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Below is user information for grep_me chmod_me chown_me. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:chown_me (462757) Paid User chown_me
Just One More Hand-Me Down
They Still Can't Erase You
Name:grep_me chmod_me chown_me
Location:Knightdale, North Carolina, United States
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status chown_me (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I am:

  • Caretaker of rabbits Squirrel, Lita, and Shelby, as well as Toro, the pygmy goat.
  • A weird, mixed-up combination of submissive and fiancé to my Master.
  • Struggling in a poly relationship, because although I can clearly see how these things work in theory, putting them into practice is difficult.
  • A FTM transexual at the beginning of a long journey.
  • A degree-less, but not uneducated, web designer/tech writer slaving in a government job.

Memories:441 entries
Interests:125: 80s music, absolution, academia, accessibility, affection, alternative lifestyles, androgyny, angst, ap style, aquariums, atonement, b5, bdsm, beavers, billiards, bisexual, blue, boxer briefs, bpd, bus, candy at twin peeks, challenges, commas, computers, crossword puzzles, depression, dilbert, dominance, drag, dreams, dying, editing, escher, everclear, fanfic, fountains, free-thinking, ftm, grammar, greg the bunny, hermit crabs, html, humor, hyphens, illusions, improv, individuality, intimacy, intj, linux, logic, mafia, matchbox 20, meatloaf, mh, mongolian barbeque, monty python, movies, music, ncsu, neopets, npr, osc, pain, perl, pessimism, pico, pisces, poly, proofreading, punctuation, punishment, puns, questions, rabbits, rain, raleigh, randleman, reciprocity, redemption, regexp, religious society of friends, renaissance faires, rhps, robin williams, rtp, rum and coke, sarcasm, scars, scw, self-exploration, self-injury, si, six degrees of separation, sleeping, soccer, solitude, spelling, state employees, state of north carolina, strayer university, submission, sweet tea, swords, technical writing, technology, tg, the onion, thomas the tank engine, thunderstorms, tolerance, topiary, transgender, triangle, uniqueness, usability, vi, waffle house, water, web design, whale watching, wit, writing, wwe, wwf. [Modify yours]
People68:alejandromagno, amokk, anne, auryn29a, azurelunatic, being_homeless, bhbjay, biker_boi_dhane, boideven, bryce716, bugbytes, carrie, chown_me, cruisingforsex, danielray, darkeros, digitalis, dndcrc, doctre, drmellow, elgorgo, emarkienna, f00f, froggyboinc, ftmichael, gene_home, grail76, greck, griffen, hachiman, hippierage, iroshi, jay, kosseferal, ladyfirebird, lamaannalove, lazzftm, legalmoose, lemonmerchant, lostjonas, mattblakk, meep, merovingian, mostlyhere, mystrys, naqerj, ottercat, queerpiercer, redwitch, ribald_faggot, richardevanslee, riotdrake, robkaiote, shadesong, simon44, sine, sonofpan, sonria, supremegoddess1, theashifaction, thedemonnemo, trickymartin, truthbetold, tyche, tyrian, voltbang, whtdiamond, zanna_voodoo
Communities72:_ftm_, abovetopsecret, adult_students, backtocollege, bdsm_poly, birls, bunnydirect, bunnyowners, bus_unites, comm_news, craftgrrl, crafty_gifts, dyed, featureannounce, ftm, ftm_undressed, ftm_vanity, ftmstudents, genderqueer, geocaching, glamourbombs, gmail_invite, goat_owners, grammar_whores, grammarpolice, hedwigwhores, homestar_runner, inside_my_room, kith_and_kin, lagomorphic, leatherftms, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_style, ljbus, nc_for_peace, nc_freaks, nccrafts, news, newtrans, north_carolina, note_to_self, paidmembers, partners_of_tg, poly_talk, polyamory, polygender_ppl, pretty_bois, puns, queer_ftm, rabbiteering, rabbitowners, raleigh_tales, rateyourbun, rtp_goth, safespace, saucydwellings, smallfurries, soffas_of_tg, song_and_yendi, submissiveblog, the_hutch, thetwire, trannyfags, transgender, transletters, transphoto, triangleites, trianglejobs, unitarians, vanuatu, wrongbathroom
Feeds7:comic_getfuzzy, dilbert_feed, gender_studies, hippiepics, homestar_rss, shadesong_blog, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:44: amokk, auryn29a, bhbjay, biker_boi_dhane, boideven, bryce716, bugbytes, carrie, chown_me, cruisingforsex, darkeros, digitalis, drmellow, elgorgo, emarkienna, f00f, froggyboinc, gene_home, griffen, hippierage, iroshi, kosseferal, lazzftm, lemonmerchant, lostjonas, mattblakk, meep, merovingian, mostlyhere, ottercat, queerpiercer, ribald_faggot, shadesong, simon44, sine, sonofpan, sonria, supremegoddess1, theashifaction, thedemonnemo, trickymartin, tyche, voltbang, whtdiamond
Also Friend of:11: bookwitch, dante, dyanearden, el_gorgo, endersjewel, hislittleone, hopeling, mukei, stfu_fatty, timtad, trikyviky
Member of:23: bunnyowners, craftgrrl, ftm, ftmstudents, goat_owners, grammar_whores, grammarpolice, neopetcommunity, newtrans, note_to_self, paidmembers, polygender_ppl, queer_ftm, rabbitowners, rateyourbun, rtp_goth, smallfurries, thetwire, trannyfags, transphoto, triangleites, trianglejobs, vanuatu
Account type:Paid Account

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