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Here be where she blabs.
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Ooh, so close - I can TASTE the free iPod.
I need to post a real entry.

However, this isn't. Not really.

So, I'm doing the free ipod thing. I have 7 people referred and completed, and I need to refer 3 more.

What you do to get the free iPod - you sign up for this thing, sign up for Blockbuster Online's free trial, and cancel the second you show up as having completed the trial. Or you do any other of the "free trials" that automagically show you as fulfilling your requirements, I think Rhapsody's doing it now too. Infone doesn't seem to show up anymore, but that one rocked.

Refer 10 people, and bam - free iPod. I know a ton of people who got free iPods from this thing, and it truly worked. Despite the whoring. :)

Want one?

Click here. And I swear this is my last post on the subject.
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Who needs Scotty...
...when you can use a tesseract?!!! I have been watching the news of this movie being in production for the last three friggin YEARS now, and finally, it's airing on MONDAY! I can't even say how excited I am by this. AAH! It's the Murry's!!! And Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which and Mrs. Whatsit, and it's really scary how well I remember these books...

God I'm a dork.

Anyway, yeah. I'm really excited by this. :)

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Calling all New Yorkers...
I love this ad...
We're looking for models who have extensive body art for a drawing session. This includes heavy tattooing, scarring, piercings, ritual markings, etc. These are clothed or costumed poses, so you should be able to show off your artwork without being completely nude (custom outfits/costumes are fine, and in fact are encouraged).
The drawing session is on thursdays from 6:30-9:30 and pay is $18 dollars an hour. If hired you would be needed for one session only, although if it goes well we may bring you back again in the future.

Poses range from 2 minutes to a half an hour. There are usually 4-10 artists at each session.

It's actually very real, it's my brother's, in fact, and here's the full ad with contact info if anyone's interested. :)
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Three things.
Never, ever, ever send an e-mail with a subject line of "VD." I KNOW you mean "Valentine's Day," but still. Looks bad.

Don't buy your kids this. Although I'll take one. :)


I want this, and I feel very silly for it. I know it probably won't work, but what if it does??? I peel sooo many eggs every weekend. It would be so nice if it worked.

Current Mood: amused

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My brother is too funny.
You all must watch this: Lord of the Rings Trailer. He's gone and recut the trailer with music by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass. It's kinda scary how well it works...I was having a hard time not laughing too loud here at work.

And Happy Chinese New Year everyone!! Chris told me how to say happy new year in Chinese, but I keep forgetting and saying man bo duck instead, which is (erm) a Chinese resturant on Castro street. I'm a dork. But it sounds something like that.
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I can't believe I'm thinking about this...
Saturn called earlier this week to pitch the new Ion to me. They're currently doing a 0 down, 0% apr thingy on it, meaning, I could theoretically get the car I want for $275/month in payments. I currently pay $200 month on my car.

My car is worth (according to blue book value - dealer trade in) $4,525, and I have $4,200 left on my loan.

So, THEORETICALLY speaking, if I could get Saturn to give me the full trade in value of the car (which I know, is wishful thinking), I could walk away with a new car for $75 more a month in monthly payments.

I'm psychotic to be thinking about this, aren't I. :)

I'm going to Saturn in a couple of hours for a test drive, and will see...Edmunds blasted the car in its review, mainly because they said it's as uncomfortable as all hell. It's actually a pretty funny review, they'd talk about how the driving's decent, the engine's good, and yet, go back to how uncomfortable it is to sit in. I'm mighty curious how bad it is.

In other news, I now have white teeth. As in, REALLY white. :) I went back to Brite Smile yesterday, and I have to say, I'm really amazed with the results. My dentist is going to be shocked as hell when he sees me.

I also bought a dresser yesterday, which is going to be delivered tomorrow. More of a necessity thing than something I wanted, but hey, it's a nice looking dresser, and I'm happy about it.

And that's about it. I have to keep my head very level for the next few hours...no walking out of Saturn tonight with a new car. :)
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Oh my god, I love these...
Go to Mondo Media. Click on the blue side. Then click on the pink one on the bottom (just wait a sec if you don't see a pink one, you're looking for the "Valentine Smoochie"). HAVE YOUR SOUND ON.

Lots more here. Happy Tree Friends.

Watch. Laugh. They're hysterical. :)

Current Mood: amused

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I knew it!!
Gael from 24 was Jesse on Fame.

Oh, and can I just say how annoyed I am that Tony's at work, doing just fine, despite being SHOT IN THE NECK four hours ago? I was so excited when he got shot, I was thinking he'd be gone all season. Oh mighty writers of 24, PLLLLEASE get rid of Tony. I'll even put up with more "Run Kimmy Run" if you can kill off Tony. (One cool thing about the actor who plays tony...He was in B5: Call to Arms. Of course, he was annoying in that too.)

Anyway, now that the nagging question is finally answered, I can go to bed.
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Want to work for Yahoo?
This is for the IMV position I've talked a little about here. We're looking now, trying to hire someone ASAP. If you're interested, or know someone who is, please send them here.

The job description:

Technical Yahoo! - Messenger

Excited about the world of instant messaging? Want to work in a highly technical, fast paced and hands on development environment?

We are looking for a self-motivated and talented Flash developer to work with us on the fast growing Yahoo! Messenger service. As an IMVironment developer, you will work with a variety of high-profile brands, combining existing concepts with your own designs and ideas. Using Flash, HTML, and JavaScript, you will turn these ideas into a rich, shared environment.

A successful candidate must be a fast learner, self-starter, and highly proficient in ActionScript for Flash MX. Proficiency with graphic design programs and a strong visual portfolio required. Experience with JavaScript/ Flash communication, XML parsing in Flash, and ActionScript 2.0 are pluses. A bachelor's degree in a related field preferred and at least three years experience in rich media development required.

If you are interested in this position, please send an email to imvjob@yahoo.com. Please include your name, phone number and portfolio URL at the top of the email. Please include a cover leter and resume as either an attachment or text in the email.

The URL for the listing http://public.yahoo.com/~jchurch/IMVjob/.
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Final Fantasy X-2 has stolen my life away.

I knew this would happen, I did...but I got it anyway.



I'm in happy gamer land. :)

Current Mood: geeky

Raging Apocalypse
User: [info]bobbi_wic
Name: Raging Apocalypse
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State of Fear by Michael Crichton
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Little Voice
The Bourne Supremacy
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