Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

[ 11:47 pm : ............]

2000 - 2005
Two weeks ago, as I studied diligently in New Paltz for the finals that were upon me, fifty miles back home, Armand curled up in the sunniest corner of his hutch to take his customary afternoon nap.

Only this time he forgot to wake up.

When the time came where the house should have been filled with the sounds of him prancing about, purposely creating a racket to draw attention to himself in the hopes of acquiring a carrot, there was only silence...and my Dad knew there was something wrong.

I only discovered his passing the other day, when I returned home for the summer, for my parents thought it best to spare me the news at the time, what with Roy and the end of the semester already taking their toll on me emotionally.

In retrospect, their decision to wait until I arrived home to tell me was probably a wise one.

Unfortunately, when devising their plan, they didn't take into account my observant nature for when I walked through the door, arms laden with bags, it didn't take me more than a few minutes to note his hutch's absence from the living room.

Needless to say, weeping openly at the dining room table was not how I planned to spend the first moments of my summer vacation.

Spending Saturday with friends helped to take the sting away but naturally I still miss him. Mostly I harbor the usual regrets - wishing I had played with him more while I was home on Spring Break instead of mooning over a boy who'd dump me weeks later, wishing I had been home when they buried him.

Mostly I wish he was still alive but that's not a regret, that's an impossible wish.

Ever Wonder Why When it Rains it Pours? For the record, I lied before when I stated that I was over Roy. Apparently, there was a grain of truth hidden within my light hearted post about being an actress in training for I put on an performance which even convinced myself.

Any misconceptions I may have had about being entirely past what happened between us were hurled out the window mere hours before I learnt of Armand's passing. Carrying a bunch of boxes out to my Dad's car, I happened to be making my way down the stairs in my dorm just as he was heading for the building's door.

As if the chance encounter wasn't enough of a sign that perhaps my day wasn't going to be as joyous as I expected, his reaction upon spotting me was more than enough to set my emotions off in a tailspin.

He waved, he plastered on a look of contrition and kept on walking.

Did our time together mean so little to him that he couldn't even pause for five minutes to exchange proper goodbyes? Is fate seriously getting off on testing my limits?

And why, oh why, do I keep blaming myself?

current mood: sad

(10 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Thursday, May 19th, 2005

[ 10:57 pm : Rejoice for It's the Last Roy Post You'll See For a Long Time..]

Much to the delight of all I've told thus far, I woke up this morning completely done with Roy. Since Friday's experience, I've felt myself gradually moving towards this moment but it wasn't until today, as I stood in the shower of all places, that I washed my hands clean of him. Pun only partially intended.

The night before, as I packed all of my belongings, I pulled the postcard he sent me from Florida off the wall and laughed heartily over the line "missing you always." There was no bitter resentment in the act, just a calm realization that I don't want any of what he promised on that bit of mail anymore.

I hardly even reacted when Liz asked if he had stopped by the room, after she saw him enter the building as she was leaving with some of her stuff.

I don't know if he stepped foot into Lefevre with the intent to see me one last time before heading back to England only to chicken out or if he came to say goodbye to someone else and prayed, with every step, that our paths wouldn't cross but, at this point in time, I could scarcely care less which of the two it was.

It took me awhile to realize it but I deserve better than a guy who is fickle enough to decide, within twenty-four hours, to throw away a perfectly solid relationship with his relatively perfect girlfriend (i may be far from a perfect person but there's no debating that I make a damn fantastic girlfriend XD)

Still, I can't bring myself to harbor any ill will towards him nor do I regret any of what transpired between us, though I'd be singing a quite different tune had I not remained resolute as far as my decision to not sleep with him was concerned (i'd rather like my first time to be more meaningful, thank you very much).

Aside from some heartache and a lot of tears, nothing but good came out of the time we spent together for, in two short months, I grew significantly as a person. Like everything in life, this chapter with Roy was a learning experience if nothing else.

However, now, I'm ready to move on. I'm done with school for another year and I'm done with him.

May he be happy back in England; I've got a summer full of adventure coming my way.

current mood: determined

(4 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

[ 10:48 pm : Music & Literature: Two of My Great Loves]

For Your Listening Pleasure: the Four Songs Currently Getting the Most Play on my Winamp

+ 30 Seconds to Mars - The Story: Sure, the album officially drops in August but what kind of self respecting pirate would I be if I didn't already have my mitts on an advanced copy?

+ Placebo - Pure Morning: Brian Molko is sex. Now, while that's reason enough to listen to this song, not to mention most anything else Placebo records, the lyrics are really what makes this such a blinding track.

+ Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds: I still wish Trent had stuck with the album title Bleed Through since its only 434948434904x more hardcore than With Teeth but, hey, he's the musical genius who's CD outsold everyone else's last week so who am I to make judgement calls?

Besides, it is the man's birthday today so I figure it's best to cut him some slack. He just better live up to his promise and tour more in the fall so I can see him live DAMNIT.

+ Kelly Osbourne - One Word: [info]beforeimdead asked me a few days ago if there was any song I've ever been embarrassed to admit I like and while I don't have enough shame to possess such things as guilty pleasures this probably should be one of them. However, it's catchy and often results in me dancing about my room which ultimately is the mark of a fantastic song.


Since I was "tagged" by [info]dumdeedum

1) Total number of books owned: The exact number is a mystery. At home, the bookshelves attached to my desk are filled to the brim, the black hutch next to my dresser is as well. Hardcovers and paperbacks alike sit on my nightstand, on the shelf beneath my nightstand and on the floor all around my nighstand. There's novels in my closet that I never did return to school and a few boxes full of ones I haven't read in years yet can't bare to part with.

But hey, I'm going to have a library in the house I'll eventually own so the more the better.

2) Last book I bought: I have a bad habit of wanting to buy any book that strikes my fancy. So, when Barnes & Nobles was having a sale, I scoffed up About a Boy, April Witch, Shanghai Baby, Winter Zoo, Rides of the Midway and Sooterkin, all for $25. Yeah, I made out like a book loving bandit.

3) Last book I read: Battle Royale, which sadly didn't do as much for me as the movie. That has to be a first.

4) 5 books that mean a lot to me: From off the top of my head, picking on the basis of impact alone and no doubt excluding a few I'll feel bad about later....The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, The Dubliners by James Joyce, Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, Paradise Lost by John Milton and, ending with some choices from childhood, a tie between Animorphs and the three books that comprise The Fear Street Saga by R.L. Stine.

Honorable mention goes to Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark but mostly because the illustrations in it warped me for life.

5) Tag 5 people and have them fill this out on their ljs:


current mood: driven mad by finals
current music: Law & Order: SVU

(6 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Monday, May 16th, 2005

[ 11:58 pm : ”..the saddest girl to ever hold a can of Pepsi One..”]

I. Fake ID clutched in hand, she steps into the bar, not with the intention to drink but rather to act the part of a social butterfly for one evening. Besides, with her suitemate Jaime graduating in less than a week, it seems a shame to stay in with only work and a Spanish version of Blade Trinity to keep her company.

The plan was to dress up, to go out, to have fun. Only she hadn't expected for him to be there.

It was stupid of her not to think she might run into him; he was, after all, the one who helped her discover her taste for the night life. But for once her problem was that she hadn't thought enough and there he was, having the gall to look more gorgeous than ever and winking her way.

No fake smile needs to be plastered on her face. Despite everything, she still feels in his presence this unnatural high, this sense of happiness that no one else can elicit from her.

It only intensifies as they speak, a good ten minutes spent standing too close for a couple that just broke up. Nothing of importance is discussed but it's what goes unsaid that matters. Every word he utters is whispered into her ear, every sentence is punctuated with a touch.

And the whole time, she stands there, wondering how much of what is happening between them is the alcohol in his system and how much of it are those feelings he swore he still had for her when they parted ways.

II. She tells Danielle to smack her if she looks over at him too often but her old roommate has seen the bottom of too many Coors to remember the request for very long. Considering how easily she can bruise, it's probably for the best for she can't seem to stop her eyes from wandering over towards the boy who had stolen her heart...only to break it two months later.

The strange thing is, she often catches him looking back, only to turn away abruptly when blue eyes met blue.

But he shouldn't be allowed to throw longing glances her way. After all, he dumped her. He deemed their relationship unable to work past the circumstances they'd have to face. It was his fault she had soaked through more Kleenex in two weeks than she had the year prior.

She thinks all this as she watches her suitemates dance and when she turns back to spare another glance his way, he's gone. He's left for the evening and not even bothered to say good-bye.

III. She dances with some random boys, a stupid girl who needs validation. She needs to believe that other guys appreciate what he just threw away, that someone else might find her attractive enough to be bothered with.

But, deep down, she doesn't want to hear that she's sexy from this random man she just met; she wants to hear those words from another's lips like she used to.

Unable to lead this guy on, she excuses herself and slinks off to the bathroom. When she emerges, her make-up is as pristine as ever.

She's perfected the art of crying without mussing up one's eyeliner.

IV. She leans against one of P&G;'s many booths, needing a break from the throngs of drunken students gyrating on the dance floor. Perhaps lost in her thoughts, she doesn't see him approach but suddenly he's there, in front of her.

She remarks that she thought he had left. When he replies that he had, he doesn't expand upon his reasons for returning...just says that he doesn't know if he should continue looking for the friend he returned with or stay and have a drink with her.

She votes for the latter but he doesn't make a move to the bar to buy his beer. Instead, he joins her in leaving against the booth, his shoulder pressed against hers, his arm behind her but not quite touching skin.

For a handful of minutes they talk and for a few they don't. The silences are never uncomfortable for her but she can't help but hope that'll he'll part his lips and explain himself. She wants to know what he feels when he sees her, why he's acting like the one who misses lost love.

Then the sound system shifts to a new song, one they danced to on his birthday. In an instant, the dynamic shifts. As it reminds her of when they first got together, it does him as well. He pulls away, pulls into himself.

He decides in an instant to go, just like how he decided to sever their relationship. His hand slowly traces the contour of her arm as he turns to leave, fingers lingering for a moment, and then he's vanished into the crowd.

She wants nothing more than to come up with the magic sentence that will make him come back....or to work up the courage to walk back with him. Yet, she can't seem to grasp either and perhaps its for the best. He is, after all, leaving the country in less than a week. What can she do that'll truly change anything?

So, instead, she watches his retreating form, thinks back to how it was and desperately wishes she were home.

V. It's five in the morning when she pens the e-mail, figuring she can blame it on sleep deprivation if it doesn't go over well. She wishes him luck on all the finals she knows he has on Monday, telling him that she has faith in him, that he's smarter than he thinks. Then, she adds that it was good seeing him for it was, the mind fuck aspects of the night aside. She ends it by adding that he owes her a drink before biting the bullet and pressing send.

She hasn't bared her soul very much but it's enough. By the time the message of conformation pops up, she feels more resolved about the situation than she has in weeks.

She just hasn't bothered to see if he's e-mailed her back.

current mood: getting this out of my system

(15 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Friday, May 13th, 2005

[ 08:32 pm : Finals & Fright 'Fests..What a Lovely Combination..]

One final down, three to go. Seeing as I'm quite sure I throughly aced my Journalism take home, I'd like to believe that I've started off on the right foot as far as the rest of my examinations are concerned.

Now, all I have to do is study compulsively for Elementary Japanese, read the required chapters for Photojournalism and throw together two essays for American Lit 1. Piece of cake, really... ::keeps an eye out for the cleaners::

I'll save beginning all of that for sometime tomorrow, however, for I have a scary movie 'fest on the agenda for this evening. After all, no self respecting horror movie buff can let a Friday the 13th pass by without indulging in some hair raising flicks.

First on the queue, Blade Trinity. In watching it, not only will I be getting my all important vampire fix but I figure I can work on further forgetting a certain British boy by focusing all my attention on a shirtless, sexy Canadian by the name of Ryan Reynolds.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, this girl is always thinking.

current mood: in awe of my thought process

(9 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

[ 11:55 pm : "...craving fame and all its decadence..."]

Tragic...Drama Burger Queen?
Shifting through various documents on my computer in a never ending quest to free up desperately needed hard drive space, I came across a folder of self portraits I took in a fit of boredom this past February.

While looking them over, I had a laugh at the fact that perhaps I missed my true calling. Maybe, though my writing skills are decent, I secretly was meant to be an actress all along.

If nothing else, I have the energy, neurotic nature and dramatic flair needed for just such a profession XD

Mostly though, I think this is just photographic proof that I am an odd girl who often entertains herself in the strangest of fashions. )

Roy's probably lucky that he got out when he did...
To Be Honest, I Aspire to Be Like Viggo Mortensen. 'Cause Then I Could Write, Act, Paint & Take Photos...All With Skill, Of Course: If I finish my Journalism take home final in a timely enough fashion tomorrow, I think I might post pictures from the Anti-War Protest that took place in New Paltz back in March.

I honestly had almost forgot about these photos and now that I've come across them again I realize it'd be a shame not to share them.

Hopefully you guys at least tolerate my photographs enough to stick through this current trend in my LJ.

current mood: crazy & random, all bundled
current music: "The Story" + 30 Seconds to Mars

(18 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

[ 11:55 pm : Give the Aspiring Photographer Something to Do In Between Studying for Finals...]

Snatched from [info]vanima:
Ever wanted to see something about my life? I have a digital camera, so REQUEST A PICTURE. You can request anything you want--a picture of something in my house, in my life, in my neighborhood, ANYTHING. I will either post a picture that I already have, or I will take a new one.

(obviously, this is within reason, meaning no nude pics, etc.)
believe me, its for the best
Added Note: If you've ever been at all curious about my college campus or New Paltz in general, be sure to make your photographic desires known soon for I'll be homeward bound in a week or so.

current mood: thoughtful

(10 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Monday, May 9th, 2005

[ 11:50 pm : Photos From the Glorious Land of Cheese Steaks..]

Big Brother Big Ben is watching yo~ou...

Photos & Stories From Philly... )

current mood: creative
current music: "The Hand That Feeds" + Nine Inch Nails

(9 Realized the Truth God? God is love .. I don't love you.. )

Once upon a time there was a girl known only as Hokuto who, for lack of a better word, was a mystery. Many knew not what to think of her and, for the most part, she was fine with that. Being unique was something she valued; she was a free spirit that never could be conformed or held back. Those she cared about most wouldn't have it any other way..

This journal is for any open minded individual who can deal with the rambles of a girl who just crossed the threshold into adulthood; a teen that loves to analyze life as much as she enjoys ogling glammy men. Hers is an existence that is hardly ever normal but is nothing less than interesting.

Who knows, maybe one day she will even live happily ever after, as all those faery tales promise...

the best pretty good okay pretty bad the worst

"...Loved once above all others..."

Name: Shannon Rahe
Alias: Hokuto, the Glam Rock Goddess, Spork Deity, Saint Sister, and Survey Slut; all rolled into one.
Age: Nineteen
D.o.B: November 8th
Residence: Holmes, NY
Zodiac: Scorpio : 1 x 2
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Vitals: 5'7," 116 pounds with long, dirty blonde hair. Eyes are aqua blue and personal style bears no label.
E-Mail: Serena1384
Occupation: Sophmore at SUNY New Paltz, employee at the Quick Stop/Movie Store, aspiring writer, wannabe celebrity.
Power Animal: Penguin
Image Song(s): "This is Your Life" + The Dust Brothers
Layout Theme: "Personal Jesus" + Depeche Mode
Wishlist: Here

"..But like all true day it withered on the vine... .."

Hobbies: Writing, web design, internet attachment, playing music at maximum volume, shopping, being insane, etc.
Anime/Manga: Tokyo Babylon,
X, CCS, KKJ, Seraphic Feather, Fushigi Yuugi, Kanata Kara, etc.
Bishies: Tasuki, Subaru, Sei-chan, Lestat de Lioncourt, Aoshi.
Music: NIN, Orgy, David Bowie, a Perfect Circle, Kill Hannah, Prince, Silverchair, 30 Seconds to Mars, etc.
Film: Equilibrium, Velvet Goldmine, Interview with the Vampire, Fight Club, Labyrinth, Memento, The Crow, Snatch, Quills, Donnie Darko, Requiem for a Dream, the Prophecy, Lord of the Rings: FotR & TTT, etc.
DVD Obsession: Best of Bowie
TV: Conan O'Brien, Six Feet Under, Smallville, Invader Zim, Penn & Teller: Bullshit, the assorted Law & Orders, Scrubs, SNL, Mad TV, etc.
Main Men: Trent Reznor, Michael Rosenbaum, Joaquin Phoenix, Eddie Izzard, David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Conan O'Brien, Viggo Mortensen, Christian Slater, Colin Farrell, Christopher Walken, and the Troika esp. Andrew.
Comics: JtHM, Lenore, Squee, I Feel Sick, Get Fuzzy, Sandman.
Literature: The Vampire Chronicles, anything by Chuck Palahniuck, Macbeth, and much more. I'm also a certified fanfic fiend and slash addict.
Inspirations: Music in general, esp. Nine Inch Nails and David Bowie. Random things that catch my attention and spark an idea..
Obsessions: CLex love, glam rock, slash, Terry's Chocolate Oranges, technology, NYC, etc.
Projects: Collaborations with Vector-chan, the LJ community Troika Geeks and WIP fanfiction.

"...I remember the First War. The way the sky burned, the faces of angels destroyed. I saw a third of Heaven's legion banished and the creation of Hell...."

Behold, a layout which is meant to pay tribute to Viggo Mortensen's outstanding portrayal of Lucifer in the film the Prophecy. Though his screen time was short, what he did with it effectively took my breath
away. When all was said and done and the credits slowly began to roll, it was then that my admiration for this actor was born; the role of Aragorn in LotR only cemented it years later.

It can also be said that Viggo’s turn as Lucifer helped to yank me into the world of slash for this movie happens to contain one of my all-time favorite pairings. Of course, it’s rather hard not to squeal whenever I watch a rather sexy Devil merrily molest Thomas Daggett, whispering in his ear the whole while. And his last words to the man he‘s stalked since childhood being ‘leave the light on' certainly has been known to fuel my reaction.

...And this is why I am probably going to Hell.

As for specific details, my journal is best viewed with a 800x600 resolution through an IE browser. I have absolutely no idea how it looks on other servers or monitors so I apologize if what you see now is utter crap. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if your corneas were burning out right now, simply from looking upon my journal. Don't worry though, I hear eyepatches are becoming high fashion items..

On a final note, if you‘d rather avoid an experience that involves Lucifer munching on your recently detached heart, don‘t steal from me. This layout took a massive amount of
time and energy on my part, so one is advised to look but not touch. I think that’s quite understandable, don’t you?

Otherwise, don‘t blame me if your last sight in life is Morning Star himself.

Layout Number: XXIV
Uploaded: August 11, 2003

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer..

Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver..

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares
Your own personal Jesus
Someone who's there..
Reach out and touch faith...

Tainted Memories v. Own Personal Jesus

"...How I love listening to your sweet prayers..."

+ Live Journal + Haloburn + Tinami + Smallville Slash Archive + Lex Slash + Television Without Pity + Stonefic + |[.nine inch nails]| + Master and Apprentice + + Lipstick Traces + + X Handpuppet Theatre + Project Sakurazukamori + + -- { T.r.i.o.k.a } ----- > + | Tom Lenk Online | + Teenage Wildlife + Aniron Slash + Beyond the Fellowship

"...Humans - and how I love you talking monkeys for this - know more about war and treachery of the spirit than any angel..."

« i © girly boys! »

I am Jack's flickering sanity

typical Æ Scorpio

louder • Jay Gordon

< # logs of DOOM ? >

Vampire Chronicles || The Coven of the Articulate

Immortal Beloved :: Lestat de Lioncourt

< I'm Inspired by Trent Reznor >

tyler durden says : use soap.

masquerade »+« Sir Didymus

Subaru x Seishirou

? The Kids In The Hall

Glam Rock *** David Bowie

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Ewan McGregor & Christian Bale are bloody adorable!

Would You Like a Cup of Coffee? I'm Also a Brad Lover ^.~ lyrical genius Love Has *No* Boundries Talk To Spooky! As the slap on my ass by a lipstick-kissed elbow glove And You Should Too I'm a Tom Fangirl! I watch him from *all* angles He is a Chocolate Prince! bunnybunnybunny.. Gary Makes Such a Sexy Dracula.. Behold the Sexiness of Glammy Men Can't Turn Down This Voluptuous Man Sexy Devil.. I support Elf/Man Love! Gonna Buy One and Paint it Pink!

Andrew © Me Warren © Me Jonathan © Me Andrew © Me Jareth can take me away any day My Namesake, chibi-fied Aww! Its Chibi Sei-chan! Subbie-chan! Gimmie Danger, in the form of Curt ^^ Brian Slade, need I say more? Arthur is oh so devine Monsieur le Rock Star I Love Louie I wanna play with his Armand's pretty curly hair Love the Didymus!Jareth and me..I mean Sarah ^^ Sweet Transvestite Red Headed King of Late Night My Fav. Glam Boys