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Below is information about the "Customers Suck!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:customers_suck (386231) customers_suck
Name:Customers Suck!
About:Do you work in customer service? Do people just get on your last nerves sometimes? Well, then this is the place for you. Rant, bitch, whine and complain until your heart's content.

Any and all service employees, past and present (because we've ALL done it) are welcome. When you post, just introduce yourself and tell us--as vaguely as you want--what kind of job you do and then complain away! Old rants are welcome too...tell us about that moron customer you wish you could have told off years ago. We feel your pain. Rant away!


Because customers suck!

DO NOT POST OFF TOPIC. DO NOT REPLY TO TROLLS. DO NOT REPLY TO FLAMERS. INSTEAD, CONTACT [info]pezstar. She'll handle it. If you reply or keep it going, I'm not going to delete it.

If you see something in this community that shouldn't be here, contact [info]pezstar. Please don't count on us to see every little thing that gets posted here. There are a zillion entries a day.

There aren't a lot of rules in this community. The only ones that we have are just some common courtesy things that I'd like to see followed. I'm lazy, so if your post violates these, I probably won't contact you about it... I'll just delete it. SEE POST HERE.

1) Nothing overly hateful. You know what I mean, overtly hateful statements that are just going to piss people off.

2) No off-topic posts. Nothing annoys people more than stuff being posted that just doesn't belong there. This includes "WAS I SUCKY?" posts and "Hey, what's it like working at _______ posts. Just don't. There are other places to tell people about your new community or your brand new web page devoted to whatever. Do it here and I'll have to delete it.

3) Any pornographic stories or images need to go behind a cut. Do NOT post here with a pornographic icon. Same for gross icons. People read this stuff from work. Porn and plain disgustingness in icons are bad.

4) Plain black text only please! No green, orange, yellow, rainbow, etc. That hurts people's eyes. Bold text and forced fonts suck too, and break the friends pages of some people with intricate styles.

5) Do not advertise your community here. Ever. In any way.

In the same regard, if you want to comment about someone's post, do it in a reply to their post, not in a whole new one to the whole community. There's no need to address the many people here at Customers_suck when you really just want a few people to hear what you have to say. It avoids clutter and flame wars.

As with every community, if you don't like the rules, then you can hit the 'leave community' button.

If it's not the customers that are bothering you but that really annoying co-worker, may we suggest [info]co_workers_suck?

And for that general work related angst, there's [info]workangst!

Well, that's it. Post away!

Wwe are NOT LJ tech support. If your question is about how to post to the community or something to do with the technical aspect of Live Journal, go to the FAQ. Contact us with specific community concerns only. Thanks.
Interests:35: 7-11, anger, annoyed, annoying customers, cash, customers, department stores, disgruntled, dumb people, dumbasses, employees, fast food, gas stations, jerks, malls, money, morons, people, pissed off, ranting, registers, restaurants, retail, security, shop, shoplifters, shopping, shops, stores, stupid people, stupid shit, tips, video stores, waiting tables, work. [Modify yours]
Maintainers:2: pezstar, singmesweet
Members:12856: View Members .
Watched by:4407: 0_jenner_0, 0o_britstar_o0, 10_6madhatter, 13thlemur, 16waystosunday, 18483, 1pieceoftoast, 1steelcobra, 1wildheart, 1x2x1, 20aphrodite04, 22nd_raptor, 2sexy4yourparty, 3phoe, 3vil_3mpyre, 435, 50ftqueenie, 5trawberry, 6a696c6c, 7red7, 88comet, _313, __1916, _______n_______, ____dont__go, ____frailwit, ___chaostheory, ___meltingwalls, ___pinklady, __alpo, __ardor, __ataraxis, __badwolf, __dodgerxladii, __drownin, __leotie, __lostreader__, __matey, __oh_noes, __prosephone__, __spectral, __startover, __vaguely, __vindictive, _accidentprone, _aiken4seacrest, _angelic_scars_, _bachelorette, _bigsteve_, _born_innocent, _brainsick_, _brandy, _carin_, _catastrophe, _crow_chick_, _dead_meat_, _digitalangel, _duckies, _duvet_, _emptyspaces, _ex0dus_, _failure_limbo, _ffwd, _fire__eyes_, _halfpastsix, _hardygrrl, _herzeleid, _incorrect, _indiana_jane, _indreams, _inlove__, _innocenteyes, _jafa_, _krunkee_, _lavalight_, _m3_, _maeglin_, _nullipara_, _otravez, _paintedblind, _pullmystrings, _random_oddity_, _redpanda_, _retina_, _ruby_kisses, _shadowsabre, _shimmyshimmy, _shyish_, _silent_eyes_, _smoopeem_, _soiled_soul, _sphynx, _sportsfreak650, _sunofabeach, _the_waitress_, _theseduction, _tornpaperheart, _tumblweed, _uncalm, _vejitto_, _vredesbyrd_, _wastedyears, _xjennx, a_darker_shade, a_fucking_lady, a_lurker, a_new_machine, a_nqe, a_ronco_product, a_silver_lining, a_syrinx00, a_t_fields, a_walmart_story, aaronsupreme, aazari, abbey1969, abbysmells, abd_al_haqq, abelladonna, abkii, ablotial, absolutgoldfish, ace_upmasleeve, acesikks, acidfaerie, acidicstar, aclichelovesong, acornacorn, acpizza, acquiesced, adak, adifferentblue, adjusttothis, adorn, adrianics, adrishiana, aelindil, aerinea, aero82, aerofish, aeslis, aethertide, africanpanther, agemanda, aggiebrown, aheria, ahohesensei, aic_weirdo, aikiariyen, aikiwombat, ...
Member of:9: _against, bbv_drones, booksellers, customerssuck, customrulelist, grocery_hell, rateyourwaiter, retail_is_hell, the_crusaders
Account type:Free Account

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