sad... It's early evening, and I'm too tired to write up a full report
on the evening. It's early enough right now that I'll probably be
awake early enough tomorrow to type something on up. In the meantime,
I'm getting back to sleep. |
made it back from Texas, but it's time to head in to work now. I'll
give a report later... |
off to Texas. Hope to see everybody out there... |
in all, a good day. I caught the last episode of Voyager, even though
I haven't been following the show the last couple of years, and I
saw an episode of News Radio that I hadn't seen before.
As a matter of fact, I also saw not one, but two episodes of The Simpsons
that I hadn't seen before.
All in all, a good day...
See everybody in Texas this weekend... Probably Austin on Saturday
and New Braunfels on Sunday. |
pity the fool who don't celebrate
Mr. T's
Even if he does do telephone
commercials. |
I'm pretty close to having my new posting system working. I've imported
all my old comments and now have a cool searchable database... It's
not as cool as it should be, and when I imported all the old posts,
I screwed up all the dates, but I think I can get it working properly
sometime this week. Expect to have a sign-up form in a couple days,
and sign up for all the cool stuff to come.
And I will finish up Chapterhouse this week. |
you'll find a list of quotes from the Cannes film festival. Among
them is this, my favorite:
"I will choose the film whose producer gives me the largest amount
of money." Cannes jury member Terry Gilliam as he stood up to reveal
the message emblazoned across his T-shirt: "I can be bribed."
guys made several funny commercials. The AOL one and the Victoria's
Secret one are particularly amusing. |
been working out on a near-daily basis for the last month or so. My
normal routine is to come home from work, watch News Radio, then head
to the gym. I do 45 minutes to an hour on a cross trainer, then do
weights until I'm beat... Yesterday I went into the gym and someone
was on my cross trainer, so I figured I'd just hit the weights and
call it a day (I can take a day off every once in a while...) But
god, that 45 minutes of aerobic exercise must really help me get warmed
up, because Even after having just done my normal weight routine,
I am sore as a mofo today. My legs are so sore, I couldn't even get
to the gym today. Well, I guess all that crap they teach you about
stretching and warming up is right after all... Who knew? |
is a bunch of links about my INTJ Myers-Briggs personality type. I
found this
one particularly cheery. |
is an interesting article on a new theory for the possibility of time
travel. |
Perhaps I'm the last person to have seen this, but check out Star
Wars in glorious ASCII animation... |
usual, I'm an INTJ. I think I've tested as an ISTJ before, but almost
always as an INTJ. All you Sensors can go straight to hell! Intuition
is the way to go! |
26th is Towel
Day. Don't forget your towel. (thx memepool...) |
tests! Personality
tests! Get your piping fresh personality
tests here... Jungian
Myers-Briggs Personality Test! Lots
of Personality Tests! |
26th is Towel
Day. Don't forget your towel. (thx memepool...) |
Hunter S. Thompson
has recently taken
up the cause of Lisl
Auman. Lisl Auman is currently serving a life sentence without
possibility of parole for a murder that occurred while she was in
police custody. Many are saying that hers is a case of wrong
place, wrong time.
The gist of the story goes like this: Lisl got some friends to help
her break into her ex-boyfriends apartment to retrieve her things.
Matthaeus Jaehnig (whom she had met for the first time this morning)
gives her a ride to her new apartment. On the way, a police officer
attempts to pull them over. Jaehnig attempts to flee. After a high
speed chase in which Jaehnig brandishes and fires an assault weapon,
they come to a stop at her apartment complex. She bolts from the car,
surrenders to police and warns them that Jaehnig is armed. Jaehring
shoots and kills a police officer, then kills himself with the officer's
A Denver newspaper then runs a story on Jaehning's extensive criminal
record, questioning why he was on the streets in the first place.
The election year administration, having nobody left to blame, charges
Lisl with felony murder, for which she is convicted and sentenced
to the mandatory minimum life without parole.
This is an ugly story, but from what I've read, it doesn't seem like
she deserves to be spending the rest of her life in prison. She had
the misfortune of coming into contact with an unstable racist who
chose that moment to go psycho... Hunter and friends held
a rally recently to coincide with her latest appeal. |
like this
almost makes me wish that I hadn't quit smoking. And that I lived
in Canada. Oh wait, neither of those are true. I don't know though...
I've certainly feel a lot less cool the last six weeks...
Should we Young Pups
sue Hasbro
over their use of
Action Figure Theatre? Probably... |
Radio's up again. Almost all Kimock, almost all of the time. At
least for now. Listen away, and let
me know if there are any problems. |
Adams: 1952-2001. So long, and thanks for all the fish. |
Visit Laughing
Owl Farm. Not to be confused with Owl
Farm. |
just got back from a bike ride. I got on the street that I live off
and went west for an hour and a half or so. Eventually, I got to a
town called De
Soto, where I was told by someone at a gas station that I would
be ticketed for riding my bike on 83rd St. So I headed south for a
while until I got to 95th St. I figured that was about as good a time
as any to start heading back home, so I went east. I followed it for
a few miles until it looped around a highway and started heading back
west. I almost decided to jump a fence and risk a ticket riding along
the side of the highway until the next exit when I saw a guy in a
truck behind a fence. Apparently he was just out driving, and had
turned into this field, only to have the gate closed and locked behind
him in the space of 10 minutes. There was another exit, but it had
a chain blocking that exit, and he needed help lifting the chain over
his truck. So I rode with him out there, we got the chain over his
truck, and he gave me a ride to the next exit, where I picked up 95th
again and took it home.
All in all, a good ride. I had planned on being out longer, but I
think I'll try that again when I've lost another 20 pounds... |
Happy Birthday to Louis
Farrakahn. All praise be to Allah. |
the incredibly depressing first episode of News Radio after Phil Hartman's
death was on A&E today. Be sure to catch it this evening at 6:30,
5:30 Central if you'd like to have the rest of your weekend thrown
into a depressive funk. It's a sad episode, but I thought very tastefully
done... |
(Late Night)
as of today, I am officially down 20 pounds from where I was when
I started weighing
myself on February 6. Another 30 and I'm going to get my tattoo.
I got a nice drop today because I just got done playing a game if
of Empires II with some
friends that went on for about 3 hours. Ugh... I'm
exhausted. But I spent all the time from when I got home until
we started playing in the gym, and the game went so long I didn't
have time for dinner. I need to do that more often. |
story is about supposedly extraterrestrial bacteria found in a
meteorite being brought back to life in Italy. |
Apocalypse. The End Is Near. |
of the shows that I will go out of my way to catch any time it might
be on is The
Family Guy. It seems to run sporadicly on Fox.
Apparently they had some episodes stocked up which were waiting to
be run in the fall. But now that
the writer's strike has been averted, it looks like Fox is going
to go ahead and run them this summer. I can't wait... |
Every once in a while, I do some work on the site. I fixed up the
statistics page
a bit. I upgraded to the most recent version of the awstats script,
and I added some code to keep my navigation bars up when you get the
stats. I think the coolest new thing is that the statistics now show
what search engine phrases people are looking for, rather than just
individual words. Apparently a lot of people want the lyrics to Fatboy
Slim's "Weapon of Choice". Well I can't help you out there,
but they do sneak in a nice Dune reference. |
Martin rules. On Counting
Down, you can check out two flash animations written by the man
himself. Be sure you check out Gwyneth
and Steve, narrated by Steve and Morto
the Magician. Do it now, before you forget. Don't make me remind
you all week long. |
Well, I haven't had a cigarette in five weeks. Right about now, I
wish I was still a nicotine user so I could try "Cigalettes".
I think the best part about these nicotine-containing breath mints
is that they aren't meant as stop smoking aids, but are targeted at
folks in situations where they can't smoke. Like a fucking
bar in California. A fucking bar. That's never made sense to me,
and it never will.
I also never got a chance to try Eclipse
Smokeless Cigarettes.
I keep threatening to put the days I work out on the weight chart,
but honestly I really don't feel like going through the trouble. I'm
having a hard enough time mucking about with Jakarta
Tomcat. If anyone has already hacked my machine, would you mind
putting up some sample jsp or java servlets so I can get a clue? Well,
I get paid this Friday, so I guess it's time to buy some books...
Free software ain't free... Especially when you're dumb... |
your own Christopher Walken mask. |
In the "Only Funny To About Three People In The World (And Probably
Not To Them)" department, check out the website for Hexagon
Technologies. |
Wow. Now this
guy has balls. |
(Late Night)
Back from Arkansas. The shows were amazing. I've only seen the Steve
Kimock Band once before, last year at Chester's Place in Fayetteville.
I have now tripled the amount of SKB shows I've been to. Thursday
night's show was excellent, a lot of very driving jams. This tour,
Holmes is in playing drums. I'm on a mailing list and had heard
some reviews of shows earlier on the current tour, and had heard raves
about Mr. Holmes. From reading the emails, I didn't really understand
what can possibly be so impressive about a drummer. I found out Thursday
and Friday night, though. I don't know that I have before heard a
drum solo that kept a beat well enough that you could continue dancing.
Even when not soloing, Rodney's beats played well with Bobby Vega's
bass and Mitch Stein and Steve Kimock's guitars. Kimock's guitar work
was as amazing as I remember from the last show I saw. I just wish
I was in New Orleans catching the band tonight. But alas, I must sleep.
God damn, I am just flirting with a new low on the weight
chart, but I can't seem to quite drop that one extra pound. I'm
definitely working out tomorrow, so I guess I'll just not eat or drink
anything tomorrow. And I'll sit in the sauna all day. (Can I move
my TV in there so I can catch This Week tomorrow morning?) |
Heading to Arkansas for Steve Kimock Band. See you there. |
Until right now, I had never seen gay porn on Fox
News. I can never again say that I haven't. |
When Voyager
was launched, it included a Golden
Record on which was encoded music,
and greetings.
I think the image displaying
mathematical definitions is my favorite, but I'm not sure if
this one is real. |
controversy continues over hats in the US Army. I like the comments
at Plastic.
on the upcoming "Country Bears" movie with Christopher Walken. Also,
there's a movie coming out this summer with Chris Elliot in it called
Jones. |
is exactly what I've been waiting for to replace my old broken Palm
III. High resolution color screen. Built in MP3 player. Runs Palm
OS. Somebody give me $500. |
Order yours
today. |
Here is an editorial by William F. Buckley Jr. on tax cuts and
fairness... |