Queen of the Otter People!
January 2005
Monday, January 31st, 2005 10:16 pm
Slightly obsessive gold belt.

I really need a new picture, dammit. Espically since my form has some --damn-- cool parts to it.

I know my entire form now, and it is -so- goddamn cool. Yes, the form that was all confusing before. Its still weird in places, but the last third is freakin' awesome.

Round kicks suck less today than yesterday, and considerably less than two weeks ago.

Sparring? STILL goddanm scary. But better, and I can understand the appeal. Not that I share it, but I do understand it.

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Thursday, January 27th, 2005 03:52 pm
Down the rabbit hole.

So, I have this new job. Its -shiny-. Iti s also a mad bizarre series of coincidences.

Two former roommates have worked here. One as a data entry drone. I honestly have no idea what he did, and it seems like his job went into the ether, because there is literally no trace of his employment here.

The other, -his- prescence lingers like.. well, like a bad smell, only its mostly a good smell. Everyone knows his name. Everyone asks about him. Everyone - and I mean everyone - has a story to tell.

That roommate was the first to work here, then the data entry drone.

Then the infamous roommate left, to go be Captain America. Or Superman, I can never tell. Maybe both. It could happen, in some bizarre fanfiction AU where the Rogers family adopted Kal-El, last son of Krypton.

When that roommate left, the temporary employment agency put a current roommate into the former roommate's position. Half the office thinks this roommate is The Cutest Evar. Including the person I -believe- replaced the data-entry roommate. I just completly wiped the hard drive on that person's former computer (He doesn't work here anymore) to rebuild the PC.

The cute current roommate then gave my resume to my current boss, who hired me. -Then- The cute roommate got hired on full time.

Make sense to anyone else?

Yeah, not us either. Its like working in a sitcom, I keep expecting Doqz to come by insisting that Bryan Adams is a zombie.

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2005 03:03 pm
Multi-fandom total geek house party.

So I game with Jen, Redhawk, Twiller and Ben. We are all in a online RPG, X_project, which is X-men movieverse based.

... Loosely based sometimes, but based there nonetheless.

We play Dungeons and Dragons. d20 3.5 Edition. World of my creation.

So I have this necromancer they've been fighting, and to date, they haven't seen her face or identified her, though out of character, they know who she is. I keep referring to her as "You know Who."

Thus, in the last session, she was dubbed Voldemort, unoffically.
Out of character, they know that she has a grandmother. Who is now Senora Voldemort, and the necromancer has become Senorita Voldemort.

...  Something is -very- very very wrong with us.

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Friday, January 21st, 2005 03:38 pm

Work Rant.

Dear co-worker.

If *I* get in trouble one more time because *you* did not order parts for a fax machine that is your job to maintain, I am going to start complaining to your boss.

I am not maintaining fax machines and getting toner all over me. That is your job.

I did my time in the evil toner trenches, and now its your turn. Suck it up.

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Thursday, January 13th, 2005 06:56 pm
Stolen, blatently and openly, from Ben

Theftimacated from [info]diamond_dust06.

I'm curious what people will ask me.

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 4 questions. Any 4, no matter how personal, dirty, private, or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn, you have to post this message in your own journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you. (And note where you got the meme, and where that person got it from, and so on, and so forth.)

So go ahead, entertain me :D

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Monday, January 10th, 2005 10:38 pm
TKD. Gold Belt. Sparring, Day 3

Actually day Two, in class, but I went to sparring class on Sat.

Ow. Nailed with a ridge hand to the throat, and again I say - ow.

Also punched in the shoulder once, and that hurt a lot. Exhausted. Sore. Phobias slowly eroding.

I better get points for use of erosion when I'm this tired.

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Friday, January 7th, 2005 08:58 pm

Hypocrisy is telling someone "No one is going to be mad at you, go hit people up for logs." when you can't do it yourself.

I need to stop being such a slackass and get moving on stuff.

...  so easily said. So NOT easily done.

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Friday, January 7th, 2005 08:58 pm

I really wish I could figure out what the hell is making me so uninspired and mopey and bleh today.

Its not like I don't have log requests from people, I'm just vaguely meh. TKD didn't help, eating didn't help, and I feel like I'm about two seconds from just breaking down crying and for the life  of me?


This is really frustrating.

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Friday, January 7th, 2005 11:16 am
Rumors abound.

I hear rumors there are Johnny Devil mp3's.

If I pout cutely, or flail madly, can someone send me these?

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005 01:44 pm
So, I'm bored.

And I had a thought. Only, I have no real perception of these sorts of things.


If my life were a movie, who do you guys think would play me? Who would play my friends and housemates and boyfriend?

If -your- life were a movie, who would play you?

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005 09:23 am
TKD. Gold Belt. Class whatever.

I want to say this is my third or fourth class as a gold belt?

Anyway, what's important is that this was my first class sparring.

The hurdle has been leapt, and while it wasn't a clean or pretty leap, its done and over with. I could... grow not to dislike this.

I don't know that I'll -ever- enjoy sparring, though, who knows, maybe I will. But at the moment, its kind of a 'fight to keep from vomiting' battle with my stomach. I don't like hitting people, and I -espically- don't like being hit.

From what Adam (our instructor on Wednesdays) and Twiller and Red said, I didn't do half bad, I'm fast on jabs (I love me my hand techniques.) and I need to remember to kick more.

Headgear is no fun to wear, my gloves -amuse- me, and mouthguards suck a lot.

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Wednesday, December 22nd, 2004 09:42 am
Memetic Sheep.

Survey of the day, coming in threes

Totally stolen from Nute, who ganked from Alestar. )

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004 09:37 am
Growing up Catholic

I self-describe as an lapsed Catholic*. Which is, religiously speaking, very inaccurate. But culturally speaking, it is how I think of myself.

My parents are practicing Catholic. My grandparents are -very- Catholic. Going to church was a big part of my life from as far back as I can remember until I moved out of my parents' house. We went to church while on -vacation-. We went to church when it snowed. Skipping Mass was not an option unless I was sick, and then I was -sick- and stayed in bed(1).

We went to Mass on Holy Days. On Christmas, on Thanksgiving, on Nov 1, on Jan 1. On Good Friday and Easter Sunday and a half dozen or more other days that were not necessarily Sundays. We said grace before meals. -Every- meal. Even if we were eating out at a restaurant. It was quiet, my parents weren't making a big deal out of it, but it was done.

I went to a Catholic school from kindergarten until 12th grade. My -entire- school career before college. I had religion classes, most of which I actually paid some attention to. I was Baptized, had First Communion, was Confirmed.

It was such a huge part of my life that I never thought about anyone being different until I got into high school and started getting online on the BBS's. Meeting people who were not Catholic, not Christian, and then not even religions I had -ever- heard of(2) was a big eye-opener.

But it was always there. I was Catholic. Even when I stopped going to Mass, stopped saying a prayer before meals, I was -Catholic-. Or at least lapsed.

That was ten years ago. I am twenty-eight now, and for quite a long time, I didn't think about going to Mass, or how I was affected by growing up Catholic.

I don't practice, obviously. I don't believe in the tenets of the Catholic church either. I do believe that there's a higher power who created(3) the universe. I believe that something of intelligent species(4) lives on after death. I believe there was a historical figure named Joshua ben Josef, (IE: Jesus) who was a very wise man and had a lot of very intelligent things to say and who people -should- strive to model themselves after in many ways. But not all ways. (5). I do not believe he is the Son of God. I do not believe God has a son. So I am not Catholic. Nor am I Christian. I am not agnostic either, I am just simply none of the above. I don't know if there's a term for what I believe in.

But if someone asks me what religion I am, my first instinct is to say "Lapsed Catholic" or "Formerly Catholic." Because it was -such- a part of how I grew up.

I still find myself occasionally ordering seafood on Fridays in the spring. Out of habit. I can say the blessing before meals by rote. I found myself instinctivly making the sign of the cross a few months ago because someone else was praying under their breath. I still say things like "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" and "Mother of God.".

It isn't a Christmas tree without a nativity underneath. My tree at home, which is very pretty and decorated, looks oddly bare to me. I may have to get some action figures and do something because it just looks -wrong-.

I can't bring myself to take Christmas decorations down at least until January 6th. The christmas season does not end until the Epiphany. I can't bring myself to put them up until Advent begins. (Generally four weeks before Christmas). I know all the words to and can sing most Christmas carols. I rather like Silent Night. and O Holy Night, and Angels we have Heard on High.

I miss some of the parts of Mass I enjoyed. The choirs, the stained glass windows, some of the prayers. I don't miss sermons, I don't miss getting up at 8AM on a weekend, and I don't miss dressing up.

Culturally speaking, I am Catholic. Even after rejecting the core beliefs, the culture, the parts that have nothing to do with beliving Jesus is the Son of God(6), are still there.

(1) And once not even then. My parents discovered that I had the chicken pox halfway through a Sunday Mass. I didn't -feel- sick at all, but blam, little red dots everywhere.

(2) Wiccans, Shintoists, and one person who apparantly worshipped the old Norse gods.

(3) In the sense of intelligent design. Something that caused the spark, the blind watchmaker. I do not in any way believe in the 7-day-creation-myth, and I tend to have doubts as to the logical thought processes of anyone who thinks that Creationism is an actual intelligent theory. Evolution is not a -perfect- theory, but it is the best one we have.

(4) Humans, whales, dolphins, elephants maybe. Non-terrestial species if there are any.

(5) The actual words I use in person are "I believe Jesus was a real person, a very wise man and had many good ideas. I believe that living according to many of things Jesus taught is a good idea. I do not believe he was the Son of God. I believe -Buddha- was a real person and a very wise man and had many good ideas. He's not the Son of God either. Heck, I believe Khan (My TKD instructor) is a very wise man, has many good thnigs to say and that his advice is generally something to take into account. I don't think -he- is a deity either."

(6) And last? I can't type God without capitalizing the G. Thirteen years of learning to write it that way stuck.

* Of the American variety, which is an unoffical designation. South American, Asian, European, North American and Africian Catholicism differ greatly from each other.

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004 09:26 am
TKD. Gold Belt. Class #3.

Oi. Last night? Not a good class for me.

I feel far better about it this morning than I did last night, but nonetheless? I -hate- when I don't catch on right away. Went through the new form through the second yell. Through the first yell, I'm fine. It makes sense, I can do it, its fun. From the first to the second, its confusing and I don't understand it.

Twiller, if you're reading this and haven't IM'd or called me, please do so, I've got a complex about this form and am wondering if you'd like to go in early today to work it out with me because its going to -bug- me a lot until I get it right.

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004 09:24 am
Ron Shmon.

Ron shomon. Harry in -his tux?
Great day, I need a cold drink. Fourteen year old boys? Should not look like this

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Monday, December 20th, 2004 11:29 am
1. A character you really, really love
2. A character you like
3. A character you could give or take
4. A character you don't really care for
5. A character you'd like to spork (Am assuming sporking means cutting out their heart (and other varied organs) with a dull plastic spork.)

Ganked with a gank-o-matic gankity thing from Nute, who seems to have ganked from Duey, and I dunno who begat Duey's but begat is a fun word, don't you think? )

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Thursday, December 16th, 2004 11:40 pm
I am a wee bit tipsy.

The christmas tree tried to fall on me head, and it bit Redhawk.

But! We have a festive Skippy.

No, Alan, not that Skippy. Skippy the media gargoyle.


Skippy the festive gargoyle.

He has a scarf and a hat and little bootles. So cute. So -cranky-.

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Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 09:35 pm
Gold Belt. Day Two.

Started on my new form. Tae Guk Sa Jang. Yes, I had to look that up.

Because its pronouned Tay-Gack-Sai-John. Or something like that.

Anyway, its freaky with a side order of freakiness, but I seem to have picked it up pretty damn fast, since I got an atta girl from Colin.

It has...  okay, my last form? Had a grand total of -2- kicks. One side, one front. This one? Before the first yell, we do three.

Oi. This is going to be fun though. I LIKE this form.

In other news, I still need a new icon, and my dobuk pants are now at the point where I may need new ones if I get much lighter.

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Tuesday, December 14th, 2004 04:08 pm

How many fucking times do people need to be told not to open attachments in email from people they don't know?

How many times? Because obviously we IT people haven't said it enough, because people STILL DO IT!

Come on. How hard is this. If you don't recognize the email address, don't open the attachment. Email the person back and ask them what it is! Email your IT person and ask them first!


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Monday, December 13th, 2004 10:42 pm
Oi. Tae Kwon Do. Gold Belt. Day One.


God, dead easy. So dead easy.

Round kicks? On the rail, I NAILED them. Khan commented on how fast I got it.

Off the rail, maybe not so much, but not as bad as I expected. Damn. I can DO this.


In other news, ordered sparring gear. To quote Jess, YAY! NINJA CHRISTMAS! It shall be blue, and I have big feet for a woman my size and I'm babbling now because GAH SPARRING EEK!

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