Life According to Duane

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10th February 2005

10:17pm: Well...
Well, I didn't go to the Gaslamp tonight. It started raining and I need to take care of myself.

Mr Moneybags stopped by, but I didn't convince him to go. I could have talked Miss Clairevoyent into going, but the rain might short out her wheelchair. I could have just climbed on the back and went.

It really comes down to the fact that my feet aren't in great shape. Not being able to walk in the morning sucks. I really wanted to go, dammit! The rain's still coming down and the sirens are going off and it's almost 10:30 PM.

I do feel a little better, though. But I'm pissed that I didn't go!

I think I'm going to wrap my feet up in something tonight. I'm tired of this crap!
2:59pm: New Military Marching Cadence...

New military marching cadence:

buzzing bumblebee


in hell are the WMD?


is where we're battling


in hell is Bin Laden?




...excerpt from a dream I had last night.



2:43pm: Ebeneezer




1:41pm: Recouperating
Last night, I decided to take the rest of the week off to recouperate. I made tacos and went to bed. I took two of the prescription benadryll. Bad mistake. It woke me up with the weirdest feeling. I had to keep streaching every 45 seconds or so and my skin was crawling. It sucked! It kept me up for a while. I was finally able to relax and go to sleep an hour or so later.

This morning I slept in until about 9:40 PM, when a customer called. He had some neon for me to make, but I told him of my circumstances and he understood. He doesn't need it until next week. I got up out of bed and hobbled into the bathroom to pee. I noticed that my left foot was bleeding again, so I peed and went straight into the tub to soak for an hour. While I was in the tub, another customer called and had some more neon for me to make. It figures: I take time off to heal and business comes in. He sounded a little disappointed, but oh well. While I was in the tub, I noticed that my rash is disappearing. I guess something's working.

After I got out of the tub, I got dressed and poked my head outside. It was almost noon. It was just starting to rain. I was planning on going up to the shop, but didn't think it wise, with my alternator not working. I'll just have to go up Saturday, or something...

Depending on the weather and how my feet are, I may go down to the Gaslamp tonight. [info]gigglecam is exhibiting her photgraphic art at a club down there tonight. I really want to go. We'll see what happens.

9th February 2005

8:06pm: My hands and feet hurt all day long. After I was finished charging up my van, I went and filled up the left rear tire. It has a slow leak. Then I went and got a carton of cigarettes. Then, I came back and loaded Miss Clairevoyent up and headed off to the pharmacy. They filled my prescription in 5 minutes. The prednisone is a 4,3,2,1 deal. Start me off strong and taper off. then, I headed over to Miss Easy listening's. Mr Sports Nut unloaded the van for me and I took my first dose of prednisone. I'm not going to take the benadryll until tonight. I finally got out of there sometime after 1 PM. I got to the shop at about 2 and plugged in the van. then I started working on the ancient Pabst Blue Ribbon beer sign. I got it fixed and back together, but it decided to crack when the customer was on his way over. Old glass sometimes gets brittle. When the guy got there, I explained and he was understanding. We traded medical stories and I gave him a short tour of the neon shop and a brief education on the theory behind neon. I left immediately after he did. I was disappointed when I got to the mailbox: Only one IHSS check. I was planning on taking the rest of the week off to recouperate. Now I have to go back up there again. Maybe I'll try to work on some neon art while I'm up there. I don't want to go up there Friday, because it's supposed to rain. Regardless, I have to wait for my van to charge. You'd think I was driving an electric car. On the way home, I cashed the one check and bought some ground beef and beer, stopped and got Miss Clairevoyent and the laundry and went home. Mr Moneybags wasn't here, for once. Mr Chinaman called and we talked about the homeless situation around here. He told me that Halibut Rodeo got picked up for a syringe. Great! (sarcastically) Now I know he slams. It explains a lot. I haven't seen much homeless around here. Perhaps my tipoff to APS did something. I've heard that all the tweakers upstairs are paranoid. Good and good riddance! It's been nice and quiet. Just what I need.

I'm doing laundry now. I think Mr Sports Nut broke Miss Easy listening's washer. I think he overloaded it. He's such a retard. Guess who'll probably be fixing it, when he feels better. Yep. Probably me. It's probably the belt. It might be the timer, though. We'll see. at least it didn't piss all over the house, like a couple of other washers I know. I've had more than my share of floods.
10:13am: Not a whole lot happened when I got home last night. Mr Moneybags was here. I think he's seroius about moving. His Mom and her husband aren't getting along and she took off for a few days. After Mr Moneybags left, Mr Surf Dude stopped by with a couple of beers. We talked for a while and checked out the satellite maps. We might get some rain in a couple of days. He didn't stay long. I made some tacos and went to bed.

It's been extemely painful to get up in the morning. I've been having to soak in the tub so that I can walk. The same with my hands. I need to go up to the shop today, even though I don't feel like it. A customer wants their beer sign fixed. I'm also dropping off Miss Clairevoyent and the laundry over at Miss Easy Listening's house. Somewhere in there, I need to fill my prescriptions. Right now, I'm charging up my van, so it will make the trip. I wish I could just stay home and recouperate.

8th February 2005

6:19pm: I stayed home today. I went to the doctors. She brought in another doctor. They took a culture, gave me a hydrocortisone shot, took a blood sample and gave me a prescription for benadryll and prednisone. I had to leave without filling the prescription, because it was getting dark and my alternator's out again and I can't drive after dark. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

6th February 2005

8:24pm: I'm calling it a night
I'm calling it a night.


7:10pm: Calvin





















6:05pm: Superbowl



Not watching the
Superbowl this year.

I just don't feel
like it!










I am the great Cornholio!

I need TP

for my Bung hole.


yeah, yeah! 

me too!

I have no bung hole!

4th February 2005

12:09pm: Day Off

took the day off

for me.

I slept
in until

I woke

I actually
took a bath.

I haven't
done that

in a
long time.

My skin's
all screwed up

the shingles,

or whatever.

I just
let the phone

go to
voice message.

I feel
better now.

I plugged
in my van

to charge
the battery.

I will go pay 

a couple
of bills

at the
check cashing place.

another beautiful

Ana day.

I actually

a breakfast

I should


the 3:30

traffic hell starts.


©2005 Duane Finley Artist

3rd February 2005

5:50pm: I felt horrible all day. My hands hurt. My skin hurt. I was getting the chills. I was having difficulty doing common tasks. I didn't get to the shop until noon. I only did a couple of repairs and then I left. I stopped at the 99 cent store and bought a bunch of food and shampoo. When I got home, I discovered that they put someone else's stuff in with mine. It was a few candy bars and some green bell peppers. Mr Moneybags was here when I got home. I'm tired.
9:21am: Slow Motion
I'm moving in ultra slow motion today. I had a hard time getting up. Drinking coffee. Wishing I could just go back to bed.

2nd February 2005

5:49pm: Yeah, it's been a day alright. I got the van loaded up with all of the stuff and Miss Clairevoyent and rushed up to Miss Easy listening's house. There was a truck blocking the driveway, so I had to drive up over the curb. Then, I hurredly unloaded the van. Then, I fixed Miss Easy Listening's cell phone. She had dropped it and run over it with her wheel chair. The battery was in wrong and the simm chip waqs out of place. I put it back together and it worked fine. I didn't get up to the shop until 10:30 AM and worked straight through the day without lunch. A client came by to pick up a repair job, just as I was finished. I stopped by the store and got stuff for tacos. I stoppeb by 7-11 and got gas and something to eat. I finally ate breakfast a little after 4:00 PM. It was a bag of Lays potato chips and a Yoohoo. Yep, healthfood. I rushed back to San Diego and hit some traffic in Encinitas. When I got over to Miss Easy Listening's house, I stayed just long enough to load up the laundry and Miss Clairevoyent and headed home. I got home just as it was getting dark. I took the trash cans in. The landlord was here. He confirned that he was evicting 3 tenents.

Mr Moneybags and Miss housebound are here now.

I think it's time to relax now. Yes, it's Miller time.
8:48am: Yesterday, I almost accomplished what I wanted to do, but not quite. I developed a new way to make neon stars that look cleaner and not so much lik Patrick off of Sponge Bob. But, as I got them on the manifold, I discovered that I had, once again, mixed glass. A piece of white phosphor glass was mixed in with the blue phosphor glass. A repercussion of an earlier fiasco. So I called the client and went home. It was a quiet evening, for once. The only one that came by was Mr Moneybags. I gave Miss Flasher a bunch of garlic and found out that she had recieved a 60 day notice to move. So, things are changing around here. I cooked up some super garlicy hamburger, watched a little bit of Waterworld and went to sleep.

I wanted to get up early today, but it didn't happen. I have to give Miss Clairevoyent a ride over to Miss Easy listgenings house, along with the laundry and a wheelchair and some drawers. Halibut Rodeo brought by the wheelchair yesterday, before I got home. It was only $55. Miss Easy Listening has to turn in her old manual wheel chair, since it is rented. She needed another one, because her Hoveround isn't practical for all applications, since not everyone has a lift on their vehicle, including me.

1st February 2005

I am nerdier than 87% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
8:03am: Scorpio
Oct 23 - Nov 21 You may not realize it when you open your eyes this morning, but you're a loaded cannon on the deck -- and heaven help anyone who decides it might be fun to test you.
8:00am: Yesterday, I slept in until 8 AM. I really didn't feel like getting up. the weather was clear and beautiful. My battery was running low and I barely made it to the shop. I had forgotten to charge it up the night before. It was kind of a stressful drive. Even though the weather was nice, I was getting the chills all day long. Especially, when I went into the shop. My skin's not working right with the shingles. I sat out in the sun for probably an hour. That was nice, but I had to put a long sleeved shirt on to go inside. I worked on some repairs, but the going was slow. I didn't really get that much done, plus there were a lot of interruptions. I plugged in my van as soon as I got there. I paid back the hundred that I borrowed off Mr VW. I left a little early, because I needed to pay the shop electric bill. I was a little worried about the battery, but it was fine on the way home. No traffic. Just a nice drive, down the 5, on a beautiful, Santa Ana day.

When I got home, Mr Moneybags was here. He bought us dinner at Nico's taco shop. I had a carne asada burrito. I only eat half of those things. The rest will probably be lunch. I call them "mexican sleeping pills", because if you eat a whole one, it's nap time. I got on the computer and I had 91, count them, ninety-one emails. Most of them were tech support requests for Live Journal. I think they might still be recovering from the great Live Journal power outage of 2005. I sample through them. Most of them were dumb and someone else had taken care of them. Mr Surf Dude stopped by. He was stoked. He wasn't able to go to some hollywood shindig on his birthday a few days ago, because his girlfriend's birthday is the same day. So, his friends up there sent him an autographed CD and autographed photographs by one of the major guitar gods up there that he'd met on an earlier visit in The Rainbow Room. He was real happy about that.

Later, Mr Fisherman stopped by and started telling stories about his adventures on the ocean. He almost died in a boating accident. He said that the boat had developed a hole and started sinking. He did everything he could to pump the water out, but it was futile. The boat sank off the coast of San Francisco. The skipper and him were in the water for 12 hours before the Coast Guard picked them up. He said that he was afraid that he'd become part of the food chain, because there were a lot of sharks out there. He went on to tell another story about Alaskan king crab fishing and that he had a picture of of him with a 180 something pound Alaskan king on his head and the legs reached to the deck. He also talked of how they used to stack them up like poker chips, in long rows, along the rail, corraled by a net. He said that you could tell the dead ones, because the red LEDs in there eyes would go out. So, they would toss those overboard. Then, he started telling us about Alskan halibut fishing. These halibut are huge! I've seen pictures of them. Anyway, he said that when they got bored, they would put a couple of big hooks in these halibut and a coconut welcome mat on top of them and ride them across the deck; Like a bucking bronco. He said that they would have to be careful, because if they got their foot under one, it would be broken. One deckhand got his ankle busted and the Captain put and end to the "Halibut Rodeo", because he coudn't afford to lose another hand. I'm telling you: The stories were worth the two beers I gave him. I've changed Mr Fisherman's name to "Halibut Rodeo" from now on.

Mr Surf Dude had a couple of fishing stories of his own: He's from the east coast and his Dad had his own boat. He told a story about catching a thousand pound bluefin tuna, that took all day to reel in. He also talked about a 400 pound yellowfin tuna they caught. He told another one about fishing in shipwreck alley, or something like that. He said that they were fishing along and the heard, "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM". Aparently, he found out that it was these Mafia guys out there. They'd get a fish on the line and then shoot the fish, repeatedly, just so it wouldn't get away... Fishing: Mafia style.

Y'know, sometimes there's nothing like sitting around the warm glow of my computer monitor, listening to tall fishing tales, by Halibut Rodeo and Mr Surf Dude. I wanted to get to sleep early, but they didn't leave until 11. It was well worth it.

I got up early today, at 5:30 AM. I plugged in my van, so it will make it up to the shop. I have to go by and pick up the drawers from Miss Housebound's, boyfriend's, parent's house and take them up to Miss Easy Listenings house for Mr Sports Nut.

31st January 2005

10:35pm: Halibut Rodeo
I just heard a story tonight. It was about the Halibut Rodeo. It was about how fishermen used to entertain themselves with large halibut on the deck: Put hooks in them and ride 'em.

I'm gonna let this sink in a little while, but "Mr Fisherman's" name has changed to "Halibut Rodeo", forevermore!




30th January 2005

9:02pm: G'night
G'night everyone! Tomorrow's Monday!

Weeeeee doggy!

24th January 2005

7:19pm: Thank you for ordering Domino's Pizza with QuikOrder!
Your order information is as follows:

Order For :Domino's Pizza
Date/Time :Jan 24, 2005 at 07:17PM
Type of Order :Delivery
Order Total :$17.78
Estimated Time :Between 20 and 40 minutes.
Store Phone # :(619) 296-2220
Store Location :5265 LINDA VISTA RD in SAN DIEGO

First Pizza: Med Deep Dish
Ingredients: Whole Pizza :Pepperoni

Second Pizza: Med Deep Dish
Ingredients: Whole Pizza :Sausage

Third Pizza: Med Deep Dish
Ingredients: Whole Pizza :Breakfast Bacon

Side Items/Drinks:


If you need to make any corrections or changes to your order, please call the
store directly. Please note that the 'Estimated time' listed above is an
automatically generated approximation of when your order may be ready. If you
require a more exact estimate of when your order will be ready we recommend that
you call the store directly.

Thank you again using Internet ordering.

(C) Copyright 1997-2005 QuikOrder, Inc. - All Rights Reserved

20th January 2005

10:10pm: No
A protest... )
12:37pm: Not Good
Not a good start to the day. I had to go pay last months the shop rent with cash, because Poncho Villa wrote a bad check. This year's not starting out too well. I brought Mr Fisherman with me up to the shop. Waiting for a delivery. I got $16 in my wallet and ten goes in the tank. I hoping I don't have to borrow money off Mr VW. The worst part is Mr War somehow got a second term in office.

Well, at least the weather's nice. I think I'll go check out the ten foot waves.
8:13am: A homeless dude came by last night. I'm gonna call him Mr Fisherman. He was living up at Miss Flashers apartment for a little while. I gave him a couple of beers. I'm going to give him a ride to Oceanside this morning. I scanned an old picture for him. Miss Ritz showed up. She wanted to stay the night, because she has a job interview close to here in the morning. We had a conference and decided to let her stay. She kept me up a while, yakking. At least she's a little more coherent now. She left early this morning.

I'm drinking coffee, getting ready to leave. Miss Easy Listening's supposed to get her Hoveround electric wheel chair today. Miss Clairevoyent is going to drive her hoveround up there, while Mr Sports Nut walks. I guess they're going to go terrorize Clairemont Square.

Well, I need to get going...

19th January 2005

10:20pm: What Greek God am I?

?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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