The Wayback Machine -
Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Punk Rockers Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "punk rock".
403 matches:
1334family - 1334/Family Acts
149457 - The Affiliation
30_not_dead - 30 is approaching...dont be scared
706noise - Athens Music
__607 - the 607
_bandnames - Band Names
_chexmix_ - we rate.. e v e r y t h i n g
_deathbystereo_ - The Death By Stereo Livejournal Community
_idolise - Feel The Billy/Daniel Love <3 <3 <3
_joestrummer__ - The Call Up
_killrockstars - good stuff that actually means something.
_loserish - n/a
_punk_in_blood_ - _punk_in_blood_
_rockstars - _ROCKstars |*|
_simpleplankids - SiMpLe PlAn KiDs
aamerikana - Anonymous Amerikans
academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
acceptance4all - Acceptance for All
access_sale - access
addmealso - make more LJ friends!
addmeandrock - add me & rock.
admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
afterschool - |||*afterschool special*|||
alt_portal - Alternative Music Portal
alt_style - Alternative styles
altnortheast - Alternative Music North East
andrewwk - Andrew WK
angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
anti_dashboard - chris carrabba hates me
artpunk - Art Punk
atomjournal - Atom & His Package LJ community
auspunktrade - aus punk trades
avril_rawkz - Avril Lavigne Rawkz
b0ddah - Negative Creeps
babysonspikes - BabysOnSpikes
backstage_icons - Backstage Icons
backyardbabies - Backyard Babies community
badscenery - bad scenery
band_it - Band It
bandphototrade - the reason to take your camera to shows
bandtees - Band Tee's
basementfreaks - Basement Freaks who *love* mail
bcde - Burned CD Exchange
beat_happening - I <3 the Beat
belluspoena - Bellus Poena
bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
blinksumnfg - Blink, Sum 41 and New Found Glory Love
blood_life - Stimulation Of The Mind
bmx_brigade - hell on wheels
boomerlives - for tom delonge fans
bootgirlcrew - ♀ Like all bad girls should ♀
bootlegs - bootlegs
bored_in_de - Bored in Delaware
bouncingsouls - bouncing souls
braceletxtrade - :: bracelet trade ::
breaktradition - Break Tradition
britpunk - British Punk Community
brooklyn_losers - Find new people to hang out with in Brooklyn
bryccradio - BRYCC Radio
burn_my_sanity - Rock Icons
burndxntfreeze - There's Nothing Pretty About A Junkie
buzz_pop - We want the airwaves..
buzzcocks - Autonomy
cactus_cooler - cactus cooler
car_crash_kids - cck
cd_swappers - !
cdreview - Review Recent Music Purchases
chaosmerchants - The Chaos Merchants
chapterfiftyone - Self-Destruction Blues
churchofmegs - Church of Meggers
cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
circleoneclub - circle one club
claim_songs - Claim Songs And Bands
claim_ur_band - Fav Band Claiming
clubvertex - Vertex
cocknpussnation - CocknPuss
coffeemilk - Coffee Milk
concert_reviews - Review A Concert
confusionxcore - confusionXcore
cookiesandboys - çøØkie§ + ßo¥s
coplanandbell - Mouthpiece
counterculture_ - A Countercultural Awakening
courtneyandhole - Courtney Love and Hole
creativeanarchy - Creative Anarchy
critical_sass - ladies in the bike lane!!
cult_of_josh - Fanclub For Josh
cultofscooter - Lord Scooter
cuntlovinladies - Cunt Lovin' Ladies
damnedneatnoise - the damned
damngirl - The Damn Girl
danieljohns - Supporters of Daniel Johns
death_to_mtv - MTV is a corporate whore
deathrock - horror punks
decoreah - Decora
deepelmrecords - Deep Elm Records
democracyrising - Democracy Rising "People have the Power"
desirock - d e s i
die_by_my_tune - My Tranquility
dieforyourgovt - anti-flag community
dirtyoldtown - The Church of the Holy Spook
diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
donots - this is a donots fanclub
drunkpunks - Who spilt my beer?
dumpsterdiving - dumpster diving
eastbaypunk - East Bay Punk Rockers
eastcoastbash - East Coast LJ Party
eastendgirls - East End Girls
eatbugs - we eat bugs
emo_update - The Peoples Information Service
emokidzsuck - !!!Emo Kidz Suck!!!
emoriffic - Emo to the max
erinandrain - Erin and Rain
ethandarling - Ethan Darling
europeans - ze Europeans
everythingloudr - LouderThanEverythingElse
evrydayovrdose - Everyday Overdose
fashionxcore - moshing, fighting, good hair...
femalemusicians - Female Musicians
fireinthehole - JACK SQUAD
fivepointstar - FivePointStar
flogging_molly - Flogging Molly
florida_core - floridaXcore
fofa - Fucked-Over Fuck-ups Annonymus
followthestarx - friends of katzi's community.
forever19 - forever_nineteen
forwardreverse - Forward In Reverse
freeskiers - a community for freestyle skiers
friendshipxclub - we like rock n roll
fro_love - the cult of optimum bounciness
fuckingslobs - The Worldwide Federation of Fucking Slobs
fuckpunks - Punks Suck
fuckyouimfromfl - we are fl
gaypunkbois - Gay punk bois Community
gc_fans_ - GC Fans
german_punks - German Punks
gig_pics - Gig Pics
girl_style - girl-style auctions
girl_tablature - girl music tabs !
girls_are_evil - Girls = Evil
glitterxrock - :::gLiTtErxRoCk:::
gormandizers - punk goes the world
gotheeshop - the goth coffeeshop
green_daze - +.x.~Green Daze~.x.+
greenday_fans - Greenday Fans
grunge_rock - A Tribute to Grunge
grungexcore - xxxGRUNGExCORExxx
guffmusic - guFF
guitargrrls - Guitar Grrls
haggardsonly - Haggards Only Community
haikuyou - too much time on our hands
hairypits - hairy pits
harlowfreak - Beautiful Hell
hear_it_here - post your mp3s!
hedheads - Hedwig & the Angry Inch Fans
hellacopters - Hellacopters Community
hellcatonspeed - Nick
herbquete - herbquete
hip_mama - Hip Mama! Weird moms unite!
hit_the_skids - local_H-ers
hold_my_own - .I can hold my own and your's too.
hotpantalones_ - hotpantalones_
i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
ihearttattoos - screwed, stewed and tattooed
iluvmesomeagent - weluvsussomeagent51
in_mono - Cøurtney L♥ve
industrial_cult - Industrial Cult Thirtyseven
indymusic - Indy Music Scene
islandrockers - Staten Island Rockers, Punks, and anyone else
ivy_rorschach - Poison Ivy Rorschach Community
jenandsue - The Adventures of Jen & Sue
jesse_malin - Jesse Malin Fans
jimmyeatworld - jimmy eat world
john_lydon - John Lydon livejournal community
juniorhigh - i thought you knew
keeg - geek
kerrang - Kerrang! Life Is Loud
keyxwestxpunk - KEYxWESTxPUNK
kiss_and_makeup - kiss and make-up
kitty_punk - kitty punk
knox_musicians - Knoxville Musicians
lazy_punk - Lazy punk - A community for anyone with an opinion
less_than_jake - Less Than Jake Fans
lets_talk_rawk - Let's Talk Rawk
li_scene - Long Island Scene
life_as_music - to be played at maximum volume
ljover30 - The Over 30 LJ Community
loverockets - The Love and Rockets Community
m_x_p_x - MxPx Fans
mad_as_a_hatter - Mad As A Hatter
majesticjournal - cyantist
makemeamix - the responsible mixtape traders
marlton_nj - Marlton, NJ, USA
media_blackout - media blackout
mediahysteria - MassMediaHysteria EZINE AND PRINTED!!!
megawatt - fuckinG.H.G'ssluts
melt_banana - Melt Banana!
mergerecords - Merge Records
minnesota_music - Record it, Live it, Love it
missingthepoint - Batmobile★Supreme
mixcds - Mix CDs
mixtape_maven - mixmasters anonymous
mockfest - Fight Me
modestoislame - Mo Town Crack Whores (at your service)
mohawked_people - People with Mohawk Haircuts
mondo_generator - Mondo Generator
moretolifethan - we see
murdercityriot - Murder City Devils Fandom
murdermurder - cretin kids.
music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
music_passion - [..`a passion for all things music`..]
musicalmix - Musical Mix Tapes
musicfucks - Music Fucks
musicmilitia - musicmilitia
musicobsession - Music Fanatics
musicxchange - Van Goghs Music Trade
mxpxfans - MxPx Fans
my_alien - Simple Plan Fans
myboysretro - graveyard boys
mygirlheart - the fucking pink ladies
mygirlsretro - that's cos my girl's retro.
named_shamed - named & shamed
ncindierawk - north carolina indie rawk
nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
new_hampshire - New Hampshire - Live Free or Die
newenglandpunx - New England Punk
newjerseyshows - New Jersey Shows
newkindofarmy - Too Smart To Fight, Too Smart To Die
newyork_scene - @#$&%!
nezumi_fans - We love Nezumi
nice_kids - nice kids
no_control - The Uber Cool BR Community!
no_pride - greenday_aholics
nokesvillecrew - down with the nvc
nonugly_artists - Artist rating community
nonuglypunx - Non-Ugly Punx.....Revisited
norcalpunk - Northern California punk rock
noxwhore - NOxWHORE-fe-life
nycpunks - NYCPunk
oh_sass - ♥
onlinequizwhore - *~Poetic*Creatures~*
onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
original_look - Models that are more than cookie-cutter!
ottawa_activism - ottawa activists unite!
ourownemo - viki likes elephants
pa_showlistings - PA Show Listings
painiacs - Painiacs- Fans of the band called Pain
pdxover30 - Portlanders you can trust
pennsylvania_oi - Punk rock folks of PA
peskymeddling - The Pesky Meddling Girls
phunkytown - Phunky Kids
picsarefun - >Because pics are fun to make<
pinball_pirates - punk rock pinball
pirateradio - Pirate Radio
plasticloveco - The Plastic Love Company
pogopunx - PoGo PUNX!!
ppest - P.E.S.T. - punk emo ska & techno
prickexperience - Flash Your Flesh
progrrrlnz - pro grrrl nz
punk_boy_slash - Punk Boy Slash
punk_cola - Punk Cola
punk_emo_ska - punk scenesters
punk_porn - Punk Porn
punk_rock_girls - punk rock girls
punkarmyfamily - punk/goth army wife and family club house
punkasfudge - woe is willie
punker_thanthou - punkass bitches
punkmartca - Punk Mart Canada
punkrockaust - A Place For all Aussies Into Punk
punkrockcunts - Punk Rock Cunts
punkrockicons - Punk Rock Icons.
punkrockpolice - We are the Punk Rock Police.
punkrxckromance - PUNKRxckRomance
punks - Punks
punks_freaks - Freaks and Punks
punksanon - punks anonymous
punksforjesus - punksforjesus
punksnotdead - PunksNotDead
punksters - RaViNg PuNks
punxrus - save our scene.
pussy_palace - the pussy palace
queergeeks - Queer Geeks
queerportland - LGBTQ PDXers
queerthinktank - Queer Think Tank
radicallyqueer - the militant gay liberation community
ramones - The Ramones Community
rancidradio - The Rancid Radio
rattonettes - The Rattonettes
razorpunks - razor punks
redlightrecords - Red Light Records
redlipsticked - Red Lipstick and Rebellion
retiredskinhead - Retired Skinheads
ribands - Rhode Island Bands
riderz - riderZ community
riottime - RiotTime
rockstarpoints - You Win!
sandal_wearers - flip flops and long hair
savainahscene - thats a good ass hip hop group
saveourscene - Save Our Scene TODAY!!! a musical and politcal org
sayanythingcool - say something cool
scarf_rock - Scarf Rock Por Vida!
scaryminds - Scary Minds
scene_elitism - The kids who love to hate you.
scenes_suck - =
schoolofrock - School Of Rock
seattle_havoc - Disorder & Chaos
seattleindie - seattle indie
seattlescene - Seattle & Music
second_priority - Second Priority
send_me_songs - Looking for some new rawkin' songs? Check here!
sequelnation - Sequel Nation
sewingndisorder - The Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society
sex_sells - sex sells more records than rock
shavedwomen - Shaved Women Collaborators
shonen_knife - Shonen Knife
shutter_2_think - Shutter To Think
sid__vicious - Sid Vicious Community
singlexedge - poison free with no one to love
sippin_40z - 40 oz bitches
slashydreams - slash dreams
smlsanimeclub - SMLS Anime Club
smokestacks - chicago is burning - lawrence arms lj
snowboarding - Snowboard Community
so_whatsnew - Some journal
soulvacancy - All those disconcerned
southflcomunity - South Florida Community
southofseattle - auburn kids
sporksgonepunk - Punk N Junk
spunkers - Party Stories and Fun Stuff
spunksters - spunky enough
sub_pop - Subterranean Pop
sum41fans - For Sum 41 fans!
superpunx - superpunx
sxe_and_proud - We've got the straight edge
sxepunkerz - sXe punkerz
talk_music - For the music obsessed
talk_soup - talk_soup
tbsfansunite - Taking Back Sunday Fans Unite
tech_metal - tech metal
texaspunk - Texas Punk
texaspunx - texas punks
the_cramps - The Cramps
the_exploited - Exploited Barmy Army
the_eyeliners - the eyeliners fans
the_front_row - the front row
the_lonelies - Better Company Than The Voices In My Head
the_sarahjane - Lesbian Midget Left-Handed Eskimo Albinos
the_stooges - The Stooges fans
thealbinospider - thealbinospider
thebigtakeover - the big takeover
thebriefs - the briefs are a punk rock band
thebroadways - i think that i shall never see...
thedakotaboys - ROCK AND ROLL, bitch
thefactory - the factory {art as religion. revolution.}
theguestlist - Music Thumpin
thehives - The Hives- LiveJournal Worship Centre
thexcode - Name
thisscenesucks - xThisxScenexSucksx
thriftstoreuk - Sell, Buy + Exchange UK
tim_armstrong - a singer, a guitarist, a man, an infleunce.
toronto_punks - Toronto Punk related community.
torontotats - Toronto Tatooed
tradeselluk - Trade/Sell UK
tragicblack - Tragic Black
trickdames - Trick Dames
triplewordscore - Punk Rock Scrabble
truantdistilla - distillers posse
twin_cities_emo - minutes from somewhere else
twin_tips - Freeride Skiing Community
uei - UEI
uglyshits - Ugly Shits
unsung_zeros - Pictures of You and I
urbanprincesses - ::...Urban Princesses....::
validreceipt - snicker!
varlagirls - Varla Girls
vegas_core - la vega bay bee
voluptugoths - Gothic Proportions
we_love_cassie - we love cassie
we_love_mullets - Mullet Lovers
we_rule_ok - we rule, ok?
wearesopunk - Punk rock is __________.
weirdjews2 - Weird Jews 2
weloveryanvile - we FUCKING LOVE ryan vile <3
wemurder - fuck off, we murder.
whimsically - Whimsically members
whistlebait - Rockabilly & Psychobilly United!
whiteriot - The Clash Community
wierdospotting - Wierdo Spotting
wingsof_lead - the bit of silence before disaster
wiwo - what's in / what's out
world_of_oi - World Of Oi - The Punk Shall Never Die
worldfamousinnz - World Famous In New Zealand
wormhole_fans - Fans of Wormhole
wrongnumberrock - Wrong Number
xafcx - Anti-FriendsCore
xbroke_n - broken hearts
xguttermouthx - The Guttermouth Community
xkellyosbournex - xKellyOsbournex
xrathousex - xRatHousex
xsickofitall - Poser Skumm
xthriftwhoresx - xThrift- Store- Whorex
xxsimple_planxx - _-_Simple Plan Addicts_-_
yourmorningstar - Pierce Your Heart with Love's Needle
youthenergy - .:Youth Energy:.
Interested users
The following users are interested in punk rock. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
440 matches:
22indigoplace - Anna
4nd1cr45h3d - Andy
aboutagirl - Fake Name
afflicted_yooth - Richard
alientyrant - Alientyrant
alwayzadreamer - Robin
anarchist_15 - anarchist_15
andrew_w - Andrew
angpang - Angela
anime_annie - annabelle manic
another - common youth
antiflags_girl - antiflags_girl
antigirl - Kate da Great
antihero - Mike Wert
astrocreep - Joey Kerstanoff
ateolf - Robert
ayashi - Valkyrie
badkid - Adam Smith
bam2 - Greg Ayres
basketcase - Brandon
bear26 - The Invisible Man
bedazzle - Amy
bgc - Tami
biglizrd - That Crazy Fucking White Boy In Tijuana
blackhat5 - Tony
blackrose - ...Pretty girl is suffering...
blackrosedying - AutumnFalcon
blades - Christian
blah765 - jamus
bleenk1atey2 - i'm not telling
bleu92 - Amy
bloodykisses37 - B-Nizzle
bogle - Bogle
brainstewed - James O'Gorman
brewandtattoos - brewandtattoos
briethetree - Brie
brodie_ - My Name Is Wepeel
brutalmix - amanda
butterflysxy - Sarah Lorraine
camilleh2oooh - camilleh2oooh
caracat - never you mind
casualtygirlie - Meri
chaoschik77 - Beth Chaos
charis - Arachne Jerusalem
chelisa18 - Chelsea
chevie - dEmEnTiA
chibifirefly - Nin
chrissmari - Chestnut Girl
christine311 - Christine311
chrisx - sebbie
cl2ackmunky - cl2acKmUnkY
claireh - a smooth, spicy cup of cheer
clearly_lost - clearly_lost
clevergirl - Forty Beats Per Minute
codydegenerate - Cody Degenerate
combat_cashew - Cecilia Lindgren
confuzzled - trepidation
coolblue - Not Naomi
corachaos - Cora Chaos
cowboy666 - The Jackal God
crazy4sublime - WendiLee
cricketcage - Erik A.
cruelreminder - Icon Whore
daemion - Thomas
damagedgoods - Joshua Alexandr: The Idol of My Age
daruba - daruba
dasium - DASiUM
daveohyeah - Dave
dctfreak - Randi
deadmackenzies - Mackenzie
deatonjr - Mad Hatter 10/6
diabolikwench - TOO FAST FOR LOVE
didi - ~*ShAy*~
didicam - Didi
dirgedoll - Katherine
distiller_chick - distiller_chick
diva_divine - diva_divine
docmaestro - Docmaestro
docmartian - Doc Martian
dork - dork
dredlockblu - Jessica
duckydoo - Ducky DooLittle
ducttapepunx - the best liar
duramu - Duramu Otoko
durango900 - Rick
dyskodyke - My name is Tina, I'm a lesser-known character
eazilyamuzed - Eazily Amuzed
efilsgod - Zen - Efil's God
ehtkornkid - Meg, but your mom can call me Megalicious.
elmodem - tracy
elvisminogue - Elvis Minogue
emogirl69 - emogirl69
endlesslydry - David
endlessmike - Sean
enfect - ♥ e m z
engelis - Chaddy from the Block
englanddan - englanddan
epyon - Gundam Epyon
eris - eris
everyueveryme - -U! (((Lo-Fi Rockstar)))
evil_holls - Hollschen
evilgrrrl - tuesday i'll forgive you
exraver - Girl Afraid
eyelikerancid - Claire
fachism - Rachel
faerylights - Melanie
fallenposters - Eric
fashionplate - Glam Booty
finalfight - Final Fight
findyourpanties - please come dive in puddles with me
fireflesh - fireflesh
fluffycloud - fluffycloud
forgotteneffigy - suffocation
frankgiu - Frank Giuffrida
fuzzy_floyd - ron st.pierre
garanth - Kyle B
gaurdian_icy - Icy
gemini615 - Genevieve
gengy - Daan
gigantor - Johnny not-quite-so Supersize
girlxxxstar - Michelle
glitrfairygodes - xPunkRawkPixiex
goddessvt - Jillager Z. Pillager
gomerbull - ryan
good_riddance14 - Swing That Mic, Sing When It's Time
goofreak - Megan Welch
gottatellyou - Caitlin
grave - tastes like burning
guilmonx - Guilmon
guppygrrl - Kissy Fish
hallowcat - Sertorius
hatchling - kat
hero - Tom
hhone - «}-{h¤|\|e»
hipmama - little red engine
hollowman - HollowMan
huntingtonforge - riiiiiiight
hyzenthlayrah - Mary
i_love_meat - i_love_meat
icee91 - Eric
indiestructible - Ron
indignitydirge - ZelZel
interrobang_no1 - interrobang
iwannariot - Melodramatic Manda
jalyn - Jalyn
janerefuse - Sheil Elise
jcpkid - Justanotherfaceinthecrowd
jecmatrix - Billy Livid
jeff8163 - x kookie x
jefjournal - Jef, the best guitarist ever!
jenisapunkass - .-discarded youth
jh112982 - BiG JoHn
jim_nobody - Atomsmasher, Evethrasher.
jinni - Jinni Lynn
jkingfish - Jack-Lined Johnny
jlowther - jlowther
joedick - Joe Dick
joellyurine - Joelly Havoc
joshb - Josh Baxley
joshiee - Josh
juggalogeorge - Deriving of the Incredible Styles
juliet37 - Juliet
junkpile - nicole adrienne introvert
kaeru - David Dyer
kaltori - Robert
katieshrike - Katie
kawaiikiwi - Meredith Gran
kei - <-- emo
kerplunk50 - Chris
kevseconds - Kevin Seconds
khudirambose - Voting Is For Statists
kinghollywood - Sharko, Bastard son of Marco
kitkatcutie - ☆♥a.lovely☆disaster♥☆
kitsune - Kitsune
kittycrys - *Kittycrys
kpc_loves_you - kennedyplanecrash
krissy - kristen
kristof - cloud
kumojomog - Lee Lee
kuroneko - Veronica
lalenalefay - Jaime
latexflesh - billy
lavenbone - Megan
lilifar - lilifar
lililysp - Laura
lilplayer619 - Brandi
lilpunker - alison anonymous
lilred988 - lilred988
lin - Lin
littlefoot - Crazy Little Chick
localinsomniac - m.yuk
lola_j - Julie
lonelyirishgeek - Irish Pat
loppydensmore - Maddie, the bestest
lostinmyyouth - lostinmyyouth
lostness - Andrea
loudpunkguitar - Chris Conley
love_boat89 - AlLiSoN <3
loveislaced - LoCk, LoAd, EnGaGe..
lovelife4 - Ariana
loverlaydown - * Label Whore
lozzie_lulu - Lauren
luck7 - Keef
luvmuffin - jaime
madmagpie - Collo
malcontent - sprite
mandarax - Keith
marcia - the buttongirl
marcikay - Cali girl back in Cali
marcy - Marcy
mariazoomsnail - Maria
mariemontclair - the most exhausting girl you ever knew
markusparkus - Mark
martinibangbang - Kellie Martini Bang Bang
mas - the dark one
masturbassist - Pubert
matzahwoman - COUNT OLAF, YOU DEVIL!!
meganleigh2005 - Megan
meggietah - MeggieTah
mikebeltx - Shut the fuck up, hippie
miracle_man - Scott Oliver Hall
misbeshave - Michelle M.
mischief - Mischief
missmoogie - Nikki C
mjz - Molly Z
mobydollar - mobydollar
moratorium - Spike
morbidchik - me
morello04 - Kenny Rogers, the Gambler
mort - krankenschwester
mortiki - The Enslaved
mr_havok - Nathan Havok
mralq - Al
mrcellar - mrcellar
mrwhisper - Mister Whisper
murex - Fritz Jackowitz
musie - musie
mute_girl - elle
mutiny - mutiny
nakedaggression - heather
nathanblack - Nathan Black
necrolvr69 - Dan
neko_onna - sum41punkrokchic
neocubist - Drakula Ikon
nerdtech - nerdtech
nesss - 'nessa
ninabruja - *Witch Baby*
nineonine - Mind Altered Beast
nofxrancidafi - Octavo Dia
noire - noiretoile
nosensitivity - Rachael
nurse_rozetta - Nicky
o0xjenx0o - o0xJenx0o... -blah-
oblivious_self - michael
oijoi - Trinityjoi
okdkid - Justin
onerag9 - New Year Sunrise
oohsocreepy - Oooh-la-la Leigha
originalsinner - S a R a H b O o
oso - Mark Knudson Locquiao
pandagrin - pandagrin
paperdust - Heather
patrick336 - Ryan Gilley
paulcurtis - PaulCurtis
pbrane - jake
peeshypunk - peeshypunk
perinixie - perrinixie
philthd - philthD
piiko - Piiko
pindown_girl - shelly
pinkpunkrawker - *hoLLy*
pirate_goth - Jazz
pishposhx - Bob Smellington
pixiehick - pixiehick
pnbzakc - Zac
poeavenged - Poe Avenged
poedteen - Poker stabbings
poon - poon
posthumoslyhumr - Jebus George Christ
pprettyinpinkk - Barbara
prack - prack
princesscarla - princess carla*
princessem - emma
profwidow - American Jesus
psychotik - ...curiouser and curiouser...
punk_gye - sLeeVe
punkbanana - I ♥ Spoodles, Inc.
punkrockxlove - Deathy
punkxgummixbear - Still Here
punkybrewster - punky fuckin' brewster
punkyplash - Nathan Toups
purplesparklies - manda
qafgal - Kelsy
quinnc - steakalicious
qwilman - Qwil man
racquel - Kel
raevynfaerie -
ralphjunior - ralphjunior
randomness - Butch
rawk_child - *sNoWcAt*
rawkstar04 - sooper dork
raychel - Rachel
rayngoddess - Rayn
razorart - I Spit On Your Grave
redglitter - watermelon sugar
reecie - Just Another Teenage Waste
reject - !!!
resurrection20 - resurrection20
riotroxy77 - Valerie
ritualistic - Chicken
riverdalereject - Boomer
robinbanks - Robin Banks
rook - rook
rove - Rove
rubbersandwich - Eric
rubeus - Rubeus
rubicon - Rubi
ruler_of_wisdom - Wonder_Girl
rume - Funky T
ruxy_brat029 - margaux
rvendyca - . Rvendyca .
rwmidl - Richard
sadyettru143 - sadyettru143
sahara_gold - sahara_gold
samilia - Roxy Foxy
sars - Sarah Pollard
scarybitch - Erica Jensen
scott42 - Scott
seanroy - Outsider
seredepity - serena
shane16cutie - Shane
sherrasama - Ha'ou Shogun Sherra
shigolch - Robert Glen Fogarty
shivelycore - Merge For The Kill
shortys_mobb - Michelle
sid_fury - sidney ash
sighaneyed - ash-a-leigh
silversolitaire - Silver
sissyboy_32 - Kevin
sjdougherty - sjdougherty
skiing000 - skiing000
skobo - Skobo
slipknot_chick - Dana Gonen
slipknotslut - jackie
slutkissgirl27 - Ash
smokerock420 - michelle moreau
sparkinthenight - Unca Myke
speedpiss - factory girl
spiffysheep20 - Laura =*)
squirt13 - Dan-o
staceylynn - Punk Prettie
starla - Sierra
starlazdaze - Pale Orchid
starpatrol - *adellyn*
stellarlife - alethea.
steppinrazor - Sam R I
stielaernst - Wounded Angel
stinkerpuff - p00p
stitched - Paige
sugarless - anonymous
sumluvr41 - Marsha
suppafly - Zach
surlyjane - surlyjane
susurrus - Lola Cherry Cola
sweet_pea - Amelia
sweetlytangy - Steph
sweetness - i am but one small instrument
sweetpgirl - MaRy LuLu
syme - Toilet Paper
tanseyo - tanseyo
tat2rob - Robert Evil
tawnya1476 - Tawnya
tawnyisdumb - Like a kiss on the lips
teenagedirtbag - Sarah
terriblelie - terriblelie
thats_radical - id apoliogize for bleeding on your shirt
theadict - Jacob
theedsaga - Sifl and Olly
thegeekmafia13 - becky
thegumfairy - SmallsThePirate
theperfectgirl - No one
theskatelife411 - Mike
theslowblade - TheSlowBlade
think4me - eitan
thtweirdpunkgrl - Psycho Aiko
tobiedammit - My fingernails shine like justice!
today_is_silent - kristy
totalimmortal1 - Lynzi
travesty - Travis
trips - Trips
trixie808 - "Same as it ever was"
trsoftballnum6 - trsoftballnum6
twilight - Twilight
twisteddave - Dave
tym - t-rock
tyme2surf28 - sosa
uglypunkgirl - Casey
unashamed - unashamed
ungod720 - Shhhhhh......
upforadownslide - upforadownslide
urbansnowflake - v|e|s|t|i|g|i|a|l
utterpunk - Give Up
valis - Lush
vampyrica - PunkBrokeMyHeart
veazey21 - Captain Mediocrity!
verbally_insane - Ashley
verbminx - PNEUMATIC ROBOT CHICKEN - (dinosaurs may vary.)
vierge - Elhaym Van Houten
violetdreamer - *Ceara Elise*
vivejaysherman - people have called me bob, before.
vivosomnio - Vivo Somnio
vixendevil - Trixie
washu - amanda
watchnblink - Josie
webdiva - Kelly
wine_o - Kill-con master
wonderlandgirl - Alice B.R
worfpunk - worfpunk
x_imnobodysfool - * L i z z *
xade - Xade
xanthine - Tudu Azul
xdark_princessx - xdark_princessx
xeddie515x - Eddie.
xgray - xgray
xiaoyu - Anne
xklutzyfreakx - k8isgr8Xcore
xolilxlinsxo143 - xolilxlinsxo143
xpunkmonkeyx - J Sparksman
xqjennaqx - exchanging various unpleasantries
xrosebudx - Caitlin
xstarstruckx - if it makes you less sad, i will die by your hand
xteendreamx - courtney mary lois pecola
yobbo - rozzer23
yum - yUm
z34j - z34j
zabet - zabet
zeyphrkori - Saint Paul
zombie_a_go_go - Lynn Fluenza
zombiekiller - Lincoln