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User:triple_entendre (747367) Paid User triple_entendre
Things That Fell Out of My Head
He's a one-man bureaucracy
Name:Triple Entendre
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Location:Austin, Texas, United States
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status tripleentendre (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Like a double entendre, but with a soft fondant-creme center.

Catalyzing the Singularity since 1972.

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Memories:126 entries
Interests:150: abandoned buildings, absurdism, aikido, alamo drafthouse, anagrams, anime, asperger syndrome, attention deficit disorder, austin, automation, babylon 5, backrubs, bacon, björk, board games, books, buckaroo banzai, burning flipside, burning man, cadbury eggs, caffeine, card games, chaos theory, clubbing, cognitive science, cohousing, commodore 64s, communication, comp.risks, compersion, complexity, complexity theory, computer programming, computers, consciousness, cooperatives, counterculture, creating things, creme brulee, crossword puzzles, cuddling, cunning linguists, cyc, dancing, database design, daydreaming, dr. who, electronic music, environmentalism, erotica, exhibitionism, extropy, feminism, fire, flirting, forests, friendly arguments, garage sales, geek girls, google, goths, green tea, hedonism, hofstadter, homemade porn, hopeless romantics, hyperlexia, idealism, information theory, infp, intelligence, intensity, interfaces, internet, jung, keeping austin weird, kibology, kissing, knowledge management, life, linguistics, long conversations, love, lust, massages, memes, memetics, metaprogramming, multitasking, myers-briggs, myth, naps, neal stephenson, nethack, neuropharmacology, noam chomsky, ontology, outliners, passion, personality, philip k. dick, philosophy, poly, polyamory, pornography, problem solving, psychedelics, puns, quantum mechanics, reading, relational database model, remixes, research, roller skating, sarcasm, sci-fi, science, science fiction, scrabble, semiotics, sensuality, sex, singing in the shower, sleep deprivation, space ghost, spoonerisms, surrealism, sustainable living, symbolism, synchronicity, tao, tao te ching, taoism, techno, they might be giants, thinking, threesomes, thrift stores, thunderstorms, time, time travel, transhumanism, unitarian universalism, vi, wearable computing, wit, women, writing, zen, zendo. [Modify yours]
People140:6opou, _takeshi_, achild, adayinthelife, aeryn42, allea, ampere, anniela, askesis, asparagusp, aurifex, avice, bax, bealluc, belle_laide, bibendum, bigspot, blueeyedmaiden, bluelotusgrrl, bram, calamityjune, calicokitten, chefmonkey, chiaroscuro25, chickenmoon, chikimonki, chronicfreetime, cobaltviolet, cooperative, crasch, cuddlenoise, cypher386, dancegirljen, dangertim, daylightsavings, decalus01, deeptape, denshi, djeyeman, dmw, dollyllama, double00range, dragonflier, drjohn, duncang, elphie, emeraldmyst, emrecommends, ephemeral_ether, fionascastle, foolmonkey, fulguritus, furfybird, futurity, genepool23, gustavolacerda, humanitics, jenarael, jenmarie, kaiball, kevissimo, kukiri, ladystorm, lavendatrix, leporidae, libbyt, ljmatch, lockle, makesmesmiley, mangosur, markjasmine, marrilee, mary_austin, metacontext, mitya000, mmcirvin, moongoddess73, mrfang, neph13, nobodobodon, nosugarsadded, one_11, oneofthem, optimista, oriori1, paniolo99, papertygre, parakleta, post_pedestal, prema, psychocatblah, psyhop, psyntist, qeox, quag1, radium, sacredjourney, seasteading, sensedatum, serious_songs, sheenaqotj, shmivejournal, six_wax, slackananda, slobberpuppy, smileycynic, snobscure, solractwin, soupsoccermom, spacecatprime, spumoni, squeakbaby, status, strawberryspasm, superbestia, tanjent, taral, tarian, tatianastarr, tedleo, tequilanolime, terragram, terriblelynne, thedward, theonlyxeno, thomasrhymer, totalfantasy, triple_entendre, troyworks, ubiquity, unatone, uujenna, valkyriie, webnesto, winwin, woozydinki, xacat, xoxoxtc, yescorinna, zuleikhajami
Communities75:_infp_, abstractthought, adbusting, altporn, austhrifthunter, austin_erotic, austin_freaks, austinboardgame, austincommunity, austindeals, austineats, austinforsale, austingeeks, austinjobs, austinmusic, bad_advice, bayesnets, blog_sociology, burning_man, bwnudes, cogsci, compersion, culturejam, daily_tao, deepestsender, elysiumaustin, empaths, erotillectuals, ethical_sluts, fact_checking, featureannounce, found_objects, futuretech, girlsaware, grammargasm, grammarpolice, informatics, kibology, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_research, ljexplorers, love_boardgames, mad_scientist, metaquotes, mirror_me, mock_the_stupid, modestproposal, mojosdailygrind, mozilla, naustinlunchmob, news, onesentence, paidmembers, photochallenge, picture_austin, poly_talk, polyamory, ruby_lang, rural_ruin, santarchy, scrabbleplayers, scrabblers, sexmusic, share_the_music, show_your_pussy, singularity_now, suicideboys, the_quickening, trustmetrics, unitarians, urban_decay, welovegeeks
Feeds37:bbcnewsworld, calnhobbes, davebarrycolumn, dictionary_wotd, dilbert_feed, dinosaurtrainer, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, explodingdogrss, foxtrot_feed, homestar_rss, infow_columnist, infow_reviews, infow_techwatch, infoworld, iw_appdev, joelonsoftware, marvinnet, memepool, modrnwrld_comic, officezealot, pennyarcaderss, redmeat_rss, resource_shelf, sinfestfeed, slashdot, someposifeed, standardsappdev, theoldnewthing, theonionfeed, thestraightdope, tomorrowfeed, tripleent_furl, websearchguide, wilwheaton, wilwheaton2, wired_news
Mutual Friends:113: 6opou, achild, aeryn42, allea, ampere, anniela, askesis, aurifex, avice, bax, bealluc, belle_laide, bibendum, blueeyedmaiden, bram, calamityjune, calicokitten, chefmonkey, chiaroscuro25, chickenmoon, chronicfreetime, cobaltviolet, cuddlenoise, cypher386, dancegirljen, dangertim, daylightsavings, decalus01, deeptape, denshi, dmw, dollyllama, double00range, dragonflier, duncang, elphie, emeraldmyst, ephemeral_ether, fionascastle, foolmonkey, fulguritus, furfybird, futurity, genepool23, gustavolacerda, humanitics, jenarael, jenmarie, kaiball, kevissimo, kukiri, ladystorm, lavendatrix, leporidae, libbyt, lockle, makesmesmiley, markjasmine, marrilee, mary_austin, mitya000, moongoddess73, mrfang, nobodobodon, nosugarsadded, one_11, oneofthem, optimista, oriori1, paniolo99, papertygre, parakleta, post_pedestal, prema, psychocatblah, psyhop, psyntist, radium, sacredjourney, sheenaqotj, shmivejournal, slackananda, slobberpuppy, smileycynic, snobscure, solractwin, soupsoccermom, spumoni, squeakbaby, strawberryspasm, superbestia, tanjent, taral, tarian, tatianastarr, tequilanolime, terragram, terriblelynne, thedward, theonlyxeno, thomasrhymer, totalfantasy, triple_entendre, troyworks, ubiquity, unatone, valkyriie, webnesto, winwin, woozydinki, xacat, yescorinna, zuleikhajami
Also Friend of:12: aethyrflux, artistrue, fuzzmonster, indiskies, kai_, mostlikely2, praxes, renaissance_wmn, snaxxx, stickylatex, sunshine__girl, thinkwellian
Member of:44: _infp_, abstractthought, austhrifthunter, austin_freaks, austincommunity, austindeals, austingeeks, austinmusic, bayesnets, blog_sociology, cogsci, compersion, culturejam, daily_tao, deepestsender, elysiumaustin, empaths, erotillectuals, fact_checking, found_objects, gothic_babes, grammargasm, grammarpolice, kibology, lj_nifty, lj_research, love_boardgames, mad_scientist, mock_the_stupid, mojosdailygrind, mozilla, onesentence, paidmembers, polyamory, polyfi, scrabbleplayers, scrabblers, share_the_music, show_your_pussy, suicideboys, trustmetrics, unitarians, webdesign, welovegeeks
Account type:Paid Account

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