Daven Mithras' LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Daven Mithras

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[15 Apr 2002|07:19am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Mandragora Scream - Night Mirror ]

pornolize.com, fucken funniest shit i read in a long time!!!

aardvarks? heehee

also, my journal has the pr0n treatment...

Bite me }:o[

[11 Apr 2002|04:27am]
[ mood | turnip ]
[ music | Within Temptation - Dark Wings ]

this is the funniest thing i've seen in a long time!!! )

Bite me }:o[

[11 Apr 2002|03:21am]
[ mood | penguin ]
[ music | Blade Fetish - Bicycle or Tilting at St Michael ]


fucken funny thing happened at work tonight

Craven (annoying twat, on another planet type person) started going "lala lalala lalalaaa etc..." in some weird voice outta nowhere, Rob was just looking at him as if to say "WTF?!?", i couldn't help but laugh, but then Craven thought i was laughing at him, encouraged him to do it further *sigh*

next thing we know he's singing "we're off to see the wizard.., and so on", and starts dancing around, Rob has the same expression on his face again, but next thing we see is Craven sat in a bucket of oil where he'd slipped up dancing like a twat, i cracked up, big time!!!

what a twat!!! LOL

]o:{ 1 Nibble | Bite me }:o[

[10 Apr 2002|04:22am]
[ mood | aardvark ]
[ music | David Bowie - Little Wonder ]

Comalynqua: I want a printer/scanner/copier all in one.
Davengoth: we're talking serious money there
Comalynqua: Yeah, I was touching them at Staples and people looked at me, and I waved.

that is sooo something i'd do hehe

tho, nothing can beat blowing a kiss to that d00d who was staring at me when i was gothed up at the petrol station *eg*

]o:{ 1 Nibble | Bite me }:o[

[07 Apr 2002|07:05pm]
[ mood | fuzzy ]
[ music | Akercocke - Horns of Baphomet ]


'tis actually as of tuesday just gone i've known Ellie 3 years

gawd, fucken christians and their dodgy 'holidays', changing every year!!!

seems i meet all me best friends in April or summit hehe

Bite me }:o[

[07 Apr 2002|06:57pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Akercocke - A Skin for Dancing In ]


'tis a year to the day that i first met Jenny!

Carls b/day piss-up, i nicked her hat for a month LOL

missed Carls drinks this year due to fucken work!!!

every birthday since i been there has fallen on a saturday i gotta work, this sux0r!!!

almost 3 years to the day since i first met Ellie, maccy d's easter sunday 1999, freaky homeless people, speeches on atheism, and pigeon hunting, heeheeheehee

Bite me }:o[

More Coma-Quote's(tm) [07 Apr 2002|02:35am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | KMFDM - Waste ]

Comalynqua: I swore more times in this conversation than I have before while talking to you.
Davengoth: fucken bloody 'ell
Davengoth: fuck cunt bollocks piss arse flaps
Davengoth: fish bollocks orange
Davengoth: jay leno
Comalynqua: Exactly.......orange?
Comalynqua: and Karl Sanders
Comalynqua: My stupid IM box is too low on my screen, I want it higher and it won't listen to me. I can't see the banana unless I maximize the box.
Davengoth: dance nana dance nana dance nana

i love our little conversations!!!

Bite me }:o[

[04 Apr 2002|01:51am]
[ mood | squid ]
[ music | Anorexia Nervousa - Enter the Church of Fornication ]

survey in me email from Jenny *waves* )

]o:{ 2 Nibbles | Bite me }:o[

[03 Apr 2002|02:45am]
[ mood | spork ]
[ music | Mandragora Scream - Fairy Tales from Hell's Cave ]

Ellie, i was talking along to yer voicemail msg, when yew were there "riiiight" i was saying "uh huh" or "right" or whatever LOL

i'll call yew quick sometime tomorrow, got something funny to tell yew

]o:{ 1 Nibble | Bite me }:o[

[02 Apr 2002|04:58am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Velvet Acid Christ - Suicide Planet ]

COMA says:
*shrugs* I have nectarines in my fridge.
COMA says:
MMM...floor candy
COMA says:
I wish I were a cat


COMA says:
Hey, if you were a small kitchen appliance- what would you be?
Daven Mithras says:
hand-held mixer
COMA says:
I'd be a salad shooter
COMA says:
I asked my friend Pat this question and he said he'd be a blender
COMA says:
This would make a fun survey question



she rules

Bite me }:o[

[29 Mar 2002|02:58am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Mandragora Scream - Fairy Tales from Hell's Cave ]

working alone tomorrow


i is frighted

Bite me }:o[

[27 Mar 2002|04:34pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Rammstein - Sonne ]

Ellie i miss yew!!! *sob*

]o:{ 2 Nibbles | Bite me }:o[

[27 Mar 2002|02:51pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Corpus Delicti - Twilight ]


I added Corpus Delicti to net.goth's music database!

lookee here

Bite me }:o[

[24 Mar 2002|07:12pm]
[ mood | aardvark ]
[ music | Rammstein - Speilhur ]

*welcomes hayfever*

oh yey! months more sneezing and sore eyes!

]o:{ 8 Nibbles | Bite me }:o[

[24 Mar 2002|06:57pm]
[ mood | surreal ]
[ music | Wumpscut - Black Death ]

i just found a noodle amongst my underwear

Bite me }:o[

[22 Mar 2002|04:08am]
[ mood | tuna ]
[ music | The Missing - Justice ]

COMA says:
heh heh- I touched the light in the living room and it brunt out- I'm magic
COMA says:
EEH! Frightened......45 year old man just asked me if I liked to kiss.
COMA says:
I wouldn't have been traumatized if it hadn't been like this: I like cats, big cats. What are your cats names? Do they go outside? Do you like kissing. What the hell was that
COMA says:
Anyway, I have Dr.Pepper
Daven Mithras says:
yew rule
COMA says:
Dr.Pepper and orange juice isn't good though
Daven Mithras says:
COMA says:
I was experimenting
Daven Mithras says:
coke and OJ is kewl
Daven Mithras says:
but who wants coke when there's DP?
COMA says:
COMA says:
Now, where is my feather boa when I need it??
Daven Mithras says:
COMA says:
It could be
Daven Mithras says:
COMA says:
Except if you're Rick Flair, the wrestler- then it's not

Bite me }:o[

[21 Mar 2002|11:36pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Apoptygma Berzerk - Eclipse ]

What kind of drunk are you?

i don't puke tho damnit!!!

Bite me }:o[

just had a thought... [15 Mar 2002|05:56am]
[ mood | tired ]

taking the "national day"'s and marketing cards for them

"Happy Yeast Day!"

btw, i doubt it really is national yeast day, just an example, but if it were, i'd be pleased

Bite me }:o[

[15 Mar 2002|05:43am]
[ mood | horny ]

"Eagles may soar, but weasels do not get sucked into jet engines."

i likee

Bite me }:o[

[14 Mar 2002|03:38pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | Theatre des Vampires - Alter for the Black Mass ]


so last night, i drive on a motorway on my own for the first time, and find that my exit is closed, that's some scary shit, at night, with all the roadworks, got some info on where to go from my dad, and made it home ok, but, maaaan, that sucks, was some freaky shit!

there are roadworks everywhere here, the motorway, a busy avenue, another busy road, all 3 lead to about 50% of workplaces around here, i don't understand why they're doing them all at the same time!?!

do the motorway, then the avenue, i mean, they've gone this long without the works, surely it would make sense, cos now, everyone piles onto the alternatie routes or the motorway, and the idiocy of drivers these days means often an accident, and the motorway being stopped for a length of time

*rant over*

Bite me }:o[

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