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Like whoa! [16 Apr 2003|10:13am]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | Geprge mIchael-Too Funky ]

I felt a need to update this journal for no particular reason. I am NOT switching back or anything.

It's gorgeous out...but it is just a tease because crap ass weather is on it's way back.

I feel better today. Hope to be back on track by the end of the week. My stomach is still unsettled. I kind of have a semi-wanna-toss feeling going on. Gah!

George Michael is so sexy.

3 Ohhhs| bLah bLaH bLaH

Question? [13 Mar 2002|12:34pm]
When you get out of the shower, do you a.) step out and drip all over the floor and dry off there or b.) dry off standing in the shower so as to avoid getting the floor wet? I am a b.) person. There is nothing worse than going into the bathroom to wash up for the night to be greated by a really wet floor and soaking socks. The girls across the hall all go by a.). It drives me nuts because I have to change my socks before going to bed half the time.

New journal is at [info]reigninblood. Add it if you haven't yet :P
2 Ohhhs| bLah bLaH bLaH

I hate [28 Feb 2002|02:08am]
feeling stupid
the fact that I get offended too easily
4 Ohhhs| bLah bLaH bLaH

Winner of the Day [27 Feb 2002|04:29pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | DMX-And then there was x ]

It's really cold out...snowing, the whole nine. I was walking back from class. My head was down and I noticed a pair of feet in sandals. I looked up (checking out right [info]rave13death?)and noticed an extremely tapered pair of jeans. Moving up I see she is wearing a hard-rock t-shirt. WTF?!?! It is 30 degrees out and snowing/raining. Fucking crazy!

bLah bLaH bLaH

Words of Wisdom [26 Feb 2002|12:55pm]
To keep this journal undead, I will update periodically with my words of wisdom.

TODAY'S WORD OF WISDOM-Stay away from rude dead fish boys who smoke nast ass weed...they are trouble.

I am now [info]reigninblood
bLah bLaH bLaH

CHANGE OF NAME!!!!!!! [25 Feb 2002|12:50pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | PAntera ]

I am now [info]reigninblood. I hated the name raverbabe. Add me to your friends lists :)

bLah bLaH bLaH

[25 Feb 2002|11:27am]
[ mood | blah ]

Matty took me out last night to see Queen of the Damned. Since I am a big Anne Rice fan, a lot of the little things they changed in the story line REALLY bothered me as I watched. I don't understand why they changed some of these things, and I will get into it later.

I woke up in a good mood but I kind of feel a little crappy now. I will be alright after a shower and stuff...I just let things bother me and I don't know what to do about it.

2 Ohhhs| bLah bLaH bLaH

I fucked up... [24 Feb 2002|03:09pm]
[ mood | so fresh and so clean ]

I just got out of the shower and feel so wonderfully clean.

Yesterday was good and bad and then good again. Stayed over Mat's Friday night...we watched The Waterboy. There was not much else going on and we missed Jordan because she got caught up at a boxing match. Saturday I wen thome for a few...met up with [info]anjyl and [info]j9rose. We did the Emerald Sq Mall thing and vistied [info]j9rose's apartment. It is a really nice place. They have 6 bedrooms just like the fitchburg crew, but the place is a little smaller and a hell of a lot nicer. Ryanne got back as we were there so we ended up gabbing all night. She's a sweetheart.

The bad part is that I totally lost rrack of time and because I did not just come out and tell Mat I was going to be later than expected, he got mad at me. It was 100% completely my fault. He said some harsh stuff at first so I called him back to sort things out. I ended up here at 12:30. We hugged for a while...I apologized some more and we went out for a ride/something to eat. We came back and messed around for a while and went to bed. I feel really bad I ruined his night. I should have been more direct and told him that I was realistically not going to be back at these times I kept pushing back. I was worried he'd be pissed when he wouldn't have and I ended up making things worse. I would have probably been 10 times bitchier if the situation was reversed. I am lucky to have someone so understanding and shiz.

Mat and his dad just went to the junkyard so he could finish his car. I think I am going ot clean mine out and maybe go shopping until they get back.

Goals for the week...application done and test...Friday begins spring break...and I am going to RELAX!

bLah bLaH bLaH

Amen to being done and done! [22 Feb 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | I heart Michael Jackson ]

I am so finished with exams...until next Thursday. One of my roommates pointed out how fast the semester is going by and it blew my mind. What is also weird is that I have NO exams the entire month or March.

Mirka left for home. I wish we could have gone, and we probably could have, but it would not be right because we told $am and Jes we would ride up with them $aturday. Time-wise it just doesn't make sense to go this weekend at this point. I am not sure what is going on though...seeing my [info]anjyl $aturday? I know we are watching the video we shot last weekend tonite with Jordan.

I spoke with Ellie...I miss that hoe. Never really get to see her. I feel like I haven't spoken to anyone all week fam, Mat, anyone. I am slowly regaining my sanity.

I am going to go do something productive...Ecuador essay? clean my shiz?

bLah bLaH bLaH

I love the fact that I am "busy" [22 Feb 2002|10:19am]
[ mood | busy ]

and I would rather write here than do something productive. I am just burnt out to the extreme. I need sleep. I need to get laid. I need to organize my side of the room because it is driving me crazy (only because I actually have stuff to do)...oh, and I REALLY need to finish the Ecuador application. Damn.

What I really need though this second is a freaking shower to wake me up and wash away coffee smell from work.

4 Ohhhs| bLah bLaH bLaH

[21 Feb 2002|11:53pm]
[ mood | procrastination is trouble ]

I masturbated twice today. It was awesome earlier but just now I could not get off to save my life. I was almost there and then it would just not go. Shitty.

I want to add people to my friends list but I have this issue with doing so. I guess I am weird. Is it some rejection thing? I don't know.

I miss Kev. I want to go to Franklin Pierce and get crazy silly with hippie boys. I always have so much fun up there. The first time was awesome...The Skullys played, we got drunk, smoked up behind the inflatable gym, almost got busted by campus security and had to roll down a hill. We hid for a while until we realized security was 'hiding' on the other side of the we walked out and left. Dan D. was so wrecked...tequilla and irish boys don't mix. He deof threw up all over this kids floor and was sleeping on *gasp* the boys bathroom floor. Last time we went up we got crazy drunk and crazy baked. It was so awesome. I luv Kev. Damn it I want to go back. I also have to see Rolo and Dan G. I do not get to see enough of my friends sometimes. It sucks.

So I should be studying...and I :)

bLah bLaH bLaH

Tomorrow after 4 I will be a much happier person [21 Feb 2002|11:15pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | Portishead ]

Work was ok. I like Thursday much better because it is slower. I also really like the peeps I work with. We had an interesting conversation today about drugs...specifically mushrooms and acid. Why is paper impossible to find?

One more test tomorrow. I am so sick of learning. Humph.

I got a cool fiberoptic-like cactus the other day. It is magical. We are going to name it peyote pete.

I have been masturbating a lot...good stress relief. I think we are going to see the movie jordan made on saturday that we are in. That should be interesting.

I would love to get into this sum it up, the boys were awesome...there was probably up to 250 peeps at the club. I had such a blast and afterhours was tons-o-fun.

Mat just hung up on me :( He didn't hear me say 'I luv you'.

I am going to wash up and study.

1 Ohhh| bLah bLaH bLaH

[21 Feb 2002|01:39pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

My head hurts from too much learning in a compressed time.

Hydrology was not great. Really vague...could go either way.

There were some rather annoying people in the dining hall at lunch. They were BU students, but younger kids here for some prgram. I wanted to smack them.

Time to finish looking at my biology. Test is at 3:30.

bLah bLaH bLaH

I am going to give myself 10 minutes... [20 Feb 2002|12:40pm]
[ mood | food is good ]

Then I swear I am going to finish at least through chapter 4 of my bio reviewing. Should I be more stressed??? I have two midterms tomorrow and one friday and I am really not feeling much of anything. Oh well. I get stressed out over stupid shit and dnot other stuff you'd think would bother me.

I am frozen from the freezer today at work. Brrrr...

I have no clue what is going on this weekend.

I would go into a longer entry about some of the insane shit that happened this weekend, but I will wait until I have time. I will just leave you with a quote....

Jes-"Jen, why are your pants off?"
Jen-"Oh, We were having a conversation (about sports?) and we decided I should take my pants off."

bLah bLaH bLaH

[19 Feb 2002|02:24pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Some got jobs and some sell yay
Others just smoke and fuck all day

I should be studying.

Damn you livejournal...another tool of procrastination...

The sign says "No Junk Zone"

bLah bLaH bLaH

[18 Feb 2002|11:07pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I will update about my weekend later...Let's just say it was crazy, hardcore fun. Good friends, good vibes, parting...the whole nine.

I made my former dream journal a community. It deals with all aspects of sleep, associated disorders, daydreaming, and drug related mind exploration...or anything else relevant. Check out [info]daysdream. Don't forgte about [info]ifiwaspresident. Communities are only as good as their members :)

bLah bLaH bLaH

Randomness [15 Feb 2002|12:42pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Bad Boy Bill-Bangin' the Box Vol. 3 ]

I go through phases where I don't listen to house music for a long time. Then all I'll want to listen to is house. One of those phases began today.

Chimeras are my favorite elasmobranchs.

I shaved everything today. I also feel really fat lately.

I got three hours of sleep, got a soy white mocha, did some hoework and went back to bed until lab.

I have too many clothes.

Friday's are good. So is banana strawberry fresh samantha.

Black will probably always be my favorite color...and green.

Time to dry my hair. I hope those crazy kids have a good time in NY. I am glad I get to see all my friends this weekend. Life is good even when bad things happen.

bLah bLaH bLaH

[14 Feb 2002|01:29pm]
[ mood | happy ]

Valentine's Day is a pukey holiday. I just think that if you love someone, you should love them equally everyday.

[info]rave13death stayed over last night. We just chilled out. I don't care what we do as long as I get to see him. We woke up at 4 in the morning thinking we were dying. We were both sweaty and felt awful. Took me a minute to realize the heat was on. I took of my pants I was so hot. I hate being hot. I would rather be cold and curl up under a ton of's better climate control.

I got my transcript for Ecuador. Now for that damn essay.

I have to call Noodles...and Chris.

bLah bLaH bLaH

IT'S A BOY!!!!! [13 Feb 2002|04:35pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | Nelly-Country Grammar ]

In the true style of life, heartache and sadness is replaced by good news. Sam and Jes had the ultrasound and found out that I will have a nephew (Jes is my fake big sister). That's so great. I am still sad about Sunday, but life has to go on. I am so happy for them. She is due July 10. 4 more months.

It's been a weird week...An emotional rollercoaster if I don't say so myself. I am better. I never get depressed too long because depression can make things so much harder. It's not a solution. Sometimes you need to be for a while, and then you go forward. I try to be positive and learn something from eveything...good or bad.

I asked my discussion TF today why the pirhanna at the aquarium do not have teeth. We defo did not see any. At first I asked if it may have had to do with a feeding issue...she said probably not, but is going to look into it for me. I am always apprehensive to ask questions for fear of the almighty "dumb question". She said it was actually a good question...Now I am REALLY curious.

I am out.

bLah bLaH bLaH

It's a new day [12 Feb 2002|08:21am]
[ mood | calm ]

and with it a much happier Jen. I felt like ass yesterday. I am sure I didn't look much better. I promise today I am going to smile more and not get worked up...and get work done.

bLah bLaH bLaH

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