Chris' Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in Chris' LiveJournal:

    Saturday, November 30th, 2002
    6:28 pm
    I'm using Opera with this journal. I like Opera, but I have major beef with the nav icon bar. Why have room for the text under the buttons but not have the text showing all the time? I don't know what a goddamn star means, I don't know want to make the mental translation between a piece of paper with a folded corner and "New Page."

    The big icon bar belongs in the Interface Hall of Shame, which seems to be down right now.

    Also, -1 to Opera for not giving me the tab key for URL Auto-completion.

    Pretty good browser otherwise.
    Saturday, November 16th, 2002
    4:20 pm
    Currently working on a fairly naive implentation of AES (128bit only) in C++ for class.

    I've got all the input and output down, the sboxes (table lookup, not calculate) and the Key expansion. Now I just have to do the actual encipher and decipher.


    In other news, we caught someone trying to crack a test account password on our mailserver. At a shallow glance they were spooding their IP, so we might not be able to track them down. Now I'm gonna go write a Perl thing to toss me reports of what IPs are using what [outgoing] mail accounts so I can investigate when there's an anomaly. We wouldn't have found out about this one if I hadn't been getting the bounce messages. Grrr.
    Wednesday, October 30th, 2002
    8:34 pm
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