Chris LaPlante's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Chris LaPlante's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, June 8th, 2004
    5:56 pm
    "Insert card into slot, and remove quickly so we can begin."

    -ATM Machine

    Why does it seem to me someone phrased that right on the edge of general acceptability as a joke?
    Monday, June 7th, 2004
    7:48 pm
    something new every day
    Todays neat tip that I learned... When sweating/soldering pipe, and you want to keep it dry, stick a piece of bread in the old/wetish section, and fit the new pipe over it leaving the bread jammed in the pipe stopping up the drip. When the water turns on, the bread breaks down and runs out.

    Remove the aerators first to prevent loaven blockage. I thought that way way neat.
    Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
    5:29 pm
    If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times.
    When buying solder at Frys over the weekend I was looking at a the directions on a bottle of flux near by. They had this nugget of advice:

    "Do not smoke."

    I guess I should shoot it instead?
    5:26 pm
    emerald hills
    If I told Autumn I heard gunshots 10mins before she was to get to my apartment the first time, would we have ended up married?

    (I used to live within eyeshot of this Safeway and went to it nearly every day)
    Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
    2:51 pm
    how unfortunate
    When going to dinner w/ some friends in Santa Rosa last night, I noticed an International house of pancakes w/ some of the sign letters burned out. It now reads "International House of Pan." It seems to me I would get that fixed ASAP, having Pan running around could really putt a damper on business.

    Current Mood: silly
    Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
    10:09 am
    ladies: Please form a line to the right.
    My sister emailed me this today:
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    6:13 pm
    give me a brake
    My car needed new brakes, then mean people stole the money we had set aside to fix that, then I drove it some, then I went back to "old blue" (the car I got for free that goes forward just fine, but has no reverse gear), we finally got the money back from the bank, today the stars were aligned to get it repaired.

    It was really, really, bad, and I knew the right front was grinding metal on metal with the caliper and the rotor. It was however, essentially stopping, albeit making a fuckload of nose while driving, and even more when stopping.

    I set out this morning to drive down the winding hills, onto 101 to Burlingame. While still in the quiet 'hood, I tested lightly pulling the E-Brake so I could get a feel for it in case it was needed. While going down the hills something sort of "popped", and the pedal would now go all the way to the floor. It now sort of slowed to a stop, but I could not say stop in a reasonable amount of time w/o planning way ahead. It was very nerve wracking to drive like that, and probably dumb. I was happy to make it alive to the garage. (On Track Auto in Burlingame - our second good experience with them)

    It turns out the right front caliper had "exploded" in the mechanics words, and was leaking fluid out of the system.

    It's odd, it could be random, or it could be my driving, but when I had the brakes done on the Porsche before I sold it, the right front was also way worse than the rest. I wonder what I could be doing to cause that.

    At any rate, it's a happily stopping car again. WhooHoo for braking.

    I hope the nasty person that stole our money is out there reading this, and feels really good about themselves now.
    Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
    6:17 pm
    oh my my
    I think it speaks for itself really:
    Saturday, April 17th, 2004
    4:36 pm
    So happy it burns.
    I am really excited, I talked to my Dad today, and he will be coming to burningman with me this year.

    I think that's just the coolest thing!
    Monday, April 12th, 2004
    5:12 pm
    Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
    3:26 pm
    How serious?
    So there is this guy who works at our local video store. When he first started (for us) he was dressing all in business attire. It looked a bit silly for a video store, half the patrons show up in their PJ's. We asked one of the other guys what his deal was, and they said they found it funny too. It turns out he used to work there, and quit, telling them he was getting "a real job" ... at sears doing checkout, and came back.

    He has a tattoo down his arm that says either anti-corporate or anti-capitalism (I forget which). Tonight he had a home-made, "Nobody knows that I'm a lesbian" shirt. He just seems so all-ter-nay-tive in a lame way. I have a hard time not just laughing at him..

    It's like highschool, only not.
    Tuesday, March 9th, 2004
    3:35 pm
    AFA Poll
    The upside to taking part in the AFA's little polls, is that they email you every time they have a new planned fixed poll:

    Show BushCO some love @

    Looks like it is well on it's way to backfiring on them again.
    Monday, March 1st, 2004
    1:23 pm
    There was MASSIVE rainbow over 280 on the way to work today. It formed a full perfect arch over the road, of ROYGBIV. Verry neat, everyone was driving slower than normal to enjoy.

    Oddly enough my pot of gold was still asleep in her bed at home.
    Friday, February 27th, 2004
    4:10 pm
    only in the U S of A
    So I have been getting these "vote of me" fliers from a certain person for assembly. _Lots_ of them, like three or four a day. Since he is not someone I would vote for, they make a b-line for the recycle bin. Over the last few days of this, I have been thinking, boy, this guy must hate the environment of something.

    Today he had this message for me: "Most politicians like to _talk_ about the environment... but Mr. Dumb actually _protects_ the environment" This was 1 of 5 larger than letter sized, glossy paper, leaflets from today alone! How's about protecting the environment by not cutting down hundreds of trees??

    Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
    4:25 pm
    humor me - NOT work safe
    So for those that went to the DHP party last weekend...

    Am I crazy, or is this the same girl who was putting on a bit of a show, and said she was going to be getting paid $85/hr to do some modeling work.
    Sunday, February 15th, 2004
    9:54 am
    sayeth not
    Well, I can't say I have never heard the President make a true statement, one of these two statements is indeed the "gods honest" truth.

    I flew fighters when I was in the Guard, and I like speed," Bush said.
    Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
    2:50 pm
    Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
    4:51 pm
    Slashdot is actually down, I confirmed from three locations. Pandamoneum will ensue!#$# Geeks everywhere will, LEAVE THEIR HOUSE. There could be mass incidences of GETTING GIRLFRIENDS! I should call the homeland security office and warn them.
    Monday, February 2nd, 2004
    6:36 pm
    No more changes are planned, you have nothing to worry about...
    That's what they always say... I had to lock three accounts today for people in my dept (none on my team). One was a dick, and may have been fired. The other two had their jobs "relocated" to the MN office. I always love how they say, "there was no change in head count" as long as someone comes in as someone else is going out. We fired to decently paid people, and hired two low-paid phone jockeys in MN, but no change.

    That + the fact that the MN office just got an upgrade of their datacenter from 3-4 haphazardly placed racks to 25 properly installed racks, makes me wonder if work has a long term plan to move US operations to MN. How long before my job is relocated to MN or India, where I won't follow?
    Friday, January 23rd, 2004
    1:54 pm
    Artists... foamcore?
    Work is tossing out a BIG piece of ~1/2 foamcore board. It is maybe 10Ftx5Ft, and has marketing crap glued to one side. The other side is still clean.

    If you can stop by today or really soon. I can get it to you.
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