[02 May 2005|09:17pm] |
[ |
mood |
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annoyed |
] |
AHHH I can't get the Phantom dvd until next week because my parents won't let meeee until after exams. Those fools! I'll destroy them all!
EDIT ok I might be able to get it...I just want to have it. But I have to put it up on the bookshelf as an incentive to study. RAAAAAAA! lol
[02 May 2005|06:06pm] |
[ |
mood |
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bitchy |
] |
[ |
music |
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tv |
] |
[28 Apr 2005|09:15pm] |
[ |
mood |
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cheerful |
] |
[ |
music |
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when you've got it flaunt it;;producers |
] |
Prom pictures! ( Squee! )
[27 Apr 2005|10:53pm] |
[ |
mood |
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annoyed |
] |
[ |
music |
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round and round;;fanasticks |
] |
Um yeah I somehow lost my entire buddylist. Give me your screennames!
[25 Apr 2005|01:46pm] |
[ |
mood |
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indescribable |
] |
[ |
music |
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one;;three dog night |
] |
Prom was a blast. Pics coming as soon as I can figure out my dad's camera.
I just heard "No One Would Listen" from the Phantom movie. I almost cried. Why does it have to be so sad?
I should leave soon to get to school. I've gots play rehearsal and I've gots senior show rehearsal.
p.s. ( Hey Gerry you're so fine.. )
p.p.s. Is it bad that I love the song "The Call" by The Backstreet Boys? I can't help it. *cries*
[21 Apr 2005|02:35pm] |
[ |
mood |
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tired |
] |
[ |
music |
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tv |
] |
Tomorrow is prom! My dress is so princessy, I love it. SQUEE.
Please someone send me those Music Man songs. From any cast recording. I do love them so. *puppy face*
Ahhhh I'm tired.
[19 Apr 2005|12:16pm] |
[ |
mood |
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calm |
] |
[ |
music |
| |
adelaide's lament;;guys and dolls |
] |
Music Man went splendiforously. I actually had a good time. It was a cute show. One-day Kairos was today, and it was really great. I'm not the most spiritual person, but it was so nice and a great reflection time. I'm so glad I got to be a part of it.
Ugh I hate Personal Finance and I don't want to do this stupid project. KDJGKSJ.
On a completely unrelated note, does anyone have The Music Man soundtrack? Any version. If so, could you send me Lida Rose, Marian the Librarian, and My White Knight? hidesundaygirl@gmail.com -- I'd love you forever and give you kisses.
[14 Apr 2005|10:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sleepy |
] |
Music meme stolen from pistolharris ( Muuuuusic! )
Opening night is tomorrow! *runs around in circles*
p.s. Peter, the Producers soundtrack is ADDICTING.
[13 Apr 2005|03:04pm] |
[ |
mood |
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exhausted |
] |
[ |
music |
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stars;;les miz |
] |
My report card kicked so much ass, it's not even funny. ROCK.
Ugh tech week makes me tired.
[12 Apr 2005|12:57am] |
[ |
mood |
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. . . |
] |
[ |
music |
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on the street where you live;;my fair lady |
] |
Peter leaves tomorrow. :'( We showed my mom Sealab 2021, and she laughed hysterically. Hee!
"No it's just on the street where you live..." *cries because i listened to this song every night when I was a toddler*
I'm in a really fucking weird mood. I'm tired, but not tired. LS:DKf;kldkjsldkjasfa.
Whatever. I need to shower and go to bed.
The weather makes me happy.
[10 Apr 2005|07:58pm] |
[ |
mood |
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weird |
] |
[ |
music |
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all that jazz;;chicago |
] |
I've developed a small obsession with this song. ALL...THAT...JAZZ...
I must finish my short story.
[09 Apr 2005|02:38am] |
[ |
mood |
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excited |
] |
Hairspray and Wicked are both coming to the Kennedy Center. Hairspray in July, Wicked in December.
*runs around in circles*
Life is good.
p.s. I have come to the realization that I am a Stage!Raoul/Stage!Christine shipper, but also a Movie!Erik/Movie!Christine shipper. Weird.
[06 Apr 2005|08:55pm] |
[ |
mood |
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] |
My brother can be such a douchebag. OK SORRY I WOKE UP LATE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIKE EVER TODAY. In case you haven't noticed, I've been kind of BUSY lately and don't get ANY sleep. He's still mad about it.
I am so happy tomorrow's the last day of the week. Except I still have rehearsal on the weekend. It's sad because I used to love rehearsal, but this play is going so sucktastically I just don't have the heart anymore. DAMMIT. Not to mention the entire cast is made up of the most obnoxious people EVER save a few.
Oh and THANK YOU KREIS FOR ASSIGNING ANOTHER JOURNAL BECAUSE WE TOTALLY DON'T HAVE ONE DUE EVERY CLASS. I shouldn't be complaining because I love AP and All The King's Men is a great book, but I just don't feel like WRITING A PAPER right now. Goddammit. Paper all done. It wasn't too bad. SCORE.
I'm not going to make it to graduation. This play will be the cause of my demise.
[05 Apr 2005|11:18pm] |
[ |
mood |
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awake |
] |
[ |
music |
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movin out;;billy joel |
] |
Haha note to self: Never get the Double Gulp at 7-11 again. Hilarious? Yes. Makes you have to pee like 3 times in a span of 2 hours? Yes. lmao.
I'm strangely happy although everything pretty much sucks right now.
[04 Apr 2005|09:17pm] |
Hee, this meme is fun.
a. Post a list of 15 fandoms. (tv shows, musicals, movies, books, etc.) b. Have your friends list guess your favourite character/person from each one. ( Guess! )
[04 Apr 2005|07:38pm] |
[ |
mood |
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discontent |
] |
[ |
music |
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all that jazz;;chicago |
] |
I NEED A NAP AND DONUTS. Wait, I just had donuts. So I just need a nap. And hugs. Please give me hugs.
I love writing short stories for Creative Writing.
I have to write a paper on A Room of One's Own. Damn you, Virginia Woolf!
Ok nap nap nap nap nap nap nap.
p.s. My brain has imploded. If you see me in the hall tomorrow, please hug me or pat my head. Seriously.
[03 Apr 2005|08:23pm] |
[ |
mood |
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weird |
] |
[ |
music |
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babylon;;david grey |
] |
Ew tomorrow school starts again.
Um I'm tired.
[03 Apr 2005|01:29am] |
NO Frodo no!
And Krispy Kreme is ever so delicious.
IN CONCLUSION: Go! Go! Go for the Gonads! Thank you Peter.
Anyway. Sin City=good, donuts=better, and Milk Chan=betterest. OMG.
Oh yes and we have created Sin City in the Sims 2. Heh heh heh heh heh. Let the heads roll! Literally. I'm talking to you, Kevin. And Jack Rafferty. < / spoiler >
*zooms away*