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Young Pups

Young Pups - FAQ

What is Young Pups?
Young Pups is a sketch comedy show created by a group of friends and I for the University of Houston student TV station. We had a blast doing the show, and have even been told that the show is funny. We were very into Quentin Tarantino at the time, so the show contains many references to Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Also, copious amounts of fake blood.
Wow, that sounds great! Where should I start?

We made a total of five episodes. In the first two episodes, we were hampered with outdated equipment and a total lack of television production knowledge. Some of the concepts we came up with were funny, but alas, the execution was lacking. Dialogue in many of the sketches is close to inaudible, and the five year old second generation video tapes did not hold up well.

However, by Episode 3 I think we hit our stride. The TV station got funding for a badly needed equipment upgrade, and we had learned a thing or two about production. I think that this episode was our best, fairly consistently funny throughout.

Episode 4 was pretty good too. It ran even longer than Episode 3 and was damn funny as well, if I do say so myself.

If you've watched 3 and 4 and like what we did, watch the rest...

Episode 1 includes the first Dr. Science show. I don't think it was as good as his later appearances, but it sets his show up pretty well. Rise! would be funnier if the sound worked a little better. X-Schlager is downright frightening, and Serve Immediately For Best Results features sentient Ramen. How can you go wrong?

Episode 2 includes Where in the World is Charmin Sanfrancisco, I think one of our bloodiest skits, plus Hanh in a red coat! Also included is some material from a live show we were involved in at the time, and our first Action Figure Theatre.

Episode 5 includes a return of Low Budget Super Dude, a Scooby Doo skit, and Kervorkian Unplugged, plus one of my favorite intros. Sock puppetry is a lost art form, especially with the recent demise of

Where did the name Young Pups come from? Like I said, we were quite into Reservoir Dogs at the time we started up the show. Also, for some reason, we were also watching Dune on at least a daily basis. There's a scene in Dune where Gurney Halleck meets Paul in the desert and greets him with a hearty "You Young Pup! You Young Pup!" and Paul responds with "Gurney Man!" I think it was Bob that came up with the idea to use that for the name of the show. Hence, the show is Young Pups, by GurneyMan Productions.
Hey Ryan, don't you have anything better to do than maintain a web page about a show you did in college five years ago? No.