Below is information about the "Mix Themes" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | mixthemes (1459602) |
| -= Songs To (insert activity here) By =- |
Name: | Mix Themes |
Website: | The Ancient Art of the Mix |
About: | This is a community for mixmasters and mix-makers, hipshakers and hip-makers, aficionados of the perfect playlist, prophets of the new sound, and denizens of Coolsville. Namely, though, it's a place to discuss your works-in-progress and ask the timeless question, "What do I follow Frank Sinatra's "My Way" with?" (A: Nothing. No one is worthy to follow the Chairman of the Board. Always put Frankie Blue Eyes at the end of your mix, or not at all.) (Note: Rules are made to be broken.)
More specifically, this is a community for theme-obsessed mixers. Whether your theme of choice is songs about time travel, bands that have been on Sesame Street, electro covers of synth classics from the '80s, or female singers who have overdosed on drugs, we're here to help. Want to discover more songs about pirates? educational songs? the best songs of 1998? we can help.
(Moderated by coyote23, the Letter M, and the number 3.)
Interests: | 92: 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, acid house, acoustic,, alternative, am radio, ambient, art of the mix, bass, breakbeat, british invasion, britpop, c-86, chamber pop, classic rock, classical, college rock, comedy, compilations, country, covers, dance, death metal, dream pop, dub, electronica, emo, experimental, fm radio, folk, funk, gangsta, garage, glam rock, goth rock, grindcore, grunge, hardcore, hip hop, house, indie, industrial, jangle pop, jazz, kazaa, live, lo-fi, madchester, math rock, metal, mix cds, mix tapes, mixed cds, mixed tapes, mp3, noise, noise-rock, pop, post-punk, psychobilly, pub rock, punk, radio, rap, record stores, remixes, retro swing, rock, rock & roll, rockabilly, sadcore, shoegazer, ska, ska-punk, slowcore, soulseek, soundtracks, spoken word, swing, tape decks, techno, theme songs, themes, trance, trip-hop, twee pop, vinyl. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 105: _______lushlove, ___eurobeat, ___kristin, _lovecat, _uncouth, _xgirlfriend, _xthatssoemily, a_foolsparadise, acaffeinequeen, adiligode, africanviolin, andmyheartaches, angelinamoon, awarmgun, bloodyromance18, breatheandsmile, cheeze_nipper, chin0kyd, ciarafribble, circle_game, count_libido, coyote23, damptonworm, delusivewave, djlazarus, do_you_has, dramaismylife, elfslut, elsabet, emilystarr1, enna, ennuidream, erinin3d, fadedwinter, femme_boheme, fictionislies, folkypunk, highway_girl, howlingdervish, ich_bin_fett, ieatgreenbeans, ilieforonlyyou, imnotyourstaaar, imrickjames, inhermind, jennabme, justamirror, kerrybluedaisy, kibe, ktgirl13, kurai_tsuki, kurtle, legalize_murder, lifeshucks, liqthemoon, live_bitch_die, me_duh_08, meriiica, merzbunny, metabeta, modnar, morethanwords_, mszwebs, my_scared_heart, nnnslogan, odyshape, ohbabydoll___, omg_its_tony, only_on, outfield, ozmakid, prettydolllogic, punch_drunk, raspusta, redbaroness, reflectionesque, roxyshocks, sammiekate, schlagen, sexidance, shadowsoldier13, shallnotfalter, shoegazer_78, shutuplindsy, silverana, simpleuglytruth, so_____, squeeze_box, tehkate, thisawkwardlove, thumbeline, thunderousdin, tnagan, unknown_lj, uworld003, vague_illusions, vampedvixen, viexmodest, was_awful_rad, wefallapart, x_supervixen_x, xdrowningdollix, xlongshothero, xsilentsongx, xxpinkxx |
Watched by: | 76: _______lushlove, _lovecat, _uncouth, _xthatssoemily, acaffeinequeen, africanviolin, andmyheartaches, angelinamoon, bloodredtear, breatheandsmile, cheeze_nipper, chin0kyd, ciarafribble, count_libido, coyote23, damptonworm, dramaismylife, elfslut, elsabet, emilystarr1, enna, ennuidream, fadedwinter, femme_boheme, fictionislies, folkypunk, highway_girl, howlingdervish, ilieforonlyyou, jennabme, justamirror, kerrybluedaisy, kibe, liqthemoon, live_bitch_die, melthomp585, merzbunny, metabeta, missilita, modnar, mszwebs, netslayerette, nnnslogan, odyshape, ohbabydoll___, omg_its_tony, ozmakid, prettydolllogic, redbaroness, roxyshocks, sammiekate, schlagen, sendinglove, sexidance, shadowsoldier13, shallnotfalter, shoegazer_78, shutuplindsy, silverana, simpleuglytruth, skinnybronze, squeeze_box, thisawkwardlove, thumbeline, thunderousdin, unknown_lj, uworld003, vampedvixen, viexmodest, was_awful_rad, wefallapart, wutuppeepsny, x_supervixen_x, xfairy_kittyx, xlongshothero, xxpinkxx |
Account type: | Free Account |