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User: [info]battie42
Name: Shanna
Website: deviantART
Back February 2005
Nothing in Particular
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Dude... if anyone's looking for a good war story with underdog heroes and lots of action, find a Bible with the Apocrypha and read Maccabees. Seriously. It doesn't even read in dry Old Testament style. I could see it published as a novel.

On a more practical side, it gives a really helpful background to what was going on in Jesus' times.

Why weren't these two books included in the Bible?

Current Mood: impressed

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We interrupt our regularly scheduled program (All Static, All the Time), to say:

Happy Birthday, Lost Dragon!

You've been a wonderful friend. Hope you had a great day!

Current Mood: party!

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Mmkay. So it is snowing. Maybe it is a good thing I left early. To everyone else who needs to travel this weekend: Keep safe.

Current Mood: cold

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Shoot. My Dad wants me to leave as early as 3 to beat the storm. Those weathermen had better be right about this. This is my last chance to be at home and not have to worry about anything for the rest of the school year, and I have to pack up early.

If all hell doesn't break loose in the skies as soon as I reach campus I'm going to be angry.

Current Mood: disappointed

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I need to write more...
I'm home for a few days for J-Term break. The month really flew by. My illustration class was good. The teacher was a guest at our school; he actually makes his entire living off illustration so he had a lot of practical knowledge to share with us. It was also enjoyable because he was a generally cool guy. Some of the processes we used felt very unusual to me, but I learned a lot about Photoshop and illustration. I didn't make anything I was especially pleased with, but I might post some of it anyway once I figure out why Samba stopped letting me into my own folder outside the lab.

My supervisor is taking on a different workload this semester and doesn't need me any more. I've been transferred to the person who'll be taking over. I've only had a few disorganized days under this new system, but it appears that I'll be reporting to one building, finding out what needs to be done, running to the building where the actual work is, doing the job, running back to the building where my supervisor is, getting the next task, running back to the other building, etc. I'll be getting lots of exercise...

The real semester starts Monday. I just realized that I have no idea what my schedule is, and I barely remember which classes I'm taking. I hope it's not as stressful as my last spring semester is. I don't have any art classes this term, either. I'm beginning to think that I need that.

If break weren't short enough early, my parents might be kicking me out a day early. There's a storm moving in and they're worried that the roads will be to messed up for me to drive on Sunday. I know it's the only choice, but I really wish I could be home longer...

Current Mood: hungry

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This is terribly sad. I know we can rebuild, but to lose so much history in art is tragic.

Current Mood: sad

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OMG American Idol is starting RIGHT NOW!!!

Current Mood: excited

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Here's a little ego boost:


I am 87% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

87% are cooler,
2% scored the same, and
11% are more of a loser than you.

What does this mean?

You are a loser baby, there are only a few who out-lose you!



Current Mood: amused

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Apparently I have acute bronchitis. I was sent to the ER to find that out. Still made it back for the last half hour of class.

A coma would be nice right about now...

Current Mood: crappy

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I went to bed last night thinking that the tickle in my chest was just caused by some chemical I'd breathed in the art room, since that happens to me often, but I woke up feeling achy and my chest really hurts. I can have any down time this month, because missing even one day during J-term is like missing a week in the regular semester.

Does anyone know something I could take that will get me over this quick but won't act like a tranquilizer? I've never found an effective cold/flu medicine that doesn't knock me out in the process.


Current Mood: sick