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Below is user information for Brad Whitaker. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:whitaker (15) Paid User whitaker
Whitaker's Journal
Name:Brad Whitaker
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:San Francisco, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status bradwhit2 (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 15985610 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:I used to be a lot of things. Now I'm just Brad.
Memories:15 entries
Pictures:over 2800 public
Interests:52: 213, alkaline trio, apache, biking, bml, boating, bradfitz, brand new, cincinnati, coffee, computer science, computers, death cab for cutie, debian, dr. dre, dvds, friends, happiness, linux, livejournal, lj, love, mod_perl, modest mouse, money, mp3, music, mysql, new found glory, nextel, open source, pedro the lion, perl, perl fu, php, postal service, pretty girls make graves, programming, promise ring, radiohead, rilo kiley, saves the day, skiing, sleeping, snoop, soccer, sql, travel, two-way radios, uc, vagina vs fighter jet, yo momma. [Modify yours]
People86:5251, amber_m, anildash, barbararini4, basement_rock, basketballjones, bc, becky1399, big_al, blythe, brad, braid_my_mer, caralou, christi_tina411, chuck, d4b, daveman692, deveiant, dina, dormando, ed4, eli, erik, evan, fannypackattack, fathead2uc, gibson, gorgonous, greengiant, hoboinacan, horsefacedman, inyourcar, jdawg6900, jgambrell, jimmy, jonnyddennemann, josh, jproulx, kiad, krow, kyleasher, leperdu, lisa, madrabbit, mahlon, mart, mb01483, menatrott, mistahe, miz_ginevra, mrbutterpants, muerte, navybmt, nick, niftybitch, nolegs, peacheater, peter_zaitsev, pooknook, potsie, princesskat, reaverxvx, rebeljen, rynfitz, sacharine, scsi, shimmer427, skg83, smileydee, snowake, spemily, stompmgood, themabbi, timwi, tragic_kingdom, treehugger, trippinstars27, twiinkle, tydel, vanbeast, wcu, whitaker, widener, xb95, zaneboyyy, zanelykins
Communities31:6a, bml, changelog, cincyrocks, cookiesforlj, debian, dinalolich, doppelganger, emacs, fotobilder, fotobilder_cvs, fotobilder_user, friendsincincy, goathack, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_core, lj_dev, lj_english, lj_everywhere, lj_maintenance, lj_test, ljbaseball, logjam, news, omj, paidmembers, perl, s2styles, this_vs_that, u_of_cincy
Feeds6:dilbertdaily, mathewdennis, nytimes, theonionfeed, theperlreview, zawodny_atom
Friend of:238: _bloody_babies, _cereal_adder_, _dustym, admiralboom, ajslamka, alachicky, alissagrace, allyssa1995, amber_m, andrewanker, angz, anildash, ashwinb, asianjade, auralaura, baby_monkey_04, babyboy_4lc, bang, barbararini4, barvin_ok, basement_rock, bc, beafrienddamnit, becky1399, beezygirl, beyondthislife, big_al, bigj, black_knight_06, blackamethyst, blythe, bookofsand, brad, bradico1, braid_my_mer, brandon_scott, brett, breyten, brit_will, britannica3, bsdguru, byron, caralou, ch, chickwithwings, christi_tina411, chuck, claystorm, clint_eastwood, cold_oct_fall, cop7, crackmonkey16, crazigurl7718, csubaby05, cyndirella, d4b, dan_erat, danivvv, daveman692, dead_pickles, decadence1, deveiant, dianalopez, diconcious, dildobucket1, dildobucket_1b, dina, donja_marie030, double_a_addict, dreaa925, ed4, eli, emo_ed_69, erik, erroneusfelon, evan, fannypackattack, fathead2uc, ferrell, flickeringsoul, for_fun, fortyozspartan, fraserspeirs, gibson, gorgonous, greengiant, grignard, heathers03, henry, hexrei, hoboinacan, horsefacedman, ianiceboy, idahopotato_1o1, idigital, imcrazyclaudia, imflabbergasted, intech, inyourcar, j7xz49br3m93xrr, janinedog, jayo, jdawg6900, jimmy, johnsedwick, jonhartman84, jonnyddennemann, josh, jproulx, jrcorn, jrust, kawaiipunkd, kel_006, kfk2, kiad, killmanda, krissyfudge, krow, kunzite1, kw34hd1, kyleasher, ladynatsukashii, leperdu, lillady73, lisa, little_triggers, localguru, lonely_icecubes, lonelytigg, loveispain39, lucentrip, luv_meh_for_meh, madrabbit, maegans_mom, mahlon, mart, mb01483, meganpenworthy, menatrott, mishkin1234, mistahe, mitdebo, miz_ginevra, morbidxxbeautyx, mordant, mrbutterpants, muerte, mwilson, myfriends, nat1765, ...
Member of:37: alex_is_gay, bml, changelog, cincyrocks, cookiesforlj, debate, edgesurvivors, emacs, fotobilder, fotobilder_cvs, fotobilder_user, friendsincincy, frobcountry, goppeldanger, igotcrabs, linux, live, lj_abuse, lj_biz, lj_core, lj_dev, lj_everywhere, lj_maintenance, lj_support, lj_test, lj_userdoc, ljbaseball, logjam, omj, paidmembers, perl, quan_patrol, s2styles, support_bugs, support_general, this_vs_that, u_of_cincy
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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