
- jovial_pirate - Sam
- jvnker - jvnker
- kapthowdy - father dowling
- khronos - Khronos
- kier - Mr. Homicidal
- kiss_me_deadly - :She.Simply.Will.Not.Die:
- kissthedarkness - Michelle
- kissthekilled - kissthekilled
- kj666 - KARA EVANS
- kurisu926 - christopher
- lady_floratia - The One, The only... dunnanana!
- lara0074 - dweebusanonymous
- larris - Larris Magpie
- latentlunacyie - someone who doesn't matter...
- lauren666 - meh.
- laveystudent - Nine
- leathervamp666 - Militia Gun
- lifeiscruelty - [*-Beautiful Depression-*]
- lilangelisded13 - lilangelisded138
- lilmissnugs - Ms. Lauren
- liquidmyst - Eccentric Seclusion
- logan_crow - Logan Crow Cassady
- lonelyloner - kel
- lordofcardboard - lordofcardboard
- lorin - Tha Notorious LORIN
- lounachick - ^_^
- lovelydeadboy - lovelydeadboy
- lucifera - Lucifera
- luse30 - SyMPtomOfiT
- lusus - Thought Junkie
- mabus_alus - Ed
- madrigaltriste - She Said Destroy
- maldoror - Rik
- mandiebear - Mandie
- maradeath - Maradeath
- mas - clever eye catching phrases go here
- masteropuppets - St. Anger
- maximumtortoise - Maximum Tortoise
- meesa - Marissa
- melany - melany: princess of darkness
- mikeraphone - leeloo
- mikethefiend - Mike
- milia_timmain - Mena
- minette - Hong Kong Phooey
- miracle_man - Obelius Jackson III
- misfit - mark of the judas
- misfit138 - HAROLD POOTER
- missmonster - yo mama's a pirate
- mistresskitten - MistressKitten
- mistygirl - Katie
- misyx - misyx
- modvayne - Modified Misfit
- moonmagik666 - Real Nightmare
- moosie - Mr. Mxyzptlk
- morexthanxscary - +v8.4 ++drug me beautiful
- morgyn - morgyn anselmo
- morpheusmannaze - Eyes of a Tragedy
- my_sanatorium - The Sock Monster-The Red Angel-Udgar T.Nefarious
- myconfession - Ash
- mysticalways - Paige
- ne1cool - Oh this bitch
- necrodoll - Amy
- negator - Jacob
- neo_rising - The Satan of swing
- nepenthe18 - I'm not telling
- nerdyty - NerdyTy
- nero3771 - I Put The Romance Back in Necromance
- neverdieafi - Rachael Heathen
- nick13 - sxenick
- nickybaoy - Number: 333
- nictoupee - Nico
- nightmares - Nightmare
- ninionized - J. Drain
- nyhckid - Zach
- oh_kyle - jenna
- onimusouka - Oni Musouka
- outerheavenx - Outer Heaven
- parabala - eiram aser
- pastorofmuppets - Sean "Kill a Commie" O'Scanlon
- pegazus666 - pegazus666
- penguinzluvme - Samantha
- petstar - Gregory Allen of the Underbrush
- pettybeige - a rhinestone in the rough
- philthykeenan - Keenan
- pix01 - Piya
- pixiedrop - joneser
- pnyby23 - Virus with Shoes
- poetekzen - free da weasel
- poptartsareneat - lord of your pants
- princessbych - Princess Bych
- pumkinqueen - pumkinqueen
- punx606 - Jessica Rabbit
- purple_rayne - Lost & Broken
- pyrettablaze - Lil*Blondie
- queenlura - hunnybunny
- quipster - Shadows Enigma
- rain19 - Rain
- ratshit - scott
- redadvocate - RedAdvocate
- redfarmer - Chris Rothbauer
- redrevolt - (witty caption)
- redsandfalls - David
- rhombosis - King Rhomboid de Rhombalot
- rise_above - Sami
- risefromurashes - Jared Latini
- robriffey - King Ghidorah
- rocksnikki - Tom Servo
- rodrigonips - Pat
- sabrewolf84 - Sanity Bleeds
- saitheverity - Saithe Verity
- sanguinia - sanguinia star*wyvern
- satanicmechanic - Satanic Mechanic
- satanicseraph - Satan
- savatage - ryan, diesel, ty johnson, ect.. ect..
- scamort - Sca'Mort Lantravaughn
- scarecrow777 - ::S C A R E C R O W::
- serenadelluna - le femme noir
- serridwenn - Serridwenn
- set_amentet - set_amentet
- shadowed1 - Johnny of Legend
- shanitadiabla - Doctor Radical
- shedevilflames - shedevilflames
- shesaidzebra - .medicated drama queen.
- shine_for_me - Jezabel Negash
- sickfayce138 - SicKfaYce138
- silent_selkie - Ceilede
- sinistas - Scott Green
- skar_kroe - xSxTxYxTxCxHx
- skywithoutstars - Unconscious and bleeding profusely
- slitwrist - poo
- smeee3 - Self Proclaimed RockSTAR and KING of the WORLD!!!
- soapboxer - Business French Kiss
- soilentbean - Janny NewWave
- sorano - Ancalagon the Black
- soreloser0 - vince
- soullessshell - Jay
- soulmythic - [][]-- Porcelain --[][]
- starmartyr - Starmartyr
- steff81 - Strawberry
- steviedurst21 - Stephen
- steviehayes - stevie hayes
- stinkinfilthy - St. Even Psychristiatric
- stolenechoes - These honor suits
- stonewolf - Dave
- stovelkor - β®¡@и
- str8edgeavenger - XMatthaisX
- straykat - still waving a white flag
- stumbliene - Krå§h
- suckpump - The Original Luzah
- suicidalfailure - nathan
- suicide_angel - Paint Me A Corpse
- suppedaneum - negative darkness
- sweet_evil - Sweet_Evil
- sykoreact - Kacey Brutal
- system_86 - System_86
- tanzoderstirbt - The Sexual Janitor
- taproot - pete
- tasjphill - Tas
- tat2rob - Robert Evil
- tatteredxtorn - its not contagious.
- tawn - tawn
- teejay - TeeJay
- temptph8 - Brad
- the_corruption - Azael Malphaeus Belial Hapsburg
- the_dark_entity - Pitiless Wanderer
- the_frail - Vash the stampede
- the_locusts - Shane
- thearachne - R.C
- thedarklinglord - Caliban - Bastard Son of the Obscene
- thedeadme - thedeadme
- theluckynone - Anonymous Girl
- therhyn - David A. Bradley
- thesacredyew - Tiffany
- theskank - theSKaNk
- thorne1966 - Debbie L.
- todfilth - The Filth Grinder
- toolgirl - bekah
- tootoughtodie - All My 19 Scars
- toxi - Jacqueline
- toxicmaggot - pat
- tractablemind - -- jerm
- tragedygrrrl - ~*Tragic*~
- trainspotting - Jezebel
- treesuponmyroof - "No one loves me! No one cares!" Shut the fuck up!
- trexce - Joseph
- trippsfiend - .*. lily munster .*.
- trpunx - the robot starts to think....
- tsunamibomber - valerie
- turbolemur - Ryan's Stupid Bush pic of the day
- tweekerpunk - travis william Bruneau
- twiggz66 - X~* Chester-Amy Baxter*~X
- twistdlust - TwistdLust
- twistofcain - Smapde
- uglyfallenangel - thE nEw QueeN oF EvoluTioN
- undiscoveryouth - suz
- unforgiven - Babin
- urbanemonkey - The Jessica #779, a.k.a. "Cleo the Abominable"
- usher - mike
- vampgyrl - Celeste
- vastxbugx - LiL Miz Fiend
- venusvext - :MissConduct:
- viewthehorror - Laura 138
- vikkivak - ViKKi (bUg BiTE*)
- violeta - Violet
- voiceofthesoul - VoiceOfTheSoul
- vrolok - mal hagi
- wakefromdreams - denver
- wangdaconqueror - despondant ramblings
- warlockuk - Warlock
- waxtrax - Universal Indicator
- werewolf - the carrier of wounds
- whitezombie666 - nathan
- wicked_fuwby - bones
- wolfbyte - Winged Desire
- wolfmanj - Wolfman's Nacho's and Loveshack
- wolfmoon98 - }-.mike.-{
- wolfsblood777 - wolfsblood777
- wonderbread - sarah
- workerbee - princezz ov power = workerbee
- xbrokenmachinex - soulscream
- xdestroyxmex - girls.cry.sugar
- xexiledx - Âñgélfùçk
- xkillyourselfx - XpushingupdaisiesX
- xmilox - Mr. Electric Ocean
- xmodernepicx - xModernEpicx
- xpissx88 - xpissx88
- xprettypiratex - Samantha
- xpsychoxcasiex - Casie the rad kid
- xpurityx - Alysin
- xpwkuno - Chuck Amuck
- xsuccubax - xxxxxx
- xsuicidalx - XSuicidalX
- xvampiricx - Fuck the world and pass the booze
- xvxvioletxvx - .girl anachronism.
- xxbloodflowers - ryans cor tanias bor
- xxdeadramonex - Tim
- xxxdramaticaxxx - The x Devil's x Whore
- xxxhexxx - FUCKIN FRYE
- yamagata - Ryu
- yorke - Michelle
- yourlime - Emily
- zerogurl - your coffin or mine?
- zira - Sadie
- zombiesforesme - Alex
- zoratu - Isaiah
- zowiezoe - Raven