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Saturday, August 24th, 2002
3:01 pm - damn
The librarys are closing for a week starting tomorrow... now I have no books to read! And I just finished the last one I was reading. urg

terry pratchett's so funny!

current mood: distressed
current music: All I Want --- Offspring

(join the party on the ceiling)

Friday, August 23rd, 2002
11:39 pm - "Your wife is a big hippo! My face is melting! My face is meltinnnnnggg!" --- Rincewind
Hey all you silly fella's!
Today was fun. I slept in and dreamt about me disabling some pirate warlord's ocean bound attack on something. He had some big ships and I kicked him off the pointy end. It was cool. Stupid bastard. I don't even know who he was fighting. Meh.
I think there was a lot of other stuff to that dream but I can't remember. Damn.

Well, besides that... It's kinda hot today... I went with aimee to that friday night art thing. It was fun. Even if we don't get a whole lot of art accomplished it's cool to hang out with some friends there. Yep. I drew some crazy cats and demonic dragons. Heheh I'm so good with my... oh damn I forgot that word for things that start with the same letter. Well I failed on trying to be smart.

My mom's a lot less glaresome about the window thing... That's a good thing. What I need is a good peanut-butter muffin. But not gooey peanut butter, that fake stuff like what you find in reeses cups only different. Maybe with a lot less of the fake. With more muffin. Yeah.

{"Are you smoking?" said Granny, staring grimly ahead. "Something's burning."
"It was just to calm my nerves what with all this headlong plunging through the air, madam."
"Well, put it out this minute. And hold on."
The broomstick lurched upward and increased its speed to that of a geriatric jogger.
"Mr. Wizard."
"When I said hold on--"
"I didn't mean there."
There was a pause.
"Oh. Yes. I see. I'm terribly sorry."
"That's all right."
"My memory isn't what it was... I assure you... no offense meant."
"None taken."
They flew in silence for a moment.
"Nevertheless," said Granny thoughtfully, "I think that, on the whole, I would prefer you to move your hands."}

sillyness... XD

current mood: crazy
current music: hitchin' a ride --- green day

(join the party on the ceiling)

Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
11:12 pm - "I like to do drarwings!"
Er, hello. Today was... interesting. Slept in, did the dishes... then my brother and I broke the kitchen window. It's not enough that she was freaking out from work, and now she's totally blown up on us. Just for the record, it was officially my brother's fist that went through the window; just I happened to be on the other side of the door that had been recently locked. He's such an idiot. I was going to let him in! It was just a joke. He kicked his shoe at me, I threw it outside, he went to get it, I locked the door, went to open it, and he smashed the glass. Now we've both got glass cuts on our arms. His is worse though. Stupid.

Oh well. I think my mom is getting over it. I'm saying this because she's asleep right now. I don't think it should get too much worse though... Heheh?
Speaking of pre-packaged applesauce...

There was this one question on the weakest link in britain that was like "another name for the american woodchuck or marmot is..."
and he had it down to two...
"groundhog or bush pig" and he picked bush pig. Those crazy bush pigs.

current mood: worried
current music: green day

(2 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Monday, August 19th, 2002
2:02 pm - *yawn* ... Good Morning!
Ack... School... That will be a hard adjustment. I got me schedule today. Here:

1. Orchestra --- Angelos
2. Math 3a --- Nelson
3. Chemistry --- Cleaveland
4. Lang Arts --- Richards
5. US History --- Sims
6. French 3a --- Sturgeon

I've never had any of these teachers except for mr. angelos, so I don't know if this is good or bad.
Any advice or warnings from anyone? ´O_O

current mood: NOOO don't take me back!
current music: Growing up --- The Living End

(join the party on the ceiling)

Sunday, August 18th, 2002
7:59 pm - "Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten." - Granny Weatherwax
Her face, half hidden in shadow, leers forward with hidden eyes. She steps further, light illuminating her features and a milk churning grimace. With a solid stroke of her arm, she lifts a great broad-bladed sword toward the sky, and proclaims in an icy voice, "Death to digital movies!"

Gra! Aren't I full of author's voice. I'm really kinda pissed right now. I took my mom to see Signs, my dad and brother came too, but the movie people fucked it all up. Right in this tense part the sound got cut. They fixed it, after five minutes of waiting, rewound it, then started again from about where we left off. A little later, when we thought the problems were over, it happened again, and then cut off. Well this happened a third time and it ended up we didn't get to see the end of the movie. And it was good!!! They gave us a free pass for another movie, but they should have given us two. Who wants to use it on a movie that you just need to see the last fifteen minutes of? But who could resist? ARG! Wow. I hate this. It's like you have a really good book, and right when you're about to read the climatic end someone snatches it out of your hands and burns it. Digital sucks. It's that stupid machine that's all fucked up. Oh well. Someone has to come with me to see that movie again! MUsT seE eNDiNG!

current mood: Vengeful

(6 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Thursday, August 15th, 2002
10:00 pm - "Your lucky food is small cucumbers."
Well, today is hot too. I mostly hung out and read. Then I played some tennis with my dad later on in the day. I'm ok at it. I like badminton better. Meh.

Sooo, I think my mom is going to take me to an art class tomorrow. I'm not sure if I really feel like doing that. I like doing my own art, and feel a little intimidated when surrounded by other artists working. Oh well, as long as it's not painting. I never was really good at painting. I always used pencils and pens. Molding, drawing, arranging, writing, that's all fun but I just suck at painting. What this world needs is more cranberries.

{He reached for a cup and looked at the green pool shimmering inside it. It'd better be drinkable, he thought, Because I'm goign to drink it. He swallowed.
It was the same stuff Twoflower had givin him in the rowing boat but, at the time his mind had ignored it because there were more pressing matters. Now it had the leisure to savour the taste.
Rincewind's mouth twisted. He wimpered a little. One of his legs came up convulsively and caught him painfully in the chest.}

Terry Pratchett's books are so fucking grand.
Like a big tuna steak.
Or that sick satisfaction after smelling the room my brother sleeps in every night with a diarrhea inflicted cat.

current mood: smug
current music: Why don't they have that mood?!?

(join the party on the ceiling)

Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
7:33 pm - GAH!
It's so fucking hot today! Must... Concentrate... Don't... Evaporate...

Where's our famed rainy weather now?!?

Fuck my legs hurt too. I don't know why and I don't care. They just hurt.

Yeah I'd complain more but I'm too lazy.

current mood: hot
current music: island in the sun --- weezer

(1 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Sunday, August 11th, 2002
12:52 am - How many frogs does it take to open the trunk of a car?
One, if it's shaped like a car key.

Hallo everyone. I've been too lazy to write lately. I had fun on the vacation, and stuff. Went down to the coast and spent a few nights. It was neato. Yep, and four days ago my brother got a new cat. It's little and white with an orange face, ears, and tail. It's got really blue eyes to. I think he's going to name him Yukiko, but he's not sure yet. The only problem is that it has giardia or sommat. He's got really stinky diarrhea. Yay. Well he's got medicine for that so he better get well because he's too cute to be ill. Heh.

Today I hung out with Yaprak and Delaney and we spent time playing tag and some crazy shit at night. When I was going home with my brother who had to come along (i'm babysitting him tonight) Yaprak's uncle was there and was like "hey nicole, you look good. Lost a lot of weight." Ok... He's kind of weird. He used to scare me, and, well I guess he still kinda does.

I'm kinda tired now. My brother almost wet himself because he didn't want to go to the bathroom by himself. All the way up the stairs. He's so annoying. He didn't even say anything he just started crying and wiggling all over the chair. I would think that when you're nine you'd get over that kind of stuff. oh well.

I guess I'll ramble later. taa taa

current mood: content
current music: the strokes on SNL

(2 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Monday, July 29th, 2002
8:15 pm - continuinuinuums
{"I spy," said the Bursar, "with my little eye, something beginning with... H."
"Horizon," said Ponder.
"You guessed!"
"Of course I guessed. I'm supposed to guess. We've had S for Sky, C for Cabbage, O for... for Ook, and there's nothing else."
"I'm not going to play anymore if you're going to guess." The Bursar pulled his hat down over his ears and tried to curl up on the hard seat.}

You are a werewolf.
What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

Well yesterday my grandparents (all three), my uncle, and my immediate family went to the space needle for dinner. It's expensive but spiffy. My brother had, for desert, a sunday that was on a dish with dry ice and it floated all over. It was cool. Everyone was looking at him. Dry ice is so neato. =]

Yeah tomorrow I'm going away again, unfortunately Not back to Scotland. Heh. We're just going on a trip around the washington peninsula and stuff. We rented a, *sideways glance*, heh, minivan. I hate minivans. There so big and soccer-mom-ish. They are bad for the environment as just suck ass in general. Oh well. I'll sit with my head phones and bear with it.

Blam! Pow! Biff!

current mood: happy
current music: the offspring

(2 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Sunday, July 28th, 2002
3:18 pm - I said kiss your elbow not piss on Elmo
Hi Everybody!
Yeah I actually got back on tuesday but I've been a bit busy, my grandma came from wisconsin yesterday and stuff. Heh. WELL, I had lots of fun! Scotland has got to be the prettiest place on earth... Heh well don't take my word on it since I technically have only visited two countries, one of them being where I live now. But it's a lot nicer than here.

It smells better too.

My cat's real happy to see me again, she won't leave me alone. I'm kinda happy to be back, I mean it does start to get on your nerves when your in constant contact with your travel companions, in my case my aunt and my cousin. Both are vegetarians, (me like meat) and my cousin is a part of weight watchers. It really starts to make your brain dissolve when every time you sit down to eat the subject of calories and past health food experiences gets brought up. I'm happy to eat my dead animals in peace now.

My aunt thinks I'm a shaman just because I sometimes see the future in my dreams. I mean, it's not like I can control it or anything and sometimes it's not even entirely accurate; but ok it's weird. Like the beach... They're not really big events anyway,... She calls it time travel but I can't because I don't believe in that more or less time. The future isn't planned o ut I just think that every now and then I see things that might happen. Maybe some of my normal dreams are just futures that never occured. Oh well I'll stop now this is getting strange.

Now I'm back home... My grandma and my uncle are here. My uncle's k ind of strange, he's never been to seattle before. "What the hell is an artichoke?" He said that and I thought it was funny. And this morning (I was sleeping on the couch, my grandma has my bed) I heard the cats meowing desperately at the door so I got up and he was just standing there watching them as they called for him to open up. Just standing there, while the cats pleaded. I was just like "Ok..." and opened it up. Lucy bolted in (stupid piss cat peein' on the stairs now that we ripped up the hall carpet) (PEE BREEZE) (hahahah) and Sprocket slinked by with terrified eyes watching my uncle. Heh.

Hey I ordered lemonade in York and got handed this pink soda that tasted like sparkling flowers. Gods it was the sweetest soda I've ever had!

"Fancy something fresh and fruity?"
That was an ice cream bar add.

I got some spiffy magnets today at the freemont flea market. Brilliant!

Ok any questions? just leave a comment..

current mood: ecstatic

(join the party on the ceiling)

Thursday, July 11th, 2002
7:00 am - "You wanna chew on my shoe?"
Hey. Today I'm going off on vacation! I got woken up really early, like around 5, so now I have two hours before I have to leave. I'm very happy. But, not about waking up so early.
We're going to great britain, going to my dad's cousin's wedding, and then off to scotland. It will be great. I'll be gone for 12 days and don't have to see my brother! =D
My parents are jealous but they got to go to lots of places before so that's ok.

Heh I made this really cool necklace for myself. It's got a raven I made out of fimo on it. I love fimo. It's great. Yep.

My snake has now been upgraded from pinkys to fuzzys for him to eat. They're older mice with a little bit of hair. Fed him yesterday. He's slowly getting older, this August he'll be two years old. Yay for him!

I guess I have to go and change his newspaper now that I think of it so I'll be off.
Fly away!y

current mood: excited
current music: Growing up --- The living end

(1 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Sunday, June 30th, 2002
11:54 pm - "What's that?" "A giant plastic butcher knife." "Where'd it come from?" "School."
Yeah, so today I hung out at home and did nothing. Yesterday was fun though, I went to Aimee's birthday party. It was spiffy. I like the balloon game at gameworks. I won. Heh. Yeah, I need to get her something... I'll find summat when I go to Scotland.

Today I slept and thought and meandered on the internet. Mostly on neopets, aren't I cool? It's so dorky but it's not like I had any thing else to do. Except clean my room but who wants to do that?

My ladybugs are all in crystalists. I don't think I'm spelling that word right.

Hmmm, yeah before the party I went with my cousins, brother, uncle, and father to the science center and then on some of the rides. The roller coaster is big fun, the spinny thing's ok... but the "pirate ship" makes me sick. It didn't help that as you get off you see someone's lunch all over the pavement. They didn't chew very well.

Yeah now I'm going to go spinning away...

current mood: happy
current music: Strange --- The Living End

(join the party on the ceiling)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
10:50 pm - When my brother dances it looks like robot tantrums
*yawn* ... Hi peoples.. I haven't even been on this since before school ended... Well the last three days were really fun and I did well (at least I think I did) on my finals. Well, except for LA but at least I finished all those big projects I needed to. Three major projects in 3 days! Exit requirements too! Though I don't want to think about that right now. It's summer for crying out loud! No more school! Who wants to hear me talk about that?!? Not you! Sooo...

Last weekend I went to the Freemont Solstice Parade and it was big fun like always. Even more naked bicyclists than last year I think... heheh... My friend Dan was supposed to come but unfortunately he's "looking for a job" so I hung out with his sister. He dropped out of high school... he took that special test thing or summat and I guess he passed so now he's out getting a job. I don't know what to think, I mean good for him but I just can't imagine myself doing that so it always startles me a bit. My parents would have my head on a platter. Heh, platter is a funny word.

Yeah ok I got a... (closes eyes)... dress... (flinches)... I have to go to a wedding in Cainbridge on my vacation in a couple weeks and apparently we can't wear black. Meh... I bought it at the fair and it looks rather spiffy. Well, for a dress, I'm really not that kind of person. It goes with my blue hair.

After the wedding I'm going to Scotland (yay!) and I'm pretty excited. It will be my first time out of the country! Yeah stop laughing. But my passport hasn't come yet and it better.

Wow this entry is really long...
Oh oh! I found this really spiffy ladybug, and it layed eggs, so now I'm raising the babies like I used to! Yeah that's right, I used to breed ladybugs. Right now I'm studying the recessive traits of ladybugs. I've learned a bit in the past about the all black with two red spots ladybugs instead of the red with lots of black spots ladybugs. There all one species and I used to mate the black ones so now there's more of them but I never got to raise a whole litter of them 'cause I'd let them go. It's hard I have to feed them everyday tons of aphids so they better metamorphosize soon. Er... yeah I have a lot of time on my hands. sorry... anyways...

It's a little late and I'm kind of tired.
I'll try and keep updated... hey yeah and you "homies" out there if you want me to send you some funny postcards from scotland you can give me your addresses... somehow
Ok I'm going to bed now so bye and pray to the gods to give us cooler weather!b

current mood: relaxed
current music: My name is jonas --- Weezer

(2 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Friday, June 7th, 2002
9:45 pm - Yoda kicks ass
Heheheh yeah I finally saw Star Wars 2, and besides the same general plot line as all the rest of the movies I thought it was good. Uh huh today was fun... I brought my snake to school for my biology presentation, and I kicked ass. People were actually listening to me. <=)

Yeah but today is still sucky in its regular way... I think I'm sinking back down again. This sucks ass.

Oh yeah today's my dad's birthday and we had cake which I helped make. Mmm, the soothing appeal of chocolate.

Aw shit I just rubbed jalepeno in my eye...

current mood: indifferent
current music: Lucky Denver Mint --- Jimmy Eat World

(3 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Thursday, June 6th, 2002
3:58 pm - "Nevermore"
Blast! The fateful dawn has now broke;
And I shall falter in the pits from which I woke.

current mood: rejected

(join the party on the ceiling)

Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
3:08 pm - penis pastries
There was an orchestra concert yesterday, so I took advantage of the student-less halls to fill Brett's locker with the doughnuts. They all had faces and stupid things written on them, one, thanks to Jolene, had a penis on it. Another was hanged. Yeah and he found them during break today and was just like "Wha??" it was really funny. Guess you kinda had to be there... and know the history of the doughnuts... That... aren't doughnuts... yeah...

Well I finally got my yearbook... Decided I might as well get one since I didn't last year.

I have a weird window. You can hear everything that's going on in the neighboring houses when you're in the bathroom by it. It's just this little window, that never seals all the way, and sometimes it can be disturbing. I hear people talking, babies crying (cringe), and bits of arguments and stuff like that. A few nights ago I went up to brush my teeth at night and heard some people screaming in sexual delight. I promptly left. What the fuck? I guess it's just the positioning or something.. OF THE WINDOW I MEAN! Oh well.

Today's really weird. School sucks really bad, but I wish I had more time to get these FUCKING projects done. I'm doomed. If I can't get my grades back to A-B level I won't get to go to Scotland and get away from my frightening family. They have really been getting on my nerves.

There was some things I really wish I could talk about but have a hard time saying to people. I'm not good at the whole "social" thing. I'm afraid some of my friendships are going awry.

And what am I going to do about the emptiness?

current mood: confused
current music: Trapped --- The Living End

(join the party on the ceiling)

Friday, May 31st, 2002
8:18 pm - One day the world will feel my wrath...

What Type of Villain are You?
mutedfaith.com / <º>

Yes... It would be so cool to take over the planet. Or at least try. 'Cause then you couldn't say that you never did anything with your life. That's living it to the fullest!!!

Heheh. Heheheheheh. >=]
Ok... well today was ok. "Beaver day" once again... shortened classes... and I've got Brett's locker combo so now the doughnuts will have their time to shine. We drew faces on them and stuff, and Jolene drew a penis on one. It's going to be "turbo-funny." Heheh. Yeah, Lee and I stuck gummi bears all over the place. That's always big fun. The card game with Aimee was silly too.

Ahh, and now I'm home. My mom's starting to be weirder though. Now she's not just mad at my grades but suggesting that (and almost mentioned it to the doctor today) I am depressed and wants me to take medication. NEVER! I never want to take med for anything! It's against my religion! (er... if I had one) I feel bad already but does she have to LOWER my evolutionary status even more? Gar! I even hate to take aspirin for headaches! Yeah ok but today was fine so noodles.t

current mood: devious

(2 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Sunday, May 26th, 2002
8:07 pm - Thank you ever so much Progress Report for ruining my weekend
I've told myself, so many times
Not to turn into the type, but I've found
Is it too late, has my time come?
Sometimes I think I'm losing it
Am I the only one?

Understandin', more like demanding
Where do the gray skies end?

Should I stay or fly away?
The wings that I begin to grow
Will surely let me know
How far I have to go
And I'll be there

Oh yet again, thought I was right
But as usual I end up on the wrong side of the fence
Is it too late, has my time come?
Sometimes I think I'm losin' it
Am I the only one?c

current mood: sad
current music: Fly Away --- The Living End

(join the party on the ceiling)

Friday, May 24th, 2002
5:47 pm - "Why do people run from me?"
I've been really weird lately... I feel like there's something really important I need to do and just can't figure it out... I wish I knew more about my dream...
All I have ever searched for is an excuse to live; and I pray to the gods that I am not doom ed to die a pointless life in the mental gutters of society.
What is my quest?

I want to change the world. Death to humanity.
Peanut brittle is a fickle friend.

current mood: determined
current music: Gone Away --- The Offspring

(5 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
3:05 pm - "Look big daddy, it's regular daddy!" --- Ralph
I feel so out of it. And tired.
At least my weekend was fun. Saw spider man. It was cool. I got a bird stuck in my room. That was fun too; except for the whole knocking things over and shitting part. I just ate my last bread cracker...

Yeah I hat e homework.
Yaprak got a cat! It's really cute. My brother keeps on saying he's getting one and I'm really angry because my mom said she actually is. I've been angry about this for a while now and my mom just keeps on pushing it off and away from me beca u se she knows I'll explode again.

I mean yee gods, what the fuck? MY Cat JUST diED, and the VERY nEXT DAY my brother just strolls up and says, Hey nicole I'm getting a cat for my birthday!! Well isn'T THAT JUST SPIT IN YOUR EYE STAB YOU IN THE BACK FUCK Y OUR BOYFRIEND IN THE ASS FANTASTIC? First of all... MY CAT JUST DIED! Secondly, DID NOT YOU GET YOUR SHARE OF GAMEBOY ADVANCES AND GAME ACCESORIES AND GAME SHARKS AND LOADS OF OTHER SHIT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? AND then there's just the simple BETRAYAL on m y m others side that makes my want to pull a stalin and kill millions of people. (heh) YEah, Wasn't it ME who found and rescued the stray cat, and just as I had started to love it and it was no longer afraid you MADE ME GET RID of IT? MOM? HUH? TAKE IT TO THE POUND YOU DID! THREE CATS IS TOO MANY RIGHT?????!!? YEAH! and then when I wanted a parrot and would pay for it and everything you said as soon as we have no more cats you can and then you nonchalantly went out and got Sprocket (the third cat) FOr "stepha n and tom" AND I KEPT MY ANGER TO MYSELF, FOR NOT ONLY HAD YOU LIED ABOUT THE BIRD TO SHUT MY MOUTH BUT YOU REPLACED MY BELOVED WILLOW! and now, now that my sorry little Jessy has passed away you offer once again to appease sorry little stephan with yet a nother cat, to make a pleasant three once again, and I sit here with no cat to call my own.
Now look, I've made myself all pissed again. At least I used to be in a good mood. You should have been there before when I screamed all this shit at my mom last m onth. She's been a real bitch to me lately.

Why is there an ant on this desk?
yeah and this fucking livejournal is being a bitch, it just it fucking up everything and after every entry i leaves and extra letter I can't get rid of. Look, I'm not typing this letter right after the period.c

current mood: bitchy
current music: All I Want --- The Offspring

(3 having tea | join the party on the ceiling)

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