really quickly before I go to bed... |
[09 Nov 2004|12:24am] |
Metaphor, Morality, and Politics, Or,
Why Conservatives Have Left Liberals In the Dust
by George Lakoff
(author of "Metaphors We Live By".. the book I quoted in my last post, for those keeping score)
Ever want to understand the "Conservative Mentality"? Well this is a good one to read. I'm sure it's general, but it's a good outline of somebody's viewpoint... and reading helps to understand how complex and seemingly contradictory views are comprised of basic principles.
I will have more to say on this later this week.. we're in Kentucky and busy.
[04 Nov 2004|03:33pm] |
Another post to thedailyshow
Subject: Some more points about the problem with political discourse
Here's the problem with political discourse: 1. There are only two sides. 2. The metaphor for Politics is war 3. There is a "right way" of thinking
First, a word about metaphors: Metaphors shape the way we think about things and therefore how we act. In order to affect our environment in a positive way, it's important to choose the right metaphors. Here's an example of how a metaphor informs how we act. It's from the book "Metaphors We Live By" by Lakoff and Johnson
1. I don't find the terms "conservative" and "liberal" to be offensive. I do find them to be harmful because they are overly simplistic. They help perpetuate the metaphor that politics is war or conflict that exists between two warring sides. Nothing gets done when two sides are deadlocked, and one side always looses. People are encouraged to pick sides as well, so that they are aligned with "the right" way of thinking.
2. War is divisive and destructive. It's goals are the annihilation of the other side. A better metaphor for political discussion is a dance. A dance is between two people who need to anticipate and collaborate together in order to perform successfully. It's not about destroying the other, it's about coexisting and creating something useful and even enjoyable.
3. There is no right way of thinking, really.. or actually, there is, but few people ever get to it by picking sides and using war as a metaphor for political discussion.
Bottom line: Using war metaphors for discussion is destructive. Choosing sides is divisive. Only by collaborating with others who have differing backgrounds and values can we understand what regulations are appropriate for governing this nation, and this world.
[04 Nov 2004|02:15am] |
Here's something I posted in thedailyshow
Subject: To The Daily Show community's Bush-supporters.
This isn't a rant as much as a plea to understand. So with respect:
I don't understand how the sharp minds that are needed to find the humor in the Daily Show in the first place, can still rationally make the case for voting for Bush.
"I can certainly see where a lot of people are annoyed and even outraged by his actions, but really it's just all about perspective."
Certainly.. absurdity passes for acceptable behavior in some perspectives. But how?
I understand the process of choosing a candidate is a complex one, filled with compromising your beliefs: You need to weigh the issues and choose which are most important that your candidate agree with, and then which aren't so important. And then you have to be willing to forgive a few things that your candidate has done.
So what are the strong issues you hang your hat on?
Also: the labels of conservative and liberal... have you ever heard Jon Stewart saying that they're outdated? Do you just discount that?
Instead of basing decisions on progress or not, don't most people make decisions based on what is appropriate for the situation?
Is that the definition of a moderate, someone who appropriately embraces either change or tradition as the context requires? I don't think so. I think it's everyone.
I think it's irrational to apply either a liberal or conservative or moderate lens to all of your decisions. Because it places the value of the decision not on what is best at the time, but whether or not it jives with your "affiliation".
I just don't believe anyone rationally thinks that way, and yet they allow themselves to believe they do... or maybe they need to feel they belong to the right club that opposes the other club.
Man. I think it's the bi-polar metaphor for political thinking that's splitting this country. As Jon has said, we need a new graph with a y axis, and even a z axis.
Finally, if I'm to be banned from this community, then this is how I wanna go.
I don't know |
[03 Nov 2004|01:48pm] |
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all stages of mourning |
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"Nation needs to heal"
I don't need to heal. Do you?
Healing sounds like "shut up and go back to being apathetic". ok, maybe it means "be less partisan."
I need to figure out what the fuck happened here. What am I missing about the people of this country and how can it be that a person who fucked up so badly and was shadily elected to begin with is still the president?
Why was Kerry elected to the democratic party?
Why does the media still focus on the two-party system?
My theory is that 99% of people are voting based on two things: whether or not they "like" the personality of the person. And whether or not the single issue they hold dear to them and affects them the most is viewed by their candidate in the same way.
Fuck fuck.
"Deciding Factor? Moral Values."
"Climate change is here, now, say scientists"
no kidding.
And on another note: there was an article in the last Rolling Stone mag (with Jon Stewart on the cover). It's about a Democrat's adventure to be the best Republican he can be (tounge-in-cheek). I wanted to read it at the time, just to try and get closer to understanding that viewpoint. I feel like I've surrounded myself with mirrors, and need to explore the other realities that exists in a majority of people's minds.
And finally: I don't believe in duopolies, polarities, or liberal-conservative. But I think serving up political discussion in this way is what polarizes America. We need to broaden out the metaphors for thinking about politics. That would lead to healing, I think.
Live Journal Pictures.. |
[01 Nov 2004|01:18am] |
Man.. I'm addicted to this thing:
It makes me love Live Journal.. the pics are all of people dressed up for Halloween.. and most could be parties I've been to in college, and friends of mine. Makes me smile. These are fun people.
A man I love more than Eddie Izzard.. |
[16 Oct 2004|01:22am] |
... is Jon Stewart.. I actually got to shake his hand.. man. what a guy. He's in such a unique position to be taken in by these shows like Bill O'Reilley and Crossfire as a harmless guest, and then he's able to completely disarm their crap and point out how bad they are:
"This is Theater"
The problem as John Stewart sees it and I will paraphrase here and add to it: the partisan hackery of these shows is for theater.. ratings. They are dishonest and confuse people more than they set them straight. This isn't a debate show with rules about keeping the rhetoric honest and the facts straight and answering the questions, and not name-calling... what if we applied the same rules of highschool debate teams to Crossfire.. and to the pez debates?
No. This is a show that revels in, celebrates and promotes the confrontation and dishonest attacks and counter attacks... and presents it as debate.
Bush's supporters really believe in Bush, Kerry's supporters really believe in Kerry, but they use dishonest statements to convince others in a Machiavellian way: the ends justify the means.
And those of us who watch these debates may fall into three categories:
- Those who take sides.
- Those who see the bullshit from both sides and claim a stalemate.
- Those who see through the bullshit and still have to wade through it enough to pick out who would really do a better job as president.
Maybe that's why there are so many undecided voters. The people in the middle of the bellcurve are smart, they're just so confused by all the deception and lies of theater masquerading as journalism, that they throw their hands up in disgust saying one asshole is as good as another.
That's one of the reasons I voted for Nader last election, I was in the second category. The idea of the two party system kills me, because it allows for this type of stalemate, where it's a race to fool the voters first. This time I hope to be in the third category.
Jon Stewart is so honest and truthful and laser-like in his focus.. that it's really refreshing.
( and now: my underwear )
games! |
[15 Oct 2004|10:55pm] |
The new Mario 64 for Gameboy Advance DS!
And check out the Mario Pinball Land website.. it's like a pinball game! And special stuff waits for you if you can manage to shoot mario into the doors.. you get wallpapers to download!
I'm still in awe at Nintendo's web design skills.. seriously.. this is the stuff that I want to do.
...this just in |
[15 Oct 2004|11:22am] |
Eddie Izzard is in Ocean's Twelve!!
like I even needed one more reason to see this movie..
also: gonna try to see Team America today.
And finally: did you know you can get the 2004 pez debates on apple itunes for free? Dude... it's not video.. but next best thing.
was Bush wired to receive his answers during the pez debate? |
[08 Oct 2004|10:54pm] |
sweeet.. kinda cool in an conspiracy-theory way... could be bunk.
So.. I missed the debate due to driving from Syracuse today. Anything happen?
[05 Oct 2004|11:06pm] |
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Got some candy-corns just to feel Halloweeny.. (Halloweenie?).. It still pains me to think that I must now spend hard money on stuff I used to get by the butloads for free.. only by the end of my years as a trick-or-treater (we're talking 12th grade) did I realize how lucrative a racket it could be and really hit up the neighborhood for all it was worth...
Here's a great Halloween webcomix site for you all to enjoy by the stupendous calamityjon
and a cool icon:
Vice-presidential debate notes:
Edwards: John Kerry and I have a plan for that.... a serious plan
Uh.... Edwards? Are you making crumpling paper noises on purpose while Cheney is talking? Are you building a paper airplane?? One that you will fly into Cheney's ear.. ?
Ok, debate is over... wife, kids, get up here! Look at me and my happy family! Edwards: I can carry both my kids at the same time!
Other, more important notes:
Edwards: "We need to be straight with the American people" why Iraq is a mess: incompetance, no plan to win peace, didn't put alliances together at the start. no connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussien... if we had our druthers: gave time to weapons inspectors, We had Osama cornered, we gave the reins to former friends of Osama, the afghan warlords. Listen carefully to what the Vice President is saying... keeps suggesting there is, but there is not a connection.
Cheney: "I have not suggested that there was a connection between Iraq and 9/11" um.. whaaaat?
Cheney and Edwards disagree on this: The real cost of the new war, $90bil vs. $200bil? What percentage of US casualties really, 50 or 90? does it matter? move on
Edwards: 60 countries w members of Al Qaida.. How many will we invade? Iran has moved forward w/Nuclear program on this administration's watch. He's indicting Haliburton: 7.5 mil contract in Iraq. Haliburton was doing business with sworn enimies of US, gave false info to investors. are now under investigation, and are supposed to have their money withheld, but are not... er I don't know what that means.
I took more... but can't concentrate tonight to put them up here. need sleepy.
The debate.... |
[30 Sep 2004|10:51pm] |
Watching.. caught it starting at 10pm... I'm yelling at Kerry: don't look smug!
But content-wise: Kerry is making these indicting statements... and they just seem to roll of Bush's back.
Bi-lateral talks in North Korea. Bush is against... ok.. I don't know what the right way is.
I can't tell from listening if someone's lying or not... man.. I wish I was more knowledgeable.. I have to raise above the bar of front page news.. Unfortunately I need to find an opinion of the debate written by someone else in order to form my own opinion. Not to take wholesale, just to pick and choose.
Bush: Said that Kerry is sending mixed messages about the war in Iraq. "I just know how this world works."
Kerry, in his defence: "It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and wrong. .. [Bush] is not acknowledging the situation" oh good "certainty can get you in trouble..."
Bush is saying he's not going to change his "core values". Kerry's not picking up the distinction between values and actions... that you can have the same values, but change your actions based on new information. Changing your mind and changing your core beliefs is not the same thing, and I think Kerry hasn't communicated that well. He hasn't diffused Bush critique.. grrr...
I want to debate Bush! I'm serious.. I don't think Kerry is good at picking apart the rhetoric and displaying his argument in a coherent way... or maybe he's not really as smart a thinker as I'm giving him credit for?
Wow.. when Kerry makes a point over Bush not having credibility, it seems good. he compared Bush to Kennedy, and how Kennedy had more credibility during the Cuban missle crisis.
Kerry: "[Saddam] was a threat.. that's not the issue.. the issue is what you do about it. We didn't go to war as a last resort."
I hate the problem that the rhetoric is weak, or if you don't catch the meaning of it, it comes down to the personality of the candidate... and Kerry is forceful, but lame. I don't feel like I know him. Bush can be "endearing" and foppish.. and I think that's why so many people like him. Not the reason why all the people like him, maybe. But I can see what makes him "likeable" in his manner.
Not his policies.
Closing statements Damnit.. Bush sounds calm and serene and sincere... bringing out his emotions... and it's killing me.
Also: Bush's daughters are kinda hot. why does that make me a bad person?.. now they're posing with they're wives... grrrrrr
Seriously though, I never thought I would ever want to run for President... until right now.
This WEEK! |
[27 Sep 2004|12:14am] |
was super-bizay.
random notes:
Jeff is still amazing. I need to leave the band. drinks with Maura is a good time. I can't eat Krispy Kreme... ever.
I have to leave.
voice-overs are hard work. But potentially rewarding. clips may come, I'll think about it.
I miss photography. I need a digiral slr camera.
zelda, ocarina of time may have been the best video game every created. the soundtrack certainly still moves me.. I'm such a geek. it';s the japanease imported version. I have so much crap and music and video and stuff that I don't need anything else! I think I've approached my own personal singularity of change and need to dwell inside it for a while. seriously.. too much input.. freakin' need a simple life..
maybe it's just the last week.. I dunno.. but I'm ready to go away.
oh.. echoditto and I are courting a relationship.. very cool.. contract-work may be coming on strong..
oh! and my car repairs are paid for and I will be receiving her back today. next is insurance.. really wish I hadn't hit that deer..
s ok.. I converted the file to an mp3.. the voice over.. here you go if you;re interested...
Brian's "used lube oil" voice over mp3 (3.1 MB)
attention! |
[18 Sep 2004|10:12pm] |
everyone must watch "when star wars ruled the world" on VH1... right now!
dammit! I get nothing done when VH1 finds me...
Like Voltron... |
[08 Sep 2004|12:32am] |
Getting together with the Pipes and singing is like being a member of a puzzle.. that when all the peices come together is makes something greater than the parts...
when we sang at Kerry and Ryan's wedding this weekend it was just like that... a grat big puzzle that fit together still, as rusty as it may have become...
that's coolness. Voltron!
listening to my music is the only thing that keeps me calm sometimes.. when I've reached the end of my ability to proceed in an orderly and productive manner... my music works to reset my brain.. and remind me of myself.
We have no toilet paper in the house. Nate forgot and only bought paper towels... which leads us to crapping in the shower... oh well.
I love you guys... |
[03 Aug 2004|08:19pm] |
Seriously.. this has been a great process for me, and I thank everyone for their comments!
Here are the final prints... errr.. maybe final.. if everything is ok, then they will go to printer.
CD itself
thanks again for all your help.
I liked the red.. sorry Maura...
And I agree with you Aaron... the cross is commonly used.. my implementation of two symbols was weird, though.. so I needed to settle on one.. and I decided the circle looked cooler....
the silver color for "CD itself" is the silver of the cd shining through...
AR cd cover artwork... |
[01 Aug 2004|12:16am] |
So I'm very busy this week... nto only are my parents down visiting for the week (which has been funa nd hectic and stressful), but I'm also finishing up the AR cd ciover...
Public reaction is important to me.. so here's the cover:
question: do you think I should outline the text on the back with the same color as the front? .. should I outline the upc box on the back (the white, rectangular box in the bottom-left-hand corner) or kind of pretend like it's not part of the orginal design like some cd's do...
the text in the thankyou's has to be fixed up.. the part where I haven't figured out someone's last name.
haven't finished the paint for the cd itself yet...
Happy Birthday Cynthia! |
[14 Jul 2004|11:40pm] |
That's right! She's the happiest 26-year-old I know!