[17 Feb 2005|11:58pm] |
Hey everyone, go see how much your social security will be cut under the bush SS plan. I lost about 7000 dollars on my guesstimated yearly earnings.
john kerry public speaking engagement forthcoming |
[16 Feb 2005|06:20am] |
A Conversation with Senator John Kerry JFK Library in Boston (Red Line to JFK/UMASS, transfer to free Shuttle Bus #2) Monday, February 28, 2005, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Senator Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President of the United States will receive the distinguished American Award from the Kennedy Library Foundation. He will share his thoughts on U.S. policies both home and abroad with Pulitzer Prize winning Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant. To make a reservation or to check if speakers' schedules have changed, call 617.514.1643.
John Kerry speech today at 1:00, and a call for signatures |
[27 Jan 2005|11:36am] |
John Kerry is going to give a speech today on his health care proposal. Right now it's listed on CSPAN-1 for 1:00, but since it's live, of course they warn that the time may change.
Also, Kerry wants to get more signatures on his petition for children's health care. He has 300,000 so far, would like to reach 500,000 very soon and eventually 1 million. In case anyone didn't get the letter, I'll paste it bellow the cut. Let's do what we can to get more people to sign; if he gets enough signatures, it'll be hard for the Republicans to brush it off.
( Read more... ) X-posted to johnkerry08
Memo From Osama |
[20 Jan 2005|02:16pm] |
On this day of tragedy for our country i feel like making it a little humorous
From: Bin Laden, Osama
To: All Al Queda Fighters
Subject: The Cave
Hi guys. We've all been putting in long hours recently but we've really come together as a group and I love that! However, while we are fighting jihad, we can't forget to take care of the cave, and frankly I have a few concerns:
First of all, while it's good to be concerned about cruise missiles, we should be even more concerned about the dust in our cave. We want to avoid excessive dust inhalation, (a health and safety issue) - so we need to sweep the cave daily. I've done my bit on the cleaning roster - have you? I've posted a sign-up sheet near the cave reception area (next to the halal toaster).
Second, it's not often I make a video address but when I do, I'm trying to scare the shit out of most of the world's population, okay?
That means that while we're taping, please do not ride your scooter in the background or keep doing the 'Wassup' thing. Thanks.
Third: Food. I bought a box of Dairylea recently, clearly wrote "Ossy" on the front, and put it on the top shelf. Today, two of my Dairylea slices were gone. Consideration. That's all I'm saying.
Fourth: I'm not against team spirit and all that, but we must distance ourselves from the Infidel's bat and ball games. Please do not chant "Ossy Ossy Ossy, Oy Oy Oy" when I ride past on the donkey. Thanks.
Five: Graffiti. Whoever wrote "OSAMA F_*KS DONKEYS" on the group mtoilet wall, it's a lie. The donkey backed into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain.
Six: The use of chickens is strictly for food. Assam, the old excuse that the 'chicken backed into me, whilst I was relieving myself at the edge of the mountain' will not be accepted in future. (With donkeys, there is a grey area.)
Finally, we've heard that there may be Western soldiers in disguise trying to infiltrate our ranks. I want to set up patrols to look for them. First patrol will be Omar, Muhammad, Abdul, Akbar and Dave.
Love you lots, Group Hug. Os.
PS - I'm sick of having "Osama's Bed Linen" scribbled on my laundry bag. Cut it out, it's not funny anymore.
great news! |
[16 Jan 2005|08:18pm] |
from my ACM Tech News newsletter: "Ohio Pulls Plug on Electronic Voting," Cleveland Plain Dealer (01/13/05); Smyth, Julie Carr; Naymik, Mark.
Touch-screen electronic voting machines long criticized for inadequate security and reliability have been rejected by Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell in favor of a statewide deployment of optical-scan machines that process manually filled-out paper ballots tallied up by a precinct-based computerized counter. The systems not only comply with Ohio's requirement to supply a paper trail, but they offer greater flexibility than electronic machines at less cost, says representative Carlo LoParo. He reckons that equipping touch-screen systems with paper trails could have entailed a 20% increase in spending on the machines. Blackwell's directive has met with the approval of Ohio's County Commissioners Association, whose executive director, Larry Long, calls it "the only way Ohio can comply with federal law without counties being required to pay for part of the cost for installing new voting devices." On the other hand, some Ohio elections officials are unhappy with Blackwell's decision. Lake County elections director Jan Claire says the mandate will mean scrapping a $3 million touch-screen deployment that has been operating since 1999, while giving taxpayers the added burden of paying for the printing and processing of paper ballots. Meanwhile, Cuyahoga County elections board director Michael Vu says the board had already opted to phase out the county's punch-card system in favor of an electronic system, and argues that a decision such as Blackwell's should be studied in depth by election officials statewide before going forward. Click Here to View Full Article (Access to this site is free; however, you will need to enter your zip code, year of birth and gender to gain access to the site.)
Help! (The Senate of the United States of Micro America) |
[10 Jan 2005|12:48pm] |
The Democratic Caucus of the Senate of the United States of Micro America is a simulation game to practice developing bills, getting them through Congress, and hammering out effective arguments and positions. I believe that most of the participants are adults so we can have some pretty serious discussions. You can read a few recent messages at the main page http://groups.yahoo.com/group/usma_senate2/, but the really interesting discussions go on in "the cloakroom" (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/usma_sencroom/) and in the individual caucuses.
If you or anyone you know would like to join, there are a few seats left for Democrats and we must get them filled ASAP!!! Contact me at Proud2bLiberal23 (at) yahoo.com (that's "proud to be liberal") and I can approve your application.
I could REALLY USE YOUR HELP to vote down turkeys who are already proposing ridiculous cr*p. Don't worry if the seats for your state are already full. You can represent another state. Also, you can read the messages online and keep your mailbox from getting too full.
In fact, you don't even have to be a super active participant. As I am now Deputy Whip, I can just e-mail you when it's time to vote. But, I do hope you will be more active. We need fresh ideas and opinions.
See you in the Senate!
Regarding the 'not one damn dime day' thing |
[10 Jan 2005|10:10am] |
Since someone posted the information for this protest thing, I thought I'd post this link to Snopes.com that gives a nice analysis of this form of protesting.
the suggested scheme is one of the least effective forms of symbolic protest one could devise: it literally proposes that people do nothing, and doing nothing generates little, if any, publicity or news coverage. Massing thousands of people in one place and engaging speakers to make rousing public speeches provide vivid, well-defined images for the news media to pick up on, but pictures of people not spending money just don't make compelling fodder for newspapers and television. (Images of normally bustling malls, restaurants, and airports standing eerily devoid of human traffic might make for a good news story, but public opinion on this issue is far too divided for this protest to be able to bring all business to a grinding halt.)
I just thought it was interesting.
[06 Jan 2005|02:33pm] |
I have lost all respect for John Kerry |
[05 Jan 2005|06:47pm] |
Waiting in my inbox was a form letter from JK, I'm sure many of you got it. I can't believe how big of a hypocrite he is!
( The email, for those of you who haven't seen it )
He's not going to participate in the most important vote certification EVER? So, he might not of won Ohio, but there was FRAUD. Committed by the people in office now, and he's not going to take a stand? I'm so outraged right now, I can't even explain.
Jan. 20: You don't have to be in DC to protest. |
[03 Jan 2005|11:23pm] |
(I received this email forward from a friend. I like it - encourages me to save money too.)
Not One Damn Dime Day" - Jan 20, 2005 - Inauguration Day
Since our religious leaders will not speak out against the war in Iraq, since our political leaders don't have the moral courage to oppose it, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not One Damn Dime Day" in America.
On "Not One Damn Dime Day" those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of consumer spending.
During "Not One Damn Dime Day" please don't spend money. Not one damn dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse purchases. Not one damn dime for nothing for 24 hours.
On "Not One Damn Dime Day," please boycott Walmart, Kmart, Target...
Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store. Please don't buy any fast food (or any groceries at all for that matter).
For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the retail economy down.
The object is simple. Remind the people in power that the war in Iraq is immoral and illegal; that they are responsible for starting it and that it is their responsibility to stop it.
"Not One Damn Dime Day" is to remind them, too, that they work for the people of the United States of America, not for the international corporations and K Street lobbyists who represent the corporations and funnel cash into American politics.
"Not One Damn Dime Day" is about supporting the troops. The politicians put the troops in harm's way.
Now over 1,200 brave young Americans and (some estimate) 100,000 Iraqis have died. The politicians owe our troops a plan - a way to come home.
There's no rally to attend. No marching to do. No petitions to sign. No left or right wing agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn Dime Day" you take action by doing nothing.
You open your mouth by keeping your wallet closed.
For 24 hours, nothing gets spent, not one damn dime, to remind our religious leaders and our politicians of their moral responsibility to end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people.
Please share this e-mail with as many people as possible.
[28 Dec 2004|08:11pm] |
I'm pretty sure this has been posted before but I cannot seem to find it. Sorry I'm asking again, but does anyone have a mailing address for contacting John Kerry?
[27 Dec 2004|10:56am] |
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It could be just a waste of time but I guess it's something we can try...meh...
The People's Email Network Update Newsletter:
We are calling on all participants of The People's Email Network to speak out to their members of Congress on whether the election should be contested there. Ukraine has already had their contest, their ruling and their new election and yet for some reason our country cannot seem to even manage starting a serious recount in the one state of Ohio. With the one click form that automatically looks up your members of Congress for you, in just a minute or so you can send your personal message to them all at
We are also sending a digest to the minority House Judiciary Committee as a courtesy to them with their gracious and thankful agreement. They really do appreciate your support and by doing it this way we can send as many messages as you want, we know we know are having a real impact already.
There is also have a new experimental feature on this page where you can see the last 25 messages logged by the system. If you like this new function we will add it to all the active issue pages on the site.
By the way, if you have already made a donation or ordered the site theme song, your CDs went out Friday.
The Pen
[26 Dec 2004|11:41pm] |
i put my
dick cheney has a gay daughter stickers up...
they all got taken down! i want mroe!
[26 Dec 2004|02:21am] |
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all hell breaks loose |
] |
first of all, if you find some spelling mistake or find something in this post misleading or offending or something, do me a favor and don't waste your time commenting. every time i post some on brings up something off topic and it just bothers the heck out of me.
what i want to share with you:
i use the following web-site to help guide me where to shop when ever possible. it gives ratings, i believe, of how much money was donated to each campaign for election 2004. so, for example, if i were looking for a new car, i would consider TOYOTA first because they support democrats.
its pretty handy. i bookmarked it, i reccomend you do as well, which ever way you lean, politically.
"choose the blue"
Happy Holidays |
[24 Dec 2004|10:55am] |
Happy Holidays.
Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.
Email I received |
[23 Dec 2004|05:23pm] |
Dear me,
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones enjoying the holidays. I have been thinking a lot about what our johnkerry.com community can do to mark the end of what has been an extraordinary year. We have formed bonds of friendship and commitment that I know will extend far into the future.
So, in addition to thanking you once again for all you have done, I'm writing to invite your participation in one final 2004 act of collective generosity. As a soldier, I remember how much it meant to hear from loved ones - especially at the holidays. So, I thought you and I could work together to make it easier for our soldiers serving in Iraq to phone home and hear a friendly voice.
We've found a program that does just that. Operation Phone Home is run by the USO, which has been an extraordinary friend to American soldiers for decades. The USO buys phone cards at cost and provides them to our soldiers free of charge. You can help the USO help our troops this holiday season right here:
In January, I will go to Iraq to see the situation firsthand and personally visit with our courageous troops who are serving America so well. Nothing would please me more than telling them that hundreds of thousands of us have expressed our thanks to them in this concrete and personal way.
Your gift can help a soldier phone home.
In the New Year, I will be writing you about our 2005 projects and priorities. In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy this special time of year. Thanks so much for your constant acts of friendship and your special consideration of this request.
John Kerry
P.S. There are 140,400 U.S. military members serving in Iraq. Any calls they make home to those anxiously awaiting their safe return are at their own expense. A gift of $100 will provide 20 soldiers with a 100-minute phone card. A $1,000 donation would do the same for 200 soldiers. Please help. A friendly and familiar voice can mean so much to a soldier serving America so far away from home.
Paid for by Friends of John Kerry, Inc.
x-posted everywhere <3
African American Voter Suppression in Ohio |
[23 Dec 2004|04:37pm] |
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/22/143921/53 http://www.primisware.com/ohio/video1.mpg OR http://460design.net/ohio/video1.wmv http://www.primisware.com/ohio/video2.mpg OR http://460design.net/ohio/video2.wmv
25-minute video was made available to the press and public today that exposes the widespread civil rights abuses and voter disenfranchisement suffered by the African American community in Ohio on Election Day. The footage was released by "We Do Not Concede" (www.donotconcede.com), a nonprofit grassroots organization created to unite and mobilize citizens whose voting right were suppressed, denied, or simply not counted.
"We hope this footage will serve as a wake up call to all Americans that the fundamental principles our country was founded upon like ‘democracy’ and ‘equal rights’ are being systematically dismantled by a small group of Republicans who are concerned with keeping power, not preserving liberty," said Zack Kaldveer, Communications Director, We Do Not Concede. "In America every vote must be accurately counted and equally valued, and that’s not what happened on November 2nd. We the people most definitely do not concede."
The video provides a first hand glimpse of an emerging civil rights scandal of historic proportions that will culminate in a "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" bus trip organized by We Do Not Concede, consisting of voters who are contesting the Ohio electorate, led by Rev. Bill Moss of Columbus Ohio. The buses will travel from Columbus to Washington DC on January 4th through the 6th. Rev. Jesse Jackson has pronounced Ohio's vote fraud fiasco "the biggest deal since Selma" and has called for a national rally at "the scene of the crime" in Columbus January 3rd.
"For the second Presidential election in a row African-American voters have been subjugated to the role of second class citizens through efforts by Republicans to suppress, intimidate, and disenfranchise our vote," said Rev. Bill Moss, original Contestant of Ohio Electors and founder of the Center for Freedom and Justice. "Whether its Katherine Harris or Kenneth Blackwell, the purpose is the same: do everything in their power to ensure George W. Bush becomes President. If they are willing and able to thwart democracy and abuse the civil rights of American voters right in the face of the press and public, what else are they capable of? I am contesting this election because tyranny, particularly in the guise of democracy, is our civic duty to fight."
Ask your senators and the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary to Stand Up and Support an Election |
[21 Dec 2004|04:38pm] |
Dear friend,
Questions are swirling around whether the election was conducted honestly or not. We need to know -- was it or wasn't it?
When Congress reconvenes in January, at least 14 members of the House of Representatives will challenge the validity of the 2004 election. They will request an immediate investigation into many problems and irregularities encountered in the election.
According to the Electoral Count Act of 1887, one senator and one House Representative are required to contest an election prior to inauguration. We have the representatives; we still need a senator. Please let your senators know that you want them to stand up with House Representatives and contest the vote.
The signed petitions will be delivered to each senator in person by a coalition of representatives from a variety of concerned organizations and individuals. We will also deliver copies of signed petitions from all states to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary to encourage them to hold formal hearings on the 2004 election. our senators and the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary: www.ContestTheVote.org