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Below is user information for The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:ciannait (30838) Paid User ciannait
Name:The Divine Institute of Metaphysical Research
Location:Mountain View, California, United States
Bio:This is my journal, which is mostly friends-only. I have my own ideas and opinions, which may not match up with yours.

I do not add everyone back who adds me. I tend to prefer journals that have a minimum of quizzes and memes, and instead present actual thoughts from the author. You may add me without needing to get permission. You may also de-friend me at any point. This isn't a popularity contest, instead, this is where I put my thoughts - sometimes sweet, sometimes ugly.

I am not a very nice person. I am a firm believer in being self-sufficient. I like my cats better than I like most people.

I am an unabashed bleeding-heart liberal. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I do expect you to remain civil if the subject of politics comes up. Debate is welcome, but flamewars will get you banned.

I'm also militantly child-free, and I think that society puts too much emphasis on people who have children - as if being able to fit Tab A into Slot B is some big accomplishment. Be a parent, not a breeder.

So if you like what I have to say - great. If not, that's fine too.

Memories:94 entries
Pictures:5 public
Interests:137: a cappella, alternative music, anime, apple, astronomy, band, bass clarinet, bass clarinets, being geeky, bodhran, bodhrans, books, buddhism, canada, cars, cats, celtic art, celtic knotwork, celtic music, celtic mythology, chick rock, childfree, chocolate, choir, choral music, clarinets, computer games, computers, conversations, costume dramas, current events, doumbeks, down comforters, dreams, driving, egypt, electronica, enterprise 10000, escaflowne, fog, folk music, food, gaelic, geek boys, geekiness, get fuzzy, greek food, guitar, hardwood floors, hildegard von bingen, history, hp-ux, humor, imacs, indian food, indie music, intelligence, ireland, irish history, irish music, java city, johnny the homicidal maniac, journals, kanuns, lake tahoe, learning, love, macs, margaritas, medieval choral music, medieval history, medieval music, middle eastern culture, middle eastern dance, middle eastern music, minnesota, mmorpgs, mountains, mp3s, music, neal stephenson, neil gaiman, netscape, ouds, paganism, pagans, penny arcade, philosophy, piercings, playstation2, powerbooks, psychology, qanuns, rain, recorders, redwood forests, sarcasm, sca, science, seattle, sgi, singing, sirius, sirius satellite radio, sleep, solaris, sparc, sun microsystems, systems administration, tai chi, tattoos, tcsh, techno, technopop, the celts, the ocean, tiger balm, titanium, tivo, toyota, trek, unix, veritas, vhemt, vi, victorian houses, vocal music, vxfs, vxvm, whimsy, wilderness, wine, world music, world of warcraft, world religions, writing, xbox. [Modify yours]
People196:abiku, aedifica, aerine, albanach, alildragonlover, allisd17, almjbs, alparrott, andreamarie, anewbeginning04, angelgirl_jill, ardaniel, ariedana, babytarango, blky, blonderoots, blueingenue, blueroo, bodyimperfect, botia, braufrau, briaravenwood, briathian, britpoppa, bronc, brun_fid, burgundy, camille, canuckgirl, canyoncat, cbongo, charlottesmtms, chiisaihito, chrysus, ciannait, coldnight, collisions, corvar, cryo, dafydd, dangerdean, dannyobrien, darkmare, darkmattr, dasubergeek, davebooth, davidkevin, daweaver, dellaran, demariana, demona22, deyo, digitalutopia, dirtyh0, divinedalliance, dotgirl, dreamingcrow, dubhain, duckyass, ediva, enraptured_, erratic0101, fanless, farmleaf, florindo, fosterbass, foxmagic, freakyferret, fufukitty, gawaine, gegenschein, goldengrrl, gordona, grahamwest, gravitee, gruevy, gruuk, gryphonwing, gympumpkin, gynocide, haela, hobbitblue, humptyhump50, ibrad, iceblink, ijk, irishguy, ironox, itssarahyo, jarel, jarrett, jeniviolet, jesslla, jgurney, jloopy, joyce, just_joolie, k1tcat, kaersinein, kaleidoscopeeye, kensey, khanfused, kshandra, lala, laruth, latitude11, laughingtiger, lethebasii, littlone, madameblue, malus, marnanel, maus, medancer, meredith, merovingian, midendian, misslavinia, mlion, mls, mnfiddledragon, monkeysdad, mortaine, mousesjc, mousetrout, moviemandan, muruch, mw, mystree, n3m3sis42, narenek, neutrino, nightbear, nightwisp, paleblueeyes24, pandora270, percible, photolover, pikajew, piroshki, pling, posthaste, ratbastrd, ravan, redsonja, remotesensing, riot_grrl, rr, rugle, saintrigger, samidha, sams, sandboxdiva, sarahh, sausage_boy, schpootzie, sciurism, scritchscratch, seadawg, seaofsilence, seasoulsky, selkie_b, shadowcat48li, shaggy, shycomputerguy, sillz_, spiritrover, spooble, stormcrowley, stronae, sunfair, sunjoy, sunyata__, tangledup, tarzxf, tfcocs, the_misha, tiggrrl, trick, trillian42, tskeeley, tupawkus, twistedlogic, vix, voodoolimbo, vurtsnake, vyxn, waggish, welshmaidn, wordweaverlynn, xinit, yansa, yellzer, zannechaos, zebulingod, ziemkowski
Communities21:antibride, baaaaabyanimals, cats_with_claws, cf_hardcore, cf_health, cf_pets, club_ww, kittypix, lema_en_estela, liberalvalues, lj_maintenance, mortaine_fit, mountain_view, news, paidmembers, sca, selfinthemirror, sensedefence, shelter_babies, stupidpetowners, the_snark_cabal
Feeds3:alton_brown, kittenbreak, twolumps_feed
Friend of:211: abiku, aedifica, aerine, albanach, alildragonlover, allisd17, almjbs, alparrott, andreamarie, anewbeginning04, angelgirl_jill, ardaniel, ariedana, avatar_of_woe, babytarango, blky, blonderoots, blueingenue, blueroo, bodyimperfect, botia, braufrau, briaravenwood, briathian, bronc, browse, brun_fid, burgundy, camille, canuckgirl, canyoncat, capnstinkypants, cbongo, charlottesmtms, chezzie, chiisaihito, chrysus, ciannait, coldnight, collisions, corvar, cryo, dangerdean, dannyobrien, darkmare, darkmattr, dasubergeek, davebooth, davidkevin, daweaver, dellaran, demariana, demona22, deyo, digitalutopia, dirtyh0, divinedalliance, dotgirl, dreamingcrow, dubhain, duckyass, ediva, electricjuice, enraptured_, erratic0101, fanless, farmleaf, florindo, fosterbass, foxmagic, freakyferret, fufukitty, g_angel, gawaine, gegenschein, goldengrrl, gordona, grahamwest, gravitee, gruevy, gruuk, gryphonwing, gympumpkin, gynocide, haela, hobbitblue, humptyhump50, ibrad, iceblink, ifihadahifi, ijk, inchoatethought, irishguy, ironox, itssarahyo, jarel, jarrett, jeniviolet, jesslla, jgurney, jloopy, johan_sjoholm, joyce, just_joolie, k1tcat, kaleidoscopeeye, kensey, khanfused, klam, kshandra, lala, laruth, latitude11, laughingtiger, lethebasii, littlone, madameblue, malus, marnanel, maus, medancer, meredith, merovingian, midendian, misslavinia, mlion, mls, mnfiddledragon, monkeysdad, moonechilde, mortaine, mousesjc, mousetrout, moviemandan, muruch, mw, mystree, n3m3sis42, namshubwriter, narenek, neutrino, nightbear, nightwisp, obscurotron, orion73, paleblueeyes24, pandora270, percible, photolover, pikajew, ...
Member of:29: antibride, baaaaabyanimals, cats_with_claws, cf_hardcore, cf_health, cf_pets, childfree, club_ww, customers_suck, daoc, ijournal, kittypix, knitting, lema_en_estela, liberalvalues, lj_textmessage, macosx, mountain_view, pagan, paidmembers, razorlily, sca, selfinthemirror, sensedefence, shelter_babies, stupidpetowners, the_snark_cabal, weddingplans, ww_users
Account type:Permanent Account

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