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Libertarian Satyrist
Straight from God's brain to my mouth.
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KOL: 668
Holy crap, reading the new KOL Wiki and a lot of the history, then reading up about what 668 scrolls do, and jesus, why didn't I find out about this sooner!

My stats ended slightly higher than they started, but I'm at 48 drunk (gained 30 points of drunk) and have 74 Papayas (had 18 before this).

Crazy! I dumped 200,000 meat to do this, and I'll do it again!

I want a KOL icon, I think...

Posting Mood: busy

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Darth Mookie
So, I swear, we're going to Revenge of the  Sith tonight.  Either 7.25 or 10.30 showing.  IMAX.

We were gonna go yesterday, but I didn't wake [info]nichy up in time to go to the 4 showing and that was all my fault.  We stayed up wayyyy too late RPing to get up for the 4 showing today, so we're left with 7.25 or 10.30 (because I have to work the next 2 days, then we're up to Michigan for my nephew's graduation).

So yeah.  This is one of those rare movies where the bad guys win.  It should be excellent.

Posting Mood: excited

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work: on the road again
Again tonight with the only 3 drivers because a few called out. So I got to drive again. Averaged $3.50 tip per delivery, took 9, so $40 total. $100 in tips and run fees over the last 2 nights is pretty decent. Plus hourly wage, to boot.
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work: driving
So when I got into work, we had 3 drivers for the night. We had 7 originally, 1 went to the ER that morning (our driver supervisor even), 1 was day shift and had to leave by 5, one called out last night and one called out today.


Unfortunately, I probably got as many stiffs as I did tips. I hate that.

Lucky for us, it was graduation night, so we didn't have too many orders. I was still there til nearly 1am, though.

So yeah.

Posting Mood: complacent

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kol: museum case
I bought a case in the Cannon Museum. Such a geek.

Posting Mood: amused

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work: scheduling
I think 4 days in a row is going to be the death of me.

Posting Mood: sore

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work: send 'em all home
So last night was apparently "worry about labor costs" night. We had 7 drivers total, from all day for all night. On a Thursday. In stormy weather.

At like 6 I was told to send 3 of the drivers home, the ones who'd been there all day. So I'd have 4 drivers. On a Thursday. In stormy weather. I was told that if it got busy, she'd (the store manager) would take over dispatch and I could go on the road. I no longer cared about times, since if we got slammed they were fucked and it wasn't my descision to fuck them. "You can use my initials to drive, so they don't know you're on the road." Like I have another option, I can't clock in as driver any longer, it's not an option for me.

At 8, I was told to drop it to 3 drivers, including myself, and count down my drawer and move dispatch to the front. On a Thursday. As it was starting to storm. All right...

By 9, I had my drawer counted down and had the other two early drivers taken off the road. I told the manager thus, and then finished with, "and now I'm on the road, because we have deliveries waiting."

So I got to drive for the last 2 hours. Which was nice, I made $12 in tips and $5 for run fees on 5 deliveries (1 stiff). Of course, when I got back in the store after a delivery just after 10, she'd taken the other two drivers off the road and they were finishing the closing and late driver duties. So I got to be closing driver, basically. Last delivery was at 10.45 and I got back at 10.55 and she said "all right, take me off the road." All right, 5 minutes left, and the owner has been known to have friends call at two minutes to close to order a pizza, and then call up and yell at the closing manager that they didn't take a pizza order at even 1 second before the approved closing time.

But hey. $17 ain't bad for 2 hours and 5 runs.

Posting Mood: bored

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dream: turtle torture
So yeah, first waking nightmare.

Anyway, first dream: Riding a motorcycle around the old Wal-Mart parking lot of my hometown. There's a Pasta Bravo next door that I work at, that I don't know if I was scheduled to work that night or not. I realize, though, that it's a dream. First because I'm riding this motorcycle oddly, with my legs together in front of me, then apart, then all over, and then it occurs that it's a dream because I'm perfectly balanced no matter what I do, and I'm not afraid of falling. Then I ride up next to the Pasta Bravo and can hear inside, and hear the voice of an old manager who quit a long time back. I figure it's a dream, so I should drive home and see if I can walk in the bedroom and see myself asleep.

Then suddenly I'm riding through a jack-in-the-box drive-thru but backwards, and it's an odd 8 loop instead of a normal U around the store. I pull out into traffic, into the middle lane, and there are 3 mini-Coopers there that look identical.

New dream totally. I'm laying in bed, it's been storming, [info]nichy is asleep next to me, and even our cat Robin is laying next to me. This is the exact configuration we were asleep in at that moment in reality. We hear a loud crash, and I look up, [info]nichy gets up all scared. I look to the door, and there's this large rack, like a giant bread rack, about 7 feet tall just outside the door. There were knick-nacks on it, but they'd been knocked off by the giant white frog that had leapt to the top of the rack. I couldn't tell what it was, but it leapt down to the ground, and [info]nichy and I thought it was Robin and she told me to go kick him out. I see the frog and now it's a dark green, and it hops up from the floor into the bathroom vanity that was now part of the bedroom wall behind the door. It starts eating large bugs that had gotten into the house.

The storm had blown the front door open, and that's how the frog got in.

So, I freak a bit and go "no way, not touching it!" and back up on the bed. [info]nichy gets up and walks over to it and says, "it's just a frog" and picks it up and brings it back. Suddenly it's a turtle. A large turtle. With a sharp pointy beak. It's pulled into its shell because she picked it up, and she holds it right next to me.

"It's ok, it's just a turtle. It won't hurt you." she says. The turtle starts to poke its head out and start licking my side.

I have a panic attack, I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't get away. I'm trying to beg her to stop, but I can't get the air in, it's like someone tickling you and you can't do anything. Finally, I pull in a lungful of air and scream:


And I screamed in real life. Scared [info]nichy awake, the cat jumped up and moved away, as he'd been nuzzling my side. Like the turtle.

I don't like reptiles, frogs, any of that. I was afraid the turtle was going to bite me. [info]nichy thinks it means my subconscious thinks she's suffocating me with something.

I tried to think back to when I last even saw a turtle, and the first thing that came to mind was walking in the computer room last night and seeing her playing Kingdom of Loathing because my character is a Turtle Tamer.

My other thought was, the previous dream was my first, that I remember, really lucid moment in a dream. I'd always wanted to have lucid dreams, and the lucid moment and coming home to see yourself asleep was always some made-up peak of lucid dreaming.

My other other thought was, the cat was nuzzling and licking me and I couldn't make him stop like we usually do, and it got incorporated into my dream somehow, and I was actually yelling at him.

I don't know.

Is there a doctor in the house?

Posting Mood: curious

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Wild, wild west
We're talking about starting a Werewolf: The Wild West game on the server, and dropping the BSD one for a while. A lot of people seem excited by the idea.

We'll have to hammer out setting details and most of all rule details. We're used to Revised, so we'd use that for nearly everything, but lots of Gifts would be from W:WW, and rites, and the entire setting and tribal structures.

We're looking at ways of getting the W:WW info to players who don't have the book, and we're coming up short of possible ways. I don't think the actual changed info they'd need (tribe interactions, setting, umbra, gifts) would be a lot, but I believe it'd go over what White Wolf legally allows online.

I thought of a PDF of the book (if they had it at Drive Thru RPG I'd just have them buy it legitimately, but that option isn't available. There's some copies for a buck or two on Ebay but most are $10 or more plus shipping and players be poor (at least the ones we want playing).

I wonder if getting a PDF of it and putting it behind a password protected folder so only our players can get it would be a legal option...

[info]innocent_man, [info]mouseferatu, any ideas?

Posting Mood: bouncy

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work: raise
My huge quarter raise went through. Whoopie.

Posting Mood: cranky

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truck: leak
Got a new radiator cap, the hoses were dry after running it for a while. Temp doesn't go above 210 really, but I haven't gotten to drive it long-term yet. Going to do that soon enough and see what happens.

Posting Mood: anxious

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damned kids.
Truer words were never spoken.

Especially by a teenager.

Posting Mood: amused

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truck: oh noes, the black one this time
Argh.  So got the air conditioning fixed on the black one.  Or we thought.  Few days later it was blowing hot again.  Went to Wal-Mart and got a can of cold stuff with the sealant mojo and conditioner and stuff, and it seems to be better.

But wait, there's more.

So my dad said to get antifreeze because the coolant looked low.  So, went and got that a few days later.  Came out of Wal-Mart to a huge puddle under the truck.  Went back in and got some Stop-Leak and drove it home.  Last few days of work I've been getting up early enough to do it once but not enough time to really finish it through, so today went out and did the last treatment of Stop-Leak I had, and let it idle with the heater on for a half hour.

A half hour is pretty good for an engine, I think, since the Stop-Leak directions all say 10-15 minutes of idling to get the stuff in the system.  So, again, huge puddle.  This is 3 treatments of Stop-Leak, so that isn't working so it's going to have to be really repaired.

Here's the kicker: No white smoke, I get in the cab and it's no different than outside.  Remember I was running the heater on full blast in the middle of the day and it's warm outside here in the South.  I was expecting a sauna.  So I put my hand over the blower.  Lukewarm.

That's not good.  Temperature gauge was steady at 210, right in the middle where it's supposed to be, wasn't going up or down.  Damn.

That's the heater core.  And that sucks.

Posting Mood: aggravated

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The president of Burundi!
Well, no, just Pizza Hut.  We had to do mad cleaning the last couple days because apparently the President or CEO or whatever he is of Pizza Hut (like, of the whole thing) is coming in tomorrow at noon to check out the store.

Lucky us.
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finally, sleep
Yesterday I barely got 8 hours of sleep and it wasn't enough, but I had to get up.  Had to mess with the black truck and it's coolant thing (still being leaky).

Last night I went to bed around 5 real-time and set the alarm for 3 alarm-time (my alarm clock is about 35 minutes fast), and only woke up a couple times, and reset the alarm for 4 alarm-time, and got up after a snooze.  So 5-3.40 is 10.5 hours or so.

But I'm still tired!  What's the deal with that...

At least my back doesn't hurt.
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kol: the turtle tamer
I am level 15 now. Wee!

Posting Mood: happy

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novel contest last update
Didn't make the cut. Suck.

Posting Mood: crushed

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truck: damned thing
If it's not one thing...

So we were out, it was nice.  However, went to Wal-Mart to get antifreeze because the black truck needed it.  Came out to a huge puddle of antifreeze under it.  Ran hot, too.  Went back in and got stopleak and headed home.  Joy.  I'll be putting that in tomorrow and seeing what happens.
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work: unexpected day off
So I got to work, and the manager was like "Are you supposed to be here?  I didn't see you on the schedule..."  I was like yeah, and showed her.

"Oh, well, we don't really need you.." on of the cashier girls who used to be a driver was dispatching at the time, and said she didn't want to be up front because she was having a bad day and would as likely cuss someone out for a problem.

"So, I guess we don't need you..."

My response?

"Bye," followed by a quick turn and out the door.

We're going out to eat now, and I'm wearing a nice button-up shirt I found in the back of my closet that I found while going for yardsale crap.  I found a lot of shirts back there that I like (dressy button-ups) that I'd forgotten about and they'd been crammed behind a bunch of t-shirts that I'd never wear again.

So yeah.  Go me.
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dreams: weird storm and school
So only bits and pieces I remember, because I think it was a few different dreams that got merged a bit.

The one I remember:

[info]nichy and I are at APSU in a room somewhere.  One wall looks out to the center of campus (so it'd be in Clement, but the location would put it in the lobby of Clement), and it has windows all along it.  A storm rolls in, she's scared, I tell her to move to the back and I start grabbing the windows that the storm is somehow shoving open and knocking off their hinges, and eventually I yell for her to help me fix them.

Suddenly some teachers come in to help us.  They are two of the art professors, for some reason.  They start talking about something, I don't remember what, and the dream moves on.

The next day (or next dream) I'm back in that room with [info]nichy because we have a "storm protection class" in there or something.  It has computer stations all along the walls.  We move over to ours, and I kneel down to fix my shoe or something.  The teacher comes in, some tall guy (like 7-8 feet tall) wearing a white lab coat and has a huge scraggly beard.  He walks over and leans down, palming my face and dragging me to stand up.  I get pissed off and delete Firefox from the computer (I had installed it there before) and stormed out, yelling at the guy and really cussing him out.

Another dream but storm related, I'm going into work because I have all this money from the cash drawer from when the storm hit (apparently for this one I'd been at work at some point during the storm) and had closed out the drawer but took the money with me and they knew I had but had no problem with it (strange, but ok...).  So I came back and counted out the money and didn't have a way to make sure it was all there because I had already closed out the drawer the night before, and I had no idea how much was supposed to be there.  It was frustrating, but I eventually just put it all together and dropped it in the safe.
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new monitor!
So, in addition to the garage sale crap, I got a new(er) monitor out of the deal. I can see! Colors are the right colors! For the last few years, everything in the range from dark purple to dark blue to black has all been black. White has never been white, it's been tinged gray. Basically, turn your monitor's brightness to the darkest setting where you can still see the monitor, and that was my old one at 100% brightness.

This one's blinding and it's only set at 62. Yes.

Posting Mood: happy

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church signs: on the way to Gallatin
"Under same management for 2000 years."

Posting Mood: amused

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ganked from [info]inscrutable
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it's junk...
I hate yard sales.  Moreso, I hate going through stuff for them.

But hey, gets rid of junk, half cleaned out the basement that way, and hey, I have hangers now for clothes, since I got rid of a ton of shirts I haven't worn since 1994.

Posting Mood: busy

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User: [info]amokk
Name: Amokk
Website: amokk dot org
Back May 2005
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