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dr. shaw, conservation biologist

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[06 Feb 2005|12:33pm]
[ music | it ain't no fun if the homies cant get none. ]

tanzen macht mir spaB(ss).

spent part of last night reading the bible. ohh the fun things i do on saturday evenings. Ezekiel is a good read and in case you didnt know "If a man's testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may not be included in the assembly of the LORD."

great things are also learned by actually reading biology text books. alkaptonuria- disease characterized by arthritis & other symptoms. when you have the disease you produce large amounts of homogentisic acid in your urine... which turns it BLACK.

if i ever quit smoking cigarettes it will be because kenzo(alpha)pyrene present in cigarette smoke actively attack and degrade nucleotides. and i need all the nucleotides i have damnit.

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[03 Dec 2004|12:24pm]
DBJ is performing at The 5th Element Beatbox Battle
@ The Vera Project
1916 4th Ave.
Seattle, WA

December 17th, 2004
Doors @ 7pm
Check out the flyer:
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school [04 Oct 2004|07:31pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | everybody's got to learn sometime ]

i have a quiz tomorrow and one on wednesday.. mierda.. jai thai's is nice. so is alki, cheese-potato stick things from nippon, driving, happy hour, fountain coke with lots of ice, and large altoid containers.

feel like i need to be doing something with my life. freaked out and don't want to graduate soon but then again i want to move on. thinking about applying to do an youth exchange to germany.. or peace corps.. or getting another degree. anything. it all really depends on what happens in november. the truth: more trees less bush.

motorcycle diaries is an awesome movie. i really want to go on a trip through south america and/ or become a revolutionary and change the world.

jamie cullum is talented. great performance skills.. gets super into it.. does a great version of frontin', and he loves them colorful american trainers.

"your body is like a book, in braille, that i want to read from cover to cover."
-david ryan harris is pimp.

this weekend: cavanaugh. magic show. beat boxing. bellingham.

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[05 Aug 2004|12:16pm]
mid-summer hibernation is always good.. if anyone is in need of a break come visit me and pick some berries while you're at it. got off my lazy ass and started driving. i bet maya was actually scared.. and just laughed to make me feel better. it's been about 6 years since i've driven on the road.. watch out.

pandas. i have a lot of outdated research information about giant pandas. in case you are unaware: (well according to some notes i took almost 2 years ago) "panda milk comes out green, after 4 or 5 days the color changes" there was a picture too.. a beaker of creamy greenish milk. i bet it's all that bamboo.

i feel like i had a lot more to say but then i got hungry and my stomach ate all the thoughts.
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slip.. brush.. ahhhhhhhhh [15 Jul 2004|03:15pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

i just walked into grammar class instead of freshman orientation because i wrote the dates wrong on my calendar. that's the 2nd one i've missed and so far there have only been 4 for me to do. my brain has died. it's due to the fact that i'm getting old/falling apart/dumbererer.
an example: my knees don't work anymore.
lesson to learn about knees: dont play around on escalators that are going in the opposite direction. parents are right. you fall and then your knees wont work when you are 21. (especially if you are still playing on escalators when you are 20.)

went to the duchess last night, had a couple sips of beer, let's get it on by marvin gaye came on, and i thought of maya.

good song: your woman.. .. . i could never be your woman.

i want to go back to china. and also visit: ecuador. jordan. spain. sweden! mozambique. new zealand. germany. czech republic. egypt. thailand. new york. my grandpa. and others.

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[16 Jun 2004|11:36am]
i suggest del monte fruit cups over dole.

the plan for fall quarter: bio 200, 356, and 476. (as of now only 1 class on mon/friday from 1230-130. exciting!)

i got a 2.7 in ochem. not something to be too proud of but considering that i got a 19/150, and 50/160 on the midterms that grade makes me very very happpy.

the zoo is opening a spider exhibit.

larry's market or loews theater. hmm.
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[11 May 2004|04:41pm]
the sister's boyfriend:  BOB

Good amusement.. check it out YO!
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[29 Apr 2004|09:57am]
[ mood | sick ]

loooooove: my bio t.a. and his funky outfits. just imagine: big curly hair.. nerdy glasses.. brown and white plaid shirt.. orange pants! and puma shoes that matched the shirt. damn. good use of colors. ohh and he has an accent. and talks passionately about biology. it's great. :)

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[11 Apr 2004|02:45pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | backseat looove ]

it's been one year and a day. things that are still the same:

-havent written my papers to get credit for going to china
-living at home
-missing china
-havent travelled with Maya
-dont have my driver's license
-not studying
-havent left the country

New York was good. seeing alkoxide!! hugh jackman is talented.. charismatic.. can sing and dance. flushing is a lot like china. splash bar on tuesday night with their wet theme was very amusing.. drag queens and hot strippers. i love the subway. museums! art is amazing. i wish i was that talented. h&m; is such a fun store.. flamingo earrings. Nils! signed dizzee rascal cds.. walking around Soho.. the prada store. NERD! getting my cd signed by chad. king sized beds with foam mattresses. UN tour in chinese. stinky uncle ross.

definitely jealous of Annnie and Annndrew.. seeing XHIBIT!! pimp my ride is my favorite show. damn.


april 22nd.. earth fair on the hub lawn. i volunteered to wear a big foam recycling costume.. a can, bottle, or salmon. not sure yet.. fun!

happy egg hunting day.

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[15 Mar 2004|05:24pm]
[ mood | giddy ]


N.E.R.D in-store performances in NYC:
The guys will perform a short set and sign copies of "Fly or Die" at the FYE Rockefeller Center in NYC.. MARCH 23rd @3:30pm. fun fun fun. where's roseland?

They will also be on last call with carson daly that day.. and usher's on the show the night before. YEAAAAH. take that rewind it back URSHER's got the voice to make your booty go clap.

i had a lot of other uhh significant things to write out but now i'm just thinking about waiting in line to get another cd signed by pharrell.. yeaaah.

ohh yes i'm officially a nomadic BUM if that makes any sense. i have no money.. havent had any real sleep.. wearing the same thing i wore yesterday cause i stayed on campus.. ate free pancakes last night for dinner.. had my lab partner pay for my lunch.. using my mom's cell phone cause i left mine in my uncle's truck.. yes.

i'm in the library.. and hearing michael jackson in my head:
they told him dont you ever come around here.. dont wanna see your face you better disappear.. the fire's in your eyes and their words are really clear so just beat it.. beat it..
just beat it.. beat it.. no one wants to be defeated (dancing around) uhh... something something.. it doenst matter who's wrong or right beat it.. beat it.

just beat it..

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ohh yeah [05 Mar 2004|12:16am]
[ music | blackalicious- alphabet aerobics ]

obvious reason why stanford is undefeated: cause they're the shit. good exciting last minute game. i really liked how pumped up and excited the wazzzzu fans were about winning and then how they got CRUSHED. it made me very happy. i'm going to hell.

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. i think i liked the movie a little too much. random story.. great images. i want to bathe in a giant sink. charlie kaufman is talented. i'm very easily amazed by people's brains.. their thought process, their creativity, curiosity, everything.

when i can't function or sleep i do stupid random things like think about traveling.. and stuff like this:

i'm.... tired, restless, pan-fried, stupid, anxious, random, ignorant, silly, angry, frustrated, talkative, scary, speechless, full of hate, glow in the dark, self-cautious, behind, lazy, procrastinating, jealous, nervous, happy, neglected, caffinated, ignored, judged, hated, gaseous, un-involved, simple, hungry like a wolf, amused, in love, confused, misunderstanding, passionate, anti-bush, hot-headed, a dork, unattached, amazed, lonely, dysfunctional, insane, embarrassing, curious, bumpy, a daydreamer, hiding, anti-social, timid, lime green, sad, high in carbs, discriminating, craving meat, 'unique', clean, paranoid, stereotypical, mental, emotional, unavailable, fake, deceiving, crazy, hateful, self-absorbed, bursting, unchemical, neurotic, everywhere, rude, reserved, thinking, uncultured, lying, wasteful, a whale, uncapable, grateful, shallow, falling, screwy, like my mom, loved, complex, corny, unproductive, old, crushed, a whale, crushing, funny.. looking, deaf, bi-polar, a crackwhore, immature, afraid, broke, interested, a nerd, cheap, spoiled, hiding something, sitting, roooooxane, immature, unforgiving, cheesy, lacking, amused, lost, and craving mexican food.

at least it's not all alphabetical.

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[26 Feb 2004|03:17pm]
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she wants to move... [23 Feb 2004|11:14pm]
[ mood | tired ]

very exciting!! on there is a section where i can download clip of pharrell to use for my incoming voicemail that is of him encourageing people to be kind to animals. :) love. love love.
-the cow's respose to seeing the site: "that's like your two favorite things.. haha. funny"

stuff cafe.. awsome place- full of random collectibles.. funky shit.. old boardgames.. good coffee.. skateboard furniture. grand opening on march 6th.. free BBQ!! i wonder where i will be all day.. hm.

spent 3 hours on saturday wheelbarrowing mulch around to help restore a park. the things i do for fun. wow. nerd! now my back hurts. i feel like an old man who needs a cane.. or a back brace..

talked to the chem ta. (one with nice shoes) asked him what he plans on doing with the chem major. his response.. opening a skate park/shop but probably first going to grad school. good response. good idea. hmm. :)

there are a lot more pretty girls than pretty boys. i've gotten to the point where i anticipate as much as my lab partner does for his eye candy to come to class just cause there is nothing better to do.

damn brother just stole my pillow. poo on him.

funny homework:

ATM S 211 Homework 4: Ancient atmospheres and climate.

Qu. 3) Former Vice-President of the U.S.A., Dan Quayle, said, "Mars is essentially in the same orbit. Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If tehre is water that means there is oxygen. If tehre is oxygen, then we can breathe." (August, 1989)

Describe three technical mistakes in the above. (You will not receive credit for saying that it was a mistake to have someone of Dan Quayle's intellect as Vice-President.)

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[05 Feb 2004|10:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | grindin' ]


soo not quite as stupid as i thought i was.. i got a grade for physics.. no matter how low it is it's still a grade!! no retaking the class. yyeeeahhh. excited about the classes i'm gonna take next quarter: bio 180, chem 221, and economics of conservation. finally something that i'm interested in.

got a letter from the zoo.. letting me know i need to volunteer more.. got a letter from PETA.. i now have address labels with little notes like "stop animal testing" and "live cruelty-free" abd cute little goats. i also got a letter from maya.. (which also made me decide that when i got to europe i'm gonna skip out on the vegetarianism to try the food there and not limit myself when it comes to the funky meats.. ohh yeah) and a volunteer newsletter from the summer olympics.. that would be awsome if i actually can volunteer at the olympics.. hmm.

actually going to protest ford motors.. wow. called my uncle expecting him to yell.. he's happy that i'm gonna try and do this and get that kind of experience. and encouraged me not to do anything stupid and get arrested. he's awsome. haha i should probably tell my parents.

bought N*E*R*D concert tickets before they go on sale.. yeah cause i'm in the know like that. right. anyways it's with the blackeyed peas.. a lot more expensive than last time with pete and maya.. and probably lots more people. but it should be fun. march 31st. one word: beeaaauuuuutiful..

kinda want to go see chingy.. ludacris and kanye west. but it's expensive. hmm..

cro-shayed.. fancy word for knitting with one stick thing.. a HAT. yeah it's like an usher hat.. or at least that's what by bro calls it. very exciting. yeah the interesting things you learn from chem lab partners. the yarn isnt the greatest.. kinda itchy. but i still made a hat! i'm gonna go for quilting next. or knitting multicolored wool pants or those full body pj things with the little booties at the end. hmm or a teepee. cell phone holder.. hmm tissue box cover thing but for a car. ohh.

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pharrell wants to marry me [29 Jan 2004|11:15am]
[ mood | predatory ]

hahaha greatest quote:
"I want to get married soon... She'll probably be in the library now, studying for her mid-terms. I hope she just wants to sit home and watch the Discovery Channel with me"
-Pharrell Williams, the face magazine, Jan. 2004

i think i want to get married soon.. he'll probably be in the studio right now, producing music. I hope he just wants to sit at home and watch the discovery channel (or food network) with me. i think i've found my match.

got the continuous brain fart thing going on right now.. what should that be called.. diarrhea of the brain? hmm good use of words. for the visual affect let me just add that it's like my brain has already overfilled with the useless information i know and now everything is just ooozing out.. ooozzing.

my chinese new years resolution: stop spending money. i'm saving up the money to go to europe.. so i deposited $645 into my account. Withdrew $640, then had about $5 in teller fees/ service charges. So that means I've been averaging about 50 cent monthly deposits. at this rate i will get to europe in ($3000/.5= 6000/12= 500) 500 years!! i'll go party it up over in europe at the ripe old age of 520. good idea.

joined the EARTH CLUB!!! been making signs to post around campus to encourage people to recycle. might go down to portland in the beginning of february to protest the ford motor company. The average gas mileage of a 2003/04 model of a ford is LESS than like the original ford models that came out in the 1930's.. or whenever that was. it's sickening. sickening sickening. and of course my family's minivan is a ford. the irony.

i have a chem midterm. in 50 minutes. wow.

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updating.. [20 Jan 2004|08:30pm]
it feels so familiar.. i should be doing homework.. studying.. watching tv.. something productive. yet i am here updating my journal for the millions of people who sit all day and ponder about what i do with my ohh so exciting life.
my cousins are crazy. it's fun. chicken dances and putting up their hair to look like fountains. i miss being a little kid. 80's music is great. my english and chinese have become chinglish.. one of today's sentences was "my yi fu on the floor shi zhang de."
maybe it's the medication or maybe just cause i'm going crazy but i swear my mom said "dogg you need to go home ok!" and the guy from washpirg counted to 5 and said three little pigs.. but in chinese.
progressed to solid foods. ideally a perfect weight loss diet should consist of ice cream and tater tots. yum. but it did take me about an hour to eat 20 tater tots. tomato soup is good too. bisque.
it's been 10 months. that means i've been back in seattle for the about of time i was in china for. i'm slowly getting over the feeling of waiting to be somewhere else. very good. gone back to finding almost everything very amusing.. like trying to draw elephants attacking mice that are dropping out of a huge rat plane.
i still miss chinar.. and all the experiences that i had.. the freedom to travel around.. i want to go back. that would be too dream like. and different from what i expect it to be like. too real. but i'm still excited about travelling.. doing things and being social. exploring. all that.
boys are cute. especially when they are smart and have nice shoes.. chem t.a.s.. nursing students.. and nerdy math students. woohoo.
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i be a mythical GORILLA!! [05 Jan 2004|05:02pm]


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes
20 STR 10 13- Lift: 400kg; 4d6 HTH Damage
16 DEX 18 12- OCV: 3 / DCV: 3
16 CON 12 12-
13 BODY 6 12-
7 INT -3 10- PER Roll 10-
8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
8 COM -1 11-
5 PD 1 Total: 7 PD (2 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
3 SPD 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12
7 REC 0
32 END 0
31 STUN 0
Total Characteristics Cost: 49

Movement: Running: 8" / 16"
Swimming: 2" / 4"

Cost Powers & Skills
5 Arm Smash: HA +1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2)
6 Thick Hide: Armor (2 PD / ED 2)
2 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -1"
4 Long Strides: Running: +2" (8" total), END 2
3 Sharp Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups

Background Skills:
3 Acrobatics 13-
0 AK: Home Territory 8-
0 Analyze Animal 8-
3 Climbing 13-
0 Concealment 8-
0 Language: Hsing-Hsing (native)
0 PS: Hsing-Hsing Abilities 8-
0 Shadowing 8-
3 Stealth 13-
0 Survival 8-
1 WF: Clubs
30 Total Powers & Skills Cost
79 Total Character Cost

75+ Disadvantages
15 Distinctive Features:t Large ape-like creatures (NC)
5 Physical Limitation: Large, up to twice human size (I, S)
10 Physical Limitation: Near Human Intelligence (F, S)

15 Psychological Limitation: Protective of young and territory (C, S)
10 Psychological Limitation: Shy, avoid contact with humans (C, M)
-51 Experience
79 Total Disadvantage Points

The hsing-hsing are jungle dwellers, and stay away from mankind. They live in small tribes, numbering no more than 30, and feed on leaves and other vegetation. They walk upright, and are quite skilled at climbing trees.

Typical animal motivations.

Hsing-hsing use clubs and their fists as weapons if attacked. If possible, they will climb a tree, hurling branches, fruit and dung at their assailants.

A hsing-hsing resembles an ape or an orangutan, with white humanoid faces and pointed ears. They are covered with thick hair (except on the head and face), and their coloration ranges from brown, to reddish to black.

Designer's Notes:
Found in Chinese folklore, the hsing-hsing might be based on a real creature. This version is based off of material in the GURPS Fantasy Bestiary as well as material found in other books on mythical and folkloric creatures. The stats for the hsing-hsing were derived from those of a gorilla.
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i'm insane [23 Oct 2003|08:19pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | chinese pop music.. woohoo ]

so the below is kinda misleading about how i am feeling. i'm pretty content with what's going on. still finding the most random stupid things amusing. it's scary to update. everyone sounds like they are doing so much mroe with their lives and i cant really write something to compare with it. so i am gonna complain about a couple things.. that i just need to get out of my system.

i hate people who dont recycle bottles and cans on campus when the recycling bin is attached to the garbage can. i should probably stop picking things out of garbage cans. but i cant help it.

if i ever become conservation biologist and have people working under me i vow to never ruin their days by making them feel like little worthless peices of shit. even though it can inspire one to work harder so that they dont end up being someone's personal bitch for the rest of their life. that all made more sense in my head.

there arent enough overweight ugly people or muppets on tv. i bet if there was a show staring myself about how ummm.. action packed, full of suspense and drama my life is it would boost people's self esteem my watching instead of making them want to throw up their last meal and work out like a crazed maniac.

and to end it all on a high note:

it's nice to feel like i have no sense of responsibility. to get home and just relax for awhile.. not having to worry about anything. watch vh1 80's strike back. 83. fraggle rock. i miss that show. that would be fun to be a muppet, be happy, and sing all day long. i could make it happen. things could be that simple.

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positivity [10 Sep 2003|01:52pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | from the windows.... to the wallllllsss ]

i'm a dork. been enjoying my september. no negetivity in this entry. wow. so i dont call people.. i already knew that.. so of course instead i spend all my time with my brother and his friends.. or people who happen to call me. visited fremont last week. ray ross and phil have a really cool house that's painted in easter colors. funny. went rollerblading and fell twice. haha if i can fall walking there is no doubt that i can fall rollerblading. scratched up my hand.. i guess the first fall was a lot more "graceful" than the second. oowww.
went out saturday with the brother, daniel, and alex. fun. headed out at about 11 looking for parties.. and ended up at kenmore lanes.. played some video games. it all reminded me a lot of my summer after senior year. very chill. watched one hour photo with the neighbor a couple of days ago. weird movie. so is identity.. went and "worked out" at the ima.. which really means i ran into ross and talked to him while he worked out.. tried to do some ab exercises.. then went rollerblading for the actual work out. but then that was just mostly talking again. haha.
went to the fair yesterday. stayed there for a looong time.. still lots of fun. got an all day ride pass.. went on rides.. the extreme scream 4 times.. felt like i was gonna throw up.. played games.. ate greasy foods... then went and ate pho.. skyway to gamble and watch people bowl... and then the frat my bro joined to hang out. lots of fun. i missed my tuesday night tv though... oh well. reruns!!!
today is the last orientation... i really scared them on monday with my weirdness trying to reassure the students that the panda in the picture was real.. not stuffed. and trying not to laugh when telling them they should join the program.
sooo all i did in china was think about how i really wanted to go home.. ( well.. some of the time) and all i do here is think about how much i really want to go back.. kimmie and i really need to get into our parents suitcases.. we could pack ourselves in boxes like that one guy did. i spend a lot of money. withdrawal about $40 a week from my bank account and that dissapears.. then i also like to buy things.. it's kinda fun. there's always more money in my account to spend. muhahahhaaa.

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[03 Sep 2003|12:48am]
[ mood | sad ]

school's out which i am grateful of. i'm dissapointed in myself.. grade wise. i didnt study enough. i could have done better. but no regrets. i just feel extremely stupid. and that's always fun.
going to the airport really makes me want to leave. i think about that was going in my life last september. and it's just depressing. it's all the memories of what i was doing.. and how it all seems like a dream and not something that actually happened cause its so unatainable. my social life in seattle: i was gonna go to a frat party.. then decided not to. then i was gonna go clubbing and decided not to. instead i spend time with the family. esp cousins and brother and his friends..
have a lot to do and now a month off doesnt seem like it's going to be long enough. i'm really excited for maya and charlie. what kind of adventures they will have.. what kind of experience the year abroad is going to be.. how much they are going to learn. i'm envious. or jealous. whatever would is suitable for the situation. it's always hard to choose. nothing here sounds new and exciting. i keep dwelling on things i could have but arent available here. i have a lot of plans and ideas that involve leaving the country on my own.. and not coming back for awhile.
without school i just degress into not spending time with people.. not calling.. then feeling uncomfortable talking to certain people. i dont feel like i am very outgoing but then i know that other times i just say more than i need to. there needs to be somekind of balance. i really want to do something different. have new surroundings. go to a different school. break out of whatever imaginary shell i really dont have and be more carefree and not nervious about what other people think.

i need help finding places for where 24 exchange students from china should live....i want to lose my weird fear of not wanting to drive because i dont want to feel like i have peoples lives in my hands... strange.

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