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[11 Sep 2004|03:24pm]
my lazy cat )
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[01 Aug 2004|11:03pm]
two random pictures )
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[24 Jul 2004|07:44pm]
holy crap my head is killing me. i had to get an eye exam today and a new contact lense prescription. my left eye got worse over the past year, and with these new contact lenses my head is just pounding. maybe it's not related, usually this only happens when i go the entire day without coffee, which might be the case. brewing a pot right now just to be safe...
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[07 Jun 2004|01:44am]
i hate memes, but amanda forced me to post this:
sirmalloc's LJ stalker is hotlavamonster!
hotlavamonster is stalking you because you are really good at bowling. They are also getting with your significant other!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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[22 May 2004|08:37pm]
[ mood | caffeinated ]
[ music | Status Wan - Summer Nights ]

i picked up a late 22nd birthday present for myself at the apple store yesterday.

(click for larger version)
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[03 May 2004|11:20pm]
it's been a while since i've posted. i'm too tired to get into a big update on things right now. but i did manage to snap a picture of the pit i call my desk at the office:

(click for larger version)
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[16 Feb 2004|10:23pm]
[ mood | geeky ]

i bought some necessary supplies off of thinkgeek:

Case o' Bawls
Mixed Case O' Jolt
übergeek bumper sticker

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[15 Feb 2004|08:56pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | the dishwasher washing dishes ]

amanda and i went to upper tampa bay park today and had a picnic and a nice walk by the water. look behind the cut for pictures.

pictures! )

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[28 Jan 2004|08:33pm]
programming is like sex, you really have to be in the mood, otherwise, it's no fun at all.
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[28 Jan 2004|01:30pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | DJ Tiesto - In ]

another beautiful day in florida. i'm working from home the rest of the week. i'm outside on my patio with the wireless networking and my laptop.

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[27 Jan 2004|04:07pm]
working from home has it's advantages. i've got all the windows open with the cool air blowing in. it's a beautiful day in florida today.

once 5:00 rolls around, i feel like going out for a drive, assuming i don't get slowed down too much by rush hour traffic.
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[27 Jan 2004|11:27am]
i'm working from home today because i have pink eye! oh yeah, fun fun. at least i missed the traffic this morning. anyone know of an otc remedy to get rid of this?
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[25 Jan 2004|12:41am]
man....the butterfly effect was completely amazing. such a mindtrip, i loved it.
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[05 Jan 2004|12:19pm]
i'm attempting to give up caffine. this blows.
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[03 Jan 2004|02:05am]
[ music | laptop fans whirring ]

okay, it's late and i can't sleep. my apartment is illuminated only by the glow of my laptop screen. and i think i got poison ivy on my legs during new years by prowling in the woods for firewood at a relative's party. hopefully it's nothing.

not sure what i plan on doing tomorrow....err....make that today. i'll probably wash my car, watch tv, try and think of something i can program that will actually bring in some revenue for my employer. i don't want to feel like i wasted another weekend sitting around the apartment though.

any suggestions? i really need to get out and do something.

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i feel geeky... [21 Dec 2003|09:24pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Finley Quaye - Dice ]

i don't know what got into me. i guess i missed using *nix-esque based operating systems after playing with osx on the new mac at work. i logged into my msdn subscription site and downloaded microsoft virtual pc 2004. i didn't quite expect it to work, but i got a freebsd install going fairly quickly. it's pretty damn sweet, there is a screenshot below.

on another topic...i feel rather old lately. i find myself sitting around the apartment wanting to call the cops on the people next for door blasting their music and the people that park on the grass all the time. i've also lost my ability to stay up into the wee hours of the night and get lost in code like i used to. i miss coding for the fun and the challenge. the last time that happened was probably over two years ago. i guess it partly comes in because i am getting comfortable at my job. this can be a bad thing....i don't want to slack off just because i can. i'm going to try staying up and being productive, it's just hard. anyone else going through this? jeeze - i'm only 21.

well, the bsd install failed - didn't make the virtual partition large enough - geeze these distributions have grown in size over the years.
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[18 Nov 2003|11:30pm]

here's my new car i bought last weekend. it's a 2003 subaru wrx.

behind the cut )
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a man without a project... [18 Oct 2003|01:45pm]
anybody have an idea for something i could program? i've been searching my brain lately for something useful, web or windows based, that i could just code on in my spare time, and i'm just out of ideas. anybody have anything?
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[21 Sep 2003|07:05pm]
i finally found a little utility to allow me to thumbnail pictures and make a slideshow out of them, it came with the windows xp powertools. at any rate, it let me quickly thumbnail all my disney and wedding pictures, and put them in a nice little slideshow, filmstrip, or thumbnail preview mode. so here are the links, enjoy:

Wedding pictures
Disney Day 1 - Animal Kingdom
Disney Day 2 - Epcot
Disney Day 3 - Magic Kingdom
Disney Day 4 - MGM and Magic Kingdom
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[14 Aug 2003|10:09pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Stryper - The Writing On The Wall (Reign Radio - Christian Rock and Metal LIVE [High Bandwidth]) ]

my wife and i are such dorks
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