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Republican Revolution New Book Analyzes Successes and Failures of Republican Revolution
In The Republican Revolution 10 Years Later, released by the Cato Institute, Newt Gingrich and Dick Armey, the primary architects of the 1994 takeover, and 14 policy experts assess the Republican record in major policy areas. Did the reform spirit of 1994 create a lasting change, or fall victim to the special interests of those in power?

Learn How to Change the Way Things Are Done in Washington
How do free markets solve problems? Why does government fail so often? What role does the Constitution play in a free and prosperous society? Cato University will give you the tools, the insights, the evidence, and the arguments to convince your neighbors and friends to support free markets and limited government. Register Now.

Policy Analysis Study Argues $400 Billion Defense Budget Unnecessary to Wage War on Terrorism
In a new Cato Policy Analysis Charles Peña, Cato's director of defense policy studies, argues that America does not reqire an enormous defense budget to combat global terrorism. Expensive new planes, warships and weapons systems won't defeat the Al Qaeda terrorist network – unprecedented and painstaking international intelligence and law-enforcement cooperation will.

HeadlinesCato in the News
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David Boaz discusses the political fallout from the Terri Schiavo case on CNN Inside Politics [Real Media].
Radley Balko on traffic cameras in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Ted Galen Carpenter on rising drug violence in Mexico in the Orange County Register.
Doug Bandow on pharmaceutical costs in the Wall Street Journal Europe.
Jim Harper on regulating the data collection industry in the San Francisco Examiner.
David Boaz on personal Social Security accounts in the Hill.

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April 6, 2005
Short vs. Long Term Thinking:
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Capitol Hill Conference

SR-325 Senate Russell Office Building

April 22, 2005
Saving Our Environment from Washington
11:00 am
Cato Book Forum

Featuring David Schoenbrod, Professor of Law, New York Law School; Adjunct Scholar, Cato Institute; Author, Saving Our Environment from Washington: How Congress Grabs Power, Shirks Responsibility, and Shortchanges the People (Yale University Press, 2005) and moderated by Jerry Taylor, Director of Natural Resource Studies, Cato Institute.


Cato Handbook on Policy
Now in its sixth edition, the Cato Handbook on Policy sets the standard in Washington for real cuts in federal spending, taxes, and power. Breathtaking in scope, the 69 chapters offer an issue-by-issue blueprint for reducing the federal government to the limits intended by the Founding Fathers. Cato’s Handbook is an invaluable resource for policymakers and anyone else interested in securing liberty through limited government.

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Social Security is facing pressures that threaten future retirement benefits for today's young workers. In Social Security and Its Discontents, Milton Friedman, June O'Neill, and other leading experts examine the fatal problems of the current system and offer concrete proposals for reform. This authoritative collection is part of Cato's Project on Social Security Choice.

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March 31, 2005
Daily Commentary

Forcing North Korea's Hand

by Ted Galen Carpenter

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National ID Cards Not the Solution

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Arizona Adds Border Agents

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Iran Not Seen as Nuclear Threat

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Cato in the Media

Listen to Charles Peña discuss the defense budget and the war on terrorism on Air America’s The Al Franken Show on Monday April 4 at 1:00 p.m. ET.