The Blog
Last night I visited the SpinDrift Percussion Group at Rutgers University to hear them rehearse their newly-commissioned version of RedLine for percussion quartet. I have to say I'm excited about this - it's going to ROCK. We made a lot of changes which will definitely bring it to life the way I'd hoped. Many thanks to Sarah, Annie, Aaron, and Barrett for commissioning this and for putting up with the occasional out-of-range notes, impossible 5-note chords, and logistical challenges.
Here's the group rehearsing:
Group photo:
When the concert date(s) are finalized I'll be posting them on the usual Upcoming Performances page - keep an eye out!
It's BCM at Carnegie Hall all weekend long ... tonight (as I type) Anthony Bailey and The Hart Regiment performs Jim's Reflections in a Tidal Pool in that famed venue, and on Sunday, Bill Berz and his Rutgers Wind Ensemble performs the new work I wrote for them for the CBDNA Conference here in NY last month, The Rivers of Bowery, also at Carnegie. The hallowed Isaac Stern Auditorium rings with the sounds of BCM!
Terrific performance today at the National CBDNA Conference here in New York—Bill Berz and his excellent Rutgers Wind Ensemble, in the midst of a very challenging program, premiered THE RIVERS OF BOWERY, my new work written for the occasion. Great reactions to the piece all around, and I was of course thrilled. Another highlight of the afternoon was Texas A&M Commerce's masterful concert, featuring BCM-friend Jeff Gershman's brilliant arrangement of Zappa's G-Spot Tornado.
Again, my thanks to Bill and the ensemble for their hard work and artistry, and onward with a great CBDNA weekend!
TMEA Day 3:
The whole convention culminates on Saturday with the All-State concerts - choruses, orchestras, and bands neverending...
At 1:30, we checked out John Mackey's piece, RedLine Tango - smokin' piece. Lila Cockrell Theater kind of sucks the life out of music, though - since they removed the permanent shell, all the low frequencies get swallowed and the music sounds a lot softer and less present than it should. Stampede suffered from the same phenomenon on Thursday night with the UNT Wind Symphony. Regardless, RedLine Tango kicks *ss. I don't have usable pictures - E and I were sitting in the last row of the top tier, so were approximately 1 mile from the stage...
We had a while until Eric's concert at 6pm, so we retreated to the hotel room. Here's Eric in a moment of repose, answering questions on the BCM Discussion Forum:
Eric speaks before the premiere of Lux Aurumque with the 5A All-State Symphonic Band. The band played REALLY, REALLY, WELL. The piece (and their whole concert) was extraordinary. Lux translated surprisingly well for winds, especially for a 165-piece symphonic band...
Afterward, Eric was mobbed for autographs as is standard procedure. After the throngs cleared, Montoya's lovely lady, Sarah, moved in for the kill:
Eric sports the template for his new tattoo. We can't show you the actual tattoo, since this is a family blog. (Note for humor impaired: this is a joke.)
Steve, Montoya, and Eric. Steve needs to practice his hand-signs, as well as his attitude (hey, "B" is a lot harder than "C" or "M"!!!).
Eric and Maestro Gary Green, seconds before we all headed off to Boudro's for some ultra-delicious steak fare and comraderie. Perhaps Mackey will post some pictures of the food on his blog. I was too busy eating it to take pictures...
Conclusion: TMEA 2005 a big success!
TMEA Day 2:
A long, fun day...
Eric making last minute revisions and corrections to Lux before the morning rehearsal
Gary Green conferring with Eric during the All-State Symphonic Band's Lux rehearsal
Eric getting mobbed for autographs after the Lux rehearsal
Eric speaks to the Arlington HS chorus just before their concert in the afternoon. They performed Lux Aurumque as well!
Next up: John Corigliano's Symphony No. 3: Circus Maximus (got to hear it in pieces - the official complete world premiere is next week). It's truly astonishing, even in a ballroom, so I can't wait to hear it in Carnegie Hall in a couple of weeks. I'm far too tired this morning to recount the piece, but there's this chord - this single chord - that is the loudest thing I've ever heard in concert music...
Steve, John Corigliano, John Mackey, Eric (with out-of-control blink reflex)
John Corigliano and Jerry Junkin after the presentation
Eric with the Do Fa Sisterhood (you'll have to ask them for the story...)
Hanging with the infamous and hip Montoya...
Closing out the evening at Zinc with our ponchos and the Texas Tech posse (Pam, Gary, Catherine - had a great time hanging out with you - BCM in Lubbock?)