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Tuesday, January 25th, 2005
<08:35 am>
school )

current mood: okay

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Monday, January 24th, 2005
<12:35 pm>
school )

current mood: aggravated

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<09:58 am>
Ways to tell it's Monday:

  • There's a crack running almost the entire length of my windshield.
  • One of the rabbits peed on my toboggan, so I had to wear the stupid fleece headband thing to not freeze my ears off this morning, and it smushed my hair in weird places.
  • I didn't get any homework done this weekend, but managed to sleep twce as much as usual.

current mood: cranky

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Friday, January 21st, 2005
<03:21 pm>
Sometimes it gets so quiet in here that I wonder if everyone else has snuck out of the building and I've just been oblivious.

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Thursday, January 13th, 2005
<08:48 am>
I knew it was going to happen. Yesterday evening Pooh bear finally decided he'd had enough of being forcibly humped, kicked, butted, and he didn't want Toro's horns up his ass even one more time. He unleashed a fury that no one would ever expect from the tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. I finally had to intervene when Pooh had his red shirt simultaneously wrapped around Toro's neck and his front right leg, preventing him from walking and jerking his head without tightening the shirt. The shirt had to be cut off. Willy nilly silly old bear.

current mood: okay

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Monday, January 3rd, 2005
<08:27 am>  A dream
Last night I dreamed that I was part of a group going to a travel agent's office to make arrangements for a cruise we were all taking. On the way we passed a field that I actually do pass on my way to and from work. Looking out the window, I saw several large birds fly over the field and made a mental note to tell G., we were always pointing out eagles and hawks and things like that to each other. Then, I spotted what looked like a humongous beaver in this really huge tree. It was more polygonal than a real beaver, but man, it was huge. I remember thinking it must have been a lot bigger than I even realized because I could see it from so far away. Then, an even bigger bird, similar to a pelican, landed on the tree just above the beaver and plunged its beak right into the beaver's neck, as if to decapitate the animal. The beaver fought off the bird and the bus finally made it to the travel agency and we made plans for our cruise.

I think having no hair lets aliens implant really freaking weird things into my dreams.

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Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
<01:35 am>
The world may never know what has motivated me to shave my head.

edited to add requested pic )

current mood: weird

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Friday, December 31st, 2004
<11:35 pm>
During the snow I threw Toro's Pooh bear into his pen so that he wouldn't be too bored. The close quarters seems to have damaged the relationship though. I moved the bear back up on the deck two days ago, yet he's been going at it with two different buckets every since then. Buckets. Maybe he's trying to make Pooh jealous. Maybe it's a 9 1/2 Weeks scenario when Mickey Rourke makes Kim Basinger watch him make out with a prostitute. Only Pooh doesn't seem to mind.

current mood: nostalgic

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Sunday, December 26th, 2004
<10:55 pm>
Growing hair in new places is kind of itchy.

current mood: scratchy

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<02:50 pm>
xmas lights & Toro's 1st snow pics )

current mood: lonely

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<09:42 am>
There are big-ass snowflakes outside my window.

current mood: lonely

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
<03:03 pm>
I have finally given in and arranged to have someone come look at my heatpump and tell me why it insists on only blowing cold air. Actually, if you replace the fuses, it blows hot air for half an hour, after that - cold air again. I thought maybe I could just tough it out, but the fireplace just isn't getting the job done and I'm tired of sleeping in thermals and a hooded sweatshirt and dreaming that my toes are freezing off. I like for my room to be cool when I'm trying to sleep, but this is ridiculous. I hope it's not an expensive fix though. Or else that they have some kind of financing plan for new ones, because anything in between $not_expensive and $buy_a_new_one == $buy_more_sweatshirts_and_warmer_socks.

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<02:23 pm>
Multiple times I've heard the new radio spot from NC DHHS about all of the vaccinations they think kids should have by the time they're two years old. And each time that I haven't really been paying attention to it, the phrase "vaccine-preventable diseases" makes me think there are diseases that prevent vaccines.

current mood: okay

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Monday, December 20th, 2004
<04:17 pm>  Random Info
The webdemo we had during my afternoon meeting was hosted on a server with a .cc domain name. Why? I don't know. The company is in Boston. But .cc belongs to Cocos Islands, a territory of Australia with one airport and a lagoon anchorage.

current mood: pessimistic

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<10:11 am>
I hate winter.

Twice this week I've had to tell people that, indeed, goats originated in the wild. They have fairly thick coats. They know how to deal with the cold. I'm not going to chain Toro up and make him sleep in his pen if he doesn't want too. He knows there's hay there. He also knows there's a pile of sheets and old blankets in one of the corners of the deck. If he still wants to sleep next to the useless heatpump, I'm going to let him. Maybe he knows something I don't. He seems to have withstood the last few cold nights better than I have.

current mood: tired

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Tuesday, December 7th, 2004
<09:43 pm>
Abandoned tire hunting was a success. The dump site was not as secluded as the person originally made it sound and I was ogled by about four cars, though none were interested enough to stop and ask if I was having problems or to find out what I was doing. I took four of the six. Of the two that I left, one was coming apart and the other was too big to fit in the car tonight. Perhaps I'll pick it up tomorrow. If I knew how you were supposed to dispose of tires, I'd take the other just to get it off the road.

current mood: accomplished

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Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
<02:01 pm>
I bought the goat a 24" Pooh bear at the Wal-mart yesterday, in hopes of replacing his beloved laundry detergent bottle. It's too early to say whether or not it worked, but it did lead to an awkward moment in the checkout line when I had to decide whether to lie or tell the the cashier that it was for my amorous goat. I lied and left quickly.

current mood: tired

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Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
<02:13 pm>
I really did want to know who the e-card was from, even though they were very likely extremely offended that I posted about it and sort of made fun of it the way I did. :-/

current mood: disappointed

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<06:52 am>
I was going through some of the student organizations at various colleges/universities around the state. Among the more interesting: Repelling @ High Point Univ. There was no description, so they might have meant that, or perhaps they meant rappelling. The world may never know.

current mood: curious

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Monday, November 29th, 2004
<02:38 pm>
From a non-work-related e-mail:

"commaradarie"'s when you're really attached to commas, I think.

current mood: okay

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