Thu, Feb. 10th, 2005, 05:30 pm

I'm totally digging this new icon of me...kudos go to [info]lizimal, who took the picture.

Thu, Feb. 10th, 2005, 09:29 am
Saw this on a message board, and thought it was funny...

After heat kills bad germs, where do they go? Obviously not to heaven, since they've been bad, and surely they can't go to hell, for the heat would kill them again!

Edit: This was their sig line, not a legitimate question, so don't worry about the original poster's sanity, 'k? *grin*

Fri, Feb. 4th, 2005, 02:22 pm

So yeah, I'm still alive, although it's been touch and go this week - I spent all of Tuesday and most of Wednesday asleep, as I seem to have caught a nasty head cold. I had a test in my history class on Wednesday, so I woke up for that, and afterwards, I went home and crawled back into bed. I'm still waiting for the results on that test; I'm fairly confident I did well, but for the life of me, I can't remember what I wrote! *lol*

I'm taking classes again this semester at ACC, and this semester is definately harder than last. It's not to the overwhelming point yet, but geez...I'm definately having to work to keep everything on track. When I'm not in class or doing homework, I'm at work! In fact, that's where I am now, so I should probably keep this update short, but I just wanted to let everyone know that yes, I'm still alive. *grin*

Tue, Dec. 14th, 2004, 02:04 pm
Slightly vague post

I don't want to give out details, since it's not my news to "break", but I just found out that two of my friends just got engaged! Yay, for them!

(And mom, you can probably figure out who it is! *lol*)

Sun, Dec. 12th, 2004, 04:03 pm

It's a good thing I trust my husband, because what just happened could have been worse than it was. 

You see, I walked into the room where our computers are at home, and there's Mark, happily reading some magazine, not minding what was on his computer screen. 

What was on his computer screen, you ask?  Boobies.  Boobies were on his computer screen! 

After a moment of confusion on both our parts, we figured out that his computer had the "random" screensaver mode turned on, and Fedora has a particular screensaver called webcollage, which pulls random images off the internet and then makes up a collage of them as the screensaver.  Nice, huh?  :-I

Anyway, that particular screensaver has now been eliminated, and we can go back to our relatively mundane lives again. 

I just couldn't believe it when I walked into the room, and was greeted with a big ol' pair of boobies, and my husband was happily ignoring them.  *snicker*

So, yeah. Porn is, well...icky.  Cause let me tell you, those were some NASTY boobs.  *shudder*

Sat, Dec. 11th, 2004, 02:56 pm's out for winter break.  Finally.  I thought it would never end!  Now I have a little over a week, and then it's off to Michigan to spread some holiday cheer to all my family. :) 

Nothing much exciting going on here, with the exception of finally meeting [info]aweigle's girlfriend, Liz.  She's from Canada, and I swear - we are so in sync, it's scary!  By the end of  our first day hanging out together, we were finishing each other's sentences.  What's great fun is that occasionally one or the other of us will use some slang term, and then we spend the next 20 minutes discussing the origins, uses, and meanings of it.  For example, Mark was out of town for about a week and a half not too long ago, and after about 4 or 5 days, she asked if I was still "batching".  I, of course, looked at her blankly, and she had to explain that "batching" comes from "bachelor", and suddenly, it all made sense. 

(Okay, so I'm probably the only person who finds that story even remotely interesting - I'm such a grammar/language geek!)

I suppose I do have one other exciting thing to say - after almost a year and a half of doing nothing with it, I finally broke down and had my hair cut & styled.  I was watching  What Not to Wear, and decided that I absolutely adored the hairstyle they gave the girl in the episode.  She had a round face similar to mine, and so I printed out pictures of the hairstyle from the website, and went to the salon armed with my ideas.  It's quite a bit shorter than I started with, but I am totally in love with my new 'do!  Liz snapped a few pictures of me with her digital camera, but hasn't uploaded them yet - once I have some, I'll have to post  pictures of it.  Just trust me when I say that for the first time in, oh, 7 or 8 years, I actually LIKE the pictures that were taken of me!

So, yeah.  That's about it.  I now have to sit down and figure out if I have enough stuff to put in a Christmas letter, or if I'm just going to punk out, and send cards only.  Bah, humbug.

Tue, Dec. 7th, 2004, 03:34 pm

Yes, I'm still alive.
No, I'm not posting more than that.
Maybe I'll post again when winter break starts.

Fri, Nov. 19th, 2004, 02:35 pm

You know how I said I was feeling better? I think I lied. I feel like crap today! *pout* At least I made it to class, and I even managed to snag a 100% on the pop quiz in my English class, after NOT reading the assignment - talk about falling in the poop house and coming out smelling like a rose! (ask [info]kathyrose about the time my cousin & I were playing basketball at the farm, [info]katilo, for a funny story relating to that)

But despite all that fun & excitement, I just want to go crawl back into bed. I'm tired, achey, and sniffly. Yuck!

Thu, Nov. 18th, 2004, 02:23 pm

Well, I'm definately feeling better today - of course, the fact that I slept for something like 15 hours straight yesterday might have helped... *grin* I think I caught whatever cold Mark had earlier this week; we're both hopped up on dayquil now, so you can imagine the nonsensical conversations we've been having! *lol*

I feel bad, though, because I missed classes yesterday. Naturally, I didn't do any schoolwork while I was asleep, so now I have to cram 2 sections of math and a handful of short stories into my brain before 7AM tomorrow. Blargh! Finals are coming up (2nd week in December), and I have another paper that I have to write (due the 3rd), so I think I know what I'm going to be doing on my day of for Thanksgiving. Luckily, for this paper, I get to watch a film adaptation of a selected English literary work (the list was supposed to be handed out yesterday - with any luck I still get a copy from the professor, or a classmate will let me look at theirs), and then write a critique of it. I'm looking forward to it - I should find something on the list I enjoy! *grin*

In other school news, I have my schedule for next semester! It's another Monday/Wednesday/Friday one, with nothing before 9AM! I have US History I (everything up to & including the Civil War) from 9-9:50, Introductio to Philosophy from 10-10:50, and College Alegbra (My first "for credit" math course - woo hoo!) from 12-12:50. All three classes meet all three days, so it looks like I'll work full days on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and either a halfish day (from 2-5) on Fridays, or maybe work some hours on either Saturday or Sunday. Depends on how my homework load turns out; if it's like this semester, then I can work more hours, but if it's heavier (which most likely it will be, since I have 3 instead of 2 classes), then I'll probably have to drop back on the hours at work. That sucks, though, because money has been fairly tight already, and well, I hate to think what I'm going to have to cut back on next. *sigh*

But, yay for new classes! :D

Wed, Nov. 17th, 2004, 02:32 pm

Being sick sucks.

*shuffling back to bed*

Fri, Nov. 5th, 2004, 11:40 am
Another Scot in the White House

Regardless of my feelings about Bush, I can't help but appreciate his choice of pets. According to this blurb, he's giving Laura another Scottie puppy for her birthday. Who comes up with these crazy names, though? First Barney, now Miss Beazley. BLECH! *grin*

So, yeah...that's my pointless news item of the day. ;)

EDIT: According to this other article, Laura and the twins were the ones who named her. No comment.

Fri, Oct. 22nd, 2004, 03:37 pm
The things you remember.... is my friend Travis's 27th birthday.

Happy birthday, Travis.

Wed, Oct. 20th, 2004, 08:24 pm
Note to Dad:

The Earthsea miniseries starts on December 13th on the SciFi channel!

Thu, Oct. 14th, 2004, 07:56 pm
Only 'Buffy' fans need read this post

I just saw Joyce Summers in an advil commerical! *mind boggles*

Wed, Oct. 13th, 2004, 11:30 am
*sigh* When will I learn?

5-7 page paper on "The Romantic Hero: Prometheus, Don Juan, Faust & Satan", due Friday at 9AM.


3:30PM Update:
Introduction, and sections on Prometheus & Don Juan are complete. Unfortunately, those were the sections I was most prepared for. Now to research & regugitate on Faust and Satan.

6:45PM Update:
Sweet heaven above - I'm done! And I still have a day to look over it, add more as I see fit, and print it out. I'm practically ahead of schedule!

Thu, Sep. 30th, 2004, 09:39 am
The Attic Room

It's probably overly sentimental, but here are my results from today's writing prompt in [info]nanowrimo. The prompt was to write for 5 minutes on "Wallpaper"

It was faded and torn, but Anne-Marie could still make out the faint rose pattern on the walls.

“It’s beautiful,” she said, “utterly beautiful.”

“You know, your mom used to spend all her free time up here when she was a little girl,”

Anne-Marie’s grandmother reached high overhead, to bring down a slim book from the top of the shelf. “This was your mother’s scrapbook,” she said, “filled with all her news clippings and other memorabilia.”

Anne-Marie’s eyes lit up as she clutched at the book. “Ohhh, please give it here!”

Hungrily, she tore into the book, devouring the pages filled with images of her mother. There she was, leading the girls’ tennis team to victory! Next, she was leading the marching band as drum major! Now Then came her mother’s big win as class president!

As she turned the pages, Anne-Marie felt closer to her mother than ever before. With tears in her eyes, she looked up at her grandmother. “I wish I would have had the chance to know her.”

Wrapping her arms around Anne-Marie in a big hug, her Grandmother murmured, “Me too, sweetie. Me too.”

Wed, Sep. 29th, 2004, 11:08 am
Pointless Information

Have I ever mentioned the fact that my cell phone plays an electronic version of "Barbie Girl" when it rings?

No? Well, now you know a little bit more about me.

Fri, Sep. 24th, 2004, 02:08 pm
The mind boggles.

I can't believe that Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer is going to be available on DVD.

First Jem, now this; does it mean there's hope for She-Ra?

(The scary thing - Amazon actually recommended it to me. Guess the fact that I preordered both Jem sets tipped them off, eh?)

Thu, Sep. 23rd, 2004, 11:53 am
I just KNOW I'm not the only one who can relate to this...

Wed, Sep. 22nd, 2004, 02:17 pm
Playing Catch-up

As you all have probably noticed, I've been rather quiet as of late. This semester has totally been kicking my ass. I think I've finally gotten everything under control now, so allow me to bring everything up to speed:

Mail Call

I have received the cd packages graciously sent to me by [info]biophile6, [info]rubian77, and [info]russcular many thanks for the music, you guys! If you've sent me a package, and I didn't name you, please let me know, because I didn't receive it.

Out with the old...

Much to my disappointment, I decided to drop my French class this week. I realized that having an evening class 2 nights a week and then turning around and having an early morning class on the other 3 days was a foolish plan. These past few weeks have been fairly hellish, as my sleep schedule has been all out of whack.

In addition to the crazy hours, I realized that I just didn't have enough time to devote to both French homework AND algebra homework. One of the two classes had to give, and since I'm required to be enrolled in the math course, in order to be enrolled in anything else (has to do with the fact that the algebra course is a "remedial" level course)...the choice was pretty obvious.

<...and in with the new!</>

Ahh, my algebra course - THAT has certainly been a comedy of errors! To start off, it's only a 12 week course (rather than a full 16 week course like my other classes), so it didn't start until this past Monday. Remember that fact; it's important for later.

Last Friday, I received the offical, mailed copy of my fee receipt & class schedule. On it, there was what appeared to be a discrepancy; it said I still owed about a hundred bucks. After class on Monday, I went to go talk to someone about that.

Turns out that the money owed was because I moved "out of district", so the tuition fees were higher. I made this change after the cut-off date for the 16 week semester, but apparently, it was NOT after the cut-off date for the 12 week semester. HELLO! THINGS I NEEDED TO BE TOLD A MONTH AGO WHEN I MADE THAT CHANGE AND THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE SAID I WAS "ALL SET"!

Anyway, the girl I talked to said that since I hadn't paid the extra money before classes started, I had been dropped from the course. Mind you, I had only just received any notice that I still owed money on the very LAST day before classes started, and AFTER the admissions office closed, to boot! I went in to talk to them on Monday morning, and found out that they had dropped me literally while I was in class, because I had been on the roster when the professor printed it out at 6:30 that morning (or so she said when I talked to her today), and yet I was dropped by the time I was in the office at 10.

The kicker? The admissions office told me to just register again for the course, but by that point the class was FULL! It was the only section being taught during the 12 week session, and I couldn't freaking register, because it was full.

Yeah, I was not a happy camper.

I kept an eye on the enrollment figures for the class, thanks to the handy-dandy online course schedule, and unfortunately, no one seemed to be dropping the course. When today rolled around, and I still wasn't able to get in the class, I decided to take the bull by the horns, and I talked to my professor.

God bless Charlotte Navaraez! *grin*

Turns out, she and her husband just moved here, and this is her very first semester at the school. She wasn't sure exactly what she could do to get me into the class, but she agreed that I SHOULD be there, so off we went, to talk to the Mathmatics departmental secretary.

For that matter, God bless her, too. *grin*

She, in turn, hooked me up with a "permission to overenroll" slip, (after a phone call with the dean of mathematics), and I was off to the admissions office once again, this time with my golden ticket. (No, seriously - the paper was yellow.)

While we're handing out blessings, God bless Charlotte in the admissions office! *still grinning*

I handed her my slip, and she did a little hoo-doo voodoo, and told me to come back to the office "later", to confirm that everything went through. That worked out just fine for me, since I had my English class that was starting in 7 minutes, and I didn't want to walk in late. I made it to class, and afterwards, I went back over to admissions, got a copy of my new class schedule (complete with the damn math course on it!), and I was good to go.

Moral of the story? It may all just be a big bureacracy, but when you're nice to people, they really DO help you!

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