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Army of Me
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"Reach out and touch..."

Thanks, [info]mysticchyna!

Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: Channel 7 Eye Witness News

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Wow, my life really IS a sitcom! :)
Read more... )

Current Mood: giggly
Current Music: "Beyond Belief" with James Brolin on Sci-Fi Channel

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The Microsoft Usability Group needs your help!
Microsoft Usability Groups is *desperately* looking for bloggers to participate in a usability study next week on blogging. (They had been looking all week, and believe it or not, I'm the first blogger they came across!) The study is 2.5 hours, and the compensation is free software that you get to choose. I'll be participating on next Wednesday, the 15th (my birthday!). To qualify, please call Stephanie at (425) 497-8001.

Cross-posted to [info]seattle

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Some Japanese soap opera on World Television

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Hey, [info]eeyore_grrl! I got your holiday card in yesterday's mail. Thanks so much!

Current Mood: thankful

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The "Furry Music Foundation"? WTF?

Current Mood: shocked
Current Music: "Chaplin" on the Bravo Network

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Don Knotts is "Dubya"!

Stolen from [info]theolive!

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: The Today Show

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Because this has yet to answered to my satisfaction...
...could someone PLEASE tell me---what is the significance and meeting of "MY HED IS PASTED ON YAY"? And where on earth did it originate? I've been going nuts ever since I first saw it in someone's post.

Current Mood: curious
Current Music: some girl talking on her cell phone and kids playing

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GloriaJN Highway
Family Farm43
Confusion Lane125
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Current Mood: sleepy

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Foxtrot is funny, even if I don't completely get it all!

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: "Guys and Dolls" Soundtrack

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Digital Spy is a British paper with INTERESTING headlines.
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Here's the most recent Darwin Award Nominee...
Exploding lava lamp kills Kent man

Current Mood: irritated

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Stolen from [info]hopeforyou, who stole it from [info]mactavish.
Autism Spectrum Quotient
Your score: 42

0 - 10 = low
11 - 22 = average (most women score about 15 and most men score about 17)
23 - 31 = above average
32 - 50 is very high (most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 35)
50 is maximum

Well, I do have Asperger Syndrome, after all...

Current Mood: tired

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Must be true, then.

You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.
If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.

Current Mood: sleepy

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Whoa! Scandal!
[info]l2g, [info]bias_cut and a pint of whipped cream; need I say more?
[info]dorkgirl knows *just* how long to hold them down for.
[info]jacqui kissed [info]heiwalove under the mistletoe. Twice. In June.
[info]technodyke has thighs like tree trunks, and [info]desolina knows it well...
[info]sarahh once kissed a bus conductor to avoid the fare!
[info]elynne would push [info]baxil out of the airlock, if it came to it.

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

Current Mood: amused

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So true, so true.

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: "The Dick Van Dyke Show" on DVD

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From [info]holyoutlaw, I bring you...

Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: "The Dick Van Dyke Show" on DVD

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For the Karaoke addicts on my friends list...
Check out the very first entry. )

Current Mood: enthralled
Current Music: "Forensic Files" on Court TV

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garrison keillor is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

Current Mood: confused

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Wow. Could my Verizon horoscope be more appropriate?
V.SIGN Sagittarius: The answer to your problems doesn't rest in having a partner; it lies within.(RGA)

Current Mood: pensive
Current Music: "Divorce Court" on TV

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"How To Good-Bye Depression" (probably not work-safe)
Popocatapetyl Duckworth
User: [info]gloriajn
Name: Popocatapetyl Duckworth
About this journal
I am larger, better than I thought,
I did not know I held so much goodness.
--Walt Whitman, "Song of the Open Road"
Back December 2005