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Below is information about the "Detail Oriented" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:little_details (5309385) little_details
Detail Oriented
For Great Justice.
About:This is a community for writers with a fairly simple premise: Writers write about weird stuff. Sometimes the stuff they write about is so weird, or simply so far outside the realm of what they themselves know, that information about it is pretty hard to find. That's where this community comes in.

This is a place where writers can ask other writers questions about little details that they want to get right -- with luck, someone will know the answer. The larger the community, the larger the pool of knowledge, so if you're a writer, you should join!

A note: If your question isn't totally out there, you may want to check the community memories to see if a similar question has been asked before. If you're looking for common British slang terms, you can probably find it there. If you're looking for how much velocity a human pelvis could withstand in tentacle porn, though--that's probably ... original.

Members, if you've used one of our answers in your story, leave us a link at this entry so we can see how it turned out!


If you need to contact me (me being [info]callie_chan, the head mod), I'm usually on AIM as FyreflyzBlaze. We also have three other mods: [info]ladybirdsleeps, [info]shoiryu, and [info]rackhamrose. Of course, their contact info is their own to give out.

([info]ladybirdsleeps says, "Just email me at my LiveJournal address if you need me to can some spammer. I check my email compulsively when I'm online.")


1) No flaming and no trolling. If you disagree with someone, logical and civil debate works wonders. If you're an asshole, we reserve the right to mock you mercilessly and then ban you.

2) Make your posts readable--this means no netspeak/chatspeak. It's a personal aggravation of mine and it will probably make me (and other people) grumpy.

3) If you want to post something that's off-topic, ask me about it first. I'm online nearly every day and always answer emails, so you'll probably only have to wait a few hours.

4) All material that's squicky, non-work-safe, or just really long should be put behind an LJ-cut----if you don't know how to use an LJ-cut, make friends with this FAQ.
Memories:29 entries
Interests:11: details, getting things right, good writing, more details, perfectionism, snark, snark with snarky sprinkles, totally weird subjects, whee! details, writing, writing well. [Modify yours]
Members:828: View Members .
Watched by:746: 22by7, _elektra, _finn_, _geekie_, _hollywoodgirl, _redpanda_, abbylee, aberrant1, absofrickinlute, accidental_muse, accidentalwords, aello, aelunii, aerofish, afuna, aimlesscoyote, ainbthen, aka_elle, akam1, akamarykate, akaza, akilika, akinaj, alaitallon, alchemywizardry, alex_smollett, alice23kate, alioth, amberdiceless, amejisuto, amethystduckie, amiamiami, amireal, amokk, ampersand, angiej, angryhedgehog, angstbunny, anonymous_bosh, anonymous_sibyl, anriko, anythingoes, apoc, applyingmyself, arabwel, aralinde, arete, ari_, ariadne034, ariseishirou, ash_grey_sky, ashinae, astraflame, atalantapendrag, ataniell93, atorable, auguris, avariel_wings, awriter, aylix, ayrdaomei, b_mary, babydraco, backfromspace, bagelofdeath, bardgirl, bartle_by, batgirl_beyond, bea_in_a_bonnet, beachkid, beanarie, beccaelizabeth, beccastareyes, benzai_ten, bikun, blackjackrocket, blacksatinrose, blackstronghold, blugreen, boingobaby, booboosheep, boolean263, bottle_of_shine, bouncyflea, brazenbells, brigitanastasia, bruno_greengras, bubblesbrnaid, burntsmore, bwinter, cacklebang, cairea, cajsa, calico321, callie_chan, callmecayce, callmesandy, calluna21, capturedribbons, caraig, carlanime, casapazzo, castalie, cat_mcdougall, catatonic1242, catiana_albatou, cavalaxis, cecilialisbon_, cephiedvariable, cereus, ceruleancat, chaosphaere, charisma, chasehunts, cheights, cherith, cheshire23, chevauchee, chibicelith, chibikei, chibinohoshi, chibisophia, chicating, chocobogoddess, ciceronianus, cicerothewriter, ciegae, cirape, clarafury, claudishqu11, cleolinda, clover_elf_kin, clownhauler, codfishbunny, comingtoterms, corvid, cosmorific, coyotegoth, cozzybob, crantz, crazylittleme, crazywritinfool, cretey, crickets_lj, crimson_riley, cruel_illusion, ctorres, cygna_hime, cygnia, d_irge, ...
Account type:Free Account

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