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Saturday, November 2nd, 2002 | 12:09 am |
Geekiness and Writing
I may not be writing of words but I am writing alot of code. I am such
a geek. I rewrote the SCM system a couple of times. I might migrate
to bitkeeper as well. I got the web publishing working ok. I was doing
some sick shit. I was loading up files then creating a script to modify
the permissions then running the script remotely. Now I just use the
correct command-line arguments. Dash p is your friend. I always forget
about it. Mainly because I'm use to my umask being the same and use
to afs style directory permissions. Thus when I published for the web
under afs I just had to get the file in the right directory. Under
regular unix filesystem I have to make sure the file permissions are correct.
I don't like this. In spite of AFS's problems this is a very cool thing.
Anyone who doesn't like AFS for this feature is high.
I'm publishing the novel to a separate
website. Did I
already mention that? I do have to write a tool to upload the word count
to the NaNoWriMo site. I'll do that tomorrow or maybe tonight. My word
count needs to exclude the LaTeX markup. It is so small it shouldn't matter
in the long run but just to be on the safe side. I've written more code
words than novel words. I wonder if I can keep that up? I could cheat
and write an AI script to generate half the dialogue. =)
Current Mood: amused | Friday, November 1st, 2002 | 2:30 am |
Like a good geek
I started nanowrimo. I was a
very productive geek. I have SCM going full steam. I am using cvs
and GNU make. I'll be using LaTeX for my fun. I've a script to upload
the source files to my
novel web page. And due to my paranoid umask I have to generate a
shell script to be uploaded as well then run to setup permissions. I
wish I had afs. I guess it is a start. The plot is twenty five free kills.
I've several ideas. It is late so I'll start tomorrow. =)
Current Mood: tired | Monday, October 21st, 2002 | 12:15 am |
i wonder
Is teaching a child French considered a crime against nature?
Eskimos, allegedly, have a thousand words for snow. Do the French
have a thousand words for surrender?
I think I already did this bit. Oh well! If you don't like the material
write me some new jokes.
| Sunday, October 20th, 2002 | 2:02 am |
i hate that
Reading Practical Reusable unix software. I hate when I read stuff
and go, yeah that's what I was thinking was the solution too. Good thing
you got to it first.
Current Mood: tired | Friday, October 4th, 2002 | 4:22 pm |
Connecting the Dots.
I connected one of the last big dots in my research. How does Software
development methodologies fit in? The results of my thesis
feed back in software development. Of course all of this assumes my
thesis has any meaning at all.
Current Mood: geeky | Wednesday, October 2nd, 2002 | 11:51 pm |
| Sunday, September 29th, 2002 | 3:30 pm |
Technical Rant
I should post this to advogato.
What have a done lately?
I modified xpdf to correct the user interface.
There is still a glaring hole and I've been debating whether to change it.
The code is not very well suited to changing so it is a crap shoot.
The changes I made are as follows. I removed the PDF "security" features.
The author has a right to their point of view. I disagree with it.
I switched the mouse buttons. The first button now grabs and moves the
page and the second does selection and navigation. The navigation is the one
I am debating. The code isn't so clear on it. The reason for the change
was to have xpdf act like gv. I use both so often I need them to be the same
as it becomes annoying as hell. Of course you could argue I could have changed
gv and you are right. It is a toss up. I am not sure how many people use this
feature but as someone who deals with PDFs on a daily basis I use it alot.
The next change was to fix the arrow and page keys. They acted ridiculously.
If the whole page wasn't showing and you hit page down it would side the rest
of the page into view. As I often keep the margins out of view this is very
annoying. So page up and page down now cycle through the pages without
disturbing the "viewport" of the page.
The arrow keys scroll the view of the page.
I've been working on the uudecode utility from the GNU sharutils package.
What a cluster fuck. I ripped it from the package with little problem.
It was tedious but in the end I had a single source file, header and Makefile.
I was surprised. The crap that was going on to build it was uncalled for.
Being such an old program I like it because it has been around and well
tested. But it does have a number of problems I am trying to correct.
I added support for spaces in filenames. I'm working on streaming support.
I installed bitkeeper on a couple of my machines and will start moving
towards using it full time. The distributed nature is what I like best.
Almost everything else I hate. The fact it refuses to work with a relative
symbolic link. So it won't function properly in a stow environment. Which
also means it is violating the Unix "contract". The documentation says one
thing and the program does something different. I am trying to get it to
function closer to CVS with regards to my working directory. I want to see
the files I have "checked out". I realize the stupidity of this but it
says it can do it so I expect it to behave. It requires RCS to be installed
to import cvs. This is ok with an older cvs but newer cvs versions have their
own RCS commands built in. So you know have to install RCS separately on
most modern linux distros even if you have cvs installed. Minor annoyance.
The reason I switched was because there are times when I need to update the
programs I write but I am not at home. Every computer I use on a daily basis
has my tools installed. So I expect to be able to modify the source code
at any time on any of these as necessary. Maybe a new situation arises or
a bug is found, I want to jump on it. Fix it. Commit the changes. Currently
it just isn't possible. I am hoping I can do this now with bitkeeper.
Network protocol reworking. I finally remember what got me thinking
about BEEP and reworking the world of TCP/IP network protocols.
I didn't say so in the recent project list but the idea didn't seem like
mine. I thought I had put it on there just to seem cool. I worry about
these things. I don't ever want to do that. At least as far as technical
things go. I smoke to look cool but hey who doesn't? But I kept it on
there because I couldn't remember the whole story yet something told me
I had considered it. The BEEP part was later after the orignal idea.
The orignal idea was to integrate most of the IP application protocols
into a single backend. I noticed most of the protocols with very few
expectations are queries into a database. DNS, finger, ntp, time, quote,
chargen, echo, discard, http, arp, dhcp, ftp, rip, bgp, smtp,
pop3, imap, bootp, ldap, nfs. Other which are not are the telnet and it's
ilk of ssh and rsh and snmp,ppp,etc.
Of course some of these protocols are more than just queries. Some of them
include updating and inserting. This isn't important. What is important
is the observation of the queries. Why? Because it means that an implementation
of one of these is nothing more than a translator. It translate the protocol
into a standard system query. Then hands the query off to system to
resolve. The system hands the "answer" back and the implementation encodes
it into the protocol. Most implementations of protocols do utilize some
of the system. Unfortunately unix doesn't have a real query or database
system outside of the filesystem. While technically it does these tasks
we can see the success by all the redundancy. The idea is to eliminate
redundancy. In fact this is what BEEP wants to do as well. It wants to
be modular. All protocols have basic issues and BEEP tries to say why
solve these in every way possible. Why not focus on do the best two or
three ways for encoding then let the applications choose which it likes
best. Instead of each application(level protocol) re inventing the wheel
because it needs it but no doing a good job. Inconsistency.
There may also be potential to add to the TCP/IP stack to hide and protect
application and handle the common dirty work. This also makes it easy to
implement policy across all network applications without changing every network.
I mean tcpwrappers. What a great applications. But why is it needed? Failure
of the stack to log any connections. So I have to make the change at the
application level. Well for all my daemons I want logging of connections.
Yet instead of making a single policy change or bit flip in the system
I have to change all my apps? This is stupid. Of course some might argue
you may of may not want loggin for a given app. Ok fine. This only means
the stack should be able to turn loggin on and off for each network interface
and for each port on them. Problem solved. You have a high traffic port
you don't want to log? Ok turn it off. Why deal with the app? It is a system
level not an application level consideration. Whether an application or an
application user wants logging the system owner may. Why should the system
owner depend on the application or user to give them the information?
I am sure someone will argue performance. Well if you think it would be a
problem, then implement it and show me the numbers. Otherwise you are
wasting your breath. It is amazing how the one area of computing everyone
argues about the most but which can be so easily resolved with numbers is not.
Performance is numbers not guess or hypothesis. Especially for a system. Now
when I have an algorithm you can analyze that to your hearts content without
numbers but I don't so you can't so there.
Current Mood: geeky | Wednesday, September 25th, 2002 | 6:08 pm |
openssl, openbsd and shake
Two messages from the openbsd-misc list. I think they are the best at
explaining the whole situation. Should have been the first ones.
Both are from theo.
Current Mood: geeky | 3:34 pm |
quote from mccusker
this is all taken from today's treedragon post.
Kurt Vonnegut in Timequake:
I say in lectures in 1996 that fifty percent or more of American marriages go
bust because most of us no longer have extended families. When you marry
somebody now, all you get is one person.
I say that when couples fight, it isn't about money or sex or power. What
they're really saying is, "You're not enough people!"
Sigmund Freud said he didn't know what women wanted. I know what
women want. They want a whole lot of people to talk to.
Earlier we had discussed how we didn't want our own children to grow up and go
into the software building business, because it's basically a wasteland that
saps your life with long hours that don't clearly result in something that's
really needed in the world.
To become worthwhile, the software industry needs to start over, after the
horrible mess it has become runs its course. I said I wanted to help
restart things. Certainly I'm trying to develop projects that aren't
hopelessly mired in the spaghetti of technology that's currently out there.
He saw open source as central to the restart of technology.
Current Mood: amused | Friday, September 20th, 2002 | 2:37 am |
I knew it would be useful
Last post was long. I died out at the end. Going to sleep got me thinking.
Why all of these things. And how are they connected. I didn't have time
for a conclusion. But I think its the framework-language and language-user
interface connection. UI-framework-language. Maybe we can connect them
that way. I was trying to develop a UI language from a UI but maybe I
need to study existing UI frameworks and take them to languages.
That path is tricky as it is not well paved. But i think that is the
connection. The software development tools seem to blow in the wind.
They may be an example or they may have a deeper connection. I'll
process that some more.
Current Mood: tired | Thursday, September 19th, 2002 | 3:44 pm |
So many projects. So little time.
I always feel I should apologize for forcing people to
download my lengthy posts. If I think about it I add an lj-cut but
the post usually turns out longer than I planned.
This is a continuation and expansion of the last entry.
I discuss the various projects I'm working on and their importance.
I'm trying to decide
which projects should be dumped and which completed. I also hope
this will better explain my views and behaviors.
( Projects and Research ) Current Mood: geeky | 12:27 am |
Projects and Technology
I need to finish my good to great rant. It is really nice. Connecting
everything I've learned of late: Zen, Career planning and Organizational
structure. But the connection is obvious, I am sure. =)
A stop doing list. One idea from "Good to Great" is a stop doing list.
Great companies just didn't add to there to-do list they made a list
of things they were going to stop doing. This helps with the Hedgehog concept.
So what projects are important and what do I want to keep doing and what do
I want to stop doing.
What is a partial current list.
- NetRexx Incremental Compiler
- Visual Make
- BFS for OS/2
- Spam filter and User Interface. integration with mutt
- Unix userland UI refurb.
- Galeon rework.
- URI/URL Bookmark organizer
- Many faces of cal. One program, multiple implementations
- newtar: untar,vtar,ctar: Archie/Compression UI with mutliformat
- LiveJournal/Advogato clients
- Chad's OS
- Writer's desk
- Ecology Language
- Literate Programming Tool
- Language of User Interfaces
- Ancient protocols reworked to the Beep framework
They do have a constant theme. But they are all related. The point is
better working through Computer-Human Interaction. (thank you fatboy slim)
Even the OS is really just my way of saying the current system is
unworkable so build something new. All of this hinges on an observation
in The Humane Interface. If you build a great user interface people
will want it like an addict wants a drug. It is hard to see. But the
drug industry has a wonderful economic model. First one's free. Then its
profit city. Reliable computers. No more data loss. No more stupid computers.
No more computers pretending to be smart and pissing off the user. Just
intelligent, thoughtful, reliable, error-correcting, fault-tolerate humane
computers. I was thinking of using a white/black motif. Similar to the
generic foods from the early eighties. What ever happened to real generic
food? When did it become necessary to put brands on generic food? I remember
as a child the generic foods were all on one alies. It was white! It was
so psychotic. "Beans", "Peas", "Fruit". Ever seen the white "Beer" cans
in movies? Had those too. So I am thinking "Computer"! Of course generic
meant low cost, cheap food. But I want to make a high quality, moderately
expensive product.
Hardware and software has reached the point of functionality over
specs. Until very recently buying new hardware such as more memory or
a faster CPU resulted in a better computing experience. But over the
last 3-5 years CPU speeds and memory have reached a crest. For the
average Internet, word processing, spreadsheet user computers are
fast enough. It is even starting to effect hardware manufactures now.
There was an article on CNN about how people aren't buying the
fastest computer any more but the cheapest. Why? Because you don't
need the fastest. Actually I am sitting gat a Pentium 133 Mhz computer with
64 megabytes of RAM and a 4MB video card running X windows with no
problem. There is a slowness dealing with compressed data, mpg,mp3,jpg,gz,
bz2 but otherwise it works just fine. The only reason people need
faster hardware is the bloatware from software companies. The functionality
doesn't need the hardware. So the idea is to sell a computing device
based on functionality and quality of service and not specifications.
Of course there are still areas of computing which demand big and better
but it is a smaller market. But I think we can address their concerns as
well so not a problem.
There is a couple of approaches. I'd like to do a whole new hardware
design. I want to rework the motherboard concept. I want legos. But
don't we all? iSCSI and IPP both make me want to build a computer
around a network hub/router. A private internal network for disk,
printer, video and CPU. This enables things like slimed down
corporate desktops or smaller/cheaper second/third computers which
can use the components of the first computer. With mass storage and
printing and video all on the network then the computer can be
plugged into the network and instantly access all the appropriate files.
SO all one needs is a new interface(monitor/keyboard/mouse/etc) and away
you go. Then as you buy new items you just plug them into the network
and they are available. The NOW project from Berkeley with serverless
filesystem and network RAM in a household form. What I imagine is little
firewire hubs which the monitor and keyboard and mouse plug into. This connects
to a CPU server and away you go. Then if you need more power you can plug
a second or third CPU into the computer and everyone can use it. It is
basically mainframes for homes. So don't get me wrong. The technology
and architecture aren't new just a new forum.
functionality vs spec. The idea is to sell a computer to handle
internet or high school student work or college mathematics or
software development or home economics or whatever instead of selling
a 500 Gigahertz Septium VII with a Terabyte of mass storage and
DVD with a Nvidia 5 Gigabyte Video card and the surround sound.
Why would people like this? Now ordinary people can shop for
a product and buy it and not feel cheated. Most consumers feel
cheated with a computer purchase because they buy something then
the next month the ads have something new and allegedly better for the
same price. So what we do is sell the same functionality for the same
price, always. What is underneath may change over time as we get
different volume deals or what have you but the price remains the same.
Or at least for a year it remains the same. Look at cars. Basic
transportation. The price is the same for about a year. Over time
functionality is slowly dropped down into the lower levels. But at
the lowest level there are no frills. Just basic transport. Why is there
such a wide range of automobiles? Because people have different needs.
So why not a different computer for everyone? More functionality and frills
for the $5000 model sold to the rich and upwardly mobile. The case fits
with the latest home fashions or it can be custom built. The low end is
a basic computing device. It is for the low income families and they
pay $250. And they get the no frills basic transportation of computing.
But to start out with we offer a middle of the road computer. Price
point around $1500-$2000 for a complete system. Screen, Box, Printer and
maybe scanner. Free trials. Software to make you drool. Educate people
on the waste of time and frustration of reboots and data loss. Maybe
make a $500 gerrentee against data loss. You follow the rules and
no data loss. The rules would be stuff like don't drop out of an
airplane. Yet we will have a optional module to handle this situation.
Probably use airbags like the Mars Landers did. A meter to measure
acceleration then inflate the airbags and bounce! But even if the computer
is dropped it needs to keep the data. We may offer a portable model as
well. So it has to handle a crash. This will be the big point.
No more lost data. No more annoying reboots. Of course it is so ingrained
in people they may not get it but it will be important. Also the
software will have a great UI. Simple, Easy to understand, Usable and Working.
Start out with a few simple features. They will work 100% before any more
features are added. The pricing is per feature. So if people want
more features they pay more. Image manipulation. Most people just need a
few features. So they are included in the base package. But if they need more
or finer controls then they upgrade.
I've totally lost my train of thought.
Current Mood: geeky | Tuesday, September 17th, 2002 | 3:35 pm |
The end of innovation
I need to rewrite. Maybe in english next time.
I read The Lost World again. The movie and book name share only
a substring. Both have dinosaurs. The similarities end there.
The book is worthwhile to anyone who liked the first. I forgot why I liked
it. Two big reasons. Complexity in print. What can I say. I liked it before
NKS so there. Second was the idea that cyberspace would be the end of
innovation. The idea was that as more and more people get connected
the less innovation. When everyone gets connected we become one homogeneous
mass of no innovation. No new ideas. We all think the same. This bodes
poorly for our survival as a species. The book links behavior and social
structure of complex creatures to their survival. For complex, higher
order creatures, it is behavior and not genetics which must evolve. The
meat sandwich is just a carry all for your behavior. Nature vs. nurture.
Nurture wins. Well Nurture is more important than nature in complex
I've a whole problem with that terminology and debate. It strikes right
out the heart of the problem. Humans always looking for simplistic
solutions. Simple answers. Why? Its easier. It takes less work to just
accept what you are fed. But humans can understand these concepts. If given
a chance. Social programs like welfare and a living wage are all about
one thing and one thing only. They are about given people a chance to
think for themselves. Give them time to think. Else what are they
going to do? Except what is given to them at face value. What
else can they do?
I don't know if I believe the species is on the line. But democracy is
on the line. Humanity is on the line. Western civilization: what
a good idea. The last dark age lasted for a thousand years. It was
after the fall of Rome. Civilization is on the line.
need to tie in Computer Science and User Interfaces. What would a Chad
rant be with out a tie into to CS and HCI? The fall of Rome needs more
tie in. But its hard to know if it is related directly or just by chance?
So the tie in to CS is the "fast pace" of computers. They are getting
big, better, faster all the time. You have to move move move!! This is
an illusion. It is Mtv/ADHD. The concept that the world has a low
attention span is a myth; it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of the
twenty-four hour networks. How do you get people to watch something which
is nothing more than static? Sure people use to watch it TV test patterns
in the first days. It was all there was. It was novel. TV isn't novel.
So in the beginning people did watch the twenty-four hour networks. But
the novelty wore off. So then what? How do you get people to watch static?
Watch the test pattern? You make it moving. You give it bells and whistles.
You tell them if they don't watch they might miss something! It is all
PR. It is all an illusion.
How could they possible miss something?
The rate of new information is not that great.
The information creation rate is really quite small. Compared to the
bandwidth. This is information with a big I. The link to physics sense
of information. The speed of light is not a limit on velocity or magnitude
it is a limit of information propagation. There was apiece in New Scientist.
About breaking the speed of light. Who cares? But Einstein said... Who
cares what Einstein said? He's dead. He's ideas are dead. Let us move on.
But the article was a good article because it did point out the information
propagation didn't exceed the speed of light. Which is the key. I mean
we already have quantum entanglement and teleportation. Both occur
faster than the speed of light except information can't be propagated
faster than the speed of light thus they are constrained. The interesting
thing is it seems this is an important component for the nature of
universe and entropy. In Nature or Science...hmmm...maybe about a month ago.
I'll have to look up the issue. It was a good article. The limits of
So there is a limit on the rate of information propagation. Is there a
limit on the creation? hmm..maybe in terms of how much information can
be represented in the universe and how much time it takes to twiddle the
bits as it were. Of course NKS covers some of this. Information Theory. Fun
in the Sun. Anyways, so how much new information is out there? Sure there
are lots of things going on. But once again we are talking about real
information. So we have to remove the error correcting codes. The redundancy.
We have to compress everything. Compression is a wonderful topic. Information
theory. How much information is in that data? Compression is about answer
that question. Of course we don't really want to just get the raw information.
It is very fragile. The world is not nice to raw information. Thus all
the error-correcting and redundancy. I like the "perfect" compression
algorithms which pop up every couple of years. I enjoy them as I enjoy all
snake oil. But also for the underlying idea of social commentary. "We can
compress your television broadcast from 100 megabytes per second to 1 kilobyte
per hour." Yes I think that is possible. As there is not much raw
information. But that isn't exactly what they had in mind.
But I am amused. And that is what matters. =)
Ok I am out in the middle of nowhere. Lets try and get back. Oh wait I did
get back. Damn I made it and didn't even realize it. Am I good or what?
Don't answer that.
So PR and advertising are used to convince people they must watch else
they might miss something. Of course if anything really happened it would
be played for hours and hours. So in order to keep people watching the
static and not getting bored, to give th illusion of something is happening
they keep the picture moving. They keep it changing all the time. They
use cuts and pans and fades. But camera movement alone doesn't give
you the sense of hurry up and keep watching. The movie "Gosford Park" by
Robert Altman is a good counter example. The movie has a nice slow pace
compared to Mtv or CNN. Yet the camera is always moving. Whether you can
tell or not it is always moving. Camera movement is used to give you
a sense of eves-dropping on people. So it not just camera movement. Quick
cuts can give you a sense of urgency. They can also give you a sense of
something not there. "My own private Idaho" is a good example. They show
still shots of the sex scenes. Usually about 10 or so. The people in
various stages of dress. They show various angles. They are flashed
rather quickly. Yet they don't give a sense of urgency they let your
imagination fill in the gaps. So its not just the camera techniques.
It is the whole package of camera, content and PR. Once again getting
away from the idea of a single cause. The content is clipped. This happened
here. Then thousands of miles away this other thing happened. Show pictures.
Show audio. Look at CNN headline news sometime. They have hundreds of
blinking and flashing lights to give you the sense alot is going on.
Of course its just cycling. It also moves too fast to be absorbed. So
you have to watch it for a while til it cycles again. I've not done
measurements but I am sure there is a connection between cycle rate and
PR/ad pieces. Of course CNN is one big PR show. But that's another matter.
So what is the consequences of trying to make a little information seem
like a lot? ADHD. Low attentions spans. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We think the blinking and moving light is information. We think it is
new information.
Similarly, there is alot of movement online. Alot of information flying
around. But its not much raw information. Lots of redundancy
and error-correction. So it looks like a lot of information is always
blowing around. So we try to jump on it. Grab it. Say yes this is something
new. Its worth my time. Oh look over there. Something else! You jump and jump
and yet all that remains is a bit of information. Small, tiny. Not worth
the time. Yes there is new information all the time. But its a small amount.
It is not worth our time to speed hours for a few bits of information.
Yet this is what I do everyday. Sift through the heap. Where is the new
stuff? Anything new? Where oh where! Yet there is none. Yet I wait. I
grasp out. Then find nothing but a tiny byte of information. Was it
worth it? Lets not get side tracked on me.
We see information in a new suit and we think it is new and innovative.
Innovation is creating information. It is creation. Something new from
the world. Not a rewrapped old bit but new bit based on all the old ones.
Comformaity. Humans strive for it. Innovation is non-conforming. It
fights the system. It is change. So it is seen as bad. Yet without it we die.
Oxygen. It corrodes the body yet without it we die. Balance. A slippery
slope on a fitness landscape. You have to run as fast as you can
to stay where you are.
Of course who cares? Why is diversity important? Why do distributed systems
beat centralized? Adaptive. Diversity as in accepting others. Usually
used as a counter to racism, bigotry, sexism and the whole list of ism.
It is important to us all just not for the reasons they give. It is
important for our survival. Remember the gene pool? Remember all the jokes
about a stagnant gene pool? Too much inbreeding? We find inbreeding
disgusting and we see the effects of genetic inbreeding. Yet we
continue to support and defend intellectual inbreeding. Inbreeding of
ideas and thoughts and behavior. That's ok. Yet its not ok for our
genes to act that way? Because nature has put in big speed bumps to
clue us in on inbreed genes. It also put in a speed bump for inbreed
behavior. Its called extinction.
People talk about moderation as the key to a good life. Moderation is
about balance. It is about a mix. A variety. Many different foods to
survive. Man can not survive on bread alone. He would probably die of
scurvy. Why do kids mature so much faster now? Better foods. Healthier.
In terms of giving their body what it needs to develop. Unfortunately,
it is there minds and emotions which must be developed. Complex organism
have wonderful meat sacks. Yet they are usual and harmful with out
minds, social order and behavior.
Repeative stree injuries. Why do they occur? No moderation. No mix
Different ideas allow you to survive and adapt.
There is an interesting word game. Homo and Hetero. Same and Different.
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous. Different leads to survival. Heterosexuals
propagate the species. Yet Homosexuals are necessary to prevent Homogeneity.
Current Mood: tired | 2:46 am |
25 free kills
Have I wrote about 25 free kills in this venue? I don't remember. I am
too lazy to go look. I was given a web comic which is similar to 25 free
kills. It amused me of course. I am easily amused. I was thinking back
to how it all got started. I don't remember. I do know I've been meaning
to write up the philosophy behind it. Why 25 free kills? What a complex
and interesting question.
Let's start with what is 25 free kills. Its a new rule of law. The idea
is change the law. There are three rules. One, everyone gets 25 free kills
with no criminal or civil consequences. Two, you must admit to all kills.
Three, If you break the rules then everyone in the world gets one extra
kill, its called you. There are no trading, swapping or selling kills.
You can't contract out one of your kills. There are no exceptions.
Police, Military and State executioner only get 25 free kills. When someone
breaks the rules a general warrant is issued to anyone claiming the offender
as a kill. This warrant need not be executed. People can use as many or none
of their kills as they see fit.
The laws against torture and assault are
still in place. So you can kill them you just can't assault them.
The torture angle is a possible loop hole for criminal and civil
punishment. There is only a few "painless" methods of death. So is any
pain torture? Maybe. Beheadings will be all the rage.
A historical note. I was going to have unlimited kills with the rule
you had to kill them with a screwdriver.
Why only 25? Do you think you'll live long enough to even use that many?
Who are you trying to kid?
The claimed reason for this is to simplify the laws. Finally put killing
in its proper place and be consistent about it. Do you know the difference
between self-defence and premeditated murder? The blink of an eye and a thought.
Someone is coming at you with a knife. You attempt to defend yourself. In
the moment before it happens you decide to kill them. Premeditated murder.
Of course no jury would convict. But what is the point of a law which
makes this distinction? What is the point of a system where the state
can kill freely with no consequences yet the people can't? Are not the
people the state? Why is there a difference? In a democracy there is no
difference. The people are the state.
25 free kills is about democracy. It is about man's inhumanity to man.
It is about stopping murder. It is about putting into words what is
already common practice.
Don't kid yourself. Look around. It happens
everyday. We don't even blink. Do I judge you? No. I simply want it
acknowledged. Why hide? Why be hypocritical on paper or in action?
Just put it down. This is what we are about. Our actions speak
louder than words. Who are we trying to fool? Each other? Why?
God? You can't fool God. God knows your dirty little secret. God
knows your dirty little lies. For you Christians and Jews it says
"Thou shall not kill". Not thou shall not kill not people. God makes
no distinction so why do you? Why do you send your souls to hell?
Why not be up front about it?
25 free kills is about putting a mirror in front of society. Showing
society what it is. It puts a name on it. It says this is who we are.
It doesn't judge. But you can't change unless you know what are you.
You can't leave until you know where are you. It is about learning
where we are and what we are. It is the annoying introspection into
the soul of man. You don't like what you see? Do something about it.
But people like it. Yes they do. What's wrong with that? Maybe I started
it to stop killing. But I started it because I found it acceptable. More
acceptable than the current situation. Would I kill? Never say never.
Its late. I am drunk. This is my way out. Yes I am going to hell.
For those coming later, I'll be the one holding the whip.
Current Mood: zen | 2:25 am |
What do you have to lose?
My soul.
15 million dollars isn't money. Money is what you take to the grocery
store. Money is what you get from an ATM. 15 million dollars is a
motive with a universal adaptor.
My soul. But isn't that always on the line? The people I play games
with don't take checks or credit cards. Cake donuts are at the door.
No chocolate. No milk. No fucking sprinkles. They are moist and delicious.
Isn't it worth it? Worth the gamble? The opportunity to roll the dice.
Just my soul on the line. You are lucky every day of your life until
you die. Billions of souls. Billions of donuts. Think yours is worth
something more? Think just because you didn't swallow its worth it?
Because you didn't kill its worth it? Because you said your prayers
its worth it? Because you gave at the office its worth it? Because
you used a condom its worth it? Because you only maimed them its worth
it? Because you told Edi Amin it was a bad idea its worth it?
and Billions of people. Everyone unique. Everyone special. You are special.
Special to me. Special for the five minutes it takes me to watch you eat
the donut. Special for the five minutes it takes me to fuck your soul out.
Special for eternity. Special to me. You are special.
You think they are monsters. You think they aren't human. You think
they aren't you. You think it couldn't happen here. You hope it couldn't
happen here. You pray they aren't human. You beg your god they are monsters.
They aren't like you you say. They aren't normal you pray. They are crazy
you scream. They aren't satan. They aren't monsters. They are human.
They are just like you. They slipped. So can you. Push them away; they only
get closer. At night, when you are alone and the demons come, what do they
look like? What do they say? Is it your mommy and daddy? Is it you? Is it
The monster is us. We know this. The fear and terror isn't for the monster.
Its for the reflection. The reflection in their eyes. The reflection of
ourselves. It is us we see. It is you and me. The pain is knowing. Knowing
we are one. We are the same. The monster is just a man. A human. Us.
Current Mood: awake | Sunday, September 15th, 2002 | 5:10 pm |
Movies, Books and Cartoons
This is from friday but lj was acting up. Should I backdate?
Do you have anything to say before I win? Yeah, two words. Kiss Kiss.
I am so amused.
I am not a follower!!! Damn it!
I re-read the firm recently. It was on the table before laura said
anything so there. =P She commented on the fact the movie was so different
and in the book Mitch was an asshole. The reason the movie is so different
is because of the lead. Tom Cruise doesn't play a bad guy. He may
play a flawed character but not a bad guy. Same with Mel Gibson. Even
in "Payback" where is looks like his character is a bad guy he is
really a good guy no different from his Lethal Weapon character. It just
happens the setting is different. So in "The Firm", Tom's character had
to tell his wife. So he looks like a good guy. Good guys confess. It is
what makes them good. Annoying? Yes.
Did I talk about the dog? There is a pit bull who lives just around the
corner. He's a sweet dog. As I've always said dogs are trained to be
mean. They aren't born into it. The pit bull is intact. The other day
the owner was trying to breed him with a female pit bull. I think the
female is from one of the neighbors. So they are trying to breed them for
some reason. Probably think they can get money or something. The sad part is
I am sure people will pay them and the dogs will end up in the wrong homes
being trained to be mean. Anyways me and Maverick were walking by. The male
dog knows us and always wants to play. The female came over to meet us.
Apparently she was quite enamored with maverick. Kept trying to get close to
him and get him to mount her. It was amusing. During this the male pit bull
kept trying to mount her but she'd turn around a bite at him to get him
away. I was so amused. While I like pure breed dogs. They can put out some
good looking animals like Maverick. But other pure breeds just look ugly
and need some spice in the gene pool. You don't see sickly mixed breeds.
They are strong and good looking. Anyways, if I knew the neighbors well enough
I'd throw Maverick into the yard and let him get some. He needs to get laid.
| 3:09 pm |
mice, meese, mooses
I bought a mouse yesterday. My trackball with the four buttons died about
a year ago. Under OS/2 a two button mouse i s all you need. I'd been using
my Microsoft mouse 2.0. Its the one product of theirs I use. It is only
two button so it sucks for X windows. I got a logitech cordless optical
trackman. The cordless I can do without but it was the only optical
trackball with more than two buttons. It has like seven buttons and a
wheel. Maybe eight. But I've only been able to map 5.
I had forgotten how nice the scroll wheel is for reading documents.
I used a scroll wheel during the training class a couple weeks ago. So
I'll have to turn it on at work. Luckily I've justin to give me the
magic X config voodoo to enable it.
Current Mood: here | Friday, September 13th, 2002 | 2:54 pm |
Writing: Poems and Prose
I don't get poetry. Never have. Never will? I am reading a newsgroup on
writing. They are talking about this very issue. Apparently there is
layers of meaning and depth to poems. Who knew? The people on this
newsgroup. But I didn't. I am not very good with extracting subtle
meaning from others words. It requires too much work.
Never ask a question you don't know the answer too. Good advice for any
lawyer in a court room. Most lawyers follow this advice.
I was talking to Gerardo yesterday. Why? He was bored. He has a problem
with boredom. He hates being bored. Apparently he dated me to not be
bored. How sweet of him to say. He dumped me because I was boring. Yet he
keeps talking to me. Especially when he's bored. Its amusing. He just
likes the stories I tell. Why do people encourage me?
Stories and Events. Last week a guy on the block behind me was pissing
in his yard. At 7 o'clock in the morning! I thought he was watering his
lawn. Well he was. Then I watched him closer and thought wow a college
student caring about the lawn especially this early. Then I saw the flow
stop. Then he walked back inside. Realized what he was doing. I thought
about calling the cops. The disturbing part was the kids playing on the
same street. I don't get up that early so I don't know if its a
regular deal.
Last week I was in training. Learning "Programming in M--". From one of
the founders of the company. Very nice. He was pretty good teacher except
he had a tendency to read the slides. It was nice because the whole course
was written up in hand outs but annoying to have him read it. He did
expand more and when you asked questions he became very engaging.
It was a good class. I learned a few things. I had to put up with a Sony Viao
running Win98. I was able to get a real mouse so I didn't have to put up
with touch pad. The touch pad did get in the way with typing.
I've been working on business ideas. Most of my family are good at selling.
I am not. I am good at the technical side. I talked with my brother about his
business and some ideas of how to start my own. If I had a good product I
think I could talk him into help me sell it.
Current Mood: zen | Tuesday, August 27th, 2002 | 12:06 pm |
Four Hundred Forty-One
From a story about drugs in Canada.
The boy was nabbed with an "eight-ball" of rock cocaine [...]
"He was evasive with the officers who attempted to question him,"
Chaffin said.
And police don't believe the boy -- who is too young to face charges -- learned
that lesson on his own.
Other than sucking, exactly what could the boy,any child, learn on
their own? Think McFly! Think!
Current Mood: amused | Thursday, August 22nd, 2002 | 2:19 pm |
Four Hundred Forty
I should finish my thoughts from time to time.
Gentoo is a build from source distribution of linux. I build from source
for one reason. More control over configuration of the product. When its
built from binary I have to put with all there assumptions about what
I want and what I have. Gentoo is just interested in a built from
source using -O6 optimization on the compiler. Other than the fact
gcc does have shitty code generation so -O and maybe -O2 is required
to get code running at a "normal" level the other levels don't matter.
You aren't going to notice!! The only places it matters is high performance
apps. And only 1% of your apps are high performance. Any thing which
interacts with you is not high performance. You want faster? Buy
a new CPU. -O6 on a shitty compiler isn't going to cut it. Now if
you use a different compiler then maybe! But the thing is I compile
from source not so I can tweak the compiler options but so I can
tweak the application options!!! Hello!!! If I can't do this in
a sane and straight forward manner then what is the point?
While I hate configure. It does allow me to
./configure --help and select which options I want.
The other info should be cached. But does gentoo do that? nope.
So why then? Who knows. To piss me off.
So what's next? I don't know. I think I'll just go back to OS/2 and sulk.
I am not sure which is more aggravating: gentoo's failure or my failure
to not have expectations?
Current Mood: zen |
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