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User:hugs (96634) Paid User hugs
Name:Hug Me
Website:The Realm of Hug
Location:atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status rmminusrslash (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 132833695 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status h4gm3 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:your basic computer geek with a journal.

read my web site, there is tons of info there.

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Memories:7 entries
Interests:53: acting, awk, beetle, bsd, bsdi, bug, bus, camping, chattacon, clubbing, computers, cooking, costumes, dancing, defcon, dragoncon, drama, dvds, engines, fair tax, fantasm, final fantasy, freckles, government, hugs, icecast, informix, jim henson, libritarian, linux, minux, movies, netbsd, openbsd, phreaknic, physics, picobsd, plays, playstation, ps2, rocky horror, sci fi, sed, sex, shell scripting, theater, theatre, unix, vi, volkswagons, windowmaker, xfree86, xinerama. [Modify yours]
People149:9jack9, afellowwaitress, alaskanwildfyre, aprillillian, arodnap, asbrand, asty, atomicnumber51, avaevangeline, bardiva, bexxxx, bludmewn, boardjockey, brun_fid, bunnbunn, callemone, candicide, chasinbutterfly, cheekykiki, christine9600, cloeigrrl, crayola511, cworeilly, danuv, danzfrk2005, darkermasks, darkfire007, darkfirewolfe, darkmoontrance, dawnmarie, dement1a, dementia, demonesque, devlin333, digitaldevil, dj_spider, dprescott, duality, dwivian, dystroyreality, elonka, elttobretaw, eternalredneck, evil_cunt, fierywings, fingerman, fings, flametodance, galenamoon, gamgee, genesis2600, ghettohaxor, girlvinyl, gothboi69, grahamwest, greenabina, greywolfe, grimreaper3248, grinoliere, guita, guppygrrl, gwinna, hdiandrew, heather_girl, irisdragonfly, jadedneon, janetgeorgia, kellinator, kf4vkp, kinkerbelle, kittenspeaks, kittymel, ladydagger2evil, ladyeorann, leliel, lisabelle, littlekatydid, lizlips, ljuvefreya, lovelylotus, madame_foo, madmexican, malficient, martinhesselius, maureenans, maxiez, meemeedarling, meganthefallen, mellie_dawn, melonaise, midniteblufaeri, milkmaidmolly, mistressbeauty, mistresslego, monkeypunk, morgan_wolf, mshathvri, muffintop, mythodical_xena, n9rozi, naesa, nausved, neeceemouse, newbiechicktech, nianei, nicker, of_the_myst, onewithspirit, oreithyia, ozgolith, peakaqq, photognome, poisongirl, princesslarry, ptere, purplehaze74, rattle1337, romper__stomper, rubberella, sassyslayerette, shar_katye, silverambz, southnbelle, spicada, spitfiren9, splunge, starphoenix, takaiji, tamara, tankfreak, techno__mage, tgrey, the_hueman, thegreyman, theronin, tiger66466, tk0667, ubermoai, valiskeogh, vampiresshippy, vichesse, vortex, wandergirl, weswilson, whymsical, wildeyes55, xavi7734, yakdog, zashababe
Communities7:asianmusicljs, atlanta, fantasm, freebsd_users, mad_scientist, portal_of_evil, secretroom
Friend of:244: 000100010001, 9jack9, ____prfctlj4evr, afellowwaitress, aggression, airdamien, akbuch, alaskanwildfyre, alisachan, alladinsane, altereddestiny, apocoloop, aprillillian, arodnap, asbrand, asty, atomicnumber51, bardiva, bexxxx, bitmap, blackstone14, blinkblink, blissful_kaos, bludmewn, blueburndown, boardjockey, brun_fid, bunnbunn, burnoutn9, callemone, candicide, caravankidd, cat23, chasinbutterfly, cheekykiki, cheshire8431, chirt, christhebrain, christine9600, cloeigrrl, crayola511, cworeilly, d3bbie, danuv, darkermasks, darkfire007, darkfirewolfe, darkmoontrance, dawnmarie, dement1a, demonesque, devlin333, digitaldevil, dj_spider, dovetail66, dprescott, dragansbane, duality, dwivian, dystroyreality, eclecta, element4l, elonka, elttobretaw, emerald_ives, enchantress87, eternalredneck, evathedefiler, everchild, evil_cunt, eviltenet, fahkingnut, faythivy, fingerman, fings, finxis, firelegend, flametodance, flyswatter, fritzling, gabigirl80, galenamoon, garybaldy, genesis_gaming, ghettohaxor, girlvinyl, gnomen9, gothboi69, grahamwest, green_gelfling, greenabina, greywolfe, grimreaper3248, grinoliere, grizzlydan, grrlplay, guita, gwinna, hdiandrew, heather_girl, hisbeauty, hopscotchn9, humanistdragon, idav5d, invsbl_monkey, ishboo, jadedneon, janetgeorgia, jeffx, john666, jps, kaosfox, kellinator, kf4vkp, kilroiakamike, kinkerbelle, kittenspeaks, kittymel, ladydagger2evil, ladyeorann, leahpet, leliel, lisabelle, littlekatydid, littlesebastien, lizlips, ljuvefreya, lokslyie, lotusflow, lovelylotus, lyonhawke, madame_foo, madmexican, malficient, martinhesselius, maxiez, mdsmaddog, meemeedarling, melonaise, mikenatlga, milkmaidmolly, mistressbeauty, mistresslego, monkeypunk, moonbird, morgan_wolf, mrsmut, mshathvri, muffintop, mymziey, ...
Member of:17: aircooledvws, atlanta, blueribbon, democracyrising, dragoncon, fantasm, fishponds, frecklynerds, freebsd_users, gearheads, ljatlanta, mad_scientist, n9cast, paidmembers, portal_of_evil, vintagevw, vwbuglovers
Account type:Paid Account

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