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[23 Mar 2005|11:42pm]
Evil is a subjective ascription.
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[14 Mar 2005|06:24am]
Odd sleeping pattern. I fell asleep early, as in real early (I have no idea when), and woke up at 3 something. At about 7 I'll try and sleep some more, but it's just.... odd.
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[13 Mar 2005|02:25pm]
Because everyone else is doing it.

You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul.

Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Seems obvious, but wtf do they mean by Satanism? I mean, seriously, are we supposed to take that as any cohesive set of beliefs?
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[11 Mar 2005|06:58am]
Somehow I find it highly amusing that I feel like listening to Wumpscut at 7 in the morning.

Man, I forgot how draining school could be when you do give a shit. Yesterday was the joy of two midterms and a rough draft of a paper. My predicition is an A- in Sociogolgy 101 (not very hard, just memorization) and a B- in International Relations (HARD... our prof is draconian). The paper is mainly on how IMF loans are used to induce debt and thus servititude in the form of secondard World Bank loans to America's free market empire. Yeah, sounds like something I'd write about, doesn't it?

Anyways, now it's spring break. The apartment's a shithole. I have two papers to complete in the next week, butr other than that it's just going to be me trying to keep busy enough not to get wicked depressed.
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Social Security [28 Feb 2005|11:10pm]
This whole "debate" over Social Security solivancy is ridiculous. Foremost in my annoyance is the common conservitive tactic of exageratted terms- bakruptcy, broken, etc. Also, as any responsible economist will tell you long term economic prediction is at best a wild guess. Economics are only really accurate in the short term. What we are witnessing is primarily an ideological debate between fundamentalist free marketers and the rest of America. Privitization is, in essance, a weath retention plan- the rich will be fine and the poor will rot. What's not being widely publicized is that there's a simple solution to all of this- remove the 90k cap on SS payroll collection from the employed. This is logical, fair and the best way to address this issue without causing a landslide in the wealth gap between the rich and poor. Media and the public must add this option to the current dialouge before Bush completes his legacy operation of lining the pockets of upper class America with gold dug from the teeth of the poor.
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[14 Feb 2005|04:15pm]
Got cancer? Get AIDS!
(via [info]jwz)
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[12 Feb 2005|08:43pm]
neat foo )
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[11 Feb 2005|02:27pm]
Three random external observations over the course of the last week:

In the campus center at UMB... a young student. Female, obviously muslim by her dress... all black, head wrapped, very conservitive except for a red scarf poking through... she was however wearing one piece of jewelry- a charm upon necklace anout one inch by three inches of SOLID ICE (read: diamonds). I found the contrast between the conservitive nature of her dress and the oppulance of that one piece striking.

On the T red line, heading to Harvard three young men board. They're acting like total obnoxious assholes- loud, wrestling. I'm wondering if they're simply rude or stupid. It takes me about two stops to realize- they're tripping balls. That explained it.

On the T red line, near UMB... I get on the train near the end. Of 15 people I am the only caucasion. All other passengers are Korean or Chinese (I can't tell the difference) and over the age of 50. By the way they are dispersed throughout the train and thier interactions with each other it's clear they do not know each other. Yet they clumped in such a manner... interesting.
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[26 Jan 2005|07:24pm]
New vocabulary for the day, while reading The Prince:

1: a firm adherent to a party , faction, cause, or person; especially : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance
2a: a member of a body of detached light troops making forays and harassing an enemy b: a member of a guerrilla band operating within enemy lines

transitive verb
to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis

lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
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[23 Jan 2005|05:40pm]
Update: Our heat just turned back on!

Oh, and as of 10 minutes ago there was no noticable temp difference between the kitchen and inside the fridge. Woo.
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[23 Jan 2005|02:23pm]
1) We are burried in snow, in what is probably the worst snowfall in Boston history.
2) The phone number for our apartment's management company is unreachable. The phone number at thier corporate office has nobody there, and leaving a message does not work either.
3) We have not had any heat or hot water for many hours now. This is a reoccuring problem, and affects three rather large apartment buildings.
4) The fire alarm went off aproximately two hours ago. The fire department showed up, and there was no fire. Unfortunately, only the managment company can shut the alarm off so it is still going off. Also, the fire truck plowed (destoryed) someone's car while attempting to leave... ooops.

Suffice to say, I'm pissed off.

1) I've called the proper office of the city to report the heating problem and lodged a formal complaint.
2) The number from #1 has been shoved under every door in this building.
3) I called the mayor's office to ask what to do about the alarm... they couldn't help but gave me the good advice to do #4
4) I called the alarm company's maintence number, and told them the situation. They claim to be sending someone to reset the system.

Holy fuck. My neighboors are also up in arms generally.
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[22 Jan 2005|11:28am]
Hi. I can legally drive now. That is all.
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[19 Jan 2005|11:47pm]
The architect's plans are wet-erase on transparency, and it's always raining.
I'll be the merry-andrew to the ivory tower.
My children want more bread.
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Hacking Outlook Today [18 Jan 2005|07:03pm]
A quick guide to hacking the look & feel (style) of 'Outlook Today.' Perform at your own risk.

Read more... )

I thought it was neat. Or maybe I just hate blue.
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Prime and Fibonacci [14 Jan 2005|09:47am]
[ music | the rain outside ]

As an example for Julie's students, I've been trying to come up with examples of primes in nature. Unfortunately the only thing I've found is something about how often cicadas come out for food. How drool. Can any of you think of any examples of primes in nature?

I have run into a number of examples of Fibonacci numbers in nature. For the less mathematically inclined, the Fibonacci numbers are a series of numbers where you get the next number as a sum of the previous two (the first two are 1 and 1): 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987...

Examples in nature:
-The ratio of a spiral in a seashell
-The branching (number of growth points) in some plants
-The number of petals on most flowers
-The number of seeds on most flower heads
-The spirals within pine cones
-Leaf arangements on plants

My point? Who knows.

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[14 Jan 2005|01:46am]
I've decided to teach myself Statistics instead of taking acourse in the matter. Thoughts?

I should fully qualify that as I plan on teaching myself statistics (and SPSS) with the help of Julie and Richard. Julie, who is a math teacher and has various past texts on the subject. And Richard, who is a pseudo-professor in SPSS (and a damned smart cookie to boot).

I repeat, thoughts?
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[13 Jan 2005|12:42pm]
[ music | Beborn Beton - Spawn ]

Sometimes I feel bad for my neighboors... because my sub-w gets a work out.

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[13 Jan 2005|12:03pm]
Jack (my cat, the smart one) sleeps in the wierdest places. You know how on laser printers there the collection tray where all the output comes? Yeah, he's got himself coozed down in there real tight. I guess I should feel special, because I think he just wants to be near me.

I finished my sixth hour of driving lessons in MA today. A little backstroy for those who don't know- when I was 16 I had to get a job if I wanted a license. That didn't happen. So I never learned to drive. Two or so years ago, while living in Albany, I started taking driving lessons, but never got good enough to take the test by the time I moved to Boston. Driving here is somewhat terrifying, so it took some time to get the balls to start here. Well, now I'm on my way. I'm doing well. Rotaries scare the living shit outta me. But I can get around town well enough as long as the other drivers aren't apeshit crazy... which many of them are.
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[12 Jan 2005|08:34pm]
Crack Rock
Buy some. It's sooooo good.
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[11 Jan 2005|07:43am]
Assemblage 23 - Complacent )
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