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[Mar. 31st, 2005|10:21 am]
Rap impresario Marion "Suge" Knight has been ordered to pay $107 million to a woman who claimed she helped found his ground-breaking music label, Death Row Records, before being pushed out when Knight realized how valuable the label was.

The article states that $60m of that is punitive. WTF. Granted I don't know all of the details from that story, but how can a punishment be that much for cheating one person out of millions and fame, is there something else, non tangible, the plaintiff was deprived of that warranted that kind of reward? I'm at a loss.
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bugs [Mar. 30th, 2005|12:26 pm]
This is funny. We switched from Netflix to Blockbuster online/mail movie rental sometime at the beginning of the year. I think about a month ago we returned a DVD that never made it back to their receiving facility. So after about a week of no response, I tagged that movie as lost-in-the-mail. 2 or 3 days later they sent out the next movie from the queue. About a week after that they received the lost movie! Nothing is exceptional so far, except that now, we occasionally (or maybe all the time, I haven't noticed) can have 4 DVDs out at a time. It's like they don't look at how many are out, to determine if another DVD should be sent, but rather when a DVD is returned another is sent out.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?
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happy [Mar. 25th, 2005|01:49 pm]
Purim! Everyone!

The holiday where the more trashed you get, the better. So drink up :)
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[Mar. 24th, 2005|10:00 am]
I thought I was just loosing it a second ago!

I was hearing these chirpy sounds that seemed to have no origin. So I tried to trace where they were coming from to prove I hadn't lost my marbles. Turns out that Jitender, who sits across from me, has this habit of rocking when he codes. You know how all of the devout from the middle east look when they pray? Well that's what his body does when he's coding. Now everyone has little quirks when they get in the zone, but this is a little funny. Anyway his chair rocking back and forth was creating the squeaking sound. Phew, temporary freak-out fixed.
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oh yeah! [Mar. 17th, 2005|02:36 pm]
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cheesy humor [Mar. 17th, 2005|09:40 am]
t-shirt fun
If the media is the message, then I'm really confused :)
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[Mar. 16th, 2005|03:50 pm]


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[Mar. 16th, 2005|09:10 am]
AE tours the states!
Actually they've fallen off for me. I'm not so hip to going to a show that will probably end up being mostly noise and orchestrated chaos. Autechre's greatest moments aren't the type you share with a crowd. That's the whole problem imo with the mid-late 90s idm movement - it was all very personal space music. It wasn't conducive for actively sharing in a public situation.

stop me now before i write the thesis...
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The IDES HAVE IT! 15% OFF Select Systems Servers & Laptops [Mar. 15th, 2005|04:49 pm]
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Citymen & Suburbanites, lend me your eyes and read this here newsletter! No matter your socio-political orientation, this is the most EXHILIRATING SALE EVER! And in honor of Orange Julius kiosks in malls across America we`ve brutally slashed select systems, servers and laptops by 15% for this week only. Sorry, no oracle products available, but you`ll have a vision of great savings if you shop early! Leprechauns will lament waiting to St. Patty`s Day only to find an empty pot where the gold was s`posed to be! So, save yourself the green, and get a tasty Caesar salad with all the cash you`ll save!

someone was doing a little too much you-know-what on the loading dock.
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[Mar. 15th, 2005|03:41 pm]
What's in your bag?

my bag is a plastic Target bag I've been using for a few months now. ghetto.
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cheatin [Mar. 10th, 2005|09:45 am]
Adblock is a really cool plug in for firefox/mozilla. It essentially blocks advertising graphics and swfs from being loaded into an HTML page. It works in a similar fashion as editing your hosts file, but it goes a step further and lets you block whole directories, if a source file is in that directory. e.g. you can block: allmedia.myfavoritesite.com/images/ads/*
It works great on newspaper websites where they serve both relevant images and advertising from the same server.
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Spare the rod and spoil the child [Mar. 8th, 2005|10:13 am]
If I knew then what I know now, I would have studied linguistics in college. But oh well. Without any strong passion, I keep an eye out for books that are published on the topic. I learned that one of the preeminent linguists, George Lakoff, wrote a book that attempts to get at the base differences between liberals and conservatives. The name of the book is Moral Politics, and it's a heady, academic read. Lakoff presents his descriptive theory of the two worldviews that generate the stark differences. I remember getting into a discussion once with [info]elkay trying to get at these fundamental differences, and finding a book that presented one theory about it was an excited find for me.

According to Lakoff, everything emanates from how one views childrearing and your political leaning grows from that. The two parenting styles are 1) Strict Father Model and 2) Nurturant Parent model with 1 leading to a conservative worldview and 2 leading to a liberal world view (there are probably some good overviews on the book online if you care to search). The book is filled with dry logical deductions attempting to prove his theories - I never was exposed to the idea of moral accounting until reading the book and it's certainly an interesting way of explaining how we think about certain actions and reactions in society. In the final chapters, which I read last night, Lakoff summarizes why only a liberal worldview can be "moral" (obviously I'm making his words highly fuzzy), and discussed some of the problems and contradictions occurring in our political climate now. These remaining chapters actually had a very disturbing subtext, but I think we know times are quite disturbing at the moment. :(
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[Mar. 4th, 2005|03:53 pm]
21 Grams -
The Good: Great Acting, pretty colors
The Bad: I just read some reviews to see if I'm missing anything in this film. The best I can get is that it's a stylish revenge film.

complete spoiler )
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rev yuppies, rev! [Mar. 4th, 2005|09:05 am]
If one should hit a tree, there's plenty of car to deform before you encounter the tree...
NY Times article on people customizing and racing 70s-80s volvos :)
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[Mar. 1st, 2005|05:28 pm]
I like this track - it's minimal electro with about half of the vocals run through a vocoder - tres funky. There are also some nice flourishes that appear throughout the song. Fun stuff.

obWarning: Most people will say this track falls into the "cheesy 80s electronic pop/R&B;" category. If that scares you away, you've been warned.
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*ache* [Mar. 1st, 2005|10:41 am]
Shoveling 10 or so inches of heavy wet snow is not fun! But since all the schools are closed, traffic was nonexistent. One pretty thing I saw on the way to work was a regular woven wire fence, about 4' tall - and it basically acted as a net for the snow in effect creating a thin wall of white along the roadside. fun.
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mystery song solved i think [Feb. 28th, 2005|09:44 am]
Actually if you listen through the track you realize... lol

Liquid - Sweet Harmony - XL Records, 1992
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help... [Feb. 27th, 2005|11:37 am]
ok, to everyone with a good memory about 90-93ish rave classics...

What song sampled the main piano break in this track:

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[Feb. 18th, 2005|10:09 am]
Supercollider for OS X was GPL'd!
who knew?!?!

*gil can think of 3 people who are reading this that know what this means/care what this means :)
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d00d y0u r0xx0r [Feb. 18th, 2005|09:30 am]
c/o arstechnica, a parent's guide to 13375p33k.
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