Monday, October 18th, 2004
7:26 am
Oh actually, I also watched "Spirited Away" which was fantastic... highly recommend people watch that if they haven't already. It's very strange and rather cool, IMHO.
denari totally failed to come and visit us. Damn you. ;)
I'm gonna clean out my friends list later today, please don't be offended if I unfriend you, it's nothing personal. (That's not related to the previous sentence, don't worry Stu :) )
(5 comments | comment on this)
| Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
5:30 pm - Gone into hiding
My journal is now friends only. If this is all you can see, either you aren't on my friends list, or you aren't logged in. This is not because I don't want people to read my journal, I just want to discourage the 1% of people who will dig around in someone's journal for dirt to dish.
Leave a comment if you would like to be added to my friends list. Requests will more than likely be granted, but if I don't know you I will dig around in your journal for a while to find out about you. :) So if your journal is also friends only you'll need to add me to your friends list.
From time to time I remove people from my friends list if I haven't been reading your journal and we haven't been interacting very much. Please don't be overly offended by this, it is not necessarily a reflection on you. My time is limited and so I can only read the journals I enjoy most.. just because I've removed you doesn't mean you are boring or a bad person etc., it just means yours is not in my top 10 list of most interesting journals.
If I remove you, it's probably quite likely that you aren't paying a lot of attention to my journal either (and I will know this because you haven't been leaving any comments). But if it so happens that you are reading my journal avidly, leave me a message and I will probably reinstate you as to my friends list.
Conversely, from time to time I scout around LJ for interesting people who's journals I might like to read, and I add these people to my friends list so their posts appear on my friends page, and so they can read my journal. I don't usually post a comment immediately, as sometimes I only read peoples journal for a very short period of time. So if this has happened to you, don't be spooked out.. if I'm still reading your journal after a few weeks I'll introduce myself. If you don't like this for whatever reason, leave a comment saying so, you don't need to explain why if you don't want to, and I'll remove you from my friends list.
(11 comments | comment on this)