Burritos Make Me Feel: optimistic
Do you ever have one of those days, or weeks even when there seems to be one common theme going on in your brain? For some reason, I’ve been having a string of those weeks all tied together. In everything I’ve been doing lately or even in things I’ve been thinking about, the word “Positive” keeps popping up in my head. It’s funny because the trip out to Colorado (last June/July 2004) I purchased this sticker for my car and it simply reads: Positive. It’s something that Bob Marley always used to say and it’s pretty much what he stood for, well – that and peace of course. I see it every day in my rearview mirror as I have placed it on the direct center of my back window. I wonder, is it becoming a form of osmosis? Is that even possible? I look at it every day, I read that word and concentrate on that word every day. Is it finally sinking into my brain that I need to be a more positive person?
Don’t get me wrong; I have a bit of optimism flowing in my bloodstream. Sometimes I’m full of it, optimism that is. However, there lies a little pessimist inside of me who likes to play good vs. evil with my optimistic side. I’m just wondering if looking at that sticker every day is doing something inside of my brain. I know in my heart that God has everything to do with it, but I always wonder about those “signs.” You know?
Lately, God and I have been getting along beautifully. I’m focusing my mind, body, soul, and spirit on Him. I know that my life only holds control when I allow Him to control it. I’ve had this light bulb go off inside of my head. We’ll call it a blessing of clarity. There is a sense of calm to my inner being and I’m able to turn my life over to God. I know He holds the answers, the questions, the problems, and the solutions. I know that as long as I trust in Him, I will be okay. My life will be okay. Better than okay, great! I know there is crap going on all around me, in my life and in the lives of others. I have to keep on praying and trusting in God. Not only do I have to, but also I want to.
I was talking to Sarah the other day about how since I got these new glasses I haven’t had any problems with headaches, none at all. Then just a couple days later I had a pretty bad headache. I thought it was back to the old ways, headaches almost daily, but then I realized something. Those days I had gotten those headaches, I had allowed some crap to slither it’s way inside of my brain and I began to worry. And worry, we all know leads to stress. Alas, a headache was born. You know what I just realized today? I wasn’t trusting in God those days; I didn’t keep telling myself that things were happening for a reason. I was trying to control every aspect of my life. Wow, if you think about it, trying to take responsibility for controlling your own life, that’s liable to give anyone a headache. Why not just turn it over to your Higher Power and let Him take care of you? **Sorry, preaching. Please don’t be offended. This is all stuff my brain is processing and it really helps for me to right it down. **
Stay with me, please. Anyway, I think I’m going to China. How’s that for a subject change, eh? Really I’m not changing the subject though. It’s all connected. God has really been tugging at my heart and “speaking” to me about being involved with our Missions group at church. So last Saturday I attended our 2005 Missions banquet to attain some information about it. I spoke to a woman named Sandy (I think that’s her name, my memory fails me sometimes…) and she is going to send me some information regarding the Missions trip and being on the committee. She said there is a spot open and she was really receptive to my curiosity. I told her what I just told you guys and she was really excited to hear what I had to say. I then spoke to Mark (the gentleman who first introduced me to the church three years ago) and he said he and his wife Cindy would help sponsor me. How wonderful is that?! I am so blessed for having Mark and Cindy come into my life. Not to mention having that church in my life. What a saving grace it has been. As for raising the money to get to China, I plan on typing up a letter and mailing it out to my family and friends. I’m also going to check with work to see about what they would do, if anything.
Many things to think about, but one thing is for certain. I will be going. I want to go and I will be going. How’s that for positive? |