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Circuit Life Circuit Life Yahoo Group Muscle Stud Bears
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Apr. 9th, 2005 @ 02:53 pm Hello and Wecome TO Naked Parts 2 & Dictures
Current Mood: happy

Once again and you will hear this often

If you know of someone who is a member who is underage or says in a post in their journal they are underage or in any communication with you via any method that they are underage please report it to nakedparts2@yahoo.com
the following WILL happen.
The Person will be removed from Community
The persone will be banned from Community
The person will be reported to LJ Abuse
even if you report them to LJ Abuse yourself

Please try to make entries friends only.. that way only members of the community can see the posts and minors dont
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Jan. 18th, 2005 @ 04:34 pm (no subject)
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Dec. 24th, 2004 @ 06:42 pm All I want for Christmas!!!!
Current Mood: content

is some Peace!!!

I am Currently in Massacheusetts(fitchburg area) I left FL Dec 2nd (moved away) was tired of the low pay and suck ass job..
I love the Florida Nightlife and Club Scene and have some great Friends, but i am so much more California in Attitude.
Max( my Jack Russell Puppy) and I are doing well in New England visiting my mother until the new year then it's off to CA not sure yet where in CA general plan is to head to Los Angeles and find a place, but i have friends in San Jose and SD who say i should come that way.. also a few friends in Palm Springs may have a job with universal Studios allready!!

Life is good things look well and I am content
looking to meeting some of my CA LJ Peeps!!!

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Nov. 2nd, 2004 @ 09:25 am (no subject)
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Oct. 19th, 2004 @ 12:23 pm (no subject)
How common are np2's interests
dancing (239431)
music (821354)
sex (163742)
parties (60537)
clubs (29765)
dance (38521)
evanescence (45245)
gay (17315)
goth (33173)
hardcore (38094)
hip hop (19421)
leather (20329)
new york (26916)
porn (32326)
queer as folk (14983)
raves (13148)
science fiction (32183)
trance (22798)
black eyed peas (5098)
cum (2133)
dj (2256)
drum & bass (1075)
dvd (5620)
ecstacy (1458)
funk (6199)
gay pride (3789)
gym (5293)
house music (2328)
kelis (1623)
los angeles (7758)
missy elliott (1577)
monica (1127)
nude (1311)
orlando (3589)
party (5046)
porno (2443)
rave (3827)
remixes (1323)
rolling (1147)
studs (1941)
underwear (7017)
abel (52)
barry harris (19)
blake harper (18)
body hair (348)
break beats (391)
chris cox (26)
circuit (53)
circuit boys (12)
circuit parties (74)
crobar (23)
danny tenaglia (98)
deborah cox (141)
divas (824)
dj icey (352)
dj's (771)
dolce (92)
dred scott (14)
facial hair (849)
ft. lauderdale (184)
gay day (15)
gay days (17)
gay events (18)
gay parties (18)
hairy men (514)
hex hector (53)
jocks (636)
jockstraps (179)
junior vasquez (84)
masculine (96)
muscle (503)
muscle bears (130)
peter rauhofer (40)
pornos (331)
producers (178)
scumfrog (16)
sono (13)
splash (200)
thunderpuss (100)
tiesto (755)
tina (550)
titan media (16)
tracy young (16)
tribal (891)
tribal music (143)
victor calderone (43)
white party (12)
whitney houston (866)
alyson calagna (3)
bill hallquist (2)
brett henrichsen (3)
circuit life (2)
circuit party (6)
colton ford (5)
connie casserole (2)
danny teneglia (7)
deborah cooper (3)
deep faggot house music (3)
dj abel (2)
dj wes (2)
drew tribe (2)
eddie x (2)
falcon videos (3)
freddy arends (2)
friburn & urik (4)
gay disney (5)
herbie james (2)
hot desert knights (2)
john alvarado (2)
jon brown (3)
junior vazquez (3)
ken moore (2)
ralphi rosario (6)
red ball (5)
rosabel (6)
susan morabito (3)
that kid chris (3)
winter party (5)

Enter username:

InterestRank was bought to you by _imran_ and MemeLand.org
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Oct. 18th, 2004 @ 12:28 pm Fireman, Doctor, Lawyer, Gay Dancer
Little David was in his 4th grade class when the teacher asked the
children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers
came up -fireman, policeman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, etc. David was
being uncharacteristically quiet, so the teacher asked him about his

"My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his
clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear.
Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy
and make love with him for money."

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the
other children to work on some exercises and took little David aside to

ask him, "Is that really true about your father?"

"No," said David, "He works for the Republican National Committee to
re-elect George Bush, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of
the other kids."
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Oct. 12th, 2004 @ 05:00 pm (no subject)
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Oct. 11th, 2004 @ 01:34 pm MAX
my new Puppy!!

Last Week-7weks old

This Week-8 weeks old
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Sep. 26th, 2004 @ 03:06 pm whooppeeee
Survived yet another Fawking Hurricane@@@@
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Sep. 24th, 2004 @ 03:45 pm (no subject)

Lame-Stupid-Random Survey

Created by blairie and taken 5146 times on bzoink!

Birthplace:Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Current City of Residence:Fort Lauderdale, FL
Family Members:Father Deceased, Mother, Brother, Sister several Nieces and Newphews two half sister and their children
Beverage:Diet Coke w/Lime
Movie:Resident Evil
Musical:*gag* GREASE-Olivia Newton John
Board Game:*gag*
Computer Game:Solitaire
Game to Roleplay:*gag*
Animal:Cocker Spaniel & My New Jack Russell
Book:Anything by Piers Anthony, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice
A Day In The Life..
Typical Mood:Pissy and Pissed Off
Usually Found?:Bitch Slapping someone
Have You Ever
Been kissed:yep
Done drugs:yep
Eaten an entire box of Oreosyep
Eaten sushi:yep
Been on stage:yep
Been in a car accident:yep
This or That
Cold or Hot:hot! Muy Caliente
Blue or Red:Red
Rain or Snow:Rain
Wool or Cotton:Cotton
Private or Public School:Neither
Chocolate or Plain Milk:Plain
Celsius or Farenheit:HUH?
Spring or Fall:Spring
Science or History:History
Math or English:English
"Love Life"
Do you like somebody?:any guy who likes me
Do they know?:no
Do you want them?:not always
Are they hot?:better be
Who do you e-mail the most?my yahoo group
Who do you IM the most?george
Who are you talking to now?:myself-im considered quite mad
Are you currently in love?:no never have been
Is this survey lame?:yes
Isn't bzoink! nifty? =) :nope
In 24 hours have you...
...Had a serious talk?:no
...Hugged someone?:no
...Gotten along with your parents?:no
...Fought with a friend?:no
...Done something kind for someone?no
Do You Like To...
Give hugs?:no
Give back rubs?:yes
Take walks in the rain?:sometimes
Eat?:no, thats what drugs are for
Sleep?:no, thats what drugs are for
..Knows you the best?:me
..Have you known the longest?:Mykl
..Do you know the most about?:Mykl
..Do you consider your friend?:Mykl
..Is most likely to end up in jail?:Jeff B
..Can you go to with your problems?:Mykl
..Do you want to get to know better?:David
..Do you spend the most time with?:Me
Have You...
..Been to a concert?:Years and Years ago (tribe back in 90's)
..Loved someone so much it made you cry?:never happen
..Cheated on a test?:yes
..Ever stalked someone?:no
..Done something you regret?:no-Je ne suis rien!
..Been in an online relationship?:no
Random Questions
Single or Hooked?:Single
What is your worst habit?:none
Scariest moment?:sevral dates
Do you swear too much?:no
How do you feel about homosexuality?:love them
Where are you right now?:at work
Are you sitting by anyone?:no
What song are you listening to?:Brand New Destiny's Child
What is the last thing you said?:Get out of my office Bitch!!!
What's on your mousepad?:black and blank
What are the last four digits of your phone number?:4069
What was the last thing you ate?:macaroni salad
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?:Burnt Sienna
How many buddies do you have on your list?:too damn many/Not Enough
What's the weather like right now?:Crappy-Hurricane Jeanne approaching
What do you feel like doing?:fucking
What is your favorite quote?:"lets fuck"

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

About this Entry
Sep. 8th, 2004 @ 01:30 pm Still Alive
I have Survived Hurricane Frances and still awaiting Hurricane Ivan
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Aug. 28th, 2004 @ 07:24 pm (no subject)

Circuit Life The New Life Of the Party

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Aug. 17th, 2004 @ 02:30 pm yumm
About this Entry
Aug. 2nd, 2004 @ 01:54 pm (no subject)
"Shrek 2" took in $1.3 million to pad its total to $432.4 million, passing "Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace" to become No. 4 on the all-time domestic chart.

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at North American theaters, according to Exhibitor Relations Co. Inc. Final figures will be released Monday.

1. "The Village," $50.8 million.

2. "The Bourne Supremacy," $23.4 million.

3. "The Manchurian Candidate," $20.2 million.

4. "I, Robot," $10.05 million.

5. "Spider-Man 2," $8.5 million.

6. "Catwoman," $6.1 million.

7. "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle," $5.15 million.

8. "A Cinderella Story," $4.7 million.

9 (tie). "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy," $3.1 million.

9 (tie). "Fahrenheit 9/11," $3.1 million.
About this Entry
Feb. 23rd, 2004 @ 11:46 am Computer Broke
been away computer broke having to do updates for dictures and naked parts2 from work
life goes on

"this too shall pass"
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Nov. 29th, 2003 @ 05:05 pm (no subject)
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Nov. 13th, 2003 @ 11:49 am (no subject)
been busy
adding new memebrs to naked Parts 2 and Dictures today
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Apr. 10th, 2003 @ 12:47 am Please Make all Picture posts to community friends only
When posting your picture to Naked Parts2 and Dictures make sure you post as Friends only
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Mar. 1st, 2003 @ 09:21 pm New Fun Zone

Welcome to man_parts! We created this community because there arent many (if any) dedicated to the sexiness that is the male body.
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Nov. 30th, 2002 @ 11:26 pm Dec 1st World Aids Day

Over 40 million people have HIV/AIDs.

Approximately 1 in 100 adults (age 15-49) has HIV.

Approximately 50% of adults with HIV/AIDS are women.

Five young people get HIV every minute.
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