Below is user information for Wednesday White. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | weds (53909) |
| we are for the large shape the impact of the unequivocal |
Name: | Wednesday White |
Location: | Thames Valley, United Kingdom |
Birthdate: | 11-21 |
Bio: | Expatriate Canadian stuck in the wilds of Berkshire, surrounded by chavs. Prone to self-deprecation, procrastination, and jet lag. And if you're here to confirm any interesting suspicions, yep, I'm That Wednesday (where That corresponds to a number of things, but mostly those involving sarcasm or geekish pursuits).
I contribute to: comixpedia -- The weekly-and-then-some webcomic magazine receives low-key traffic most days, with article updates roughly once a week. As of the January 2005 issue, I'm an associate editor there. I have an article in about once a month, give or take. tcampbellsfblog -- Wai wai skiffy. Updated at least once daily by one of us, although lately it's been other people more than me. gema_weblog -- The continuing adventures of small, round, furry flying balls with upside-down faces. Updated in fits and starts.
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Memories: | 25 entries |
Pictures: | less than 10 public |
Interests: | 133: air farce, aleixa, alton brown, anime jump, anna maria tremonti, arale, arcee, as it happens, ashley macissac, baking, beef, bill mallonee, bill nye, boku no sucky sucky, buffy, canadian pop culture, cbc, cbc radio, cbc radio one, chagall guevara, cheetos, child-free, cinder, clié, comixpedia, cooking, cute toys, dragon hand ransom, emacs-free, far too canadian, feeling fat and sassy, feminist sex writers, flcl, furry yellow sidekicks, für, gainax, garlic, gekiwanger, gema, gender roles, gender studies, gilmore girls,, great big sea, harlan ellison, haro, hentai, humuhumunukunukuapua'a, intellectual property, ipod, ipod photo, jakob nielsen, japanese animation, japanese comics, japanese popular culture, john morgan, kaz cooke, kero-chan, kraft dinner, linux, lorelai gilmore, macos, makoto kobayashi, mandy parker-fujimoto, meat, media licensing, meryn cadell, michael enright, miracle faith telethon, mocking left behind, monogamy, monogamy without stigma, morningside, my bitches, natalie macmaster, ninja consultants, osx, paradise kiss, peter gzowski, pr0n, pshuuu, queen of wands, queer, radio canada international, rawlins cross, recreational christianity, religion, round yellow balls, sailor moon, salem kirban, sanrio, scott mccloud, sexy losers, shelagh rogers, sleater-kinney, snarkoleptics, sounds like canada, splinters and moonbeams, ssri withdrawl syndrome, steve taylor, stupid dispensationalism, subverting the magical girlfriend, swirling eddies, taco taco del taco, tea, teddies, teddy bears, tezcat, the current, the tiny silver hearts, the trophy wives, the voice of satire, theology, trauma survivors, trn, unix, usability, usenet, utena, veggietales, vi, vigilantes of love, vol, vowel fish, wacom, web standards, webcomics, webcomics examiner, websnark,, wine, xhtml, zeldman. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 214: | 2515049, _nicolai_, _sirene, _underwater, aberranteyes, absolut3destiny, adamkb, adv_dp_fan, aeire, aitsu, alarmist, allbery, amergina, animejump, annlarimer, ardaniel, arkady, astraldreamgirl, awfulhorrid, beckyc, belladonnastrap, bellinghman, bigbigtruck, bitpig, blarglefiend, blistermoth, blondiebunny, bona, broken_gizmo, cadhla, catbirdgirl, cecylyna, ceruleana, chaobell, charmingdetails, cheesetruck, chite, chorus, chouette, chucklemagne, clanwilliam, coreybantik, cosinejeremiah, covielle, coyoterose, croft, crossfire_, cruddyvalentine, curiouspastimes, cyohtee, daev, damerell, damned_colonial, damonk13, davemerrill, delenn1122, demiurgent, derspatchel, designer_fetus, divalea, dlw_fan_service, docstrange, doki, doroshi, dr4b, drchuck, dyfferent, edg, elizchris, elusis, epinoia, ernunnos, evandorkin, ewx, fatkraken, ferricide, fiat_luna, fides, fluffymormegil, flummox, footyfoot, fraterrisus, fur, fuunsaiki, good_night, gothfru, gregly, guyelfkin, hanna_gina, happysteve, hardartist, hardjournal, himemiya, hipbyproxy, holzman, hooverdam, huaman, ilari, invisiblecolour, iron_spike, island_hibiscus, izzzy, jacquez, jadegirl, janscottfrazier, jean, jeepersjournal, jefurii, jessicaya, jessypie, jmdodd, journeyhome, jrittenhouse, jurijuri, kirikayumura, kludge, kmusser, kneebone, kobold, kyburg, lark_ascending, layne_kou, littledevi, ljrice, lord_darkseid, lord_s_fountain, lordmappy37, lostghost, lrstrobel, malanai, maritzac, maximan, mckenzee, meadowmines, mermaiden, merryshannon, meryncadell, metamoof, mg4h, mikichan, misia, miwasatoshi, mobbsy, mquin, muskrat_john, narcease, ninjarat, ocarina, oneplusme, palm_diva, perigee, photografur, pm215, polyfrog, porpentine, predicate, pulsedemon, pyrobaby, rachelkb, rdwayneright, redcountess, reddragdiva, revlainiep, robogock, safox, sasahara, sesquipedality, shaenon, shandrew, shaunana, shazamcupboard, shinkan, shiroihane, sin_bed_comix, siva_dc, sk4p, skeets, slarti, sleepy_kitty, sleepy_morrigan, smccloud, smuga, solipsistnation, spaglet, spinooti, status, sugarxspice, superhappy, syringavulgaris, taimatsu, tamsinj, tarzxf, tenjoukun, tezliana, thatmanga, the_boyfriend, themogwai, thorfinn, topaz_munro, trishalynn, tristencitrine, trpeal, tyche, unclevlad, usagijer, vatine, walkerton, watchermaid, wedgex, wistfuldreams, xenoweeno, zannah, zehavit_lamasu, zonereyrie | | 15: | cat_town, clean_gweep, cxn, featureannounce, girlamatic, news, pantsketch, snarkoleptics, takarazuka, tezcat_chat, volstudiofiles, w00t_lite, welovethecbc, xemagic, xemo | | 98: | 24hourpixel, achewood_bear, achewood_beef, achewood_molly, achewood_onstad, achewood_pat, achewood_phllpe, achewood_ray, achewood_teodor, achewoodfeed, aeire_dot_com, alienlovespred, alistapart, alton_brown, animenews, animesuki, ars_tech, bajada_net, beatriceblog, bnlblog, boingboing_net, broccolibooks, ca_getfuzzy, caoinedotorg, capalert, catandgirl, cbcartsnews, cbchealthscienc, cbcnational, cbctoronto, chicagoist, choblog, christianretail, cityofwillows, comicsreporter, comixpedia, daringfireball, dilber3, doocefeed, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, dsfeed, dykestwof, dykestwofstrip, elfonlyinn_feed, etcwhateverrant, fawny_org, gam_rss, gema_weblog, go_girlyfeed, gpf_comic_jk, graphicsmash, healyourchurch, hyatt_weblog, ironspike, joshreadscomics, kajablog, lilyellowdiffer, macblog, machallfeed, megatokyo_feed, meyerweb, movabletypenews, nielsenhaydent, officialgaiman, outofambit, overcomp, pennyarcadefeed, perrybf, pinkertonblog, pronet, rwallerblog, sacredwhoreatom, sarahdyer, savagelove, six_apart, slacktivist, snoopy_feed2, someposifeed, something_awful, susiebrightfeed, synch_point, tavicat, tcampbellsfblog, tcampell_feed, the_door, therevealerfeed, trufen, tv_nihon, upsidedownpear, vgcats_comic, webcomicfinds, webcomicsreview, websnark, whatdoiknow_org, whedonesque, wilwheaton, zeldman2 |
Mutual Friends: | 184: 2515049, _nicolai_, _sirene, _underwater, aberranteyes, absolut3destiny, aitsu, alarmist, allbery, amergina, animejump, annlarimer, ardaniel, arkady, astraldreamgirl, awfulhorrid, beckyc, belladonnastrap, bellinghman, bigbigtruck, bitpig, blarglefiend, blistermoth, blondiebunny, bona, broken_gizmo, cadhla, catbirdgirl, cecylyna, ceruleana, charmingdetails, cheesetruck, chite, chorus, chouette, chucklemagne, clanwilliam, cosinejeremiah, coyoterose, crossfire_, cruddyvalentine, curiouspastimes, cyohtee, damerell, damonk13, davemerrill, demiurgent, derspatchel, designer_fetus, divalea, docstrange, doki, doroshi, dr4b, drchuck, dyfferent, edg, elizchris, elusis, epinoia, ernunnos, ewx, fatkraken, ferricide, fides, fluffymormegil, flummox, footyfoot, fraterrisus, fur, fuunsaiki, good_night, gothfru, gregly, hanna_gina, happysteve, hardjournal, himemiya, hipbyproxy, holzman, huaman, ilari, invisiblecolour, iron_spike, izzzy, jacquez, jadegirl, janscottfrazier, jean, jeepersjournal, jefurii, jessicaya, jessypie, jmdodd, journeyhome, jrittenhouse, jurijuri, kludge, kmusser, kneebone, kyburg, lark_ascending, layne_kou, littledevi, ljrice, lord_darkseid, lord_s_fountain, lordmappy37, lostghost, lrstrobel, malanai, maximan, mckenzee, mermaiden, merryshannon, meryncadell, metamoof, mg4h, mikichan, misia, miwasatoshi, mobbsy, mquin, narcease, ninjarat, ocarina, oneplusme, perigee, photografur, pm215, polyfrog, porpentine, predicate, pyrobaby, rachelkb, rdwayneright, redcountess, reddragdiva, revlainiep, robogock, safox, sasahara, sesquipedality, shaenon, shandrew, shaunana, shinkan, shiroihane, sin_bed_comix, siva_dc, ... |
Account type: | Paid Account |